Volume 1, Number 4



The Woman’s Era.

VOL. 1. NO. 4.



THE WOMAN’S ERA, the organ of the National Federation of Afro-American Women, and devoted to the Interests of the Women’s Clubs, Leagues and Societies throughout the country.

Published monthly, in Boston, by JOSEPHINE ST. P. RUFFIN, FLORIDA R. RIDLEY, Editors and Publishers.


  • Medora W. Gould Leslie Wilmot
  • Marion Ridley Irene DeMortie
  • M. Elizabeth Johnson.


  • Per Annum, – – – – – – – -$1.00
  • Single Copies, – – – – – – – -.10
  • Club Rates, one hundred copies, – 7.00
  • Subscriptions Payable in Advance.


Frances A. Lewis

Mrs. R.E. Moore, President of Woman’s Club, Chicago, was born in Missouri. At an early age she was brought by relatives to Chicago. Having finished the prescribed course of the grammar schools of this city, the same old story was whispered into willing ears and she became Mrs. Richard E. Moore. When a school-girl she was noted for her quiet unassuming manners and sympathetic nature which, as she grew older, became more marked, and has preeminently fitted her for the various positions she has been called upon to occupy. Her husband being one of the most prominent “Masons” in the country, she has taken an active part in the O. E. S.; its high intellectual and moral teachings finding in her a staunch supporter. When Mrs. Frances E. Harper was in Chicago during the “Worlds Fair,” seeing the wide field for work, at her suggestion a meeting of the representative women of the city was called to consider the possibilities of concerted action for influence in elevating and assisting in Race-Work throughout the country, which call was met with universal approval, out of which was evolved the “Woman’s Club of Chicago,” with Mrs. John Jones, Pres., Miss Ida B. Wells, Vice-Pres. Upon Mrs. Jones resigning Miss Wells still continued the meetings, acting as President. Miss Wells being called upon to fill an engagement in England whereupon Mrs. Moore was unanimously Chosen to be acting President until the return of Miss Wells. When Mrs. Moore assumed the Office of President, the “Club” had only a preamble, setting forth a general statement of the purposes of the Club but no rules for government, and as the Club had passed into permanent organization, Mrs. Moore immediately began setting about getting the workings of the Club into a systematic condition; the result was a Constitution and By-laws, also a petition to the State to be incorporated which was granted; the Constitution and by-laws although brief are Concise in their character. On the return of Miss Wells from England Mrs. Moore will resign the Presidency of the Club, but will still continue to assist in any capacity which will be most beneficial. By her sympathies for the oppressed, pride of race, and zeal in work for all that is elevating she has won the lasting admiration of The Woman’s Club of Chicago.


LAWRENCE, Kan. May 21, 1894.

Mrs. S.H. Johnson

This interesting little city is nearly half way between Topeka and the two Kansas Cities, having all the advantages of a suburban town, and has gained for itself the title “Athens of the West.” To be in Lawrence at once means to be in the midst of comforts, pleasure and intelligence. We may truly say that what Boston is to the East, Lawrence is to the West. Being the scene of much bloodshed during the early days of Kansas, the history of Lawrence is really the history of Kansas. It is the seat of the Kansas State University and has it splendid School system, with a high school that prepares pupils for the University. We have very fine churches, –visitors have jocularly remarked that every other house was either a Church or Schoolhouse. While that is not quite true, we can boast of more schools and Churches than is customary for a place so small.

From this fact, one Can see that Club life would be one of the prominent features of social life in this city. For a long time the “Progressive Club”, composed of graduates from High School and University students, was the only club. It meets the first Thursday in every month and is entirely literary in its work; at its meetings light refreshments are served and during this time many of the problems of the time are discussed. Its members are chiefly young people, married and single, male and female. Next follows the “Eureka”–the fortnightly club. It is a social Club; it aims to give its

member’s recreation–an impromptu programme being rendered every other meeting. This club is for married people. “A. V. C.” is our young ladies’ club; and “Sierra Leone” for mothers. These are the outgrowth of the “Progressive.” In all of these clubs women play a conspicuous part. The “Eureka” Club serves refreshments once a month–the last Monday night. After reading the article written on “Social Etiquette” in your Women at Home Department, it might be interesting to other women to know that we members of the “Sierra Leone” felt the need of a social reform in the matter of calls and could see the utter impracticability of persons “dropping in” at any time; we have set aside Thursday afternoon of each week as our receiving day. Each lady then expects calls and is prepared to receive them. Many are the little afternoon teas and luncheons and picnics and dainty breakfasts given in our town–all of which help to make Lawrence a pleasant place to visit.


During Commencement Week all the clubs contribute and have a grand banquet for our High School graduates and visitors.

I have tried to make our sisters acquainted with our social life and will say that Mrs. W. W. Johnson opened the social season June 2 by an entertainment given in honor of her friend, Mrs. C. H. J. Taylor, and her daughter, Mrs. Judge I. T. Bradley–both from Kansas City, Kansas.

Mrs. S.H. JOHNSON, Pres. Sierra Leone Club.


A.E. Tucker

This Union has been organized for about six years, with Mrs. A. Dawley as its president. During all this time our meetings have not been well attended as regularly as they might have been. One of our disadvantages was our inability for quite a while to get an hour and day which would be convenient to all. We are glad to state that we have at last succeeded. We tried some afternoon in the week, and met with comparatively no success. We changed from that to Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. We are gratified with the results of this change. Our meetings are now well attended by both ladies and gentlemen. Our motto is: “For God and home and native land.” We have some one make an address on some temperance topic each Sabbath afternoon and then a general discussion follows, interspersed with good singing. We ha [tape – 6] mittees for practical work [tape – 6] all clases of people. The m [tape – 6] hip fee for ladies is 50 ce [tape – 6] r gentlemen, $1.00. This [tape – 6] the purpose of purchasin [tape – 6] erance literature, etc. We a [tape – 6] ing to lead many, by exam [tape – 6] abstain from liquor in all f [tape – 6] On every hand we see the [tape – 6] n with all its alluremen [tape – 6] gaudy attractions. Is there not, then, work for and need of such an organization? Will you help spread the banner of Temperance?

(Miss) A.E. TUCKER, Secretary.

Ladies’ Auxiliary of the (Colored) Y. M. C. A. of Norfolk, Va.

Rosa L. Jessup

Actuated by a desire to promote the work of the Young Men’s Christian Association, and having been requested to do so by the Board of Directors, a number of earnest, Christian young women met Feb. 7, 1888, and organized the “Ladies’ Auxiliary” of the (Colored) Young Men’s Christian Association of Norfolk, Va.

No member of the Auxiliary is allowed to entertain young men at her home while any important meeting of the Association is being held, or any public entertainment for its benefit is in progress.

This has led many young men to connect themselves with the organization and to materially assist in carrying on the good work.

