Volume 2, Number 4



The Woman’s Era.

Vol. II. No. 4.



A wee “new woman” came to town last Sunday evening at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Grant, Charles St. The young stranger is said to be of such strength of lung and limb and that already the prospect of her casting her vote for president of the United States in 1916 is a settled fact.

Mrs. Mary Church Terrell delivered the address to the graduating class of the Wilmington, Del., High School June 25. The address was commented upon by the newspapers of the town as being the best ever delivered in that city by a woman.

Mr. W.E.B. DuBois’ short stay in this city will probably be forgiven by his many friends when they learn that it was a sufficient time to secure for him the honored title of Ph.D. at Harvard. This is the first time a colored man has attained this title, and it is needless to say that Dr. DuBois has our best wishes and congratulations.

The picnic given for the benefit of St. Monica’s home on the 1st of July, although an eminent success socially, owing to the uncertainty of the weather in the early part of the day was not the financial success it should have been. The hard and intelligent work put into the effort by the committee of ladies deserved to win for them the financial returns hoped for. About two hundred people went out. It required many times that number to meet the desire of the committee, which was to raise enough money by the picnic to keep the home open through the summer season, when most of its friends and donors are away from the city. The affair was projected by an independent committee composed of the following ladies: Mrs. Hattie Ruffin, Mrs. L. Pope, Mrs. Hemmings and Mrs. Fannie Johnson.

The Hon. “Jack” Durham, minister to Haytii under the Harrison administration, has been recently admitted to the Philadelphia bar.


Widespread interest is being shown in the coming conference, communications from clubs all over the country showing that interest in and sympathy with the movement will have substantial recognition in the presence of its delegates.

As the ERA goes to press before a complete list of delegates can be arranged, we append but a few names of those whom we may expect to have with us. Later, programs will be arranged and mailed to clubs desiring them.

First, the Woman’s Era Club, and we are sure all other clubs represented will be glad to welcome among them Mrs. Ida B. Wells Barnett, who has been invited to attend. Being with them at their formation, and also being in every sense of the word a club woman, the congratulations waiting to be showered upon ‘Mrs. Barnett will be heartfelt indeed.

The W.L.U. of New York will send three accredited delegates and six at large, Mrs. Victoria Matthews, Mrs. Katie Carmand and Miss Tarner being the three regular representatives. Mrs J. Imogen Howard, one of the N.Y. State Board Of Women Managers of the World’s Fair at Chicago, will probably come on and tell us of what was done for that exposition by the women of N.Y. and N.E.

Philadelphia will be represented by Miss Dora Cole and Mrs. N.F. Mossell, who will read papers. It is also hoped that Mrs. Fannie Jackson Coppin, principal of the Philadelphia Institution for colored youth, will be with us. Mrs. Coppin was the first to introduce manual training in the Philadelphia schools, a system which is being successfully pursued in the institution of which she is now principal.

That sweetest of all poetic singers and lecturers among us, Mrs. Frances E. W. Harper, will probably be heard.

From the west comes cheerful news, that Los Angeles, Cal., will be represented, and resolutions passed in three churches in that city will be sent for reading.

Although it will be impossible for Mrs. Terrell

of Washington to be present, it is hoped that the National Woman’s League of that city will be represented either by its president, Mrs. John F. Cook, or Mrs. Cooper, its secretary, that finest of all our essayists.


From Tuskegee, Ala., Mrs. Booker T. Washington is expected.

Miss Ella Smith, B.A., M.A., of Wellesley, will read a paper, subject to be announced later.

New York and Washington will each have entire control of one session of the conference, carrying out programs of their own arrangement.

Another special session will be devoted to “Social Purity,” when papers pertaining to subjects as factors to social purity will be read–such subjects as “Hygienic diet as a factor,” “Business education as a safeguard,” etc. In this connection a valuable suggestion from Mrs. Alice S. Felts, that of circulating for signatures a social purity pledge, will be carried out, Mrs. Felts having been requested to present in a paper some phase of this subject.

Another session will be in charge of an eminent worker of the W.CT. U.

Mrs. Fannie Barrier Williams of the Chicago Women’s Club will lend interest by her presence.

