Volume 3, Number 2



The Woman’s Era.

Vol. III. No. 2.



The most important feature of this number, after the programme of the three days’ convention, will be the advertisements of men and women of business in the different cities. Many of the agents interested in this Souvenir, are asking for a whole page upon which to show up the successful business people of their section, and all are taking a local pride in the result. As this number is to have handsome covers, and fine cuts, it will be a lasting ornament, as well as a good business Directory for future reference. All our business people failing to be in evidence in this triumphant showing of successful effort, will have cause for regret when too late to remedy. All orders for space must be in the Boston office by July 10th, to insure insertion ill this great free edition. Among the cuts promised is one of Harriet Tubman, of the latest statue presented to the city of Boston, that of John Boyle O’Riley, and in reception of which Mayor Quincy said, “it is the fittest piece of sculpture erected in all Boston,” of the building where the first convention of women was held in Boston, and the church where the first annual meeting will be held in Washington, in July.


The WOMAN’S ERA, now in its third year, is published monthly in Boston; it is the organ of the N.F. of A-A.W. which organization extends over a dozen states including fifty Clubs, whose united memberships reach far into the thousands.

At the first Annual Convention of this national organization to be held in Washington, D. C., July 20, 21, 22, the WOMAN’S ERA SOUVENIR NUMBER, will be distributed free, as it will also at the Christian Endeavor Convention, which immediately precedes this.

This number containing the Program of the Convention, many cuts of prominent people and places, original sketches and stories, will be a desirable Souvenir and consequently an unusually valuable advertising medium.

A mammoth edition will be issued and will not only be mailed its usual to regular subscribers, but will also be sent in large batches to local agents for FREE distribution in their respective localities and scattered broad cast among delegates and visitors at both conventions.

Advertisements will be classified according to cities and indexed.

Applications for terms must be made AT ONCE to the regular authorized local Agents, or to the Office of the WOMAN’S ERA, 103 Charles St. Boston.

Cash must accompany orders.

For good and sufficient reasons all advertisements are omitted from this issue of the ERA. Because of this omission all our standing yearly ads. will be carried in the Souvenir Program Number free. The great advantage to our patrons from this arrangement must be obvious.


The Royal Blue Line is endeavoring to secure special rates for the meeting and if successful announcement will be made in due course. This line operates the finest system of trains between New York and Washington, and delegates and their friends are assured of a pleasant trip in travelling under their auspices. This line issues a handsomely illustrated “Guide to Washington” which will be of interest to those intending to be present at the Convention. A copy may be secured free by addressing A. J. Simmons, New England Agent, 211 Washington street, Boston.


The Loyal Union of New Bedford has all the health and vigor of youth. We believe it was the fittest to respond financially. Its president, Mrs. Soulis came to Boston to help form the N.E. Federation and together with Miss Scarborough will go as a delegate to Washington.

The women who will come together at Washington are representative in every way; north, south, east, and west will have full and intelligent representatives — Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Dr. Butler, Mrs. Maples from the south, Mrs. Tyler, Mrs. Napier Kemp, Mrs. Wells Barnett from the west, Mrs. Dickinson, Mrs. Soulis from the east, and numbers of bright women from New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington. This shows what the character of the prospective convention will be.

Beside the two delegates to be sent by the club (the president, Mrs. Ruffin, and the Secretary, Mrs. Hannah Smith,) six members will represent the club at their own expense. This is a good showing.

Since the last issue of the ERA several new clubs have applied for admission into the Federation. Among the number are the following: The “Ida B. Wells Club,” Chicago, Ill. The “Woman’s Club,” Los Angeles, Cal. The Julia Hooks School, Memphis, Tenn. The Woman’s Club, Buffalo, N.Y.

Clubs are requested to send their list of delegates with name of the delegate who is to make the club report to Mrs. Matthews, 9 Murray St., New York.

Mrs. R. Jerome Jeffrey, president of the Woman’s Club of Rochester, N. Y., will represent that body at Washington.

All business men find women should advertise in the Souvenir number — there will be a splendid showing by cities. Send your business cards at once. The Souvenir Number will he distributed free.