Literary and social entertainments are given by the Auxiliary every month. These are attended by the young men, who are made to feel that the ladies are interested in them, socially, morally, mentally and spiritually.

Every Christmas a “Children’s Dinner” is given by the Auxiliary, the members of which donate the necessaries, or secure them, and the many little ones, who ordinarily have no Christmas joys, are made glad by the good cheer provided.

The Auxiliary has given to the Young Men’s Christian Association a library Containing five hundred volumes, all within the past two years, and has rendered other assistance of a practical character to the work among the Colored people of this City.

The Auxiliary meets twice each month and at each meeting a Bible reading is given by the general secretary of the Y. M. C. A after which general business is transacted.

The Auxiliary is non-sectarian and thoroughly represents the Christian young women of this city. Its work is noble and elevating and the results attained within the past six years have been highly gratifying to all concerned.

Very truly,

(Miss) ROSA L. JESSUP, President.

Norfolk, Va.

The Women’s Working Club of Berkley, Va., held a six days’ carnival the latter part of May which was successful in every way. Mrs. R. G. L. Paige, president of

the club, using the Women’s Era carnival as it model, carried out the project with enthusiasm and energy. The carnival opened with a reception to the clergy; on Tuesday Mrs. Jarley’s Wax Works were given; Wednesday was devoted to literary exercises and a spelling match; Thursday a necktie and apron party; Friday a promenade; Saturday an auction of the fancy articles on sale was held.


Nothing of the kind has ever been given at Berkley before and its success was instantaneous and complete.

Anything concerning Hampton Institute is always in demand. The following interesting account of the exercises of Commencement Week is written by our correspondent and agent, Mrs. Lottie Davis, wife of Mr. Geo. J. Davis, a teacher at Hampton:

The The Hampton Normal and Arficultural Institute: Public Exercises of the Week befinning May 23, 1894.

Wednesday afternoon the graduating class held their exercises on the piazza of the Mansion House, consisting of class song, addresses by its members, and also an address by Dr. Parkhurst.

The audience, led by the class, marched to our Memorial Chapel, where they adopted a maple tree which grows near it.

At 7.30 P. M. the whole school, officers, teachers and guests, were entertained in gymnasium by the speeches from Trustees and other guests. We were proud to note among the Hon. J. R. Durham of Philadelphia, ex-minister to Hayti, Rev. V. Tunnell, Dean of King Hall, Washington, D. C., and Mr. Tanner, the son of Bishop Tanner. The speeches were all good and very instructive.

Thursday, 24 ; Anniversary day. Inspection of boys in ranks, 8.30 A. M., and regular class exercises in Academic and Science buildings from 9 to 12 A. M. The marching of girls and boys from Academic to Virginia Hall, 12.15 P. M., is always a pleasing sight — girls dressed in their light prints and boys in their dark blue uniforms. All of the Industrial Exhibits, showing products of farm and shop were in the Stone Memorial Building. Luncheon was over at 1 o’clock.

1.30 P. M., students, teachers, officers and guests were seated in gymnasium and heard some original essays and addresses by members of the graduating class, and also from graduates of other years.

Mr. Booker T. Washington, president of Tuskegee Normal School, made a rousing speech.

Mr. Logan, treasurer of the same institution also delivered an able address. An excellent speech was delivered M. Mead of Boston, editor of the New England Magazine. The plantation songs were sung with the usual enthusiasm by the students. The president of the board of trustees, Mr. Ogden made appropriate address to the graduating class and awarded the diplomas. Perfect order prevailed during all the exercises.

The young ladies who graduated in the class were Estelle Pennington, from Baltimore, Md., Bessie Flowers, from Penn., Florence Price, Evelyn Winn, Matilda Taylor, Eliza Baytop, Lizzie Rainey, Edmonia Anderson, Richetta Chappell, Mary Fleming, Kate Mosely, Maggie Crowley, Sallie Anderson and Martha Yung from Virginia, Selina Printop from New York State.

Friday, 25. A conference of graduates and others was held both morning and afternoon to discuss methods by which graduates of Hampton can best promote the welfare of their race. This is a new feature added to the Anniversary Week, and it is hoped that some good will be gleaned from it. The discussion of the forenoon was that of land-buying and farming, and what the percent was of negro landowners, compared with his white brother. It was discussed very intelligently.

Saturday evening, May 26. A very pretty May-party was given by the Whittier School children in the gymnasium under the management of Miss Laura Miller, Miss, Mary A. Tucker, Miss Marie Louise Burgese, and Mrs. Geo. J. Davis.

The children acted their parts well and quite a little sum was realized.


Ida B. Wells

Motto: Help to make the World Better.

The closing meetings of the Boston Woman’s Ear Club have been full of interest: among other things the club undertook to investigate the case of the colored girl said to have been held in slavery in Boston for four years. The report of the case will be found in another column.

At the meeting held on the 30th of may a large number of leading men were invited to a conference with the club. Among those who responded were lawyers Walker, Wilson, Morgan and Plummer. Mr. Emory Morris, Chas. Alexander, Dr. Callaway and Representative Teamoh. It was hoped to bring out the clergy, but not one responded. The conference considered the matter of lynching and what practical steps might be taken in the work against it. Many good suggestions were made and at last a committee composed of Messrs. Morris, Morgan and Wil-

son, Miss Gardner, Mrs. Agnes Adams and the Secretaries of the club was formed to consider the matter.


Below is an extract from a letter received from Miss Wells, and which was written on receipt of the open letter to Mrs. Chant:


May 30, 1894.

Dear Mrs. Ridley,–

Your open letter just reached me. Thank you a thousand times for so strengthening my hands for it is the first word of support which has come to me from across the Atlantic from my own race and it helps the cause so much. It is especially needed because Mrs. Chant has chosen to ignore me and the movement ever since she has been proven wrong. I called twice at her house here in London to convince her of the great need of her help, but she was out, and her daughter couldn’t tell when at any time she would be in. Then I left my card and address asking that she would send me word when I could see her. That was more than three weeks ago. She has utterly ignored the whole matter. I shall have this published in the Inquirer, the Unitarian paper, and it will reach many. Also others as it may occur to me.

I wish I had time to write a long letter, but I must stop now if I wish this to go out in the mail which goes to America tomorrow.

I have received both copies of the WOMAN’S ERA and would have written something for you before now, but I have simply not had time. I never was so hard worked in my life.

I am so glad of the opportunity to tell the story that I have spoken, wrote and been interviewed incessantly until I have overtasked my strength. For the past three days, I have had to succumb and take absolute rest by the orders of a great London doctor. I am the guest of the wife of the great London Daily News, and have no words to express their care of me. I speak tonight and shall be in London ten days longer. I have already been here five weeks, then I spend the month of June at other places, hoping to sail July 1. If I can spare a moment between now and then I shall be glad to send to the WOMAN’S ERA. Meanwhile if you wish to write, please address me at the following place.

