- Constitution: N.A.C.W. DEPARTMENT
- Constitution: NAME.
- Constitution: DUTIES OF OFFICERS.
- Constitution: OBJECT.
- Constitution: ELIGIBLE.
- Constitution: POWER.
- Constitution: TAX.
- Constitution: GOVERNMENT.
- Constitution: OFFICIAL ORGAN.
- Constitution: COMMITTEES.
- Announcement: COURTNEY-DAVIS.
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- Politics
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- Club_Notes: CLUB NOTES.
- Social_Notes: SOCIAL NOTES.
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The Woman’s Era.
Organ of The National Federation of Afro-American Women.
Vol. III. No. 4.
Anne Dillet
After the business of the annual meeting was over at the New England Hospital for Women and Children on Tuesday, the 27th Oct., all were invited to the Goddard Home by the president, where light refreshments were served. Many of the graduate nurses were present, and one who could remember when there was no home for the nurses’ exclusive use. At that time what is now the nurses’ home was used as the maternity. The nurses of that period had no such pleasant evenings as we of ’95, ’95 and ’96 have had in the long hall where the piano now stands. I think they certainly deserved their diplomas, for having the heroic courage to pull through the term without the Goddard Home and the piano, which has added much to our happiness. After a hard day of work and discouragements – which we all have – a whirl around the hall did much to cheer our drooping spirits and tired limbs, giving us new zest for tomorrow’s work: and those spreads in the Goddard, when some girl has returned from her vacation bringing the good things from home, such as pickles, jams, cakes, apples, etc., or sometimes brought on half days by the more fortunate ones who have their mothers near by, or from the corner store of “odds and ends.” Those delightful summer evening spreads of ’95, served on the great table-like boulder west of the maternity wards, with iced lemonade, did much to refresh us for the coming morrow, and to say the least the lively band in the adjacent picnic grounds has done its mission. I try to look back and wonder how the pioneer nurses lived through the term. They surely deserve our admiration and love. I was pleased to have the superintendent of nurses ask me to show the improvements of ’95 and ’96 to one of our graduates of nineteen or more years’ standing – the new heating arrangements for keeping the patients’ food hot, new sterilizing room at the maternity, the enlargement of the nursery, new boilers and what not – and tell her of many new methods in our work, such as the “floater,” etc.: and our new class pin, which was only ready at the last annual meeting, which is composed of a blue enamel Maltese cross, with a wreath of laurel in gold, “New England Hospital Training School – 1863”; and in the center in gold, the bust of Mrs. Ednah Cheney, the president.
It is pleasant to feel on returning to Boston that there is the Goddard Home to go to and spend a few hours or an evening, and see familiar objects and loving friends. I do not think that time nor surroundings will ever alienate my affections from the dear N.E. H.
The nurses’ rooms looked particularly attractive, with the sun streaming in on this beautiful October day, so homelike, and each so characteristic of its occupant.
Now that we have our new dispensary building, I hope that time is not far distant when we shall have our new surgical building, with the hope that many of us who love the work and the hospital will be enabled to take a post graduate course.
Those who turned aside from their ordinary line of duty to attend the memorial exercises of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, given by the Woman’s Club of Mutual Improvement at Brown’s Chapel, A.M.E. Church, on the 22nd ult., were abundantly rewarded for their labor. The church was handsomely decorated for the occasion. The stage was covered with beautiful plants and flowers. In the center of the platform was a large
portrait of Mrs. Stowe, beautifully draped, and surrounded by pots of green choice plants. Miss A.E. Martin presided at the organ.
At 8:15 o’clock the president, Mrs. M.A. Dillard, called the meeting to order. After prayer by Mr. John Sims the club sang, “When the Mists Have Rolled Away.” Other selections were also sung, including a solo, “Jesus, Lover of my Soul,” which was rendered by Mrs. Benj. Moffett, a member of the club.
Unfortunately Mrs. J.H. Eason was detained at home on account of illness, therefore the paper which she was to have read had to be omitted. Then the president, after a few preliminary remarks, in which she showed up the falsity of the claims made by those in sympathy with slavery thirty-five years ago, introduced Rev. Charles L. Harris, the orator of the evening, who said in part:
“The monuments of Egypt, Greece and Rome, as others of less renown, the temples, religions and superstructures of all nations, are based upon some public benefit, fancied or real, derived from the persons whose deeds they commemorate. The gratitude of mankind stands with uncovered head and weeping eyes and burdened heart at the grave of a public benefactor, whose life, though long, seems but a span when once its beneficent rays are quenched. When beneficence, as boundless as eternity, leaps the barriers of race and creed, every emotion of the human heart dictates that gratitude, unfettered and strong, should embrace good deeds wherever found.
“The development of the anti-slavery movement produced no stronger character than Harriet Beecher Stowe. Of strong moral character, clear-sighted, warm-hearted, courageous and talented, her pen was mightier than millions of swords. She never suffers by comparison with others. A woman, yet wielding the most incisive pen of the day – a wife, a mother, untrammeled by caste or shackles, yet not so deeply immersed in her own duties as to forget her less fortunate sable sister. A lover of liberty for herself, she finds no rest while this priceless boon is denied the most humble of mankind. She thought if her people knew the hideousness of slavery they would worship at its shrine no longer.
“She had a story to tell – a story of great and grievous wrong unredressed and active, whose agents north an perpetrators south had chained the truth and barred the Temple of Liberty. She sung her song: she told her story. The inspiration of heaven dictated it. The mysterious warrior – ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ — leaped full-armed from her brain to the battle field. Uncle Tom entered the public conscience as no preacher, orator, statesman or press had ever done. It carried conviction. People read and shuddered. It was published in more than twenty different languages. Millions wept with Aunt Chloe at Uncle Tom’s departure, laughed with Topsy, prayed with Uncle Tom, or cursed the brute Legree.
Great reforms have their flood-tide. When sudden success seems certain, then they ebb, when all gains seem lost. Then with irresistible force a tide wave floods out all opposition, and victory is assured. A Supreme Governor guides human affairs. He fits instruments, and when He wills the blow falls with unerring certainty, and human sagacity cannot evade it. We must “learn to labor and to wait.” Mrs. Stowe labored, she waited; she was crowned with success.
“Beneficance is sexless. A woman may not inquire, ‘What may I, a poor, weak woman do?’ But with willing mind, cheerful hands, and a heart aglow with love, do good under all circumstances, — cheer the faint-hearted, open the door for the returning prodigal, visit the sick, and held the needy whose just pride prevents public aid. Mrs. Stowe’s contribution was needed to advance the cause of freedom. We cannot have another like her; but why should not others carry on the work begun by her? Are we too enthusiastic if we expect a continuation of the good deeds already reported of the Woman’s Club of Mutual Improvement? Will you forgive the heart-throbs of contemplation with which we view the National Association of Colored Women? From north to south, from east to west it is pledged to the welfare and development of our women along all lines.
“The ashes of Mrs. Stowe are buried, but she is not dead. She cannot die. We need no Peter to raise this Dorcas. Her clothing for the poor need no display: for millions of willing hands and loving hearts, responsive to her good deeds, are emulating them: and these good deeds have clothed countless millions in the impenetrable panoply of liberty. Mrs. Stowe’s life and labors demonstrate that one woman that wills, can accomplish more good than many men who willnot.”
The club then sang a hymn written by Mrs. Stowe – “Knocking, Knocking, Who is There,” after which further remarks were made by Rev.