During the past winter, in Boston, there was organized and conducted a class for the study of the novel. A few of the best novels were selected and studied carefully, the aim being not quantity but quality. Each member of the class was given a set of questions on the novel to be taken up, to which answers were to be formed according to one’s opinion after careful reading. These questions and answers were afterwards discussed in the class. The chief benefit derived from the study was through this discussion and being able to form and hold one’s own opinion . The questions used in this class will be presented to the readers of the “ERA” from time to time as an incentive to pleasant and profitable study. No answers will be given, for many can simply be a matter of personal opinion.


  • 1. In an historical novel what should the novelist reject and what reproduce?
  • 2. What is the artistic effect of the introduction and notes?
  • 3. What is the dominant and what are the subordinate objects of historical interest in Ivanhoe?
  • 4. State as fully as you can from the data given in Ivanhoe, the relations between the Normans and the Saxons, and between the Christians and the Jews.
  • 5. Point out the chief elements of contrast between the characters of Richard and John, Ivanhoe and Athelstane, the Jolly Hermit and the Cistercian Monk, Rebecca and Rowena.
  • 6. What aesthetic purpose is accomplished by the introduction of Womba the Jester and the Jolly Hermit?
  • 7. Compare Isaac of York and Shylock as delineations of Jewish character.
  • 8. What are the special excellencies of’ Rebecca’s description of the storming of Front de Boef’s castle?
  • 9. Mention the most important dramatic situations in the novel.
  • 10. What improbabilities appear? Are they justifiable?
  • 1. What instance of Nemesis in Ivanhoe.
  • 12. How can we excuse ourselves for sympathizing with Locksley and his followers?
  • 13. Why does the author so long conceal the identity of Ivanhoe and Richard?
  • 14. What is Scott’s justification for the sacrifice of Rebecca to Rowena?


The long anticipated lecture by Mrs. Williams of Chicago was given at Gilbert Hall, Tremont Temple on June 20. Mrs. Williams lectured on “The Strength and Weakness of the Christian Religion as Believed, Preached and Practised in the United States” and spoke in her usual thoughtful and finished style. Mrs. Ednah D. Cheney presided and the lecture was listened to by a fine sized audience. Unfortunately the afternoon selected was the one upon which the closing exercises of the “Perkins Institute for the Blind” was held; as this is one of the pet institutions of Boston it drew away a large number who would otherwise have attended the lecture, among them Mrs. Julia Ward Howe who personally expressed her disappointment at not being able to hear Mrs. Williams. On this afternoon also, the Cantabrigia Club held open house in Cambridge in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of that city. All these kept away a large number who met Mrs. Williams and regretted the circumstances which deprived them of the pleasure of hearing her.


The last week in May was a full and delightful one to Boston club women; the annual anniversaries which are a distinctive feature of New England life and work were carried on in the same quietly delightful way as usual, the intellectual features, were as ever faultless, the best minds in New England contributing to these occasions and, amid sunshine and flowers, music, wit, and beauty, yes beauty, too, Anniversary Week of ’96 took its place in the long line of anniversaries gone before.

The Woman’s Era Club was fortunate in having in its midst, as guests of its president, Mrs Mathews of New York, Mrs. F.B. Williams of Chicago and Mrs. Dickerson of Newport. Each of the Iadies took part in one or more of the many intellectual gatherings of the week, Mrs. Williams being heard in a lecture in Tremont Temple, at one of’ the suffrage meetings and at the Free Religious Banquet, where she and Mrs. Mathews were the guests of Mrs. Ednah D. Cheney, while Mrs. Mathews was the speaker at a special called meeting in Charles St. Church, and at the Moral Educational Association meeting at Tremont Temple. All the visiting ladies were guests of Mrs. Ruffin at the Suffrage Banquet in Music Hall. Other social features were, the reception tendered the ladies by the Woman’s Era Club at the house of the president. This was in every way a delightful success in spite of the throng which filled the house from chamber to basement, and overflowed on to the porch for air. There was some very fine vocal music by Mrs. A.C. Sparrow, musical director of the club, and recitations by Miss Florence Williams of Newton. The committee having the reception in charge took possession of the house early in the day and literally banked the parlors with potted plants, wild flowers and ferns. The following ladies served at the different tables: Mrs. E. Benjamin, ices and cake, Mrs. Bailey, lemonade and Mrs. Foster, frappe; Miss Eva Lewis, Mrs. Lottie Sampson, Mrs. Dandridge and Miss Etta Tolliver acted as ushers. Memorial day was spent in driving around beautiful Mt. Auburn visiting the tombs of distinguished dead. The last day the visitors were guests at the Cantabrigia Club Reception in the “Newtown Club House” and took part in the festivities consequent upon the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Cambridge as a city.


