Volume 3, Number 3



The Woman’s Era.

Vol. III. No. 3. BOSTON, MASS., [ – ] PRICE 10 CENTS.

CLUBS. [ – ]

The res [ – ] women’s c [ – ] studying [ – ] among us. [ – ] a comparative [ – ] where winn [ – ] cause of the [ – ] that they st [ – ] of the clubs [ – ] tried out with [ – ] that are >refresh [ – ] est hopes. The [ – ] better sustained th [ – ] earnest women bent [ – ] development of all that is [ – ] life of the colored race.

These clubs all have well defined purposes for their existence, but these purposes are not all self confined. Some of them are helping to educate indigent students in Southern colleges, others are doing this and also taking an active interest in every reform in which women and children are especially concerned. They are all cultivating a beautiful sensitiveness to every outcry of harm or danger that come to the less fortunate in their respective communities.

In our city the I.B.W. Woman’s Club, and the more recently organized Phyllis Wheatley Club, are doing a remarkable work in members cultivating a sense of duty and responsibility among its members. Here, as in other cities, there is scarcely an interest that does not feel the gentle hand and generous helpfulness of these organized women. The public is beginning to trust these clubs as the most responsible agents to undertake and do any of the many things that need for their accomplishment the united hand, heart and intelligence of our best women.

The character of the work in which most of our clubs are engaged is begetting a spirit of open [ – one paragraph] club’s [ – ] president, Mrs. J. St. P. Ruffin, is almost too much pleasure for one week.

The club’s hospitality to strangers could scarcely be more beautifully manifested than it was in the reception it gave in the ample home of its president. The joy of flowers and music and the wit and beauty of women gave a charm to the occasion that will always be intimately associated with the name and memory of the club. The aggressive spirit of this club as well as the gracious personality of its president and associate officers, made it possible for the club to broaden its hospitality so as to enable Mrs. Matthews of New York, Mrs. Dickerson of Newport and your correspondent to be present at the Cantabrigia Reception, one of the most important and delightful women’s gatherings of the Anniversary Week.

The Ada Sweet Pioneer Club of Minneapolis will be a delightful surprise to any of our women who may be fortunate enough to visit the beautiful city of Minneapolis. There is a gallantry of spirit about this new organization that is most refreshing. Conscious of their own earnestness, they do not hesitate to dare many things that

NATIONAL [ – ] .

BOSTON, August, 1896.

On the 22nd day of July, 1896, at Washington, D.C., the two large bodies of colored women known respectively as the National Federation of Afro-American Women and the National League of Colored Women united their forces and became the National Association of Colored Women. This union resulted in one of the largest and most significant organizations of women in the world. The WOMAN’S ERA, which had been the official organ of the Federation, was chosen by the joint commission on union as the official organ of the united body with a special department to be edited and controlled by department editors, who were then and there elected by the same committee.

In a vast body like ours, numbering as it does two hundred clubs, an organ as a communication is an absolute necessity. Preparation for the next annual meeting should begin at once, on the reassembling of the various clubs in the autumn. To do this systematically and thoroughly the clubs must be kept in touch with each other and in [ – ] ers of the [ – ] N.A. of [ – ] but should [ – ] ithly club [ – ]

[ – ]

That the prize be given by the club to a young person of either sex, ambitious to fit for either the pulpit, platform, or stage; for all of these places, as will be seen by reference to the advertisement in the ERA, this famous college fits pupils.) The low, time-limit subscription rates will begin with the next number, which will also contain matter of great import to members of the united organization. Subscription blanks for those not desiring to vote can be had upon application to club presidents and at the office of the WOMAN’S ERA, 103 Charles street, Boston.

Presidents of clubs are earnestly requested to use their efforts to circulate the ERA in their associations. The reduced rates are for three months and should bring us in many subscriptions.


Mary Church Terrell

We, the Colored Women of America, stand before the country today a united sisterhood, pledged to promote the welfare of our race, along all the lines that tend to its development and advancement. As the National Association of Colored Women we were christened one short month ago, in the nation’s capital, where all lovers of progress and peace and true friends of the race stood sponsors. Surely no one conversant with our present status, and concerned about our future, can doubt that there is a crying need of just such a union of forces as our association represents.

As individuals, our women have already accomplished much for the education and cultivation of the race. How much more will they be enabled to effect when, working conscientiously, zealously and intelligently toward the same end, they are one in thought, one in purpose and one in power for good. While as a unit we shall bend our energies to compass the ends for which we have banded together, as diverse and varied will be the plans adopted as are the individualities of the different organizations of which the association is composed. Union of forces is not construed to mean monotony of ways and means, in presenting the work to which we are solemnly and irrevocably pledged. Through the instrumentality of the various members of our united sisterhood, we hope to run the whole gamut of human progress and reform.

In leaving each organization to fulfil the mission to which it feels especially called and peculiarly adapted, we feel confident that the greatest amount of good can be accomplished with the smallest expenditure of labor and the least sacrifice of time.

Being neither infallible nor omniscient, if we make an occasional mistake, let us rectify it with all the speed and candor of which honest, earnest women are capable. Having overcome as a race and a sex so many obstacles that to the fainting, faltering heart seemed insurmountable in the past, we shall neither be discouraged at the temporary failures of our friends, nor frightened at the apparent success of our foes.

In accepting the position of honor and trust which my sisters have seen fit to confer upon me, I am keenly, almost painfully alive to the great responsibility assumed. In myself I am nothing, but with the loyal support of conscientious, capable women, all things are possible to us. The duties of my office shall be discharged faithfully, the friends of the association may rest assured, and efficiently, let us trust, for the sake of our common cause. Forgetful of the past, hopeful for the future, let us work in the present with undaunted courage and untiring zeal. With so many heads that are thoughtful and hearts that are true enlisted in our service, how impossible is failure, how inevitable success!

The magnitude of the work to which we seem divinely called and are solemnly pledged, far from affrighting and depressing us, inspires to greater effort, for we feel in undertaking it that
Humanity with all its fears,
With all the hopes of future years,
Is hanging breathless on our fate.