From New Orleans, one or more delegates has been promised by the Phyllis Wheatley Club,and Mrs. R.G.L. Page, representing that new and flourishing club recently formed in Berkeley, Va., will come as its delegate.

A new club recently formed in Salem, Mass., through the interest and exertion of Miss Annie Blanchard, will be represented.

This by no means shows all the delegates expected, but simply gives an idea of the communications that are being received in accord with and desiring to participate in the conference. Of local clubs there are many, and [ – ] far away, some members of which we [ – ] .

Later an official programme [ – ] , showing the exact line of work [ – ] of which we hopefully expect will [ – ] our object, showing by our actions what [ – ] we are.

Berkeley Hall, including banquet hall, dressing rooms, etc., will be engaged for all the sessions of the conference, also for the closing feature, which will be a social one, taking the form of a reception of the delegates and promenade concert.

Regular delegates will be lodged free by the members of the W. E. C., and dinners will be furnished at the hall at moderate cost to delegates and others desiring them.


Victoria Earle

The man Jacks, seeing the way, doubtless, of getting his name before the public, estimating the possible free advertisement he could get from the reflex action of sending a sensational communication to England concerning a scarcely known class, adopted a method so thoroughly unfit for usage among honorable men that any wholesome-minded person finds it difficult to stay repugnance for such things long enough to enter a protest, or an appeal to universal reason. Such an attack on womankind as his, so noisome and foul, is merciless in marking to the world the standard of man that the Missouri State Press Club has seen fit to elect as its presiding officer. He has not only slandered the women of negro extraction, but the mothers of American morality and virtue, when he says in his letter to the Hon. Florence Balgarnic: “Until such literature as your society (anti-lynching) sends out made an impression, and until northern women came along with their degraded views of chastity of women,” etc., etc. Let reasonable minds ask what this means. It it plain that it begins with the negro woman, but let reason say where it ends. “Until the northern people came among us with their degraded views of chastity of women”! Where do Maria Lydia Childs, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Fanny Kemble, Harriet Martineaux, and hundreds of others who in pure lofty womanhood upheld the moralists of the nineteenth century–the abolitionists–stand in this Iewd fellow’s sweeping statement? When truth-loving minds understand and acknowledge that the thing in slavery which destroyed the peace of mind of the ever-to-be-appreciated northern woman was in toto the demoralizing effect of the institution slavery on each succeeding generation–when this is considered, the only conclusion is a boundless pity for the depravity that flagrantly vents itself on the self-sacrificing labors of the women who taught southern menwhat chastity meant!

While no sane person will accept any statement of morals on such general lines as this individual

has outlined, and while it is repellant in every way to the chaste mind to dignify such foul thoughts and expressions by a public refutation, yet allegiance to virtue leaves but one course open, to warn the indifferent against permitting such an one as this man Jacks must be to think and speak for them. I mean particularly the Press Club of Missouri. While it is not to be expected that any good effect can be made by our utterances on the class that the defamer represents, yet the courageous women should speak through the WOMAN’s ERA that the world may feel the power of the chaste mentality of the true negro woman. At least, this is no time to treat a vilifier in the manner only comprehended by a true man. As consistent women, jealous of our good name, we should not hesitate through mistaken ideas as to wise policy, etc., in. sending broadcast our burning contempt for any creature who can assail with viperous touch a subject that involves the innate mystery of hidden life out of our reverence for those who preceded us, made a place in history, song and story for us. Our indignation should know no limit. We as women have been too unobtrusive, too little known; we have been hidden by our close adherence to high endeavor. The dross has forced to the front too long. We should realize, and let the world know that we realize it, that America, and the south in particular, owes a deathless bond of gratitude to the now slandered class, that the fair sons and daughters of the south were not corrupted or demoralized during their young and tender years. This is no shallow claim. History can be out in evidence to prove that decency existed most generally among the negro women of the south, for they only were forced by iron law and brutish control to live under the harrowing conditions by the chivalric (?) progenitors of possibly Jacks and his class. If there were enough negro women found at that time to whom the tender youth was entrusted, not only for training at the very time of life when the moral character pre-eminently is formed, but for nourishing the same, which is an indisputable fact, what claim to truth can Jacks and his class hope to establish by such malignant charges as are published in his letter to a noble English lady?