Yours lovingly

IDA B. WELLS, 53 Bedford St., N. Liverpool.


Mrs. Hannah Smith

Mrs. Matthews of the Woman’s Loyal Union of New York and Brooklyn has sent a circular to the leading newspapers and men of the south inquiring into the condition and prospects of the people; the circular is comprehensive and pointed. Its design is to gather from the most reliable sources facts as to the mental, moral and financial position of our people, their relation to their white neighbors, and conclusion as to their probable future, and the possibility of forming Loyal Union among the women. The circular is an intelligent step in the right direction’ the Loyal Union evidently intends gaining a clear understanding of the situation, and without doubt that is the way to undertake any broad work.

At, the meeting of the Massachusetts State Federation of Clubs held at Marlboro, Mass., June 7, the Woman’s Era Club was admitted to membership.

The warm weather makes active club work out of the question; most large clubs will take a vacation. The prospects for a profitable winters work for our clubs are great. Everywhere our women are feeling fresh inspiration for organized work, not only is this true of the clubs already formed, but many new organizations are being formed.

Many letters of inquiry have been received inquiring into the methods of forming leagues. The published reports upon the leagues are the best answers that can be given.

A committee composed of the Secretaries of the Woman’s Era Club together with Miss Eliza Gardner, Mrs. Agnes Adams and Messrs. Wilson, Morgan and Morris met at Miss Eliza Gardner’s, 20 N. Anderson Street, on Monday evening, June 18, to devise ways and means with which to arouse public sentiment in regards to the lynching of the colored people. The men and women of Boston have long deplored the condition of things in the south and elsewhere, and feel that something ought to be done at the very earliest opportunity. After much discussion the committee organized with Mr. Butler R. Wilson as Chairman and Mrs. Hannah Smith as Secretary. The Chairman then laid out a very effective plan of the work to be done which was accepted by the committee, which committee was augmented by the addition of the names, Mrs. Ariana Sparrow, Mrs. Mary Howard. The Chairman then appointed the sub-committees which resulted in the following:–

Committee on Resolutions

Mr. Clement Morgan, Mr. Emory Morris, Miss Eliza Gardner.

Committee to communicate with the Clergy–Mrs. U.A. Ridley, Miss E. Gardner, Mrs. Agnes Adams.

Committee on Petition– Mr. B.R. Wilson, Chairman, Mr. C. Morgan, Mr. Emory Morris, Mrs. Agnes Adams, Mrs. Mary Howard, Miss Lizzie Stewart, Miss Eva

Lewis, Miss Eliza Gardner, Mrs. U.A. Ridley, Mrs. Hannah Smith, Mrs. Ariana Sparrow.


Committee on Pastors and Placards-Mrs. Agnes Adams, Mrs. Mary Howard, 32 Monroe Street, Highlands; Mr. Emory Morris, Market Street, Cambridge, Mass.; Miss Lizzie Stewart, 37 Buckingham Street.

Press Committee–Mrs. U.A. Ridley, Miss Eva Lewis, Mrs. Ariana Sparrow, Mr. Clement Morgan.

Committee on Newspaper Comments and Accounts and on Statistics–Miss Eva Lewis, Mrs. Mary Howard, Mr. C. Morgan, Mr. Emory Morris, Miss Eliza Gardner, Mr. A.C. Sparrow.

Committee at Large–Mrs. J. St. P. Ruffin, President Woman’s Era Club.

The Committee adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman.

MRS. HANNA SMITH, Secretary.



As usual in New England the closing days of May and the whole month of June have been filled with profit and pleasure for workers in all fields of human progress. Closing meetings with social attachments have followed each other in quick succession, and kept the average society woman on the hop skip and jump to keep up with the procession of hall banquets, literary high teas, charity receptions and garden parties with feasting, music and dancing, and of course yearly reports and literary papers thrown in to hold down the balance and keep the New England women from becoming too frivolous, and so casting reproach upon her severe and sober ancestry. This year the woman suffragists led with their annual reunion and banquet in Music Hall; six hundred men and women sat at the supper tables and afterwards listened to some of the best and brightest speeches and music ever given at this always bright festival; and through it all the spirit of the pioneer, Lucy Stone, pervaded and incited the large gathering to greater enthushism than ever for the cause she loved.

Moral Education Association.

Then followed the feast of reason only of the M. E. A. This annual is always held in the morning and lives in the memory as fragrant of spring blooms–brought by the members–and cultured and helpful words said by the speakers. The opening address this year by the president, Mrs. Abba Goold Woolson, was a literary high feast, and proved that the most delicate subjects may be so skilfully handled as to be both pleasureable and profitable to listen to. The objects of this society are to endeavor to educate the moral sense of the community; to disseminate a knowledge of the laws that should govern human life in all its relations; and, when occasion demands, to ask of legislative and executive bodies the enactment of such statutes as are needful and the enforcement of such as exist, for the prevention of social vice, and the promotion of social purity.

N.E. Woman’s Club.

The closing meetings of this, the mother of all woman’s clubs with its reports of committees, felicitous speakers, and closing luncheon at the Vendome Hotel, would make an interesting volume of reading, as will be believed when it is remembered that Julia Ward Howe is president of the club, and nearly all the brightest and best in New England are members.

Then after the Charity Club with its two hundred and fifty members, the Woman’s Industrial Union, the Young Woman’s Christian Association and that convention of the clubs with the largest possibilities of them all, known as the Working Girls Clubs had met, reported on the past and promised for the future, the busy season was fitly sounded out by the meeting of the State Federation of Clubs at Marlboro, Mass., on June 20th, and the garden party of the New England Woman’s Press Association on Wednesday, June 20th, of which the “Post” woman thus filicitously [sic] felicitously writes:

“The New England Women’s Press Association had its annual outing yesterday.

Miss Alice Stone Blackwell was hostess, and her beautiful home at Pope’s Hill, with its breezy views, broad paizzas [sic] piazzas, green lawns and shady gardens, was thrown open to the members, of the association.

It is only once a year that the newspaper women eschew the monthly literary meeting at Parker’s and the intellectual pabulum thereof, to hold a “field day” somewhere out of the dusty city and the daily grind, where the programme consists chiefly of “loafing and inviting one’s soul.”

This year Miss Blackwell extended the invitation to the association, and upward of fifty guests spent a delightful afternoon in the fine old colonial mansion, whose every room holds tender memories of the beloved woman and dear housemother, Lucy Stone.

Guests of honor were M. Ohannes Chatschumian of the University of Leipsic, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Gregg, and unlike the poor boy who peeped at the festivities of the rich and decided that there were good times in this world and he was not in it, we peeped at it all and were a part of most of it.


Birmingham, Ala.