Victoria Earle

One of the most interesting of the ante-bellum articles written by the late Harriet Beecher Stowe was her account of a day spent at “Playford Hall,” home of Thomas Clarkson. After giving a most charming pen-picture of the house, and the gracious hospitality of the venerable widow of the great abolitionist, Mrs. Stowe described some of his sacred mementos, gifts from friends and associates in the cause of freedom, treasured by the family, making special mention of the seal used by Mr. Clarkson. She wrote: “His seal attracted my attention. It was a kneeling figure of the Negro with clasped hands, which was at first adopted as the badge of the cause, when every means was being made use of to arouse the public mind and keep the subject before the attention. Mr. Wedgewood, the celebrated porcelain manufacturer, designed a cameo with this representation, which was much worn as an ornament by ladies. It was engraved on the seal of the Anti-Slavery society, and it was used by its members in sealing all their letters. This of Clarkson’s was handsomely engraved on a large, old-fashioned cornelian, and surely if we look with emotion on the sword of a departed hero, which at best we can only consider as a necessary evil, we may look with unmingled pleasure on this memorial of a bloodless victory.”

The great Clarkson’s methods in bringing about the emancipation of the bondmen on English soil possess many sterling lessons for us who would carry on the present day work of emancipation among our struggling people, and should be carefully studied. One of his first steps was the formation of a committee of twelve persons for the collection and dissemination of evidence on the slave traffic. We would do well to follow in his footsteps, by the establishment of such committees to collect and disseminate evidence on the legislative enactments inimical to our interests. This could be done with great propriety in connection with the chain-gang system and the separate car law.


This is the name adopted by a party of impromptu visitors to Anacostia on the day following the adjournment of the Federation meetings. Perhaps it was from inspiration from the surroundings; certainly it was from no prearrangement that the twenty odd callers suddenly decided to band themselves together to work for the securing of the Douglass homestead for a Mecca to which pilgrimages may be made, and in which an historical collection of anti-slavery literature and other race data may be kept. Mr. Douglass’ widow was made president of the new association. A secretary and treasurer were elected, the nucleus of a fund contributed, and each club representative pledged herself to see to it that her own club kept green the memory of Mr. Douglass by fittingly celebrating his birthday on the 22nd of each February. Then the association adjourned to the vine clad porch overlooking the Potomac, and succumbed to the omnipresent and irresistible photographer.


Josephine B. Bruce

The Ladies’ Auxiliary Association of Washington, D. C., while one of the youngest members of the Federation, having joined its ranks only a few weeks prior to the assembling of the convention, was notwithstanding one of the most enthusiastic among the large and highly creditable membership of the Federation. The auxiliary felt, in a large degree, that the Federation was its guest, and the pleasure and pride in having so noble a gathering in our home city was evinced on every hand by the ceaseless and untiring activity of our ladies.

The local citizens’ committee, composed of both ladies and gentlemen, were persistent in their zeal to promote the comfort and entertainment of the convention. The two ladies worked in unison to the best of their abilities, with what results the visitors must decide. We can only testify to the hearty good-will and generosity of spirit coupled with the earnest desire to make every visitor feel perfectly at home

The lunches for the three days’ sessions, the decorations and the reception held on the closing night were the work of the two named bodies.

The citizens of Washington will always recall with unbounded satisfaction the convention of the N.F. of A.A.W. Such a glorious hand of earnest women must always, even in memory, be an inspiration. The great organization, as a whole, as well as the members as individuals, were possessed with the mighty purpose to relieve the stress and burden of life, which continue to exist largely on account of inactivity, ignorance or the disposition to accept whatever is, without murmuring. The wrongs and injustices which afflict the many spring from a misconception of the relation of man to man. Now, as ever, is it true that,

“Man’s inhumanity to man
Makes countless thousands mourn.’

The assistance which is springing up in many quarters, notably among women, betokens a readjustment of mankind’s relations, which must consciously or unconsciously go on until the last vestige of inequality has been removed.

Such love-laden labor, such devotion to self-imposed duty, so far-seeing a purpose give the assurance, even to the dubious ones, that the women have a cause to which they have brought persistence, resoluteness and intrepidity.

The sisterly affection that had grown up in the single year of the existence of the Federation was as marvelous as it was admirable. What wonder was it then that some heads were bowed in silence when the announcement was made of the passing away of the Federation — its name, not its purpose — and the ushering in of the new body. The feeling thus exhibited must not be misunderstood; it was not regret because of the union — not at all — for I believe that one and all cordially endorsed the principle involved in union, but it was simply expressive of the beautiful devotion to the

first love and marks a depth of soul that is a gift rather than the result of cultivation.


There is but one refrain now to be sung, and that is, “Long live the National Association of Colored Women!”


Helen Elise Villard

While Berlin is gradually acquiring the reputation of a European capital well worth seeing, it is nevertheless itself often left out of the traveler’s itinerary, despite its manifold attractions.

The Industrial Exposition which was opened there on the first of May has, however, brought an unusually large number of tourists to the city this summer. The Exposition is laid out in a suburb of Berlin known as Treptow, which was formerly a playground for children. The most enjoyable way of going there is by mail-coach, although this mode of conveyance is considered too expensive by most of the visitors who visit the Exposition. The approach to the grounds is a long avenue, with booth after booth, show after show on either side, ending up in the night with the Cairo Exhibit, which is decided the most realistic and successful part of the Exposition. It ought to have been called Egypt rather than Cairo, because quite as much of life on the Nile as of life as seen in Cairo is represented there. The temple, like the pyramid, is an excellent piece of workmanship, albeit both have too new and clean an appearance to strongly resemble the originals. The most advantageous time in which to see Cairo is at twilight, or after dark, when the gay bazaars with their wily salesmen, and the well imitated Egyptian horses wear a truly oriental aspect. The Egyptians themselves are unmistakably genuine, and their noisy ways and curious antics, and the camels and donkeys which they tend, render the illusion a perfect one. A truly imposing sight is the Egyptian circus which goes on all the evening in the large arena upon which you look down from the top of the Pyramid. The ascent is made by elevator, the Pyramid being hollow; you unconsciously fancy yourself in the desert, while intently watching the ever moving mass of human beings and of animals, and the motley array of color which stands out so strongly against the gray background.

The Cameron Exhibit is both interesting and amusing, but is soon exhausted. The natives show off their hats and the way in which they prepare their meals with great glee. They are particularly proud of their scanty knowledge of the German language which, however, they pronounce uncommonly well. By far the most entertaining inhabitant of the Cameron village is a mite of a baby whose comical ways and friendly hand-shakes win all hearts.

The Berliners, of course, think a great deal of their Exposition, but to those who have seen and enjoyed the wonders of our World’s Fair, it is difficult not to make detrimental comparisons, even while bearing in mind that this is the effort of one city alone — since the principal buildings, the lake, the boats and so on are so evidently an attempt at direct imitation, in miniature, of the Chicago Exposition.