The Ladies’ Auxiliary, Mrs. B. K. Bruce, chairman, is taking great interest in the Convention and are doing much to make the visit of the delegates a pleasant one; Mrs. Lawson, secretary of the Ladies’ Auxiliary has a large committee on hospitality, and has been and is tireless in her efforts to do all that can be done towards assuring a hearty and enthusiastic reception to the women who will be there from all parts of the Union.


VOL. III. Boston, Mass., June, 1896. No. 2.

Our readers need not be told that the paper has been very irregular, doubtless, many of them have expressed their opinion of this irregularity in a more or less vigorous manner; however, we beg their favor and ask further indulgence. In attempting to do the work of the Federation and to adequately represent that body, the management took upon itself new and great responsibilities, and until the Federation has had its first convention and gets into better running order, everything concerned is necessarily more or less irregular. We know this condition is irritating but it is always one of the necessary concomitantsconcommittants [sic] of young and struggling institutions. With the Federation well started, with the work running smoothly so that workers will not be “run to death” and then criticised because some things have been omitted, we hope to do better things. Until that time we ask that indulgence which we are obliged to exercise in large measure in doing what we can in carrying on this work for our women and our race.

Institutions like the Federation, papers like the ERA, not only call for self-sacrifice, devotion and enthusiasm on the part of those who conduct, but also a large charity, patience, and sympathy on the part of those who “stand and wait.”


The causes or movements that have the elements of assured success * * * belong to the history of the human race and not to a mere handful of people from a remote corner of the earth, and must be tested by three supreme tests: the test of right principle, the test of endurance, and the test of growth.”


That the Federation of colored women should have in one year grown to twice its original size, that it should awaken interest in, and receive responses from the women all over the country, speaks well, not only for the future of organized work among us, but also for the energy, intelligence and self-sacrifice of the officers.

The convention promises to be a remarkable one, not only for the characters of the women who will assemble and be represented, but also for the scope of the work which has been planned.

* * * * * *

The decision of the Supreme Court of the United States on the Separate Car Law, comes as a disappointment, but hardly as a surprise to millions of loyal American citizens.

It cannot be denied that sentiment against the Negro and his rights is growing rapidly. As the black man acquires money and education new barriers are raised against him, sometimes old obstacles which pity for helplessness and ignorance caused to be removed are being rebuilt and it is only to a few enlightened minds that the cause of the Negro has any interest at all.

In time the problem must work itself, and in the meantime the Negro has got to make himself felt. There is no wisdom, virtue, policy or manhood in bearing everything put upon one. Appeals for justice by voice and pen go very little ways at present, practically no attention whatever is paid to them; the time is come when they must be backed by aggressive action and a physical as well as mental resistance to every abrogation of manhood rights.

If laws are unjust, they must be continually broken until they are killed or altered. The thing to do is to force the recognition of manhood by any and all means.

The heroes of the South who are meeting cowardly lynchers with a shotgun and the courage of true manhood, the men of the North as well as the South who are meeting insinuations against character and efforts to humiliate them with a strong and ready fist, are doing as much towards the forcing of a right condition as any. The world is turning a callous ear to appeals for justice; it is evident that the only way now to get what we want is to take it even if we have to break laws in getting it.


The need of Christian homes for wayward and erring girls, will be an issue.

The Separate Car law will be generally discussed and drastic measures adopted for having it expunged from the Statute of the states in which the system operates, it is hoped.

Delegates to the convention are assured of a hearty welcome by the pastor and people of the19th St. Baptist Church, where the session will be held. This welcome will show itself in many substantial and pleasant forms. Among other things, the pastor, the Rev. Walter Brooks will give an address of welcome and the ladies of the church have offered themselves to serve luncheon to the delegates.