A convention of colored women’s clubs and leagues would be in my judgment one of the greatest movements of the race. The great idea is that of unity–the lack of which is so marked among us. We know so little of one another, a convention would be a broad avenue by which we could learn more. We would be enabled to exchange thoughts, sympathy, gain helps and hints, learn where our work is most needed, in short, such a meeting would benefit us a thousand-fold.

Where there is union, success is insured. It is the basis of society and has ever been. Organization is not advocated enough; it should be our watchword. Women’s clubs, whose purpose is to better the condition of the race morally, intellectually and socially, should be established in every state in the Union. You have but to introduce the work and the inspiration is caught at once. Here in our city there are many noble workers ready to enter the field at once, when a fortnight ago they were ignorant of the fact that such a field lay before them. I admire the purpose of these clubs, protection for our women is so much needed, especially for the yournger ones everywhere, but particularly in the south. There are hundreds of germs that might develop into virtuous and noble womanhood that are crushed and buried in ignorance and degradation for the want of a little encouragement, a kind word, one ray of hope. Here in the southland hopes have so long proved vain that the natural result is despair. Here in the southland, in the midst of dire oppression, is a large field for labor, and I appeal to the several clubs already formed to lose no time in spreading this work throughout the south. In case you know no one you might introduce it among the female students of some college. You have but to manifest a heartfelt interest to succeed and there is no better way than to call a woman’s national convention.

This convention movement is the greatest in the history of the race. In the history of all nations women have played a prominent part, and the time has arrived for the daughters of Ethiopia to fall into line.

One of the main objects of the convention should be to create sentiment against mob violence, and to recommend bills before the legislatures of the several states where it is indulged in. Such bills as Hon. H.C. Smith introduced before the Ohio legislature. Especial attention should be given to minor evils that tend in any way to retard the progress of the race. I suggest that the convention be held at Boston. It is the most appropriate place in my judgment, and aside from its excellent accommodations there are many places of historic note that would afford entertainment no other city could furnish, and although Boston is by no means the central city there is but little difference in the rates, as a passenger getting a season ticket south can go to Boston at nearly the same rates as to Chicago. I hope that such a movement will not be thwarted, but that the month of August, 1894, will ever stand out in history as one of the grandest and noblest in the last quarter of a century, and the promoters of the convention movement should never be forgotten.

Yours for the convention,



Splendid Premium Offers.

By special arrangement with the Boston Training School of Music, the Woman’s Era is enabled to offer the following splendid premiums which offer we venture to say is unprecedented.


READ. To the one who obtains the largest number of subscribers, over one hundred, within the next six mouths we will give one year’s tuition either in voice, violin, piano or harmony and counterpoint at the above-named school.


For the second highest number of subscribers in the next six months we will offer a term at the Martha’s Vineyard Summer Institute for the summer of ’94 with Instructions either in music, art, literature, elocution, oratory or shorthand and type-writing.


For the three children over nine years of age, first obtaining fifty subscribers for us, a years instruction on piano. This is for beginners.


To all contestants failing to gain the premiums we will give a commission of twenty-five per cent.

The Boston Training School of Music makes a specialty of the training of teachers of music, it is a school of the highest grade and for these reasons and because this school has made no distinction on account of race, the management of this paper has selected it for its premium offer. The number of young people who come to Boston for a musical education increases yearly; through these premiums it is hoped to give a helping hand to worthy aspirants.

A course in piano, voice, violin, theory or harmony and counter point at the finest school of its kind in the country.

For further particulars address the Woman’s Era, St. Augustine’s Trade Schools, North Grove Street, Boston, Mass.


Lamperti Method.
103 Charles Street.



The WOMAN’S ERA, as the organ of the colored women’s clubs, has a large circulation in many of the large cities, notably Boston, New Bedford, Providence, New York, Chicago, Washington and Kansas City.

The Literary, Musical, and Domestic Departments are under the control of competent writers and critics.

With its large circulation among women, and particularly among women of the refined and educated classes, it offers peculiar advantages to advertisers of household articles, wearing apparel, books, magazines, musical instruments, and so forth.

Its rates are exceedingly liberal.

Try it, and you will not regret it.


All the World Loves a Lover.

These June days seem to be given over to marrying and giving in marriage; roses and weddings are alike running riot, and club women as well as other women are in their element. Decorations and gowns are given first thought and the “world’s problems” for the present are religated [sic] relegated to the rear. THE WOMAN’S ERA can but join the procession. Cupid is king for the nonce and we all do him homage.

The Charge Disproved.

In ten years (1882-1891) eight hundred negroes were lynched in the southern states. If the claim of the southern people and their northern apologizers is true that the lynchings at the south are because negroes are given to assaults upon women, then the eight hundred instances of lynching must have been because of this crime. What is the fact?

  • 269 were charged with rape.
  • 253 ” ” ” murder.
  • 44 ” ” ” robbery.
  • 37 were charged with incendiarism.
  • 4 ” ” ” burglary.
  • 27 ” ” ” race prejudice.
  • 13 were charged with quarreling with white men.
  • 10 were charged with making threats.
  • 7 were charged with rioting.
  • 5 ” ” ” miscegenation.
  • 21 ” ” ” no reason given

By this table published in the Chicago Tribune, January, 1892, it will be seen that only three more than one third of the persons lynched were even charged with this crime, behind which southern murderers and their northern apologists shield themselves.

Governor Stone of Mississippi attempts to excuse the south by attacking the character of the one woman, Ida B. Wells, driven from the south by the lynchers who is arousing the indignation of the old world against wholesale murder in the United States. Gov. Stone is a coward. He attacks a woman in her absence. He is a party to the murder of negroes in his state because he makes no attempt to punish the murderers. These figures support the claim of Miss Wells that no excuse exists for murder by lynching, and they condemn the south where this murder is done and demonstrate the falsity of the charge against the negroes of the south, and convict their slanderers of a crime against a race almost as wicked and horrible as their slanderous charge.

A Safe Voyage and Quick Return.

The hearty good wishes of the people of West End of Boston will attend the Rev. C. N. Field, rector of St. John’s Church and St. Augustine Church, in his voyage across the Atlantic. He will be greatly missed and his return will be anxiously watched for. Several years ago he came to Boston but slightly known, at a time when a crisis hung over the field to which he came and when he was indifferently received. Today he is welcomed in every work of charity. No movement in the interest of the poor goes without his earnest and active support. The rum shop recognizes in him a never tiring, intelligent and forceful opponent. His plan is to make people better by making them more intelligent and by giving them healthy occupation, innocent amusement, and by opening to them all means of education. and the people have been quick to recognize his services in securing from landlords leaner, warmer and healthier tenements for the poor. They have appreciated his efforts to secure in congested districts of the city branches of the public library. At the West and North Ends of the city he is know as the friend of the children, the poor and the sick, and they will miss him most.