The industrial exhibits vary in interest and in value, and the pleasure grounds – the Midway Plaisance of this Exposition — contain but a collection of cheap, bawdy shows. Of these, the hall devoted to automatic machines and instruments is the best, the automatic orchestra being a very musical and ingenious toy on a large scale.

Old Berlin is considered a great success. Seen from the water it looks very well, but it is really much inferior to old Vienna of Chicago fame and not nearly as well carried out as the old Dresden part of the small industrial exposition now in progress in Dresden.

The Chicago Fair covered so large an area that the throngs of people were no more than groups in the landscape when scattered over the grounds. In Berlin the space used for the Exposition seems so small a one that one is impressed by the vast multitude of people which assembles there on a fine evening. The place to see the fashionable world of Berlin and the foreign element is not Bressel’s restaurant which faces the chief building at the other end of the lake, but the whole lake is surrounded by swarms of people full of the enjoyment of out-of-door life that is so pleasant a characteristic of the German people. They sit at tables drinking beer, listening to the music and watching the boats glide about. The weekly illuminations naturally attract the largest crowds of people, who are never other than well behaved. The colors used in illuminating are too gaudy to be beautiful, particularly when compared with the exquisite harmony which made illumination nights at Chicago a never-to-be-forgotten memory.

— Dresden.


Eugene Field The maynoo that wuz spread that night wuz mighty
hard to beat.
Though somewhat awkward to pernouuce, it wuz not
so to eat;
There wuz puddins, pies an’ sandwidges, an’ forty
kinds uv sass,
An’ floatin’ Irelands, custards, tarts an’ patty dee for
An’ millions uv Cove oysters wuz a-settin’ round in
‘Nd other native fruits an’ things that grew out West
in cans.
But I wuz all kufflummuxed when Hoover said he’d
“0on peety morso, see voo play, de la celte Charlatte
I’d knowed three-fingered Hoover for fifteen years or
‘Nd I’d never heern him speak so light uv wimmin
folks before!
Bill Goslin heern him say it, ‘nd uv course he spread
the news
Uv how Three-fingered Hoover had insulted Charlotte
At the conversazzhyony down at Sorry Tom’s that
An’ when they asked me, I allowed that Bill for once
wuz right,
Although it broke my heart to see my friend go up the
We all opined his treatment uv the girl deserved
It warnt no use for Sorry Tom to nail it for a lie —
When it came to sassin’ wimmin, there wuz blood in
every eye;
The boom for Charlotte Rooze swep’ on an’ took the
polls by storm,
An’ so Three-fingered Hoover fell a martyr to reform!
Three-fingered Hoover said it wuz a terrible mistake,
vAn’ when the votes wuz in, he cried ez if his heart
would break.
We never knew who Charlotte wuz, but Goslin’s
brother Dick
Allowed she wuz the teacher from the camp on Roarin’
That had come to pass some foreign tongue with them
uv our alite,
Ez wuz at the high-toned party down at Sorry Tom’s
that night.
We let it drop — this matter uv the lady — there an’
An’ we never heerd, or wanted to, of Charlotte Rooze
An’ the Colorado wimmin-folks, ez like ez not don’t
How we vindicated all their sex a twenty year ago.


Victoria Matthews

All persons holding papers prepared for the first annual convention of the National Federation of Afro-American Women will please forward them without delay to the secretary, Miss L.C. Carter, 311 Middle St., New Bedford, Mass.

The committee having the work of the forthcoming pamphlet in charge will meet shortly, for the purpose of completing the work without unnecessary delay. All matter must be in hand by September 25 to be included in the printed minutes.


An invitation has been extended to Miss Maria L. Baldwin to deliver an address before the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences upon the “Life and Services of the Late Harriet Beecher Stowe.”

It is the custom of the Institute to fulfil the wishes of its first benefactor by having an address on each 22nd of February upon some distinguished American, and it was thought most fitting that Mrs. Stowe’s services be commemorated on the first Washington anniversary following her decease. Miss Baldwin has accepted the invitation.

It is the first time in the history of the Institute that the invitation for the annual address has been given to a woman, and the ERA is glad and proud that the choice has fallen upon Miss Baldwin.

We know of no one better fitted by intellectual and spiritual insight, and by power and grace of expression to deliver this address.


As usual, Boston has been the Mecca this summer of many southerners, who have found the city to be in some respects almost an ideal summer resort. From Macon, Ga., came Miss Sarah Pitts. Miss Pitts, who is principal of one of the Macon’s schools, has been an interesting and interested visitor. Her quick intelligence and ready insight made her visit a pleasure to herself and friends. She is an enthusiastic club woman and one from whom we expect to hear much in the future.





  • Pres., Mary Church Terrell, Washington, D.C.
  • 1st Vice Pres., Josephine St. P. Ruffin, Boston, Mass.
  • 2nd ” ., Frances Jackson Coppin, Phila. Pa.
  • 3rd ” ., Frances E.W. Harper, Phila, Pa.
  • 4th ” ., Josephine Silone Yates, Kan. City, Mo.
  • 5th ” ., Sylvanie Williams, New Orleans, La.
  • 6th ” ., Jennie Chase Williams, So. Carolina.
  • 7th ” ., Lucy Thurman, Jackson City, Mich.
  • Rec. Sec., Alice Ruth Moore, W. Medford, Mass.
  • Cor. Sec., A. Victoria Thompkins, Washington, D.C.
  • Treas., Helen A. Cook, Washington, D.C.
  • Nat. Organizer, Victoria E. Matthews, New York.
  • Chairman Ex. Com., Mrs, B.T. Washington, Tuskegee, Ala.

The joint committee appointed by the League and Federation respectively to consolidate the two bodies with one aim, was considered the one with the most important duty to perform. The ERA desired to give to its readers the portraits of each member of the two committees, but repeated efforts have thus far failed to locate any of the League members, most of them being teachers spending their vacations away from home. Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Hunton, whose pictures are given this month, represented the Federation on the commission with intelligence and gracious zeal. Both are soft voiced and gentle mannered, albeit they are women of affairs in their respective localities, veritable helpmeets to their husbands.