T.J. Bell and Rev. S. F. Kingston, pastors of the Congregational and Presbyterian churches. Mrs. Dillard also told a story from “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” for the benefit of the children in the audience.
The whole affair was very enjoyable throughout, and every one went home well pleased with what they had heard.
The Golden Rule Club held its regular meeting Wednesday evening, Nov. 4, at the residence of Mrs. Wendell Tucker, 5 Jay St., Cambridge. This organization was formed about thirteen years ago. At that time there were no clubs in Cambridge, and the need was felt of something of the kind to bring about unity and sociability. The Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would they should do unto you,” was taken for a motto. A monthly fee is paid, and a sick fund is maintained from which the members draw during illness. They aim to assist charity’s cause whenever possible. Their efforts have been crowned with success from the beginning to the present time. The officers are: President, Mrs. N.E. Lewis; vice president, Mrs. M. James; treasurer, Mrs. H.C. Lewis; chaplain, Mrs. D. Hayes; secretary, Miss Adelaide Grandison; assistant secretary, Mrs. E. Wilson.
Isaac Fisher
Tuskegee, Ala.
Recently Mr. B.T. Washington delivered an address before the Faculty and students of Trinity College, Durham, N.C. This is the first southern white college that he has been invited to address.
A club of our girls is planning to raise money to pay some one to teach the night school that was organized last year in the town of Tuskegee by one of our teachers.
Mrs. B.K. Bruce arrived here on Oct. 20th, and delivered a very interesting lecture to the school on the evening of the 21st.
The next session of the Tuskegee Negro Conference will be held at Tuskegee, February 21, 1897. The Worker’s Conference convenes the next day.
In July, 1896, the National Federation of Afro-American Women and the National League of Colored Women met in the city of Washington, and by means of a joint commission, consolidated their forces.
Women in both organizations were wise enough to see that more and better work could be done if the two organizations were united. All personal ambitions and petty jealousies were laid aside, thus making the union possible.
The new organization is new only in the name it has assumed. It stands as did the two separate halves, as a whole, for the uplifting of womankind.
It was decided by the commission that the executive committee draw up rules for the conduct of the association for one year, and so give the committee on constitution ample time to perfect and make that instrument strong.
To attack the chain gang system of the South, the separate car law, to do rescue work in the alleys and slums of our great cities, and for the plantation woman and child, the founding of homes for our indigent, and to show greater interest in the fallen and wayward. There are some of the things clubs in the association are pledged to consider this year, and decided improvement along these lines should be shown at the next annual meeting.
The National Association asks the local clubs to commemorate the birthday of Frederick Douglass, (February 14th), and to send contributions to the treasurer of the Frederick Douglass Monument Association of Rochester, N.Y.
They also urge the clubs to commemorate the 9th day of May, John Brown’s birthday, and to send contributions to the John Brown Memorial
Association to be used in building a reformatory home for colored boys.
The following rules have been adopted by the executive committee for the conduct of the National Association for the present year.
The name shall be known as the National Association of Colored Women.
The duties of officers as defined by “Roberts Rules of Order” will be adhered to.
The elevation of the race, the ennobling of womanhood, and the concentrated effort toward improving the standard of home life among the masses.
All women’s clubs organized for the development of woman along moral, religious, and intellectual lines, are eligible to membership in this association.
The National Association will assume no direct jurisdiction over the local clubs, each club being free to carry out its own plan of work.
All clubs entering the association hereafter will pay to the national treasurer the sum of one dollar ($1.00 as entrance fee; the same to be enclosed with application blank, which may be had from the national president, national secretary, or national organizer. Each club in the association will be taxed $5.00 annually to carry on the business of the association, this to be paid to the national treasurer, Mrs, Mary Frisbie Handy, 1341 No. Carey street, Baltimore, Maryland.
All matters of a business pertaining to the management of the National Association, must be deferred to the executive committee.
The paper known as the WOMAN’S ERA, of Boston, shall be the organ of the National Association, and local clubs must look to the official department of it for information, thus lessening the cost of individual correspondence.
Standing committees will be appointed by the executive committee.
Clubs in the association must look to the Association’s Department in the WOMAN’S ERA for all information concerning clubs, thus obviating the expense of direct correspondence for which no provision has been made as yet.
- Mrs. B.K. Bruce, Washington, D.C.
- Mrs. F.R. Ridley, Brookline, Mass.
- Mrs. Jesse Lawson, Washington, D.C.
- Mrs. Eva Aldrich, Pittsburg, Pa.
- Mrs. Selina Butler, Atlanta, Ga.
- Mrs. Libbey C. Anthony, Jefferson City.
- Miss Julia Jones, Philadelphia, Pa.
- Mrs. Lizzie Rainey, Norfolk, Va.
- Mrs. Minnie Plummer, Deluth, Minn.
- Miss E.M. Jackson, Tuskegee, Ala.
- Mrs. E.P. Ensley, Denver, Col.
- Mrs. M.A. Dillard, Selma, Ala.
- Mrs. Rosa Bowser, Richmond, Va.
- Miss Anna Jones, Kansas City.
- Miss Cornelia Bowen, Waugh, Ala.
- Mr.s T.H. Lyles, St. Paul, Minn.
- Mrs. Florence R. Cooper, Memphis, Tenn.
- Mrs. Lena Titus, Norfolk, Va.
- Mrs. Ruth Collette, Baltimore, Md.
- Mrs. Annie E. Taylor, Washington.
- Mrs. Booker T. Washington, Chairman.
Rebecca J. Cole
The October meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society brought together a large and interested audience. It was the first meeting since the convention, and the long-promised time had come when the delegates would tell about the stirring events of July, 1896.
They lived it all over again while recounting something of the women who came together to tell the reason of the faith that is in them; how through a torturous course of addresses, papers, debates and business meetings they reached the grand conclusion that even a Negro’s life is worth living, and that the tendency of all things, even
the Negro’s history, is toward the ideal. An important feature of the occasion was the presence of Dr. Du Bois of the Pennsylvania University, who came to tell us something of the work that he has undertaken in Philadelphia for that institution. He gave a rapid sketch of the steps that have developed the science of sociology, and he showed us what is to be gained by the colored people of this city by permitting a free investigation into their sociological condition, that the causes of certain dangerous tendencies may be discovered and, if possible, averted.
He has been furnished with a number of figures which say that the Negro contributes an immense disproportion of deaths from consumption, and that he crowds the police courts as does no other class in the community.
Now who made these figures but men of a class who are so warped by that strange American disorder, colorphobia, that before accepting their verdict we must be excused for saying we are not ready for the question.
On the point of deaths from consumption, I would say this: hosts of the poor are attended by young, inexperienced white physicians. They have inherited the traditions of their elders, and let a black patient cough, they immediately have visions of tubercles. Let him die, and though in the case there may be good reason for a difference of opinion, he writes “tuberculosis,” and heaves a great sigh of relief that one more source of contagion is removed.
And who makes up the police records? To what class do most of the men in this department belong but to Irish democracy? Who can tell how many white offenders go free, either by bribery or by their own aptitude to escape the consequence of their actions?
You see it is the question of disproportion that I am answering. There can be no doubt that the number is large and is steadily increasing, and hence we are glad that a man whose sympathies are with us is seeking to gain information which will answer, among many other things, these two important questions: 1. Are colored people largely forced to live in unsanitary districts, and are they more ignorant and careless about the laws of health, or are they suffering the fate of all exotics? 2. Are the streams of poor and shiftless Negroes that are constantly pouring into Philadelphia responsible for the high criminal records, or do all classes contribute to fill the penal institutions?