The officers elected for the coming year are as follows:

  • President, Mrs. Jasper Gibbs.
  • 1st Vice President, Miss-Josie Morgan.
  • 2d Vice President, Mrs. S. A. Hardison.
  • Recording Secretary, Miss Mary Morgan.
  • Corresponding Sec’y, Mrs. J. Napier Kemp.
  • Treasurer, Miss Margaret Marshall.
  • Critic, Miss Cora Napier.
  • Editor, Miss Cora Napier.
  • Chaplain, Mrs. Sadie Williams.
  • Board of Councilors { Mrs. J. Napier Kemp, Mrs. Sadie Williams, Mrs. N. Mason.

The Club has been admitted into the “Woman’s Council” in this city and two delegates have been elected and will take their seats in that body Saturday, June 27. The two delegates are Mrs. R. J. Coleman and Mrs. J. Napier Kemp; they will be the first Afro-Americans ever represented in that body.

Mrs. Fannie Barier Williams, of Chicago, lectured under the auspices of the Club on the 10th of the month on “Prudence Crandell, a Modern Canterbury Tale.”

In the latter part of May the Club held an interesting and successful public meeting. Papers were read by Miss Cora Napier, Mrs. Plummer and Mrs. Hardison; addresses by Mrs. Napier Kemp and Mrs. Russell, and music was furnished by Mrs. Sadie Williams and Miss Rice.

The Ada Sweet Club will be represented on the program of the Convention.


The officers elected to serve this Club for the year ending June, 1897, are as follows:

  • President, Laura M. Craig.
  • 1st Vice President, Anna Bowler.
  • 2d Vice President, Anna Woodbey.
  • Recording Secretary, S. Lillian Coleman.
  • Corresponding Secretary, L. Irene Sley.
  • Treasurer, Ophelia Clenans.

* * * * * *

Dear Madam: — The Woman’s Club, of Omaha, wishes to know if the they can have space in your paper, the WOMAN’S ERA, once a month. How much space can be had, and how much will it cost?

Answer: — Until after the annual meeting of the Federation in Washington next month — when it is expected some equable and uniform hasis of support for the official organ will he settled upon — inquiring Club correspondents are referred to the answer made to the same question from the Los Angelos Club, in the May ERA. ED.

The last meeting of the season of the New England Women’s Press Association took the form of a June outing at the Ocean Villa of Miss Floretta Vining, at Hull, when Miss Vining opened her spacious summer home for a two days’ gathering of the members of the Abbott Academy Club, the Daughters of the Revolution, and the N.E.W.P.A.

* * * * * *

The Japanese Tea given by the Ways and Means Committee of the W.E.C. was an unqualified success in every way, but too late to give details in this issue.


Mrs. Mary Dickerson, of Newport, Vice President, representing New England, came to Boston the last week of May and was the guest of Mrs. Ruffin. While here, Mrs. Dickerson met the president and officers of New England clubs and succeeded in forming a New England Federation. This step is a good one, and is expected to be productive of great results. All the clubs represented are already members of the National Federation, interested and enthusiastic supporters of the National body who hope by this special organization to awaken the women of New England to a keener interest in united work and to organize for harmonious, vigorous and united work for the cause in general. In the fall the work of the New England Federation will be pushed with zeal and watched with interest.


Once more our city has taken on her summer aspect; the colleges and seminaries have all closed, and teachers and pupils have wended their way home.

The commencement exercises of all the schools were exceptionally fine this year.

Miss Mamie Mason, one of Spelman’s, “Sweet girl Graduates” read a well prepared paper on “The Need of a Reformatory for Georgia.” When she had finished there was a most hearty appreciation and approval, not only from the magnificent audience, which filled spacious chapel, but Gov. W.Y. Atkinson rose from his seat on the rostrum, and not only endorsed the sentiments of Miss Mason’s paper, but expressed in strong terms, his sympathy for the movement. The next day a reporter from the Atlanta Journal, (daily) was sent to Spelman Seminary, to secure Miss Mason’s paper for publication in its columns; now, this paper, three, yes, two years ago considered it an unpardonable sin, to allow an article from the pen and brain of an educated Afro-American, to appear in its sacred (?) columns. Miss Mason has started the ball, and ere long we hope to have a reformatory for our youthful criminals like the splendid one in Concord, Mass.