The issue of sound and stable currency, involved in the present national campaign, is of vital importance to the colored people of this country. The success of Bryan, and the subsequent free coinage of silver, would not only affect the purchasing power of the present wages and salaries of the wage earners, to which class the colored people of this country mainly belong, but would decrease by almost one-half the value of the little stock of money that the thrifty among them have been able to lay aside and entrust to savings or co-operative banks. Those of them who, by incessant industry and much deprivation, have been able to meet their payments in life insurance companies, believing that, if anything should happen, some comfort and even some small luxuries of this life would be assured their widows and orphans, should arouse themselves in opposition to threatening legislation of free silver. Their widows would receive just fifty-three cents for every dollar of their life insurance. Under the authority of the United States, in the even of free silver, the savings banks, for an invested dollar of one hundred cents, would pay back a dollar worth fifty-three cents. Are the colored people of this country so rich or so indifferent to their future welfare that they can see their accumulations for a rainy day cut almost in halves, one portion only to remain theirs, while the other be given to the silver mine owners? Yet this is just what the success of Bryan, Tillman and Altgeld means. It is a solemn duty for every mother, wife and sister to arouse their husbands, sons and brothers to a realizing sense of the terrible results that will surely follow in the wake of the success of the free silver heresy. The woman should take as active an interest in this question as possible. Only a small number are allowed to show their interest by voting themselves, directly, but they all know their power and should see to it that no voter over whom they have any influence is on the wrong side of this question.


All of the clubs in the national organization should, upon their reassembling in the early au-

tumn, take up the study of current politics. Educational work is what the women’s clubs are formed for, and the most important educational need just now, among all women, is systematized, careful instruction in American politics. The present campaign, called a campaign of education, offers opportunities for all who desire an intelligent understanding of current issues; and what club woman does not?



Now that the new association is launched and all eyes are fixed upon the new officers who are to order the great craft, and all hearts are wishing them success and good weather, it is well that a thought should be given to the old officers, the women of the National Federation and National League who made this thing possible — the women some of whom have been in their self sacrifice and devotion to the interests of their associations models for all successors.

The work that has been done in the last year has been in some ways almost marvellous, and our women should not forget that it did not do itself, but represents intelligence, industry and devotion. All honor to the leaders of the old associations! All success to those of the new!


Paul Laurence Dunbar is recognized as a true poet by the first critics of America, and his little volume “Majors and Minors” will be welcomed as a contribution to real literature. There is hardly a recent circumstance which means more to the race than this. As Mr. Howells says it is probably through the arts that nations are to be brought together and hostilities and prejudices to disappear. Genius forces recognition and knows neither race nor sex. More poets, more artists, more musicians will develop among us in time, and the world will be forced to acknowledge them and the people from whom they spring.


The union of the two great national bodies of colored women, which was consummated at Washington in July, was and is still the subject of much talk of a congratulatory nature. It would seem as if there were little left to be said on the matter. That union was the general desire, no one can doubt, and that in effecting union many concessions had to be made will also be acknowledged.


That union was the ardent desire of all interested in the two national organizations which met in Washington in July was very evident; nevertheless, real tears were shed by some of the Federation members when its consummation compelled the giving up of a name that represented so much done in so short a time. Now with the added strength of the 113 clubs contributed to the association by the National League, the power and influence of the united bodies makes possible a report of even greater results this year than last. Let the mourners comfort themselves with the thought that the name will be to them what they make of it – either a diadem upon their brows, or a millstone about their necks.


All Boston went out to Arlington Heights on the afternoon of the 26th to the summer home of Dr. and Mrs. Grant, who were holding a garden fete. The affair was both delightful and unique; the house had been elaborately decorated with sweet ferns and golden rod, and the lawn with lanterns; these, combined with the natural attractions of the place, the fine views, the shady walks, the clear, bracing air, were the foundation for an almost ideal fete champetre.

There were the usual features of a garden party – music and red lights, tableaux and dancing, moonlight strolls and flirtation. There were many beautiful light costumes; conspicuous among them were those worn by Miss Param, Mrs. J.H. Lewis and Mrs. McCov. The whole bud contingent was out, augmented by Misses Angelina Grimke, Therese Lee, Mary Lewis and the Misses Baker; and among the visiting gentlemen were Mr. A.H. Grimke from San Domingo, Dr. Wheatland and Mr. Bertram Jamieson from Newport and Prof. George Cook of Washington.


The Newport Woman’s League arranged and carried out a most successful lawn party on the afternoon and evening of August 26. Mrs. Mary F. Dickerson is the energetic president of this vigorous club.


Alice Ruth Moore

There was one noticeable feature of the recent convention of the National Federation of Afro-American Women; that was the utter absence of frivolous personalities among the women present. The average cynical man would have expected that in such a large and — if I may use the term — varied assemblage of women of all ages and personalities, frivolity and gossip would naturally creep in; but not so. Every woman present seemed to feel that she had gone a long way to discuss matters of gravest importance, and that it behooved her as a representative of other earnest women to stick to her text. The all important question, “Is my bonnet straight?” was never even dreamed of.

History is made of little things, after all. It was a pretty little scene in one of the committee rooms, that ought to go down in the history of the Afro-American woman – if one should be written. Mrs. Ida Wells-Barnett, whom every one knows, is positive and determined in her opinions, and her expression of them, gracefully and gently, yielded to the pleasure of Mrs. Lucy B. Thurman when the question of endorsing in an unqualified manner the work of the W.C.T.U. was raised. Considering the differences of opinion between Miss Willard and Mrs. Barnett, and the utterances of the former in regard to the work of the latter, the introduction of such a resolution was somewhat after the fashion of a slap in Mrs. Barnett’s face. But she gracefully gave her approval to its passage, and thus added another heroic act to the list of self-sacrificing acts done at Washington.

Heroines are not entirely the products of ancient days. Every hour that Mrs. Washington stood on the platform during the days of the convention stamped her as a heroine of the purest type. Ill and physically in no condition to be out, she stood the strain of the entire proceedings, with an unflinching calmness that a less brave woman could not but envy. There is no use denying that it takes great mental, physical and nervous force to preside over any body at any given time, and the fact that Mrs. Washington stood calmly through it all in her illness, is something for which we all should feel it our duty to throw up our hats and cheer.

The office of national organizer, which was created by the joint commission from the two organizations, is unique only in its name. It is an office which no national organization should be without. In the Woman’s Relief Corps, which is one of the largest of this country, the work is done by a national instituting and instaling officer, who has an assistant in every state, this assistant in turn having assistants in the state corps. The work is thus brought to a finesse which constantly enlarges the ranks of the organization. It was a wise thought on the part of the commission to create such an office, as we need more systematic methods and more enthusiasm in organization. It was, perhaps, as wise, too, that they should have chosen Mrs. Matthews to fill the office, for she is particularly interested in that branch of work, and by her splendid amount of personal magnetism cannot but succeed in bringing into the ranks of the association many new and vigorous clubs.

Will we succeed in perfecting the proposed scheme of departmental or state work? Of course it is for the executive and constitution committees to say that, but it is to be hoped that we will, for the present system will soon become, as new clubs are enlisted, cumberson and heavy.