His public spirit, fearless advocacy of the right and his ability to unite all classes of men in his work made him a great and successful power. It would be difficult to fill his place, and it would be a long, long time before the people for whom he has labored day and night, would become reconciled to his absence.

Miss Willard in Boston.

Miss Frances Willard has made a short visit to Boston. A reception by representative people was tendered her at the Vendome. Miss Willard has placed herself on the list of apologists for lynching;

a marked copy of this paper containing the article on Apologists for Lynching was sent to Miss Willard, and we would suggest to any one who has the report of Mr. Douglass lecture on Lessons of the Hour with the pertinent remarks on Miss Willard’s course that they kindly furnish her with a copy. It is well to give due recognition to Miss Willard’s splendid work for temperance; it is also well that she should understand that there are several million women in this country who are bitterly disappointed in her.



The true story of the so-called “Slavery in Boston” case is crowded out of this issue of ERA. The full account of that case which so stirred up Boston a short time ago will be given in our next. Also some reports of the needs and condition of the, Sea Island sufferers, and a full account of the work of Miss Wells in England and Scotland by herself.



June weddings have been unusually numerous; none among them have attracted more interest and attention than that of Miss Mary Evans, of Washington, D. C., and Butler R. Wilson Esq., of Boston, which took place Wednesday, June 27, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Murray, the home of the bride’s mother.

The beautiful home on S St., Washington, is almost an ideal place for a home wedding. Its artistic interior, with the rich frescoing and tiling and stained lass effects, needed little decoration to bring out their beauty. Miss Evans who, with her tall, slender figure, dark complexion and rich, black hair is always spoken of as a “particularly striking-looking girl,” looked a picture in her white bengaline gown; she was attended by two bridesmaids, Miss Marion Shadd and Miss Elizabeth Cook, both of Washington, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Francis J. Grinke. The large number of guests present included almost all the representative people of Washington–the Bruces, Shadds, Purvises, Frasers, Cooks, etc., etc., etc. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left immediately for New York and Newport; at the latter place they will be the guests of the Smith’s at their delightful home on Mary St.

Mrs. Wilson, as Miss Evans, was one of the leading girls of Washington. After graduating from Oberlin College she was appointed superintendent of physical culture in the Washington public schools. Miss Evans entered upon her profession with enthusiasm, spending her vacations in well-known schools in New England; she is an accomplished musician, and Boston society congratulates itself upon this acquisition to its ranks.

Mr. Wilson is not a native Bostonian, he was born in Georgia, and after graduating from Atlanta University came to Boston, when a boy of about twenty, to study law. He entered Boston University, graduated in the well-remembered year when “Bob” Terrell took his degree it Harvard, and Miss Consuelo Clark left the Boston University Medical School with first honors. Mr. Wilson entered the law-office of Judge Ruffin, and after the latter’s death was associated with his son H. S. Ruffin; he at once entered, and has done faithful, intelligent service for the Republican party as a ready, interesting speaker. Mr. Wilson has recently been appointed by Gov. Greenhalge Commissioner of Emigration and Pauperism.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have been closely identified with the WOMAN’S ERA–Mrs. Wilson, as Miss Evans, as the author of the “Health and Beauty” papers and Mr. Wilson as an editorial contributor.


The greatest social event of of [sic] years in Fall River was the marriage of Miss Julia Jackson of that city to R. T. Teamoh of Boston, member of the House of Representatives. The bride who is well known in this vicinity for graceful and refined manners, as well as her prepossessing face was attended by her sister Miss Annie Jackson as bridesmaid; Mr. W. P. Hare went down from Boston to officiate as best man, also did Messrs E. S. Glover and N. Appo Johnson who acted as ushers.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. Hascall of the First Baptist Church of Fall River, who read the services from a white and gold book which also contained the marriage certificate and which was afterwards presented to the bride. A large reception followed the services during which Mr. and Mrs. Teamoh left on their wedding trip which will be spent among friends in Rhode Island, Connecticut and Long Island, N.Y.

Mr. and -Mrs. Teamoh will be -it home at 65 West Cedar Street, Boston, Sunday, July 15.


Miss Isadora Christiana Church of Chelsea was married to Mr. Edwin Butler Freeman of Hartford, on Monday, June l8th noon, in St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Chelsea. The natural beauty of the bride was enhanced by the simple bridal robe of white with tulle and orange blossoms. Congratulations were

offered, and a fine collation served at the home of the bride after the services, to which the entire church party returned. Late in the afternoon the couple left for their new home in Hartford, Conn.



Mrs. J. R. Lynch, of Washington, accompanied by her daughter Alice, has sailed for Europe. It is Mrs. Lynch’s intention to make a permanent home abroad. The proscriptions, hindrances and lack of opportunity which surround the colored people of this country have always been particularly trying to Mrs. Lynch, who is a woman of great Spirit, fine mind and wide culture. For the present she will place her daughter in a pension, and will herself begin a course of study in one of the German Universities.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cook (Miss Abele, of Philadelphia) have left for Scotland on their wedding tour.

Mrs. Foster, of Cambridge, projected and carried out a very successful reception and tea for the benefit, of St. Monica’s Home. It was held at Odd Fellow’s Hall, Cambridgeport, the afternoon and evening of June 17. The hall is a perfect one for dancing, and because of its lofty ceiling and large windows was very comfortable, even on that intensely hot day. The arrangements were perfect; glasses of delicious Russian tea were served with crackers by girls of the “smart” set in summer dress. Miss Baldwin, of the receiving party, carried a beautiful basket of roses. The music was good, the crowd large, and it is hoped a goodly sum was realized for the charity.

Among the graduates of the Boston University this year was one representative of the race, Mr. Edgar P. Benjamin from the law department. Mr. Benjamin, who received the degree of LL.B., attained such a high standard in his studies that he was awarded the honor of “Cum laude,” being the first colored young man who ever received it from the Boston University. Mr. Benjamin is a Boston young man. He graduated from the Sherwin Grammar School at the head of a class of fifty, next entered the English High School, where he won several prizes; after graduating from there and taking an advanced course he entered the University, where he has won scholarships each year.

With such a record we believe that his success in his future legal career is assured, and he has the well wishes of all his friends.

R.H. Terrell, Esq. of Washington came to town on the 21st of June for a week’s stay and participation in the Harvard Commencement festivities. This is the tenth anniversary of Mr. Terrell’s graduation, and he enjoyed it to the full.

The Grant-Bailey wedding was a morning one and the costumes corresponded to the time of day. Miss Grant wore it very pretty and appropriate gown of white swivel silk trimmed with lavender moire; with this she wore a large white hat.

Mr. J.H. Lewis’ eldest son Harry was one of this year’s grammar school graduates.

Miss Nannie Morse has returned home for the summer from boarding-school.

One of the “swell ” weddings of the month was that or Dr. J. Francis Smith, of Brooklyn, and Miss Annie Collins, of Germantown, Pa.