Selena S. Butler

The regular meetings have been well attended, and full of interest and inspiration. The reports read from the different committees were gratifying. The First Ward sewing circle, with Miss M.F. Pullen as chairman, has been at source of education, to all who have attended. The girls do plain sewing very creditably.

The sewing circle in the third ward, with Mrs. Agnes Pitts as chairman, is taught plain sewing and fancy work. The sewing circle in the fourth ward, under Miss Janie Crane now numbers 41; at present the little girls are making a quilt, which is to be sold when finished, and the proceeds donated for charitable purposes.

The pupils of these different circles look forward with childish delight to the afternoon when they are to assemble. A most pleasing picture indeed, to see their happy faces, sparkling eyes, and listen to their merry chatter as they “ply the needle and thread.”

The Lawn Party given by the club at the beautiful residence of Mrs. D.T. Howard, our faithful President, was an agreeable success in every phase.

The A.W.C., is an active organization, and is doing much good in many ways. The assessment of $2.00 has been forwarded to Mrs. L.C. Anthony, and a good delegation will be sent to the National Federation.


The program for the Convention will be in the form of a “Woman’s Era Souvenir Edition;” these will be issued the early part of July and will be for free distribution.

Many people labor under the mistaken idea that there are differences between the National Federation of Afro-American Women, and other organizations. Distinct lines of work should not be conflicted with causes for antagonism. We fear this has been done unwittingly by many who have not begun to realize the proportions of the Woman’s Movement. We are rejoiced over the moral effect thus far of the efforts to arouse our women the country over. Until the movement inaugurated by the women of Boston, which resulted in the formation of the National Federation was pioneered to success, the colored woman as a factor in club life was unknown, except locally. Not so now, and the National Federation feels justifiably encouraged. At the coming Convention efforts will be made to accomplish tangible results by bringing together the women who have founded homes, orphanages and hospitals, that our coming women may gather inspiration and the public be educated as to the actual work our women are striving against odds to do.

Mrs. Tyree and Miss Chanie Patterson, Miss E. Nowell Ford, and the members of the Lyceum presided over by Rev. Jesse Lawson will assist in providing music for the Convention.

Mrs. F.J. Coppin and Mrs. Frances E.W. Harper will speak for Philadelphia.

The gifted authoress, Miss Alice Ruth Moore will attend the Convention.

Every day reports come of new clubs, aroused to action. The latest to be heard from is two out in Kentucky where Miss Mary V. Cook is doing splendid service in arousing the women.

The women of the Northwest are especially interested in the great Paris Exposition. The President of the Ada Sweet Club will open the question. She is the brilliant Mrs. J. Napier Kemp.

Our faithful friend Mrs. Lyles will carry on her plucky efforts in favor of the Joint Brown Memorial. Her cause is a noble one and should have the undivided support of our women.

Miss Mason of Atlanta, will treat the Georgia Convict System. By an address delivered some time ago, on this subject in her native city this lady won the hearty congratulation of Gov. Atkinson of Georgia, on the very able and comprehensive way in which she handled the subject.


The Woman’s Loyal Union of New York and Brooklyn, will be represented very largely at the Convention. It has been decided to solid two regular delegates; the possibilities are that a large number will attend from that body.

The birthday of Harriet Beecher Stowe, was upon motion of Mrs. K.V. Carmand remembered, and a letter written in that lady’s most touching and sympathetic vein was voted sent to the famous author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin; also an original poem by Miss H. Cordelia Ray, secretary of the W.L.U. There is something eminently fit in selecting these ladies to perform this pleasing task. Mrs. Carmand’s mother was a noted woman — Mrs. Jennings, — whose best years were spent, far from the great centres of population, educating the Plantation youth of Virginia.