This year was the crucial one, and now that the great feat of consolidation has been accomplished, we can draw a long breath and settle into plans and schemes for great deeds to be accomplished ere July, 1897. With such a body of women, all of whom have already shown their power in many different lines, the weight of the organization should be felt in more ways than one. It is to be hoped so.


Mary Church Terrell and Frances Jackson

Washington D.C., July 21, 1896

Mary Church Terrell and Frances Jackson

The joint commission, consisting of seven members of the National League of Colored Women and an equal number from the National Federation of Afro-American Women, assembled in the parlor of the 19th St. Baptist Church to consider the advisability of union. The commission from the Federation retired to receive instructions and be given full power to act, in conjunction with the committee from the League, to whom plenary powers had already been delegated.

Mrs. Terrell moved that the commission resolve itself into a committee of the whole. Carried.

Mrs. Terrell was then chosen chairman, and Mrs. Jackson secretary. Mrs. Matthews moved that we consider a name for the new organization. Carried.

Mrs. Anthony moved that the new organization be known as the National Association of Colored Women. Carried.

Miss Jones moved that each half of the commission stand equal in strength. Carried.

It was moved and carried that no financial liabilities incurred by the separate bodies prior to union be assumed by the National Association of Colored Women.

It was moved and carried that the chairman appoint a committee to draft a constitution for the N.A. of C.W. The chairman then appointed Misses A.V. Thompkins, Anna H. Jones, Coralie Franklin, Mesdames Victoria E. Matthews and Rosa Bowser. It was moved to adjourn till Wednesday, July 22, 1.30 Carried.

Washington D.C., July 22, 1896

Mary Church Terrell and Frances Jackson

The joint commission met in the parlor of thc Second Baptist Church to further complete the business of union. The minutes of the first meeting of the National Association of Colored Women were read and approved. It was moved and carried that we proceed to elect officers. After balloting for several candidates, Mrs. Mary Church Terrell was elected president of the N.A. of C.W.

Seven vice presidents were then elected in the order named: Mrs. Josephine P. Ruffin, Boston, Mass; Mrs. Fannie J. Coppin, Philadelphia, Pa.; Frances E.W. Harper, Philadelphia, Pa.; Josephine S. Yates, Kansas City, Mo.; Sylvanie Williams, New Orleans, La.; Jennie Chase Williams, South Carolina; Lucy Thurman, Jackson City, Mich. Miss Alice Ruth Moore was elected recording secretary; Miss A. V. Thompkins, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Booker T. Washington, chairman of the executive committee; Mrs. Helen A. Cook, treasurer. It was moved and carried that the office of national organizer be created. Mrs. Victoria E. Mattthews was then elected national organizer. It was moved and carried that the executive committee consist of 21 members. Moved and carried that the chairman of the executive committee be empowered to select her own committee, whose members shall be as representative as possible. It was moved and carried that the executive committee be empowered to draft temporary rules by which the Association shall be governed the coming year. It was moved and carried that the Association endorse the WOMAN’S ERA as its official organ, provided we may control a department of it, to be edited by a board appointed by the commission.

The following members were then appointed on the editorial staff of the Association department of the ERA: Mrs. B.T. Washington, Dr. Rebecca Cole, Mesdames Ida Wells Barnett, Rosa Bowser and Frances Jackson. It was moved and carried that the editorial staff be empowered to provide for the necessary support of our department of the ERA. It was decided to appoint a ways and means committee, on which the following persons were elected to serve: Mrs. J.N. Kemp, Miss Lulu Chase, Mrs. E. Mahammett, Miss Julia Jones, Mrs. Addie Hunton. Moved and carried that we rise and report.

List of Names

Mary Church Terrell and Frances Jackson

List of names of the committee on union appointed by the League: Miss Anna H. Jones, Miss Coralie Franklin, Miss Emma Merritt, Miss A.V. Thompkins, Miss Julia Jones, Mrs. Frances Jackson, Mrs. Florence Barker.

List of names of the committee on union appointed by the Federation: Mrs. Victoria E. Matthews, Mrs. Mary C. Terrell, Mrs. Josephine St. P. Ruffin, Mrs. Rosa Bowser, Mrs. Addie Hunton, Mrs. Selina Butler, Mrs. Libbie C. Anthony.

Mrs. Bertram Jamieson of Newport, who has been studying at Armour Institute, Chicago, is now contemplating finishing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Tennessee desires to proclaim to the world in general and to the United States in particular that on the 1st of June, 1896, she celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of her admission as a state of the Union. It was at first proposed to celebrate this occasion by the opening of an Exposition, so far reaching as to even become international in its character. For many excellent reasons this plan was not carried out and the opening of the Exposition was postponed until May 1, 1897; it will continue for six months, closing October 31 of the same year. The anniversary was celebrated by ceremonies extending over two days, June 1 and 2, and consisted of the firing of guns, street parades, composed of state and federal troops, federal, state and city officials, social, benevolent and industrial orders, municipal departments, bicycle brigades, citizens in carriages, on horseback and on foot, and exercises at the centennial grounds, in the auditorium and woman’s building.

The centennial grounds are already in excellent and beautiful condition and several of the buildings are completed. The management propose to have everything in complete readiness for the opening of the Exposition on May 1, 1897.

It has been divided into sixteen departments, each with a chief and working committee, and among this number is the Negro department with J.C. Napier as chief and a committee of sixteen. Chief Napier desires it fully understood that this department is not a case of discrimination but was a choice, that the negroes might secure a better showing and receive full credit for their industry and advancement. It is entirely optional as to whether the exhibitor will place his exhibit in the Negro building or the one designated for his line of exhibits. Since his appointment Chief Napier has not only been supported by the heads of the different divisions and their committees but has met with great encouragement from residents of other states. One of the divisions is designated as a Woman’s Board and has a membership of forty of our most energetic women. Mrs. Ella S. Moore is its president; Mrs. C. Napier 1st, Mrs. Preston Taylor 2nd, Mrs. S. J. W. Early 3rd, Mrs. G. A. Shelbon 4th vice-president; Mrs. P. R. Bumes, secretary; Miss J.B. Cheatham, corresponding secretary; Mrs. W.0. Tate, treasurer.

The executive committee is made up of the officers of the board and transacts most of the business, but places it before the board for its approval or rejection. A spirit of complete harmony pervades each meeting, and the united desire seems to be the advancement of any aim that will promote the welfare of the Negro building, but more especially make the woman’s exhibit the feature of the department. Everything that is skilfully and well made by a female is desired, and the women have no fear as to what they can accomplish. Not only have they the assurance from Nashville and other places in Tennessee, but Mrs. Moore is traveling in the north and east and is never forgetful of the Tennessee Centennial, and Mrs. Napier has received hearty co-operation from many of our leading women all over the country.