While I have not implicit faith in these statistics, I recognize a state of affairs which needs the thought and help of those who belong to this accused class.
We must teach these people the laws of health; we must preach this new gospel, that the respectability of a household ought to be measured by the condition of the cellar; that to prolong the hours of toil or study or pleasure habitually into the night, when we must be up betimes in the morning, is to rob our offspring of vitality, and invite epilepsy, consumption, and a train of other evils.
We must attack the system of overcrowding in the poorer districts by urging our men to contend for laws regulating the number in one dwelling – “Cubic Air Space Laws,” we can call them — that people may not be crowded together like cattle, while soulless landlords collect fifty per cent on their investments.
These are the things that we can do to attack vice, disease and crime in their strongholds, for they have no complexion and they always yield to such and to no other treatment.
Frances J. Jackson
In the latter part of July of this year of our Lord, there assembled in Washington two bodies of women, a few days intervening between the meetings. Both bodies were composed of earnest women, who were working along different lines to accomplish the same result, the betterment of the women of the race, physically, morally and intellectually. It was something new under the sun to see assembled in convention two bodies of intelligent colored women, who had no axes to grind, who were not seeking their own advancement to the utter disregard of the masses that were behind, below or beneath them. It was not only a new, but refreshing sight to see women imbued with higher thoughts, motives and aspirations, than personal aggrandizement. There was only one thing lacking to make the harmony perfect. There were two bodies with the same aims and purposes. Why two bodies and not one was the cry that went up all along the line. Why divide our strength, when the union of our forces will mean the accomplishment of so much more good for the ones we are trying to help? So earnest, so pure of motive were the leading mem-
bers of both organizations, that they were willing to yield to the demand for union, if by so doing the women of the race might be benefitted. So the union was consummated; that there was dissatisfaction, some disappointment, goes without saying. There never yet has been any organization so perfect, that every person connected with it was perfectly satisfied with everything pertaining to it. It is human nature to think and feel that we could have done it so much the better than A or B; that under the same circumstances results would have been different.
But we feel no loyal women to the cause will cease her efforts in this great work because everything did not go as she would have wished. That if the work is dearer to her than self, she will buckle to with renewed energy, and next year there will be one grand Te Deum filled with triumphs of the past year. Nothing was every accomplished by sulking or complaining of what some one else has not done. The thing that should concern us most is, what am I doing? Let us profit by the example of our brothers; too much ambition, self seeking and “ways that are dark” have been the death of every organization gotten up by men for the good (?) of the race, and yet they would advice us what and how to do to make a success of our organization – Physician heal thyself. The summer is past: we are all once more back at our various occupations. Have we brought back to the work renewed strength, zeal and enthusiasm? Did our meetings last summer mean anything to us? Let us begin the practical work at once, let our efforts be redoubled. Let us begin to spread the work, start the sewing schools, the mother’s meetings, the kindergartens, the efforts to raise means for charitable work, the literary clubs, everything that means work, earnest, helpful work. If we do this we will forget that there is anything that does not exactly commend itself to us as individuals. Our success or failure depends on the individual: there is no one without his influence and following. Let your influence be wholesome, broad and liberal: let charity take possession of every woman in the organization, and we can write success in bold, glowing letters for the coming year.
Always for the cause,
- Mrs. J. Napier Kemp, chairman, of Minneapolis, Minn.
- Mrs. Addie Hunton, Richmond, Va.
- Mrs.,. Julia F. Jones, Philadelphia, Pa.
- Mrs. E. Mahammett, Omaha, Neb.
- Mrs. S. Lillian Coleman. Omaha, Neb.
- Mrs. C. S. Shadd, Los Angeles, Cal.
- Mrs. J. Pierre Dart, Charleston. S. C.
- Mrs. R. Jerome Jeffrey, Rochester, N. Y.
- Miss Lulu Chase, Washington, D. C.
- Mrs. R. Hill, Richmond. Va.
- Mrs. Lucy B. Stephens, Lynchburg, Va.
- Mrs. L.E. Titus, Norfolk, Va.
- Miss H. Cordelia Ray, New York City, N. Y.
- Miss Emma R. Williams, New Orleans, La.
- Miss Elizabeth E. Lane, Tuskegee, Ala.
- Miss Cora Napier, Minneapolis, Minn.
The marriage of Miss Lilla V. Davis to Dr. Samuel E. Courtney, which took place at Trinity Church on Oct. 21st, was one of the noticeable weddings of the season. The bride has for years been a teacher in the American missionary field, and the high esteem in which she is held was evidenced by the presence of members of the association from all over the state. Many of Dr. Courtney’s political associates were also present.
The bride was attended by Miss Miriam Woodbury, assistant treasurer of the American Missionary Association, and was given in marriage by Dr. Beard, secretary of the association. Dr. Courtney was attended by his brother, Mr. Henry Courtney.
The wore a gown of seafoam silk, with lace and pearl trimmings: the bridesmaid, a simple, graceful costume of white muslin over pink silk.
After a short wedding journey, Dr. and Mrs. Courtney are at home at 98 West Springfield St.
The fair for St. Monica’s Home, under the auspices of the Woman’s Era Sewing Circle, will follow immediately after that of the N.E. Hospital opening on December 8th, in St. Augustine lecture room.
In the Atlantic Monthly for September is a most excellent article by Mr. Booker T. Washington, “The Awakening of the Negro.” It is a very graphic picture of the present condition of the race, its weakness, its progress, its ambition, and its great needs. In reading it, one is impressed not only by the broad and practical common sense of the author as the institutor of the great work now being carried on, but also by his deep insight and keen observations. One of’ the best thoughts or suggestions in the article is this:
“Let us go on for a few more years knitting our business and industrial relations into those of the white man, till a black man gets a mortgage on a white man’s house that he can foreclose at will. The white man on whose house the mortgage rests will not try to prevent that negro from voting when he goes to the polls.”
Dodd, Mead & Co. are about to publish a volume of poems by Paul Lawrence Dunbar, with in introduction by William Dean Howells. Mr. Dunbar is a full-blooded American Negro. He has a pleasing, manly and refined face, and until recently was an elevator boy in Dayton, Ohio. His best work is in the dialect of his race. A few of his verses have been appearing occasionally in the magazines, and coming to the attention of Mr. Howells, he discovered in him a poet of undisputed talent. Mr. Howells says of him: “What struck me in reading Mr. Dunbar’s poetry was what had already struck his friends in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois. They had felt as I felt, that however gifted his race had proved itself in music, in oratory, in several other arts, here was the first instance of an American Negro who had evinced innate literature . . . . So far as I could remember, Paul Dunbar was th only man of pure African blood and American civilization to feel the Negro life aesthetically and express it lyrically. It seems to me that this had come to its most modern consciousness in him, and that his brilliant and unique achievement was to have studied the American Negro objectively, and to have represented him as he found him to be with humor, with sympathy, and yet with what the reader must feel to be with entire truthfulness. I said that a race which had come to this effect in any member of it, had attained civilization in him; and I permitted myself the imaginative prophecy that the hostilities and the prejudices which had so long constrained his race were destined to vanish in the arts; that these were to be final proof that God had made of one blood all nations of men. I thought his merits positive and not comparative, and held that if his black poems had been written by a white man I should not have found them less admirable. I accepted them as evidence of the essential unity of the human race, which does not think or feel black in one and white in another, but humanity in all.”