Mr. Estev Mars officiated as best man and Misses Helen Stevens and Kate Smith as bridesmaids; the ushers were Messrs. Jas. T. Bradford, Jr., Frank Downing and Chas. Moore.

The wedding took place at the elegant home of Mr. John S. Trower the uncle of the bride, which was profusely decorated with flowers.

The bride’s gown was of white watered silk, and the maids were dressed in pink china silk.

A large number of society people of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington were present. After the marriage Dr. and Mrs. Smith left on a wedding tour the destination of which is of course, a secret.

It is rumored that a large charity ball will be given during the season at Newport.

Miss Turner, of Washington, has returned to Boston again this season to study.

R.G.L. Paige, Esq., of Norfolk, is paying an extended visit to New England.

The engagement of that very popular young lady, Miss Lulu Messer, of Washington, to Mr. Frank Davis, of the same city has been announced. The wedding will take place in July.

Miss Ella Smith, of Newport is entertaining a large and delightful house-party.

Mrs. R.P. Ransom went on to the Warwick-Smith wedding and had quite an adventure. She was on the Plymouth when it ran ashore on Long Island coast; however, the train which came to the relief of the passengers carried her to her destination in time.

Miss Dora Cole, of Philadelphia, is a bicyclist. Recently she had quite a severe fall from which she is now recovering, however.

Mr. Samuel Jameson is summering in a most charming retreat at Duxbury.

Dr. Stewart, (Miss Consuelo Clark) of Youngstown, Ohio, although married is still practicing her profession. Her husband is a successful lawyer.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Toomer (Miss Nina Pinchback) have set up their menage in the house formerly occupied by the Pinchbacks.

Mr. Wm. Potter, of, Philadelphia, has been seriously sick with blood-poisoning caused by a wound inflicted with a lobster claw.

Never has such a feast of weddings been known. Boston, New York, Philadelphia seem to be trying to outdo one another, but Boston bears the distinction of having three prominent men married on the same day.

And still there are rumors of more to come. From Philadelphia we hear that Miss Blanche Warwick will soon follow her brother’s lead and will marry Dr. Benj. Sayres early in the fall.

The engagement of Miss Theodora Lee, of Chicago, to Mr. Wm. Purnell, of Washington, is also announced.

Mr. J.H. Lewis and family have left for the south. Miss Sarah Peake, Mrs. Lewis’ sister, will be married in August and preparations are being made at Hampton for a big wedding in the old time lavish style.

Mrs. Lewis will stop on her way at Philadelphia and Washington, where she will introduce her young sister, Miss Gertrude Peake, who is just out.

Mr. Milton Brown graduated from the Harvard Medical school on the 27th. Dr. Brown will be stationed at the Emergency Hospital for the summer months.

Miss Florence Johnson, who has been a student at the Conservatory this winter, will go home to Brooklyn for her summer vacation July 5.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Dupree have purchased a house on Cottage St., Roxbury, into which they will shortly move.

Miss Hattie Dabney left for her home in Richmohd [sic] Richmond, Virginia, on June 8.

The youngest son and latest addition to the family of Mr. and Mrs. George Dickey, of Washington, has been named Wormley Stevens Dickey, Mrs. Andrew F. Stevens standing for him as godmother.

Mr. Harry E. Spencer, of Wilmington, has just had M. C. added by the University of, Penn. to the B. S. already attached to his name.

Miss Ella Smith, of Newport, was in Boston the early part of July on her annual New England trip. New scenes and triumphs do not seem to efface the memory of her college days, and Miss Smith returns every year to do living homage to her Alma Mater.

Miss Eva Lewis spent the 18th in Portland, Me.

The Monday Club, an organization of young men in Wilimington, boasts that there is not a paper published by our race that is not found on their tables. We do not think that the WOMAN’S ERA has found its way there yet, but, being men of unusual intelligence we are sure that they will appreciate a good thing when they see it and send us their subscription for it shortly.

The colored normal school, of Richmond Va., closed June 15 with thirty graduates.

Miss Lucy Moten has just finished her first year in the medical department of Howard University.

Mr. and Mrs. U.A. Ridley have gone to Newport to visit Miss Smith and meet Mr. and Mrs. Wilson.

Miss Lillian Lewis is still on the sick list; her illness is still serious and her friends anxious.


The marriage of Dr. George F. Grant to Fannie Bailey on the Wednesday the 27th of June was an event of great social interest, because of the popularity of the bride and the wide reputation of the bridegroom. The wedding was very quiet, occurring at the home of the bride’s mother on Walden St., No. Cambridge, the only guests being the immediate members of the family. The bride wore her travelling dress–a handsome English covert cloth suit. It was a morning wedding, Dr. and Mrs. Grant starting upon their wedding tour immediately after the ceremony. Their destination is at present a secret, but they will spend most of the summer travelling, and their handsome residence on Charles St. will not be open to friends until the fall.

Mrs. Grant is the only sister of Mr. Henry Bailey, a Harvard graduate and principal of the Washington High School. As Miss Bailey she had a large acquaintance and because of her brightness and amiability was one of the “popular” girls.

Dr. Grant is one of the best known dentists of the U. S. After his graduation from Harvard he was for many years an instructor of the Dental School; his specialty

is mechanical dentistry, and he has made himself famous by his invention of an artificial palate. He is a member and frequent lecturer of the principal societies, and at one time went to Dublin to read a paper before a convention of dentists. This is his second marriage; his first wife and the mother of his two daughters was Miss Georgiana Smith, daughter of John J. Smith. The first Mrs. Grant died a few years ago.



Nancy Prince



The death of Mrs. L. L. Lenox, wife of Mr. John M. Lenox, removes another branch of one of the oldest colored families in New England. Her grandfather, Prince Ames, was a soldier in the 27th regiment of Penn., Washington’s army, and served from Bunker Hill to the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, and on one occasion was personally commended by Washington himself, who was trying the faithfulness of the guard for true soldierly conduct. His widow, whom many now living will remember, drew a pension till her death, which took place at Jamaica Plain in 1864, at the advanced age of ninety-seven. Mrs. Lenox’s father, John T. Hilton, was born in Pennsylvania, but came to Boston at the age of seventeen, and until his death, in 1864, was one of the most prominent colored men in the country. In the early days of the antislavery movement he was called Mr. Garrison’s right hand man by the colored people, and was afterwards, 1854, vice-president of the antislavery society. Her mother, who died in Cambridge, November 2, 1882, was a member of the female antislavery society; both being members of the African Baptist Church, Belknap (now Joy) St., where she (Mrs. Lenox) was at one time a member of the choir. Mrs. Lenox obtained her education partly at the Exclusive School on Belknap St. and at the Alumni Grammar School in Cambridge, and was esteemed by the committee as one of the two best readers in the Cambridge schools at that time. After her graduation she obtained a situation in a daguerrotype case-making establishment in Boston, where she was employed for several years. She was always one of the most active in every measure in which she was connected for the improvement of her people condition. Whe was among the young ladies that was always ready to co-operate with the Young Men’s Literary society on occasions when their assistance was solicited, as it often was. (For this society not only did much to foster mental culture and improvement among the colored people of Boston and vicinity, but was also practical in many ways). She was also often seen going around carrying a number of bills given her by her father to be placed in special places, having the heading, so familiar to our people in those days, ” To the Rescue! ——- Fugitives, about to be arrested,” sent forth by order of the vigilant committee when some brave fellows, who had succeeded in making their escape from slavery, seemed in danger of apprehension and arrest. Many, now living, will remember her presiding at the tables of the antislavery fairs, and how much her cheerful ways contributed to enliven those occasions. She also was a member of the “Fourier Club”, a society consisting of both white and colored persons, find was very influential in alleviating the conditions of the colored people.