Many large bodies have been invited and are arranging to hold their meetings here during the Exposition, and among the number will be the second meeting of the Woman’s Congress which met for the first time at Atlanta during the holding of its Exposition.


Isaac Fisher


School opens on the 8th of September.

Night school closed on the 31st of July. The work will be resumed in the fall.

Printed matter and information for organizing Negro conferences, similar to those held at Tuskegee, may be had by addressing Principal Booker T. Washington.

It was very gratifying to note the endorsement which the work of the National Federation of Afro-American Women, of which organization Mrs. Booker T. Washington was president, received from both press and public.


It will interest many of our readers to know that the account of the Berlin Exposition, published this month, was written by a grand-daughter of William Lloyd Garrison. Miss Helen Villard is the daughter of Fanny Garrison Villard,

whom old Bostonians will remember as the handsome and only daughter of the original Garrison family. Miss Villard, as might be expected from heredity and environment such as hers, is public spirited and an enthusiastic reformer. She is a subscriber to the ERA, and intensely interested in the cause it seeks to promote.



From the platform, the auditorium of the Nineteenth St. Baptist Church was a delight to the eye, on the evening of the first day of the gathering of the late Federation of Afro-American Women for their first annual convention. The audience, which was an immense one, was made up about equally of men and women of all colors and ages. As is customary in that latitude in the summer time, many of the ladies came to the meeting without head covering of any kind, radiant in white and vari-colored costumes, trimmed with ribbons and much lace, which seemed to soften and tone down the almost too eager and anxious look of the matrons and maids gathered to be a part of the great object lesson. At Mrs. Washington’s request, Mrs. Matthews presided upon this occasion, and in presenting the speakers she was at her best. Her incidental plea, made just here, for greater interest and sympathy for the women and children of the southern cabins, did credit to both her head and heart. The address of welcome by District Commissioner Ross was impressive from its earnest heartiness. The Era Club president was honored by being selected to reply to this eloquent greeting, and embraced the opportunity to tell something of the inception of the one year old movement that was showing such astonishing results.

The resolutions adopted were strong, comprehensive and pathetic in the recount of the many needs of a much hampered people. The pathos was emphasized by the reading of them by Mrs. Ida B. Wells Barnett, in the musical monotone peculiar to that polished reader. The resolutions are to be published in full, with the minutes, in book form. This work was placed in the hands of a competent committee, of which Mrs. Victoria Matthews is chairman, and is now being edited by her.

All of the members of the Auxiliary Committee did nobly in their hospitable endeavors to make their guests, the conventioners, comfortable and happy, but Mrs. Rosetta Lawson was so conspicuous for her self sacrificing zeal and courtesy as to merit special mention, and more substantial recognition even by those who profited by her unremitting efforts in behalf of unity and fraternity.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gray were also enthusiastic workers in the convention. Mr. Gray and Mr. Andrew Hilyer both made stenographic reports of the meetings for leading Washington newspapers.

Mrs. Jennie Napier Kemp, secretary of the Twin City Woman’s Era Club, St. Pau and Minneapolis, was the only lady newspaper correspondent sent to report proceedings. She represented the leading daily paper of’ Minneapolis.

Miss Georgia Washington’s plea for the plantation women, written and delivered by one who is herself an example of what education will do for this class, was the most encouraging feature of the whole exhibition.

When the “Boy of the Convention,” Master Charles Aked Barnett, was presented to the convention by Mother Harriet Tubman the scene was impressive and thrilling. it was as though one was standing at the intersection of a tiny stream just bubbling from its source, and of a great useful river about to glide with easy fulness into the sea. It was as the clasping of hands of the early nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

If crowded night sessions, an attentive throng of serious faces in the galleries and hearty applause in the right place be a sign of interest taken by the Washingtonians in the proceedings, then indeed was the interest great. Altogether we have stood before the public, attracting an attention on all sides that was perhaps never dreamed of, even in the most sanguine expectations of the projectors of the organization.

If there was no downright frivolity during the continuance of the sessions there were many mirth-provoking incidents and personages. The photographer was one of the latter. No one ever thought of asking his name or calling him anything but “the photographer.” He was omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. He seemed to have always in his mind the passage in the prayerbook, “Whenever two or three are gathered to-

gether in thy name -” for wherever and whenever two or three of the delegates were found at any given point, the photographer was there, camera, battered derby and all, and in less than two minutes perhaps there was a group posing. Even at the last moment when a crowd of us were gathered at the Pennsylvania railroad depot ready to go the photographer was there with a profane suggestion of a parting group. Long rest his piece of mind for the bad pictures he turned out!


Some of the most enjoyable moments of the days spent in Washington were those of the noon lunch in the church basement. It was always a lively scene of kaleidoscopic interest. A shifting of faces, forms and an incessant buzz of voices, hungry voices and eager ones. It was during the noon hour that old acquaintances were renewed and new ones made; engagements and parties made up and plans, convention and otherwise, formulated and decided upon. lt was a pleasant little social oasis in the desert of the day’s work.


Florida R. Ridley

The Era Club had the largest number of representatives of any one club outside of the District. Eight members arose and responded to the roll call the first day of the convention.

The club will resume its regular meetings on Friday evening, September 4, when the delegates will report.

Members are reminded of the necessity of immediate preparation for the New England Hospital Fair. The Era Club table must be a credit to the club. Work for the fair stands at the head of this season’s calendar.

So many questions are constantly being asked, and so many conflicting statements made concerning the cause fot eh call for the first national convention of colored women, held in Boston, July, 1895, it is deemed advisable to republish the circular letter sent out by the secretary of Woman’s Era Club, which plainly states the case, and should set at rest forever the charge, often repeated, that that convention was called to discuss one phase of the race question only.



Accompanying this letter is a circular which will explain itself; we respectfully call your attention to it. Although apparently precipitate, the matter of a conference has long been considered by us an we have been led to set the date because of many and peculiar advantages possible at this time. The Christian Endeavor Society brings to Boston fifty thousand delegates in July, railroad rates all over the country are constantly reduced. Many colored women come to Boston at that time as delegates to this convention. The assured presence in this city of so many representative women is too good an opportunity for a coming together to be missed, and although we do not hope that this our first conference will in all respects meet our ideal, yet we trust that it will be the beginning of a movement for creating a community of interest among al earnest women who love purity and demand justice.