No man capable of reverencing his mother, or protecting the unsullied fame of any woman, would have written or forwarded such a communication to any woman; much less, one whose life work entitles her to the respect at least of progressive and wholesome minds, regardless of sex, wherever principle and unselfish efforts to uplift struggling humanity exists.

The Woman’s Loyal Union will do all in its power to support the position taken by the Woman’s Era Club of Boston in calling upon the women of the race to meet in convention. The matter is being pushed vigorously, other clubs and bodies of women being appealed to; and there is every reason to look forward to the convention as an epoch marking event in our history, for it can be made such, if every individual woman will realize that, as it is the first of the kind, much depends on the undertaking as a precedent. If successful, the organized bodies of women throughout the country will note it, and their respect for us as a body will rise correspondingly; thereby an advance will have been accomplished. The brightest of our women should come together, for regardless of success or failure, it will afford an opportunity not only of educating public opinion as to our status as women, but will be a test of the broadmindedness an zeal in the matter of mutual advancement existing between the women of the races. If the women will only read and think this manner over, we will have no fears as to the ultimate result.


Mary Church Terrell

O that I could express in words,
very emotion that I feel,
And sweeter than the song of birds
Each of my hidden thoughts reveal.
Within my soul they’re fettered fast,
Although they long to be released,
And nobly struggle, till at last,
From vain endeavors they have ceased.
Then as a caged bird sings, tho’ bound,
Still caroling its sweet refrain,
So in my soul, though bars surround,
My thoughts sing forth their sweetest strain.

Two women engaged in an interesting dicussion which I overheard the other day. The ques-

tion to be settled was whether it is wiser for the average Afro-American to be so politic as to avoid antagonizing Anglo-Saxons by dissenting from their opinions, or whether he should boldly assert himself, when the occasion arises, and have the courage of his convictions.


“I believe that the reason why we make no more progress in securing our various rights is because all of us, men and women, are too weakkeoed,” said a fiery little sister, fairly bristling with independence and earnestness. “Some of our most intelligent men counsel such allopathic doses of diplomacy in dealing with their brothers in white as to cure forever the tendency either to challenge accusations or resent insults offered by them. As long as we submit quietly just so long will the apostles of oppression and tyranny continue to insult and abuse us. According to my opinion, we have been too long-suffering and have given too little evidence of possessing back bone. Patience ceases to be a virtue after it reaches a certain limit, and too much so-called christian submission is the virtue either of cowards or fools, I believe,” she continued, boiling more and more with indignation as she proceeded.

‘”Well, what do you advise, for instance?” said a level-headed woman whose pulse beat at least twenty times less in a minute than that of her friend. “You would have our men go through the world with a chip on their shoulder, I suppose, offering fight to all Anglo-Saxons who differ with them. A more hair-brained course could not be imagined, because it would fall so far short of accomplishitig the end at which you aim. Policy and diplomacy will effect more than pugnacity as we are situated at present, according to my opinion.”

“I do not advise going to extremes in asserting ourselves and maintaining our manhood,” said the little advocate of resistance. “I want our intelligent men to be more ready to resent insults and stand up for the rights that are denied. I want lo see them less willing to preserve the silence they call “golden” when a word of manly independence and righteous indignation would raise them so much higher in the estimation of themselves and everybody else. We need to cultivate self-respect as a race. From the very nature of the case we have too little of that in our composition. The fact that it is not our fault that we lack this prerequisite to a dignified manhood and womanhood does not alter or help the matter. The effect upon ourselves is just as fatal in every particular. I want to see men of spirit possessing too much self respect to play the role of cowardice under the cloak of diplomacy. I want to see the number of men not afraid to denounce wrong increasing.”