Mrs. Lenox, after her marriage, was for many years a resident of Waltham, Mass, where she was always characterized by her devotion to her down-trodden people, and never ceased to speak or act in their behalf, when opportunity presented itself. It was through her personal influence and recommendation that that author and philanthropist, Nancy Prince, was introduced and became popular with the people of that town and the places adjacent; and the lectures she delivered from time to time in the former place may still be remembered by some of the older residents. Many an one in the old days gave testimony to the light they received from that entertaining speaker by her rehersal [sic] rehearsal of her experience and labors in Russia and West India, for Mrs. Lenox was among the first of the many colored workers to embark for the W. I. after emancipation, where her labors with others that went from the U. S. were of great service, and her co-operation in antislavery work and in special works of philanthropy. It may not be known to many that Mrs. Prince was the founder of the first orphan asylum for colored children in New England and was its firs matron. Her book, “Life of Nancy Prince,” published in 1849, may still be found in the houses of many of the old residents of Boston, as well as other places all over Massachusetts.

Mrs. Lenox was highly esteemed in Waltham, where she and her husband did much to dispel prejudice in that place, and to increase the antislavery sentiment there existing. She was also noted for her charitable disposition and her many acts in this direction will be remembered by not a few. Mrs. Lenox never forgot the lessons of Christianity, which were early inculcated in her by noble, high- minded parents.


Mary P. Evans

Paper No.3,

The German system of gymnastics, almost a century old and built up by men of great culture and experience,–physicians, physiologists, and pedagogues–embraces exercises with apparatus, calisthenics, outdoor sports, such a jumping, running, leaping, throwing the weight, wards, dumb bells and clubs and military gymnastics. In this system specialism is discouraged. the aim is general physical culture. Another feature is class work, which produces endless pleasure and refreshment of mind, and to secure this result the instruction begins with the simple and works up to the more complicated movements.

The Swedish or Ling system of gymnastics is founded upon the laws of nature and the human organism, and the exercises are selected only when proved to be needed by the body. It aims to correct faulty growth and bad posture. This system starts with the functions of the heart and lungs, as the fundamental functions, with the welfare of all the other functions dependent upon them. Starting with the heart and lungs right, the progress is steady and systematic.

Perhaps the best system to be pursued is a combination of the Ling and German systems under careful supervision of experienced instructors. In these two systems and the outdoor games and exercises in the reach of most of us may be found the means of bringing the body into harmony with the will, of attaining the grace of body, the growth of muscle,–the proportion so often lost sight of–the health of body and brain, and the dexterity of limbs and control of nerves of such inestimable value.

Faithful, earnest and painstaking physical exercise, such as has been indicated under intelligent direction, rewards the girl who keeps it up with health, youth and beauty. It keeps the body in the best condition for throwing off disease. It enables you to keep in the best condition for work with the hands or with the brain. It is a wholesome and powerful preventive of morbid, sickly and injurious brooding and thinking. It helps you to see things, to know people, and to judge them in a broad instead of a narrow spirit. It prepares you to meet disappointment, sorrow, ill treatment and great suffering as the strong, courageous and splendid woman meets them. It is a great aid to clear, quick and right thinking.

Physical beauty, strength, health and youth are priceless treasures, but they cannot take the place of mind and heart. The physically perfect woman is not full grown unless heart and mind have been also developed, trained and refined. Indeed, one aids the other, and neither can be fully developed without the other. “An open heart, and an honsst [sic] honest mind are as essential to youth and health as breathing is.” The face, the eyes, the mouth reflect the sentiments, the thought of heart and mind. The mind and heart that feed on diseased ideas, that live in impurity instead of in the fresh, inspiring, healthy atmosphere of right living and right acting, will take from the face all refinement, all beauty, and mark it with hard lines.


England is enjoying a monopoly on the novelists of the hour and is taking great pride in furnishing America with its fiction, as most of the books that have attracted universal attention in this country lately have been written by English authors.

No one is more fit to head the list of the popular English writers of the present day than is Thomas N. Hardy, who has been enjoying a reputation for years and has received the enthusiastic support of the best of the literary people of England. Of his books “Tess” in which lie depicts the recuperative power of a fallen woman, has been most widely discussed. He says that he takes his characters from the lower classes because he finds in them more sentiment and romance.

Walter Besant also depicts the lower classes.– His characters in “All Sorts and Conditions of Men” are from studies carefully made by him while wandering through the slums of London. This book was written for a purpose and, strange to say, accomplished it. In it he showed that in all London there was not a place where a respectable poor man could go for recreation; and from the discussion which it caused, Queen Victoria opened the People’s Palace, a great, hall where the poorest may find the best and purest amusement.

An adventurer who was able to turn his adventures into literature, and his literature into fame and money is H. Rider Haggard. And all before he had reached his thirty-fifth year! His first book was a failure, his second brought him fifty dollars; but from “She” he realized fifty thousand. He is now living quietly in a beautiful home with his wife and children and is the lion of all London.

Rudyard Kipling, who is now making his home in Vermont, is said to have brought India nearer to England than did the Suez Canal.

He has written nothing of New England worthy of his genius, but he says that he has a hundred stories of India unwritten.


Another adventurer who can send his imagination back into history and forward into the unknown, and who call chill the blood of and send horror to the heart of his readers is Robert Louis Stevenson. “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”and “David Balfour” are good examples of his style, but possibly his best is yet to come. He is now in Samoa.

Clarke Russell writes spirited tales of adventure of which he was himself a part. His tales are of the sea, treating of storm rather than sunshine. “The Wreck of the Grosvenor” is the most popular in this country.

Grant Allen, born in Canada, educated at Oxford, widely known as it writer on botany and physiology, and as exponent of the Darwinian Theory, made his first debut as a novelist, in “Strange Stories.” Since then he has continued to write novels which deal with odd phases of life.