Miss H. Cordelia Ray, a poet by nature and cultivation descends from a family noted for talent and integrity. Her father, Dr. Charles Ray, was long known as one of the most zealous workers for the emancipation of his people in the South. He was especially beloved by Wendell Phillips.


Victoria Matthews

Since the publication of the letters sent by the officers of the National League, many persons have written for information as to “why the National Federation refused to unite with National League?” and other questions implying that the officers of the National Federation were cognizant of the plans of the League to hold a separate convention before the announcement was made in public print. As my correspondence is voluminousvoluminious [sic] , and everything connected with this matter is not private but public concern, I am forced to adopt this means of answering many who have requested information concerning the matter. I beg all included under this head of personal correspondents will consider this explanation a personal reply to their queries: —

The facts in the case are simply these. At no time did the officers of the National League notify or invite the National Federation to participate in its convention through any officer connected with The National Federation. The National Secretary, Mrs. F.R. Ridley, having never received any communication whatever. The only intimation Mrs. B. T. Washington had of the date or plans of the National League was from the announcement contained in Colored American of April 25th. Mrs. Washington nor the Chairman of Executive Committee, was not notified that the League would not meet the Federation in Joint Convention. No notice of this important fact was sent to the official organ of the Federation. No invitation has been sent to the National Federation, to carry out the terms of the vote of the Conference committee, i.e. that a joint convention be held this summer; a joint session and a joint convention, are two widely differing affairs; lastly the letter published in last issue of THE WOMAN’S ERA, is absolutely the last communication received by the Chairman of Executive Committee, from the officers of the National League. Our coming convention represents not a “difference” of any kind with the National League or any other body. It will be held in accordance with article V of the Constitution.


Victoria Matthews, Chairman Executive Committee National Federation of Afro-American Women.


Alice Ruth Moore

The Phyllis Wheatley Club is doing a lot of work lately. The Sanitarium scheme is taking on what seems to be something of a very definite nature. There was a special meeting to discuss its plans into something like real work.

The committee which was appointed to make reports and confer with the different authorities in charge of the Charity hospital relative to the establishing of a Phyllis Wheatley Ward therein, reported at the previous monthly meeting, that Dr. Lewis and Sister Agnes in charge of the Hospital work had stated most emphatically and plainly that under no circumstances whatever would colored physicians and nurses be allowed to practice in the Hospital, even under such conditions as the Club wished imposed. Under such circumstances there was nothing for the P.W.C.’s to do but withdraw their offer of endowing the ward, and turn their attention to other matters.

At this juncture, the committee conferred with Dr. Atkinson, president of New Orleans University, and with the Medical Faculty of the New Orleans Medical Department, with the object of placing their funds, and energy in some work for the medical department of this school. To this end, a special meeting was called, and Dr. Atkinson and Dr. Newman invited to address the Club. As president of the University, Dr. Atkinson stated his opinion as to the help the club could give, the needs of the medical department in regard to a sanitarium, clinic, and nurses, gave interesting statistics of probable costs, and suggested plans of management, rules of admission and other necessary little details. Dr. Newman, as one of the principal lecturers in the department, and a physician of wide experience, followed, with supplementary information.

The upshot of the whole matter is, that the Phyllis Wheatley club is about to start a sanitarium and training school for nurses to be established in the New Orleans Medical School Building. There are to be pay wards, and free wards, a matron, head nurse, and facilities for the training of a limited number of young women who wish to become perfected in the noble art of caring for the sick. Of course, there will be limitations to the whole affair, at first. The work will begin on a small scale, but it is hoped that when everyone sees the reality of the talked of plans, the public spirited colored citizens of the city will come to its assistance as nobly as they have done in other charitable institutions.

Dr. Atkinson has promised to have the building ready for the wards and rooms by the early part of September, and now the members of the club have their hands full of summer work in perfecting plans of organization, arranging rules, boards of directors, raising sufficient sums of money, and other such work.

The first gift to the new cause was made by the Peabody Alumni, which kindly turned over to the Sanitarium Fund all the ready money it had in its treasury. The corner-stone just laid was highly appreciated by all club members.

At the May meeting, the members of the club were addressed on the “Legal Status of Woman in Louisiana” by the Hon. L.A. Martinet. It was an interesting lecture, not only from the earnestness of the speaker, but that it threw some light on darkly mysterious position of woman’s legal status in the state.