“That is all very well from a theoretical standpoint,” said she of the slow pulse and the cool head, “but practically such a course would be suicidal to the progress of the race, as I look at it. We are as yet too dependent upon the masters of the situation to strike the attitude of defiance. We need money above everything else before we are in a position to make demands effectually. Such a bold expression of opinion as you advise would simply mean less of position to the average Afro-American who indulged in this pastime to any great extent. Here in Washington, for instance, some of our brainiest men are in the employ of the government, and their lips must be sealed when it comes to fault finding or denouncing wrongs inflicted by the dominant race. Our men of intelligence, who are for the most part independent of spirit, frequently refrain from taking an active part in the war against oppression because such a course would deprive them of means of subsistence. They do not want to take bread out of the mouths of their families, and so they keep silent.”

This state of things is indeed discouraging,” said the little Joan of Arc, “for it is a species of slavery more galling to men and women who have tasted freedom than to those who have never known the joys of liberty. But I do not believe that an exhibition of bold, fearless manhood in the race would result so disastrously as you imagine. Even tyrants admire courage in the victims of their oppression. If our men displayed more pluck and independence in their dealings with the Anglo-Saxon brothers the latter would have more respect for them. We can never command respect from others until we possess a sufficient quantity ourselves, and no man or woman can respect himself or herself who dares not stand up for what he or she conceives to be right. In the struggle for complete liberty some body must be sacrificef. If each one considers only what will be to his advantage as an individual, and is subservient because it will advance his personal interests, I doubt seriously that we shall ever attain that dignity and independence as a people without which we can amount to nothing.”


Fannie Barrier Williams

The July number of the ERA will find many of our readers among the teaching class in the cool retreats of their vacation season. To no class of workers is a brief respite from service so happily welcome. In their eagerness for this grateful season of change from the worries and bad air of the school room to the open air of freedom and exhilaration many of our teachers give but little attention to the best means of spending this vacation time.

Of course, I would not attempt to give either instruction or advice as to how the vacation period ought to be spent. This is a matter of individual determination to be governed largely by circumstances. It is interesting, however, to note and understand what important changes are going on in the popular mind with reference to the use of summer vacations. While railroad and steamboats are doing everything in the line of improvement in traveling facilities, and while the watering places are all wonderfully joyous in the things that delight soul and body, there has been a steady growth in in popular favor of the summer schools, and other assemblies for intellectual recreation. Many of the great universities and centers of learning have become popular summer resorts for the increasing thousands who find no rest and strength in idleness or dissipation of time.

These summer schools are largely in the nature of lecture courses and embrace a wide range of studies that in many cases are in the nature of post-graduate work. The most eminent men and women in all departments of human knowledge are engaged in this new department of education. The Chicago, Madison, Lake Forest and Michigan universities are notable among western Schools for the thoroughness and extensiveness of their summer work for 1895.

The prospects of attendance from all parts of this country and Canada are exceedingly encouraging to the cause of education. Many eminent men from the universities of the older world have been secured for the summer course of Chicago university, and teachers and others who are eager to hear the authoritative word from the original thinkers of the day would do well to avail themselves of these rare opportunities.

It is to he hoped that large numbers of our southern teachers will feel inclined and be able to refresh themselves with these larger inspirations of vacation season. People in the North can help the cause of education in the South to a considerable extent by affording a hospitable welcome to such of our overworked and underpaid sisters in the South who come North to drink from these fresh founts of inspiration and high knowledge.

Exhilaration of soul, as well as a renewal of physical strength should be the aim of the men and women who for two or three months are released from the service of teaching. To thus enlarge the boundaries of the mind mean as much to the schools as to themselves.

It is a long time since Chicago has been in such a tip toe of eagerness over social events. The announcement of June Weddings has fairly taken us off our feet with their startling surprises. The approaching marriage of Miss Ida B. Wells to Mr. F.L. Barnett has an interest that exceeds all local bounds. The public has become so interested in the unique career of Miss Wells that her determination to marry a man while still married to a cause will be a topic of national interest and comment. The public has been so accustomed to think of Miss Wells’ remarkable zeal for the cause of law and order that, I suppose, no one ever reads a case of lynching without associating with it the indignant protest of our plucky little friend.

Aside from being an attorney of established reputation at the Chicago bar, the fortunate groom has manifested a chivalric interest in the cause of his estimable bride. All Chicago unite in blessing the matrimonial union of two persons whose most conspicuous traits of character have been an unstinted interest in the cry for help and justice from an unfortunate people.