Conan Doyle is a London physician who is so entertaining as a writer that he is no longer allowed to heal the sick. His first success “Micah Clark,” and his latest “The Refugees;” but the most popular of all his books are those on “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.” These are wonderfully clever detective stories, and the original of “Sherlock Holmes” is a doctor in Edinburgh, a former instructor of Dr. Doyle. So clamorous had the public become for more of the adventures, that the author was oblige [sic] obliged to kill his hero, and profitting [sic] profiting by the example of Bret Harte and Rider Haggard, refuses to resuscitate him.

Jas. Matthew Barrie is a Scotchman, a graduate of Edinburgh University, but who now makes his home in London. He is something of a humorist, and has lately been writing plays. “A Little Minister” and “A Window in Thrums” are his most popular books.

The most widely read and widely discussed novel upon religion is “Robert Elsmere” by Mrs. Humphrey Ward, on whom it is conceded that George Eliot’s mantle has fallen. Her next book was “The History of David Grieve,” which was read and discussed still more widely. Her latest novel is “Marcella”, which is published in two volumes in this country, and in England three. It is selling well, but is not being talked about to any great extent.

Madame Sarah Grand, the author of “The Heavenly Twins” was born in Ireland of English parentage. She was married at sixteen and became the step-mother of two boys. She is said to be a very womanly woman, although she holds her opinions with a man-like firmness. She believes in absolute equality between husband and wife, and believes in the emancipation of woman from shallowness and ignorance, but not from domesticity. “The Heavenly Twins” is better liked in America than in England, though it is widely read in both countries.

William E. Norris, the author of “Matrimony,” “No New Thing” and other well-known novels writes a sort of story that introduces his readers to good company. He lives in a beautiful country home supplied with everything that makes life delightful, and spends three hours of each day writing.

William Black is an author who excels in the description of natural scenery, but whose stories have nearly all a tragic ending, and leave an impression of sadness on the mind. “The Princess of Thule” and “Macleod of Dare” are romances of the Hebrides Islands.

Miss Beatrice Harraden, the author of, “Ships that Pass in the Night,” is seeking rest in a little village not far from Yonkers, N. Y. She is a very slight little woman about thirty years of age and is afflicted with paralysis. Part of her writing is done with her left hand. She had no title for her book when she carried it to the publisher, and it was he who suggested that the book be called by its present name which was the heading of one of her chapters. She is now at work upon another novel which she does not expect to complete for eight or nine months.


Marie Louise Burgess


Paper No. II.

The care of the sick room forms a very important part of the nursing, the old saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” is nowhere more applicable than here. The nurse herself should be neat to a fault; she should have her hair neatly combed, clean calico or plain blue gingham dresses with deep wide cuffs and large aprons. Caps are not worn by all, but a nurse who has served her time and received her diploma fully realizes that to wear her uniform is an honor and is the proper garb for a nurse on duty, and belongs only to the trained nurse.

The teeth should be kept in good order, the nails well trimmed and sensible soft shoes worn to prevent noise when moving around the sick room.

The first thing to be noticed

about a sick room is the air. Some people are afraid of air, but if more people ventilated the rooms properly there would be less tuberculosis in the world and especially among our own race. The more fresh air the better. The temperature of a sick room ought to be 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and it is well, if possible, to put the patient into the most pleasant room in the house where plenty of sunlight may come in. Watch the temperature, do not let it get chilly, never allow a patient, (no matter how warm it may be) to lie without a blanket over him. Oftentimes it is very hard to make them understand that this is necessary, but a chill would be liable to terminate fatally when one has a fever.


In order to ventilate carefully it is well to open the windows from top and bottom, the air which comes into the room from the lower part of the window is better, it circulates better through the rooms; and often it is found necessary to put a screen in front of the window. Avoid draughts.

Next to be considered is the condition of the patient’s bed, notice carefully that all sheets are smooth and carefully tucked into the bottom of the bed, the pillows smooth, and comfortably placed under the head. Notice the wearing apparel, see that every article is smooth, nothing is more disagreeable than wrinkles to lie on. In my experience I find that different people are to be treated differently; some patients like one thing, others another, and it is wise to try to please the patient if possible, provided it will not conflict with the doctors orders. Always carry out the physicians orders to the letter, never try to question an order, give the medicine exactly when ordered, let the patient be your first thought. Nothing is more essential to the recovery of a patient, than cleanliness and careful bathing. The patient perspires very freely and has to be bathed very often. Bathe every day if possible, and if convenient change the top sheet every morning. The best time to give a bath is at 10 A. M., between breakfast and dinner. Frequent bathing keeps the pores of the skin open and a great deal of waste matter is carried off by the skin.

For the benefit, of those who do not know how to give a sponge bath I will tell you in this paper.

Have plenty of towels and soap, two pitchers of water, one hot and the other cold, a large wash bowl and foot tub. Have the water about 98 degrees Fahrenheit, two wash cloths and a slop jar. Two extra blankets, brush and comb, tooth brush, etc. Place everything by the side of the bed and think before beginning to undress your patient so as to have nothing to leave the room for during the bath. Place the patient between two blankets, then remove the clothing and bathe carefully only one portion of the body at a time. Change water often and bathe only one side at a time then gently turn the patient and bathe the other side. Wash the feet the last thing. Put on the night dress very carefully by putting one arm in first, then the head and other arm. Next, comes the patient’s hair, one side at a time, and lastly change the bed linen. Take the clean sheet lengthwise, fold it in very small folds or roll it towards the middle, placed the rolled part against the patient’s back, smooth out the part not folded then gently turn your patient towards the smooth part of the bed and draw the rolled sheet over to the back part, tuck in both sides. Thus you put on the under sheet, a draw sheet is folded in the middle by the two hems and put on in the same manner under the back and hips. The top sheet is put on in an entire different manner. Lift the clothes up at the foot, take the clean top sheet which has previously been rolled halfway from the top hem and place the smooth part over the patient’s feet, tuck in at the bottom with the rest of the bed clothing and draw the rolled part up, smooth carefully and your patient is sweet and clean. It takes from one hour to an hour and a half to do this carefully, but the comfort of the patient is assured when the bath is over. Alcohol may be rubbed on the patient, but it is not absolutely necessary. Some light nourishment may be given immediately after the bath, a glass of milk or cup of beef tea to prevent exhaustion.



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Real Estate, Mortgages and Insurance,



Street Railway Builders and Contractors for Public Works.


GEO. S. BARNES. President.
STANLEY RUFFIN, Sec’y and Treas.
34 School Street, Boston.


Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods,
Shirts, Cuffs and Collars.
Business and Dress Shirts, $1 .00 and $ 1.50–Best Value. Cheviots, Percales,
and Fancy Shirts, 75c. to $2.00.
Nice line of Hosiery and Underwear, Handkerchiefs, etc. Neckwear, 50c.
141 Dartmouth Street, – BOSTON.