The following is one of Mr. Dunbar’s poems:
Paul Lawrence Dunbar Dey is times in life when Nature
Seems to slip a cog an’ go
Jes’ a-rattlin’ down creation,
Lak an ocean’s overflow;
When de worl’ jes’ stahts a-spinin’
Lak a pickaninny’s top.
An’ yo’ cup o’ joy is brimmin’
Twel it seems about to slop;
An’ yo’ feel jes’ lak a racah
Dat is trainin’ fu’ to trot,
When yo’ mammy ses de blessin’
An’ de co’n pone’s hot.
When yo’ set down at de table,
Kin o’ weary lak an’ sad,
An’ you se jes’ a little tiahed
An’ puhaps a little mad,
How yo’ gloom tu ‘ns into gladness,
How yo’ joy drives out de doubt,
When de oven do is opened
An’ de smell comes po’ in’ out.
Why, de ‘lectric light o’ Heaven
Seems to settle on de spot,
When yo’ mammy ses de blessin’
And de co’n pone’s hot.
When de cabbage pot is streamin’
An’ de bacon good an’ fat,
When de chittlin is a sputterin’
So’s to show you whah dey’s at,
Take away yo’ sody biscuit,
Take away yo’ cake an’ pie,
Fu de glory time is comin’
An’ its proachin’ very nigh:
An’ yo’ want to jump an’ holler,
Do yo’ know you’d bettah not,
When yo’ mammy ses de blessin’
An’ de co’n pone’s hot.
I have heered a lots o’ sermons,
An’ I’ve heered a lots o’ prayers,
An’ I’ve listened to some singin’
Dat has took me up the stairs
Of de Glory Lan’ an’ set me
Jes below de Marster’s th’one,
An’ has lef’ my haht a-singin’
In a happy aftah-tone;
But dem wuds so sweetly murmured
Seems to tech de softes’ spot,
When yo’ mammy ses de blessin’
An’ de co’n pone’s hot.
- Pres., Mary Church Terrell, Washington, D.C.
- 1st Vice Pres., Josephine St. P. Ruffin, Boston, Mass.
- 2nd ” ., Frances Jackson Coppin, Phila. Pa.
- 3rd ” ., Frances E.W. Harper, Phila, Pa.
- 4th ” ., Josephine Silone Yates, Kan. City, Mo.
- 5th ” ., Sylvanie Williams, New Orleans, La.
- 6th ” ., Jennie Chase Williams, So. Carolina.
- 7th ” ., Lucy Thurman, Jackson City, Mich.
- Rec. Sec., Alice Ruth Moore, W. Medford, Mass.
- Cor. Sec., A. Victoria Thompkins, Washington, D.C.
- Treas., Helen A. Cook, Washington, D.C.
- Nat. Organizer, Victoria E. Matthews, New York.
- Chairman Ex. Com., Mrs, B.T. Washington, Tuskegee, Ala.
The sensation of the hour in Massachusetts politics is the election (altogether unexpected) of a colored man, Mr. Isaac Allen, to the Governor’s Council. If the evidence against Mr. Allen can be trusted, it would seem that his election is not creditable to his race, his party or his state. Yet distressing as is this aspect of the case, public attention will hardly fail to note another view a thousand times more deplorable. It is of far less significance that the councilor-elect may not be fit than that the political management of the state should use her highest offices for such questionable ends. It makes it no better that in this case the nomination was supposed to mean nothing. The motive is as contemptible from this point of view as it is from any other. Whatever the election of Mr. Allen may prove, the political “power that be” must shoulder it.
The WOMAN’S ERA club table at the N. E. Hospital for women and children will be a stationary table with photographs and autographs of distinguished women and men. A feature will be a collection of the best books and photographs of colored authors. Notably those of Frederick Douglass, Dr. Wm. E. B. Duboise, Hon. Archibald Grimke, Paul Dunbar, Miss Alice Ruth Moore, Miss Rachel Washington, Mrs. Casneau, Dr. Wm. W. Brown.
Elizabeth E. Lane
At the last meeting of the year, ending May 15, 1896, all the old officers of the club were reelected for the year ending May, 1897. For president, Mrs. Booker T. Washington; vice president, Miss S. Helene Porter; secretary, Miss Elizabeth E. Lane; treasurer, Miss Sarah Hunt; librarian, Miss Mattie Childs; executive committee, Mrs. Josephine Turpin-Washington, Mrs. Adella Hunt-Logan, Mrs. Emma Garret-Young.
Owing to the enforced absence of the president, who has been in an invalid state for four months, the vice president presided at the first club meeting of the year, on Friday evening, Sept. 14.
Miss Elizabeth Morse, of Framingham, Mass., Miss Lilian Rochan, of New Orleans, and Miss Lizette Pinn, of Zanesville, Ohio, are valuable accessions to the faculty of the school this year, therefore to the club, and they delighted hearers, seen and unseen, with instrumental and vocal solos.
The executive committee had presented a subject of vital importance for the discussion of the club, and many members, new and old, were there to carefully consider “The Mortality of the Negro.” Miss Lilian Heywood of Boston talked in an impromptu way on intemperance as a cause; Miss L. Rochan discussed the subject from the point of negligence; Mrs. A. M. Craig, who comes to us as a voter from Kansas, and a bride of a member of the faculty, gave some very suggestive and telling remarks on poverty as a cause. Miss Estelle Penney, in a touching manner, spoke of the alarming rate of infant mortality among the colored people, and urged each member of the club to sound the alarm among the many inhumane mothers who, from causes for which they might find a cure, bring into the world so many weak, puny infants, born to die before a few months pass over their heads. Miss Pinn said that she was sure that the root of the matter lies in the dense ignorance of the masses, and the alarming rate of mortality will be lessened wherever they are in large numbers, north, south, east or west, when they have taken the advantage of education and heeded the laws of health.
Along this line Mrs. Josephine Turpin-Washington gave some opinions of Prof. F. L. Hoffman on “Race Traits and Tendencies of the
American Negro.” There are doubtless some prejudices existing in the mind of the author, still he gives some facts that are startling to the sober mind, and yet some of the traits and tendencies should be brought home to the mind for consideration and extraction, if necessary.
The discussion was intensely interesting and profitable, and will doubtless result in good seed being sown in the departments in the club.
Mrs M. F. Melvin will devote her spare moments in the interest of the ERA this year. Plans for the year’s work for the club are in abeyance until the president, Mrs. Booker T. Washington, has returned “to her own again.” In the meantime the executive committee will be planning a literary program for the current quarter.
One beneficent result of the July conventions is the general awakening created. Human nature will always be human nature, and it needs a little prodding now and then. The spirit of emulation has been thoroughly aroused, and the desire to do something worth while is in many quarters, plainly evident.
The certainty that the time when we must give account of our stewardship will soon come around again furnishes the stimulus for increased activity. If this were the only result the conventions were not held in vain.
Washington clubs are all astir again. Plans are being laid and are put into execution as rapidly as possible.