The club has appointed its delegate to represent it at Washington in July.


Victoria Earle

Efforts are now being put forward to bring before the young generation the last of the grand characters identified with the “uprising of a great people.” The woman whom the great-hearted Mrs. Sarah H. Bradford of Geneva, said, is “worthy to be handed down to posterity side and side with the names of Joan of Arc, Grace Darling, and Florence Nightingale.”

“In my opinion” says Wendell Phillips, “There are few Captains, perhaps few Colonels, who have done more for the loyal cause since the war began, and few men who did that before that time, more for the colored race, than our fearless and most sagacious friend, Harriet Tubman. The last time I ever saw John Brown was under my own roof, as he brought Harriet Tubman to me, saying, ‘Mr. Phillips I bring you one of the best and bravest persons on this Continent. General Tubman, as we call her.'”

This wonderful woman became famous before the fall of Sumter, by conducting hundreds of slaves to freedom, through the system known as the “Under Ground Railroad.” So daring and intrepid was she, that sums averaging from 12 to 40,000 dollars were offered for her capture by the slave oligarchy. During the rebellion, she was employed as scout, guide and nurse, and served all through the war, acknowledged and appreciated by all the great characters having charge of the affairs of state and war at that time. At the conclusion of hostilities, she quietly retired into private life and a short while ago gave her modest dwelling over to be a “home for the aged and homeless of her race.”

It will be an inspiration for the rising generation to see and clasp hands with this noble mother in Israel! She has attained the advanced age of 80 years, and should God in his providence bless the efforts now being put forth toward having her present at the Convention in Washington, we hope our people will give her a true Chautauquan welcome. We expect to reproduce her photograph on our souvenir programme. This alone will make them valuable. We hope to bring such pressure to bear upon our grate body of Afro-American Women, that a great unrest will seize our women, that the cry, “What shall we do to elevate, purify and upbuild our race?” will burst spontaneously from thousands of earnest hearts, all over this land. All over our country, thousands of women are awakening to the fact that a new day is, dawning of our people, and that a tidal wave of deep heartfelt anxiety for better and purer homes, healthier and better trained children, broader and more helpful educational missionary work is sweeping over the great body of Afro-American Women. So at the very beginning of this new day let us all meet in the benign presence of this great leader, in days and actions, that caused strong men to quail this almost unknown, almost unsung “Black Joan of Arc,” to whom the lamented Frederick Douglass once wrote – “Most that I have done and suffered in the service of our cause has been in public, and I have received much encouragement at every step of the way. You on the other hand have labored in a private way. I have wrought in the day – you in the night. I have had the applause of the crowd and the satisfaction that comes of being approved by the multitude, while the most you have done has been witnessed by a few trembling scarred and footsore bondmen and women, whom you have led out of the house of bondage, and whose heartfelt ‘God bless you’ has been your only reward. The midnight sky and the silent stars have been the witnesses of your devotion to freedom and of your heroism.

The primary object of the Federation is to bring our women together, we owe it to our children, to uncover from partial oblivion and unconscious indifference the great characters within our own ranks. The fact that we know so little that is creditably and truly noble about our own people constitutes one of the saddest and most humiliating phases of Afro-American life. Every woman who feels that is so, should rally now, and aid the great Cause, represented by The National Federation of Afro-American Women, and so nobly championed by our own Mrs. Booker T. Washington.

The Woman’s Era.
Souvenir Number
N.F.A.A.M. Convention Program
Washington Business Calendar


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J.S. Koonce. L.L. Koonce.
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Ice Cream and Cakes furnished to the trade at reduced rates. Wedding, Birthday and Dinner Parties served at short notice.


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Residence, 1012 R. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C.,
Legal business of every description conducted in all the Courts of the District of Columbia. Secures Pensions, Patents and Prosecutees Government Claims. Real Estate matters a Specialty.


438 Second Street, S.W., Washington, D.C.
Telephone Call 1102.
Embalming and all orders promptly attended to. Hearses and Carriages for Hire.