The letter of Mr. Jacks which is also enclosed is only used to show how pressing is the need of our banding together if only for our protection; this is only one of the many matters upon which we need to confer. We do not think it wise to give this letter general publishing and ask you to use it carefully.

Will you call your society together at once and attend to the appointing of delegates and let us hear from you immediately?

Circulars giving program, dates, etc., will be mailed to you as soon as you signify your intention to attend.

This invitation is extended to all colored women of America, members of any society or not.


FLORIDA R. RIDLEY Corresponding Secretary.



Miss Maud Cuney of Texas came to the city the first of August, and was heartily welcomed by her host of friends. Miss Cuney is dividing her time among many friends, Miss Glover, Miss Hare, Miss Duncan and Mrs. Ridley all claiming a portion of her time before her return to New York, when she will again be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Francis.

The intense heat has caused people to take their pleasure rather mildly this summer. There have been few gatherings of any size. A basket picnic at Downer’s drew out quite a number, and a musicale at Miss Glover’s was thoroughly enjoyed by the young set.

Miss Alice Ruth Moore is with her sister, Mrs. Young, at West Medford. As Miss Moore has been quite seriously ill since her arrival, her

friends as yet have had little opportunity to see her. Accompanying Miss Moore is Miss Allain, another charming New Orleans girl.


Dr. Furman Shadd of Washington came through Boston on his way home from Martha’s Vineyard, where his family is summering, and waked up his friends in his usual hearty, jovial way.

Miss Gertrude Baldwin is spending the month of August at her home in Cambridge, or rather that part of it which she does not spend on her wheel.

Great preparations are being made for the centennial celebration or Zion’s Church. The event calls for wide and general interest; it is one of the evidences of the strength and character of the race, and a record that makes good our claim to be numbered among true Americans.

Mr. Archibald II. Grimke, our consul at Santo Domingo, is spending his thirty days’ leave in the U.S., and is at present, together with his daughter, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lee of Auburndale. Mr. Grimke evidently carried to his life abroad all the enthusiasm and receptivity of the student of life, and the accounts of his experiences abroad are more than delightful to the friends who hear them.


Friends will be glad to know of Mrs. Washington’s improved health. She has passed through a dangerous ordeal, but is now on the sure road to restoration and perfect health. As chairman of the executive committee, Mrs. Washington had hoped to be ready to announce the names of the twenty-one members of her committee, in the association’s department of this issue of the ERA. For obvious reasons this announcement must be deferred for another month. Meanwhile, in accordance with power given her by the commission, six ladies have been appointed by Mrs. Washington to draw up temporary rules for the governing of the organization until the next annual meeting, these rules to be submitted for ratification to the whole executive body.


This, the latest news received form the Woman’s Mine, will be good news to the many investors in this section of the country. Development work to uncover the ore bodies is now being actively pushed, and there will be no cessation or delay until is an accomplished fact that the Bonita Gold and Silver Mine is a steady producing, dividend paying property. At the suggestion of eastern friends, Mrs. E.P. Ensley has been made one of the directors of the Mining Company, and will faithfully look after the interest of eastern investors.



Point Rennaizance and Honiton Lace.
Samples Always on Hand.
Residence, 193 Elm Street,
New Bedford, Mass.



Will be glad to serve afternoon teas, spreads, wedding breakfasts and dinners, salads, croquettes ice creams, ices and confections. Polite waiters. All orders promptly attended to. Will call to arrange for parties on receipt of Postal.

15 Bow Street, Cambridge
27 Jerome Street, W. Medford.



Nos. 13 and 15 Broadway Extension,
Manufacturers of Clothes Wringers.
All kinds of Wringers and Swoopors Repaired. Orders by mail promptly attended to.


Preston Taylor. Telephone 895.
Carriages for Hire.
449 No. Cherry Street, Nashville, Tenn.



New and Second Hand Furniture,
General Household Goods, Parlor Sets, Bedroom Sets, Etc.
Nos. 412, 414 and 416 Cedar Street,
Nashville, Tenn.
Telephone 703.


—- LAWYER —-
Suite 411, 59 Dearborn Street, . . . Chicago.
Telephone, Main 1690.
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, 61 City Hall,
Telephone Main 280.


Office Hours:
8 to 10 A.M.; 1 to 3 P.M.;
7 to 10 P.M
Office Open All Night
Dr. R.F. Boyd,
Physician . . . . . .
— And —
. . . . . . Surgeon,
417 Cedar Street,
Nashville, Tenn.
Telephone 967.


Notary Public . . . . . LAWYER,
Solicitor of Claims.
Office: 419 Cedar Street. Room No. 17 Boyd Building.
Telephone: 1171-3 RINGS.
Will Practise in all the Courts. Your Business Respectfully Solicited.


Try the Champion of the World.

It removes all dirt and dandruff, and stops falling hair and itching of the scalp. It makes the hair grow. We guarantee to cure dandruff and falling hair, and to restore hair. Write for our circular and read what many of our customers say about it. Price $1.00 per pint bottle.


Half pints, 50 cts. No soap or water needed. Ladies and gents treated at the manufacturers parlor, No. 15 Plymouth place. Open evenings until 9. sold by A.M. Rothschild & Co., all druggists and by J.L. Good, 15 Plymouth place, 3 doors from Jackson st., Chicago.



Attorney at Law, Notary Public,
And Deal of Law Department Central Tennessee College,
Office, 411 N. Cherry St., Nashville, Tenn.


Negotiates the Loan of Money. All business entrusted in my hands will receive prompt attention.
Room 2 Boyd Building, 417 Cedar Street,
Nashville, Tenn.


Howard University,
Washington, D. C.

Howard Universitv furnishes superior facilities for higher education. Nine different departments, with sixty professors and instructors. . . . . . . . . . .

Theological. Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical, Law, College, Preparatory, Normal, Industrial, the latter including Printing, Carpentry. Bookbinding, Tinning and Sewing.

Academic Departments opens September 23; Professional, September 28 to October 1.

For particulars address the President or Secretary.


18 Province Court, Boston.
Opposite Boston Tavern.
Clothes Cleaned, Dyed, Altered and Repaired in the neatest manner at short notice. All orders promptly attended to.


2722 State Street,
Chicago, Ill.


Bateman Building,
237 Thames St., Newport, R.I.
Lunch Room on Commercial Wharf Landing.


Collegiate and Normal Courses. Enlarged corps of teachers. Industrial training in domestic and mechanic arts, including printing. Instruction in both instrumental and vocal music and in elocution. High grade in every respect. A few deserving and needy students can be aided. Term begins Wednesday, October 2. For catalog, address





Shore Dinner a Specialty, 50 Cents.