The Ladies’ Auxiliary has held two interesting meetings and has projected work along several lines. One branch of the charity work will be mothers’ meetings. In this city, where there is so much suffering among the poor during the cold months of the year, there is no calculating the good that is done by gathering in the older women from homes of desolation and strife into a warm room to receive a work of cheer and advice. Necessary garments are cut for them, and they are taught in many cases how to put them together. The cup of coffee and biscuit which furnishes the repast is thoroughly enjoyed by them, and no doubt these meetings help many to better ways of life: at any rate a little sunshine is thus thrown into their empty lives. That somebody does care for them is in itself an uplifting thought, and eases many a worn and weary soul. I believe in helping the children, but there is a wonderful amount of satisfaction in doing something for these older ones. This branch of the work falls under the Loving Service Section. The literary feature for the winter will be to study the lives of characters of our own race to whom only casual attention has been given: as for instance Sojourner Truth, Phyllis Wheatley, Crispus Attucks, Harriet Tubman and others. This is a matter which should commend itself to all, but it is of especial importance to the rising generation that they should be familiar with the valorous lives and self-sacrificing deeds of those in their own ranks, so that in an interchange of views, a Douglass may be placed beside a Washington, a Harriet Tubman beside a Joan of Arc, and so on to the end.
This lack of knowledge of our own distinguished people was forcibly impressed upon me on one occasion when in a company of highly intelligent women the name of Amanda Smith was mentioned, and of them all only the one who mentioned the name had ever heard of Amanda Smith.
In addition to the two sections named there is a Social Purity Section and a Culture Section, the work of which will at some future time be outlined.
Mamie L. McMechen
Wheeling, W. Va.
A number of ladies of our city have very recently organized a Woman’s Fortnightly Club. We wish to connect ourselves with the National Association of Colored Women.
Our members are very much interested in the work, and we hope to make our club work a success.
I was elected president of the club, Elizabeth S. Moore, secretary. We urged the members as much as we could to subscribe for the ERA. At our meeting last night we secured ten subscribers to take advantage of the reduced rates ending Nov. 1, 1896.
As soon as I hear from you, we will send our application with the membership fee, which we understand is two dollars.
Very respectfully,
[Extract from a paper read at the first Sunday afternoon meeting of W. E. C. by Mrs. F. R. Ridley, Secretary.]
The woman’s club, that broad institution devoted to general advancement and cultivation, has made itself so much a part of the life of today that the time will soon come when we will accept it as it necessary adjunct of our civilization, and forget that there was ever a time when we were clubless. And yet the movement is almost fin de siecle. Fifty years ago the average woman knew nothing of life save as she saw it from her own fireside, and her participation in public affairs was extremely limited. Today the average woman is studying the currency question, and has an active interest in at least one home or hospital. A movement so comprehensive, so spontaneous and so general must necessarily be grounded upon deep and vital principles and have grown out of actual needs and necessities. As much as the club movement means in the way of new opportunities and privileges for women, it has a deeper meaning and a higher significance: it is in its way a recognition and realization of the oneness of the race and of our common brotherhood. In this respect it is a worthy movement of the time and of the country, founded upon the principles of the democracy; it is in line with the great movements and one of the steps toward the time when man shall love his neighbor as himself.
Consider the scope of the subjects considered and work undertaken by the woman’s clubs of the country: Better homes for the poor, more Homes [sic] homes for the unfortunate, shortened hours and better sanitary surroundings for laborers, temperance reform, moral education, domestic economy, the spread of general culture. To all these questions the women are bringing enthusiasm and interest. They are questions which especially appeal to them, and which they are fitted by nature and by enlarged opportunities to consider. Thoughtful consideration along these lines cannot but have great influence upon public sentiment, and in time bring about the desired reform. How shallow, how without thought the criticism that the woman’s clubs mean nothing but “talk, talk.” “Why don’t they do something?” Some people’s measure of good is an entirely material one; they recognize little that cannot be seen or handled, and consider nothing an advantage that does not add to material prosperity. We are all too much under the control of material things, and too slow to recognize the power of thought. A woman’s club may not build a home for the unfortunate, but if it opens the eyes and the hearts of its members to the condition of these unfortunates, if it considers ways in which their misfortune might be averted, if it extends its intelligence and influence over the conduct of those who have the institution under management, it is fulfilling its mission, and a noble one, too; and the woman who cannot see it is sadly in need of the enlightenment she could find in the club. The essence of club life is talk, but it is talk that is the result of thought, and it is peculiar, to say the least, that those who will talk most assiduously about nothing should make such objections to the talk, which is of something, and it is a tribute to the intelligence of women that she has come to a realization of her power and is using it along the line of her greatest talent, her ability to talk. It is almost an inspiration that has opened up club life to her and given her the opportunity to use her influence through her strongest medium, her general felicity of language.
It is true the club is all talk; it was created to furnish opportunities for talk, but it is talk that means something: it may be pure fun or wit, but never vapidity.
However, in the conduct of life, each must he largely a law unto himself. Our needs, our duties are varied, and it is possible that in some lives clubs should have no place, and yet clubs tire so broad in spirit and catholic in taste, and elective in subjects of study, that it would seem that through them every woman might be reached, and surely a woman could receive little from them that is not beneficial. There are those who will carry anything to extremes, and because some abuse their privileges and neglect other duties for club work, it does not prove that club work is not beneficial. In considering the value of woman’s clubs, we have dwelt largely with the more direct and apparent advantages. It is well that we should give some thought to club life in its deepest significance.
We are all children of our Father, traveling, one road dependent upon one another, not only for social life and diversion, but for inspiration, education and an opportunity to call into life and activity the virtues that are dormant within us. This getting out and mingling together is bringing us to a realization of our common humanity; it brings us face to face with our own deficiencies
and the worth of others. It is one of the longest steps toward our salvation.
There is no factor in modern times so active in bringing about a universal brotherhood or sisterhood. It is supplementing the work of the public school and the church, for the clubs have opened the doors of the homes and found a common meeting ground based on worth and a common humanity.
There are still those who consider exclusiveness a virtue and are proud of a limited acquaintanceship. Women’s clubs are helping to bring us to a recognition of the truth that true dignity does not need barriers in order to preserve itself; that snobbishness is a vice, and that while friendship should be bound by congeniality, neighborliness should know no bounds. The club means the spirit of neighborliness with the world, the recognition of our duty toward our neighbor, and not only of our common humanity but our common divinity; the club helps us not only to make the best of that within us, but to see the best of that in others. In this aspect it is the embodiment of a great principle; a principle which may not be always worked out in this form, but which nevertheless will never die; a principle with which we are to enter in and partake of everlasting life.
S. Lillian Coleman
The club continues to grow in interest, work and numbers. At every meeting for the last two months there has been from one to three applications for membership.
At our last regular meeting, Sept. 22, 1896, the club discussed parliamentary rules and usages. The club meets in its own club rooms.
Mrs. E. S. Clenlans, the treasurer of the Woman’s Club, gave a delightful reception in honor of Miss Baker and Miss Haynes. Miss Baker is a graduate of Omaha, and is now principal of one of the schools in Corsicana, Texas. Miss Haynes is a teacher at Beatrice, Neb. There are few homes more perfectly appointed for the giving of a large afternoon or evening party. Assisting Mrs. Clenlans were the president of the Woman’s Club, Mrs. Craig, the recording secretary, Mrs. Coleman, the corresponding secretary, Miss Sley, Mrs. Wade, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Danna.
Mrs. Clenlans wore a rich costume of black satin, trimmed with passementerie.
Miss Baker appeared in an elaborate toilette of old rose silk, trimmed in thread lace.
Miss Haynes graced it lovely costume of white brocaded satin.
Mrs. Craig looked particularly beautiful in a costume of corn-colored silk with pearl trimming. Mrs. Coleman was gowned finely in a Paris creation of emerald green velvet.
Mrs. Coleman was gowned finely in a Paris creation of emerald green velvet.
Miss Sley, who dresses with rare taste, wore a gown of pale blue silk, decollete, and butterfly knots.