First-Class Dyer and Scourer,
Twenty-five Years Experience.
No. 815 4th St., N.W. Washington, D.C.
Ladies’ Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, etc., Dyed and Cleaned in first-class style, without ripping or tearing.
Work Called for and Delivered, and Finished on Short Notice.


Obstetrics, Gynecology, Surgery, Medicine, Rest Cure.
Office Consultation and all Obstetrical Cases, CASH.
2112 Penna. Avenue, N.W.,
Residence, 2106 Penna. Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C.
Telephone Call 988
This institution is established for the care of sick persons whose home environments, as is well known, so often prevent proper treatment and rapid convalescence. The object is to guarantee to such persons the careful scientific tratement of the hospital, combined with the comforts of home. Any physician in good standing will be permitted to enter and treat her proper cases, from his private practice, the compensation being as usual, a matter of agreement between himself and his patient. In such cases, a fee will be charged only for room, board, nursing, and ordinary medicine. A corps of trained nurses is constantly on hand by day and night. No insane, contagious, or objectionable cases admitted. FEES: — All surgical operations will be charged for according to agreement made in advance. The usual fee will be charged for obstetrical cases. The other charges will be a fee of $15 to $50 per week to include board, nursing, medical attendance, and ordinary medicine, especially such as can be reasonable furnished in that safe and most desirable form, tablet triturates.
Special nurse, $15 per week extra.
All fees must be invariably paid in advance.


Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Broker,
Ohio Bank Building, Room 42.
Cor. Twelfth and G Streets, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
Insurance placed in reliable companies. Investments carefully made
Money loaned on the installment plan.


“Be in the Ring” and Smoke the
Sold by all Dealers. A full line of Tobacco of all kinds always on hand.
101-41/2 Street and Main Avenue, – – Washington, D.C.


Dyeing, Scouring, Altering and Repairing,
No. 1700 7th Street, N.W.
Suits Cleaned, $1.00. Suits Cleaned and Dyed, $1.50.
Coasts, 50c. Pants, 25c. Vests, 25c.
Goods Called for and Delivered. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to.
First-class Work.


General Agent of
The United Banking and Building Co.,
808 F. Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.
Stock for Sale. Money to Loan on Real Estate.


L.G. FLETCHER, Sr., Solicitor.
Houses and Lots for Sale. Rents Collected.
Money Safely Invested.
Loans. Insurance.
Office, 609 F. Street, N.W.,
Residence, 1322 B. St., N.E. Washington, D.C.


No. 1617 Twelfth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
Coffins, Caskets and Funeral Goods Served at Short Notice.
Prices Reasonable.
Experienced Men. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
All Orders promptly attended to, in any part of the city, night or day.
Fine Hearses and Carriages Furnished.


Mrs. E.H. Hughes, Prop. Successor to John A. Hughes.
1100 C. Street, Northwest.


No 1627 O Street, N.W.
Shampooing and Fashionable Hair Dressing.
Flowers and Landscape Painting.


John R. Lynch. Robt. H. Terrell.
Will practice in the U.S. Courts of the District of Columbia, and before the Departments. Real Estate. Loans Negotiated. Money invested. Life and Fire Insurance placed in the most reliable companies.
Room 5, Capital Savings Bank Building,
No. 609 F Street, N.W. Washington, D.C.


Organist at Metropolitan A.M.E. Church.
Call or Address, 2025 Vermont Avenue, N.W.,
Music furnished for Dances and Parties. Washington, D.C.


William C. Ross, Proprietor.
Meals Served to Order. Regular Meals, 15c. and 25c.
Cigars. Ice Cream.
1134 15th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C.


Office, 609 F. St., N.W., Washington, D.C.
Rooms 5 and 7.
War Claims, Pensions, Arrears of Pay, Bounty, Insurance, Real Estate.
Practice in all Courts of the District of Columbia, and before the Government Departments.

Everybody goes to
1606 M Street, N.W.
Where they get everything served first-class including 15 and 24 cent meals. Ice cream, water ice and all the delicacies of the season. To all of our many friends we extend a cordial invitation to visit our establishment and inspect our new soda water fountain which is filled with all kinds of syrups that the season affords. Give us a call and see what we are doing.