Dinner and Lunch Served on European Plan.


Fish of all Kinds and Salads. Oysters in Every Style
Home Made Pies, Cream and Cake.

Telephone Connection. 20 Broadway.

LUNCH ROOM at 103 John Street. Meals served good and prompt at reasonable prices. Open from 6 A.M. to 12 P.M. Ice Cream during the season.



First Class Horses and Carriages to Let.

By the Season, Month or Hour. Passengers conveyed to all Boats and Trains. Expressing in all its Branches.

28 Edgar Court, off Bath Road, Newport, R.I.
Orders Promptly Attended to.


Wishes to inform her friends and the public that they can find First-class Board and Lodging at 82 William Street. Meals served prompt and reasonable. Ice Cream in private dining room.


Contralto Soloist and Vocal Teacher,
12 Grove Street, Boston, Mass.


Practical Painter and Glazier,
All work Promptly and Neatly Done at Reasonable Prices.
27 3-4 Pond Avenue, Newport R.I.


GRAY . . .
Artist and . . .


Studio, 1030 Tremont Street,
The only Studio in Boston having Reception and Operating Rooms on the Ground Floor.
Telephone. 198-4, Roxbury.



Pension Claims Prosecuted . . .
Depositions of all kinds taken.

Room 430, 113 Adams St., Chicago.


Edkardt Catering Co., . . . . .
JOHN B. FRENCH & CO., Props.
Office and Manufactory:
135 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago.
Telephone, West 168.


United States Claim Agent
No. 411 North Cherry Steet,
Nashville, Tenn.


Nashville, Tenn.
Real Estate and Collecting Agent. Negotiates the Loan of Money, etc.
Telephone 1477.
(Napier Court) 411 Cherry Street.


Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery
and Notary Public
Second Floor, Boyd Building, 419 Cedar St.,
Nashville, Tenn.


No. 14 Spruce St., Newport, R.I.


J. W. WASHINGTON, Artist Penman,

Twelve (12) Lessons by mail, only $3.00 in advance. Sample Lesson, 25 cents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for circular.

Visiting Cards elegantly written, 12 for 20 cents. Agents wanted. Big commission. Sample book, 20 cents. Rapid Addition Method, 12 cents.


156 Charles St., Boston.
Three doors from eye infirmary.
Artificial Eyes a Specialty.
Telephone, 1198 Haymarket.


Are You Looking for a Home Among Friends?

If You are Consult the

There are in the states of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island and Connecticut many good farms that can be purchased for a reasonable sum of money, and on easy terms of payment

We offer our assistance in aiding colored farmers to leave the South and to come and make their homes in the North.

We propose to procure farms in any of the above named states for as many of our race as desire, to come North and make their homes among us. We shall give them all the aid in our power, and be only too glad to look them over and see that they obtain all the advantages possible in the respective neighborhoods, until they become accustomed to their new homes and neighbors.

It is our intention in procuring these farms to have them near cities and towns in various states, so as to be convenient to school houses, railroard stations and churches.

The farms of the North differ from those of the South in that they are more compact, better cleared and attended to in general. Being smaller they are easier to care for. About anything that can be raised on farms in the South can be raised in the North.

On these farms are comfortable frame houses, cottage style. Terms of payment will be made to suit.

For further information, Address,
Manager New England Farm Agency,

We, the undersigned Ministers of the City of Boston and vicinity, cordially recommend to those of our race in the Southern States, Lawyer Clifford H. Plummer, the Manager of the New England Farm Agency. He is a man of our race and has their interests at heart: and we recommend those that desire to improve their condition to accept the opportunity presented him.

  • REV. J. HORATIO CARTER, Pastor of the Metropolitan Baptist Church, Boston Mass.
  • REV. W. H. SCOTT, Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church, Boston, Mass.
  • REV. JESSE HARRELL, Pastor of the Union Baptist Church, Cambridge, Mass.
  • REV. P. THOMAS STANFORD, Pastor of the William Lloyd Garrison Memorial Congregational Church, Boston, Mass.
  • REV. JOSEPH H. MORGAN, Pastor of the N.E.A.M.E. Church, Chelsea, Mass.
  • REV. J.H. WILEY, 14 Kendall Street, Boston, Mass.
  • REV. J.R. RANDOLPH, Boston, Mass.
  • REV. PETER RANDOLPH, Boston, Mass.
  • P.M. HENDERSON, M.D., Boston, Mass.
  • REV. J. ALLEN KIRKE, D.D., Boston, Mass.



Has a thorough and systematic course of study, including a complete system of Physical Training and Voice Culture, Natural Rendering, and the principles of the Philosophy of Expression. Scientific and practical work in every department. Chartered by the State.

Address for illustrated catalogue,
Corner Tremont and Berkeley Sts.,
Boston, Mass.
Summer session at Martha’s Vineyard.



The Bonita Cold and Silver Mining Company,
No Assessments. No Stock Holders’ Liabilities.

The Great Mineral Basin it Pitkin covers an area as large as that of Leadville, Aspen and Red Cliff combined. Professor Sadtler, of the Chair of Metallurgy and Mineralogy of the State School of Mines, speaking of this district, says: “This camp, with proper and systematic development, will be made a second Aspen, if not better.”

The output of the Leadville district has been, up to the present time, in value over $200,000,000; that of Red Cliff more than $35,000,000, and that of Aspen, $100,000,000, or more, and the mines of these places show no signs of exhaustion.

What, then, shall we expect of Pitkin and the Quartz Creek District, which has a mineral bearing area as large as these three districts combined, when so far the developments there have proved the mineral deposits to be fully as rich and extensive?

We can come to but one conclusion: Its wealth is limitless, and no more safe or profitable field for investment can be found.

The property of the Bonita Gold and Silver Mining Company consists of three groups, in all nine claims, or a little over ninety acres, located in the most favored portion of this great mineral basin. Special care has been taken in the selecting to cover apexes, timber and water, all of which are of such vital importance in any mining property, and the greater portion of it lies only from one-fourth to three miles away from the railroad and the town of Pitkin, with good, down-hill roads leading from every portion of it, accessible every day in the year.

The ore is high grade, netting from fifty to one thousand dollars per ton, average two hundred and fifty. The Company has undisputed title to the entire property, which is free from any incumbrance [sic] encumbrance, and will be kept so. Any further information will be cheerfully furnished by the

President, MARY E. PHELPS, or MRS. L. K. DANIELS, Secretary.