Mrs. Johnson wore a reception toilette of black silk.
Mrs. Spencer wore a dainty gown of red silk.
Mrs. Danna a white mull over orange silk.
Mrs. Wade looked charming in a black and white satin.
The guests numbered about a hundred, but time and space prevent mention of the rest of the names and costumes.
Beulah Thompson Davis
It is with pleasure I renew my subscription to the ERA, also send you a few new subscribers, hoping in the near future to send more new ones. Glad to take advantage of the club rates.
I am happy to announce to you that we have just organized a club here, to be known as the Frankfort Woman’s Club. We have twenty-four members — women who are willing and anxious to do something assist in the upbuilding of our women especially, and the race in general. Alice Scott is president; Mrs. Kate Thomas, vice president; Miss Lizzie Clark, secretary; Miss Clara Coleman, treasurer. Ere long we shall apply for admission into the National Association. We shall also be glad to have some space in the columns of the ERA. Will you please inform me of the terms or conditions, so I may report to the Club?
Yours for success,
On the evening of October 13th the latest woman’s club of New Bedford, the namesake of the president of the Woman’s Era Club of Boston, held a political reception and flag rising at the residence of Miss Mary A. Jackson. A McKinley
& Hobart flag was thrown to the breeze by the president, Mrs. John Freedom. Then followed many good speeches and some fine instrumental and vocal music. Finally a delicious supper was served.
In early December Mrs. Ruffin goes down to New Bedford to address the club that has honored her by taking her name.
- Newport Woman’s League, 18 subscriptions.
- Ida B. Wells Club, 13 subscriptions.
- Frankfort, Ky., Club, 1O subscriptions.
- Salem, Mass., Club, 8 subscriptions.
- Memphis Coterie, 6 subscriptions.
- Rochester, N.Y., Club, 6 subscriptions.
- Pittsburg & Allegheny City Club, 7 subscriptions.
- Selma, Ala., Club, 5 subscriptions.
- Wheeling, W.Va., 7 subscriptions .
- Jefferson City, Mo., 5 subscriptions.
- “Phyllis Wheatley” (New Orleans), 4 subscriptions.
- St. Joseph Club, 3 subscriptions.
We congratulate Mrs. Dickerson, the president of the Newport League: hers is the banner club, despite the fact that it is one of the smallest clubs in the association.
The Woman’s Era Club of Boston subscribes for all its members and furnishes the paper free to them. If clubs continue to send in subscriptions in this manner there will be fewer delays in getting out the paper.
Reports of club subscriptions will be made from time to time.
Mrs. M.A. Dillard SELMA, ALA.,
Oct. 26, 1896.
I was very much pleased with your letter of the 12th inst., and thank you very much for giving me so much of your time, every moment of which must be very precious to you. We are now planning for a course of lectures by the different ministers, professors, and others of the city. We hope to have one every month. The first one comes off tomorrow evening.
I enclose money order for $2.50, together with the names of five subscribers for the WOMAN’S ERA. I hope to have more to send later on.
Wishing you success in every way, I am
Very truly yours,
Alice Ruth Moore
The inauguration of a new feature in the work of the Woman’s Era Club was a complete success. The first of a series of public Sunday afternoon meetings was held on the 17th of October at the Twelfth Baptist Church. It was a novel feature in its way, and drew a large crowd of women interested in the work, and men, curious to know just what the work meant. The latter were skeptical and quite prepared to smile with superior indifference, but changed their minds before the afternoon was over.
After the opening prayer Mrs. Ruffin spoke, explaining the scope, ends and aims of club work among women, the work of the July convention in Washington and the winter plans for the Woman’s Era Club. Mrs. Hannah Smith and Mrs. Agnes Adams, delegates to the Washington convention, presented each an able and interesting report.
The main feature of the afternoon, however, was a paper by Mrs. Florida Ridley on club life among women. It was a splendid effort and was deeply appreciated by the audience. Mrs. Ridley’s paper did more, perhaps, towards dispeling [sic] dispelling from the minds of the cynically disposed present, all doubts as to the efficacy of woman’s clubs than any other feature of the meeting.
Music was furnished by a well-chosen choir under the direction of Mr. George Ruffin. The collection taken till was turned over to the church.
The next in the series was held Sunday afternoon, Nov. 15, in the interest of the Manassas Industrial School. Miss Jennie Dean, the principal, and Mrs. Whitman from the Lend-A-Hand Club, spoke, and Mrs. Nellie Brown Mitchell sang gloriously. A generous collection was given Miss Dean.
The Phyllis Wheatley Club of New Orleans, after laboring earnestly during all the heated summer term, have succeeded in opening their sanitarium and training school for nurses in connection with the medical department of New Orleans University. The opening exercises were largely attended and quite interesting. The members of the P.W.C. deserve great credit for having, in so short a time, succeeded in establishing a work that must eventually grow and prosper.
The next public Sunday meeting of the Woman’s Era Club will be a mothers’ meeting. Miss M.L. Baldwin will read a paper on “A
Mother’s Duty,” from a teacher’s standpoint. Time will be allowed for a short discussion of the paper.
The young ladies of Morris Brown College, Atlanta, Georgia, have an excellent literary society named in honor of the wife of Bishop Abraham Grant. It is a rival of the young men’s fraternity for literary honor.
The object of this association is to erect as a memorial to John Brown, the hero of Harper’s Ferry, and his faithful followers, John Copeland, E.Anderson, Shields Green, Dangerfield Newby, Steward Taylor, Watson Brown, Oliver Brown, Louis Leary, Henry Kaigai and Edward Coppock, a building to be used as an industrial training school and home for indigent colored boys. This building to be located somewhere in the Southland, including the District of Columbia, the location to be determined at the next convention of the First National Association of Colored Women, or at any other time as fixed by said convention.
The officers of this association are: National president, Mrs. T.H. Lyles, 782 Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn.; first vice president, Mrs. L.A. Robison; second, Mrs. Ralph Gray, Minneapolis, Minn.; third, Mrs. J.Q.A.Wilson; rec. sec., Mrs. S.B. Jones; cor. sec., Mrs. Jas. A. Thomas; fin. sec., Mrs. Anna Belle Harris; nat. treas., Bishop B.W. Arnett, Wilberforce, Ohio; ch, advisory board, W.R. Morris, Esq., Minneapolis, Minn.; ch. ex. com., Mrs. M.J. Brown; sec., Mrs. J.Q. Adams. The vice presidents in other states are: Mrs. Helen Cook, Mrs. Rosetta Lawson, Miss Charles Douglas, Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee, Ala.; Mrs. Mary Church Terrell, Miss V. Thompkins, Mrs. A.F. Hilyar, Mrs. B. K. Bruce, Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Victoria Matthews, New York; Mrs. Lucy Thurman, Jackson, Mich.; Mrs. J. Saint Pierre Ruffin, Boston, Mass.; Mrs. Fanny Jackson Coppin, Philadelphia; Mrs. Francis Harper, Mrs. B.F.Gross, Allegheny, Pa.; Mrs. Rebecca Alridge, Pittsburg, Pa.; Mrs. Abe Hall, Pittsburg, Pa.; Mrs Julia Mason Layton, Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Ella Mahamitt, Omaha, Neb.; Mrs J.B. Shorter, Wilberforce, Ohio; Mrs. Hannah Green, Providence, R.I.; Mrs. W.D. Crum., Mrs. Lucy B. Stevens, Miss Clara Alexander, Mrs. Rosie D. Bowser, Richmond, Va.; and Mrs. Addie W. Hunton, Richmond; Mrs. Dr. Mask, Mrs. Christmas, North Carolina; J. Hill, Mrs. Jas. II. Handy, Mrs. John Jones, Chicago Ill.; Mrs. Robert Gray, Mrs. L.L. Davis, Mrs. I. Hill, Mrs. Sylvanie T. Williams, New Orleans, La.; Mrs. G.M. Johnson, Little Rock, Ark.; Mrs. J. Silone Yates, St. Louis, Mo.; and Mrs. T.W. Henderson of Philadelphia and Mrs. J.M. Henderson of New York.
It is earnestly requested that all monies coming from churches, lodges, societies, etc., be sent to the national treasurer, Bishop B.W. Arnett, Wilberforce, Ohio.
Fannie Barrier Williams
One of the most notable events in local affairs is the completion of the new and beautiful building for Provident Hospital and Training School for Nurses. The existence and noble purposes of this institution have been mentioned more than once in the ERA, but people not living in Chicago can scarcely appreciate how much it means to the progressive spirit of the colored people of this great city.
Provident Hospital and Training School was conceived in the brain and heart of Dr. Daniel H. Williams, now Surgeon in Chief of Freedman’s Hospital, Washington, D.C. When he suggested the idea of such an institution six years ago, he instantly had the co-operation of many of the very best people of the city. But at best, Provident Hospital was but an experiment. It began modestly in a small rented building. Soon, however, the importance and noble usefulness of this institution was recognized by all Chicago. By clean, careful and economic management, the institution grew in favor and demand beyond the most sanguine hopes of its generous founder.
Among the friends attracted to it are such men as P.D. Armour, Geo. M. Pullman, H.H. Kohlsaat, Geo. H. Webster and Marshall Field. It is a splendid evidence of the shrewdness and
efficiency of the management of the institution that they were able to win the interest and confidence of these men of wealth.
Mr. Armour became so much interested that he gave $20,000 for a new building, ad the other gentlemen gave nearly $20,000 more for furnishing and endowment. The building was completed and turned over to the people October 29th.
The building is four stories in height, constructed of red brick and terra cotta, in the style of the Italian Renaissance. It is pronounced by architects, engineers and physicians to be the most perfectly equipped and most beautiful institution of its kind in the country. It is no exaggeration to say that, outside of schools, no institution in the country, owned and managed by colored people, is so thoroughly up to date in all of its appointments and possibilities as Provident Hospital and Training School. The opportunity offered for the training of nurses as a profession and for young colored physicians is unexampled. Many of the best physicians and surgeons of both races are on the medical staff. Indeed, the institution is so broad in its aims, sympathies, and opportunities that it is something more, even, than a colored hospital and training school. It has served an excellent purpose in bringing both races together, and has been one of the best modifiers of race prejudice in the city.
The opening celebration of the new building, on the 28th inst., was a great social event. There was such a mixing up of millionaires and poor people in terms of social equality as is seldom witnessed outside politics. The officers of the institution are Lloyd G. Wheeler, president; Dr. C.E. Bentley, secretary; and J.S. Madden, treasurer. These well known business men, together with other representative citizens of Chicago, have been connected officially with Provident Hospital ever since its creation, and to them belong the credit for its remarkable success.
I scarcely know how to write about social matters in Chicago. Mere personalities and society functions are not very safe things to indulge in by correspondents. It may be said, however, that Chicago is peculiarly independent in social matters. Here there is more of sociability than “society.” The conventionalities and artificialities of society life generally are less important in Chicago than in most cities. This condition seems to be due to several distinct causes; among them are the churches, clubs and other organizations that have sprung up in response to new duties to civic interests. We are particularly fortunate in having an exceptionally progressive and intelligent ministry. The majority of our city ministers are college-bred men. They have all been in touch with the very best forces of the day. They are all liberal to the extent of making their church influence important and salutary in every thing in which the people generally are interested. It is not an unusual thing to see representative laymen, and even non-church going men and women, occupying the pulpits in behalf of some cause which, while not exactly religious, yet needs the moral helpfulness of church influence.
Then such clubs as the women’s clubs, the King’s Daughters, and the women’s auxiliaries to the hospital are all doing much to infuse into the social life a more inclusive spirit of sympathy and fellowship among all the people. In no community will personal worth alone give a person better social recognition than here in Chicago.
The passion for education and culture among our young people is a matter of much gratification. In nearly all the professional schools, in medicine, law, theology, in both the great universities, in the business colleges and conservatories of music, art and oratory, may be seen young colored men and women diligently at work. To Miss Cora Jackson belongs the distinction of being the first of the colored race to receive a university degree from the Chicago University. Her work in the university has been a matter of great pride to us all, both because of its influence and of her personal worth and charm as a young woman.
Miss Mabel, the winsome daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Wheeler, expects to follow Miss Jackson by entering the university in December. She has had exceptionally good preparation for university work, and we bespeak for her a sure success.
Her many friends throughout the country will feel like extending greetings to Mrs. Theodore Lee Purnell of Washington, but formerly our own Theodora. Interest in her as a proud young mother will be no less cordial than was the interest in her as the most charming and popular young woman in the western Metropolis.
The committee appointed by the W.E.C. to investigate and report upon the reliability of a
story, published in many papers, concerning the reputed destitution of the daughter of John Brown, in order that the clubs might take immediate steps to help relieve that distress, reported that they had been unable to learn anything further about the matter, although they had sent letters of inquiry (with stamp for reply enclosed) to three different papers that had contained the story, and one of which The Colored American of Washington had at the time a standing appeal for money to be sent in to be applied to the relief of Mrs. Anna Brown Adams and her children. No reply had been received, even the agent of the Associated Press being unable to say where or from whom the widely circulated report had come. The whole matter was therefore reported back to the club.
Mrs. F.P. Clary of Cambridge was agreeably surprised by her many friends at her home, Baldwin street, Oct. 27, 1896, the occasion being her 80th birthday.
Miss Ethel Lewis, recent graduate of the Cambridge Latin School, is attending Bryant & Stratton Commercial School.
Mrs. G.W. Lewis and Miss E.M. Clary will give their first assembly on Nov. 19, 1896, Roberts Hall, Cambridge.
The WOMAN’S ERA Eminent Women Series should be in every household.
All members of the National Association, as well as many others, will be interested to know that a daughter was born to the president, Mrs. Mary Church Terrell. We are sorry that we are obliged to add that the little stranger only lived a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. Terrell have the sympathy of hosts of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. B.R. Wilson are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son.
“Noah’s Ark,” the coming entertainment by the Charity Club, is expected to be a brave social function as well as to put lots of money into the treasury for the Charity Hospital. Jos. Lee, of Woodland Park Hotel, who catered for the Food Fair just closed at Mechanic’s Building, will also serve the more select host of charity workers in the same place.
The publishers of the WOMAN’S ERA offer that paper and the American Kitchen Magazine, both for one year at the price of each, one (1) dollar
This is an opportunity for our readers. The American Kitchen Magazine is well known as the best magazine in the country, dealing with household and domestic economy: its managers and staff of writers include those who are authority on these subjects: Mrs. Ellen Richardson, Mrs. Sarah Rover, Mrs. Lincoln.
Send in subscriptions at once.
Subscription Premiums.
From time to time this paper has published portraits of well known women; these portraits, because of the interest of the subjects and the excellence of workmanship, have given general satisfaction. They are now to be collected in souvenir form, tied with art ribbons and issued as premiums to subscribers.
Every paid up subscriber sending in the name of one yearly subscriber and $1 will receive one of theses souvenirs. Subscriptions must be received through a paid up subscriber, and must be paid in advance.
This series of portraits includes many of our women now before the people as authors, lecturers and public workers: the collection is valuable as well as beautiful, and this opportunity to secure it, placed as it is within the reach of all our readers, should be eagerly grasped.
. . . . ART . . . .
Mrs. T. PATRIE, 15 Elm St., Nashua, N.H.
Is prepared to show specimens and give instructions in the following works of art: all branches of French flower making, funeral wreaths and decorations, modeling in clay and leather, photograph painting.
Terms Moderate. Orders Solicited.
—- LAWYER —-
Suite 411, 59 Dearborn Street, . . . Chicago.
Telephone, Main 1690.
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, 61 City Hall,
Telephone Main 280.
Howard University,
Washington, D. C.
Howard Universitv furnishes superior facilities for higher education. Nine different departments, with sixty professors and instructors. . . . . . . . . . .
Theological. Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical, Law, College, Preparatory, Normal, Industrial, the latter including Printing, Carpentry. Bookbinding, Tinning and Sewing.
Academic Departments opens September 23; Professional, September 28 to October 1.
For particulars address the President or Secretary.
Ofice, 419 Cedar Street. Room No. 17 Boyd Building.
Telephone 1171-3.
Will Practise in all the Courts. Your Business Respectfully Solicited.
Attorney at Law, Notary Public,
And Deal of Law Department Central Tennessee College,
Office, 411 N. Cherry St., Nashville, Tenn.
Negotiates the Loan of Money. All business entrusted in my hands will receive prompt attention.
Room 2 Boyd Building, 417 Cedar Street,
Nashville, Tenn.
Bateman Building,
237 Thames St., Newport, R.I.
Lunch Room on Commercial Wharf Landing.
The Literary, Musical and Domestic Departments are under the control of competent writers and critics.
With its large circulation among women, and particularly among women of the refined and educated classes, it offers peculiar advantages to advertisers of household articles, wearing apparel, books, magazines, musical instruments, and so forth.
Its rates are exceedingly liberal.
Try it, and you will not regret it.
Did You Ever Make Money Easy?
Mr. Editor. – I have read how Mr. C.E.B. made so much money in the Dish Washer business and think I have beat him. I am very young yet and have had little experience in selling goods, but have made over eight hundred dollars in ten weeks selling Dish Washers. It is simply wonderful how easy it is to sell them. All you have to do is to show the ladies how they work and they cannot help but buy one. For the benefit of others I will state that I got my start from the Mound City Dish Washer Co., St. Louis, Mo. Write to them and they will send you full particulars.
I think I can clear over $3,000 the coming year, and I am not going to let the opportunity pass. Try it and publish your success for the benefit of others. J.E.C.
Collegiate and Normal Courses. Enlarged corps of teachers. Industrial training in domestic and mechanic arts, including printing. Instruction in both instrumental and vocal music and in elocution. High grade in every respect. A few deserving and needy students can be aided. Term begins Wednesday, October 2. For catalog, address
Shore Dinner a Specialty, 50 Cents.
Dinner and Lunch Served on European Plan.
Fish of all Kinds and Salads. Oysters in Every Style
Home Made Pies, Cream and Cake.
Contralto Soloist and Vocal Teacher,
12 Grove Street, Boston, Mass.
Practical Painter and Glazier,
All work Promptly and Neatly Done at Reasonable Prices.
27 3-4 Pond Avenue, Newport R.I.
No. 14 Spruce St., Newport, R.I.
Will be glad to serve afternoon teas, spreads, wedding breakfasts and dinners, salads, croquettes ice creams, ices and confections. Polite waiters. All orders promptly attended to. Will call to arrange for parties on receipt of Postal.
15 Bow Street, Cambridge
27 Jerome Street, W. Medford.
GRAY . . .
Artist and . . .
Studio, 1030 Tremont Street,
The only Studio in Boston having Reception and Operating Rooms on the Ground Floor.
Telephone. 198-4, Roxbury.
United States Claims Agent,
No. 411 North Cherry Street,
Nashville, Tenn.
Nashville, Tenn.
Real Estate and Collecting Agent. Negotiates the Loan of Money, etc.
Telephone 1477.
(Napier Court) 411 Cherry Street.
Nos. 13 and 15 Broadway Extension,
Manufacturers of Clothes Wringers.
All kinds of Wringers and Swoopors Repaired. Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Point Rennaizance and Honiton Lace.
Samples Always on Hand.
Residence, 193 Elm Street,
New Bedford, Mass.
227 Spring St., Newport, R. I.
J. W. WASHINGTON, Artist Penman,
Twelve (12) Lessons by mail, only $3.00 in advance. Sample Lesson, 25 cents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for circular.
Visiting Cards elegantly written, 12 for 20 cents. Agents wanted. Big commission. Sample book, 20 cents. Rapid Addition Method, 12 cents.
156 Charles St., Boston.
Three doors from eye infirmary.
Artificial Eyes a Specialty.
Telephone, 1198 Haymarket.
Over their Tea these Ladies
ARE discussing how easy it is to own a home by adopting the latest methods of enterprising agents. By making a small payment down, and the balance to he paid as rent.
In any of the suburbs desirable homes may be obtained, and far-sighted people are taking advantage of the opportunities thus offered, and investing in homes for themselves. Join the number who are fast accumulating property and who have none but words of praise for the firm with whom they dealt.
Real Estate, In all its branches.
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Real Estate, In all its branches.
545 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridgeport, Mass.
Has a thorough and systematic course of study, including a complete system of Physical Training and Voice Culture, Natural Rendering, and the principles of the Philosophy of Expression. Scientific and practical work in every department. Chartered by the State.
Address for illustrated catalogue,
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Boston, Mass.
Summer session at Martha’s Vineyard.
The Bonita Cold and Silver Mining Company,
No Assessments. No Stock Holders’ Liabilities.
The Great Mineral Basin it Pitkin covers an area as large as that of Leadville, Aspen and Red Cliff combined. Professor Sadtler, of the Chair of Metallurgy and Mineralogy of the State School of Mines, speaking of this district, says: “This camp, with proper and systematic development, will be made a second Aspen, if not better.”
The output of the Leadville district has been, up to the present time, in value over $200,000,000; that of Red Cliff more than $35,000,000, and that of Aspen, $100,000,000, or more, and the mines of these places show no signs of exhaustion.
What, then, shall we expect of Pitkin and the Quartz Creek District, which has a mineral bearing area as large as these three districts combined, when so far the developments there have proved the mineral deposits to be fully as rich and extensive?
We can come to but one conclusion: Its wealth is limitless, and no more safe or profitable field for investment can be found.
The property of the Bonita Gold and Silver Mining Company consists of three groups, in all nine claims, or a little over ninety acres, located in the most favored portion of this great mineral basin. Special care has been taken in the selecting to cover apexes, timber and water, all of which are of such vital importance in any mining property, and the greater portion of it lies only from one-fourth to three miles away from the railroad and the town of Pitkin, with good, down-hill roads leading from every portion of it, accessible every day in the year.
The ore is high grade, netting from fifty to one thousand dollars per ton, average two hundred and fifty. The Company has undisputed title to the entire property, which is free from any incumbrance [sic] encumbrance, and will be kept so. Any further information will be cheerfully furnished by the
President, MARY E. PHELPS, or MRS. L. K. DANIELS, Secretary.