The I.B.W. Woman’s Club will tender the wedded pair a reception that promises to be a notable event.

Another wedding of only local interest by pleasantly suggestive of happiness to the estimable couple is that of Miss Lulu Wiley to Adelbert H. Roberts on the 20th inst. Miss Wiley is a young woman possessed of so much exquisite good sense and sweet amiability that everyone shares her

happiness in marrying a fine type of the new generation of colored gentlemen. Mr. Roberts is a recent graduate of the Chicago law school and is a high-minded, capable and companionable gentleman.


These June marriages chime in quite fittingly with the gladsome festivities of these school closing days. They both lend a joyous zest to this season of congratulation and good will. It is the season of flowers, music, bright expectations and love’s triumphs. There is an optimism in the air we breathe, a melody in opening bud and bursting flower, and an inspiring opulence in this season when Hymen is the sovereign gay, and diplomas bring sweet messages to anxious hearts.


Josephine Silone Yates


Certain misunderstandings on this question render expedient the publication of the following statement, drawn up in Boston, Feb. 6, 1895. Every reader who notices the prominent names attached will be interested to learn that the signature of Frederick Douglass was almost the last one that he made.


Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, Francis J. Garrison, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps-Ward, Julia Ward Howe, Ednah Cheney, Joseph Cook, Lyman Abbott, Herbert D. Ward, and Bishop H.M. Turner

It has come to our knowledge that wrong impressions concerning the attitude of Miss Willard toward the colored people in America have been made in certain quarters, and as an act of justice we desire to put it on record that no such criticisin would be for a moment received in her own country by those who have any adequate knowledge of Miss Willard’s character and career. Her ancestors were Abolitionists, her childhood’s home was on the line of “the underground railway” for fleeing fugitive slaves; her father was one of the founders of the Free Soil, afterwards the Republican party; and her convictions and sympathies as proved by her speeches, books and editorial articles are with those who from the beginning of the great anti-slavery agitation have been devoted to the cause of the colored people.

As president of the National W.C.T.U. and founder of the World’s W.C.T.U., Miss Willard has always maintained the position that no colored line could be drawn by either society, and the women who have thus far guided and controlled these great national organizations have never sought to establish any distinction in either, but have freely and gladly accepted the colored women as officers and delegates to the convention of both. Within a few weeks Miss Willard publicly declared that if a certain woman’s club of Chicago, of which she is a member, declined to receive colored women on terms of equality, she should resign her membership.

The National W.C.T.U. is organized on the basis that each state has a right to manage its own internal affairs. In some of the southern states, colored unions have heen formed with the hearty concurrence of leading colored women. When these unions send their delegates to the World’s or National W.C.T.U., they are received on terms of perfect equality with white women. It is due to the white ribbon movement that this statement be widely made and thoroughly understood, as the work of that society is one of wide range and womanly beneficence. In view of these facts we feel that for any person or persons to give currency to statements harmful to Miss Willard as a reformer is most misleading and unjust. Through her influence many of the state unions have adopted resolutions against lynching, and the National union has put itself squarely on record in the same way, while the annual addresses of the president plainly indicated her disapproval of such lawless and barbarous proceedings.




Libbie C. Anthony

It is a sad mistake for the future of our race that the great mass of our colored children are coming up without sufficient training to early impress and induce to habits of sobriety, temperance

and morality. Since the object of all churches is to work for Christ, and the accomplishment of this end, I have thought to ask each church to form Temperance Mission Bands, and each Saturday or semi-monthly gather the children and give them short, spicy talks on the church’s mission work, temperance, honesty, etc. With a few pretty songs these meetings could be made very interesting and helpful. Once a quarter an entertainment could be given and one half the proceeds used for mission work as the church would direct, and the other half given to the temperance work under the W. C. T. U. Each church has a number of intelligent young women who would gladly do this work for their church and race if requested by their pastor.


The future of the race depends on the training of the children of to-day. I will be glad to hear from any one, especially ministers and teachers who are willing to help “train the children in the way they should go.”

Yours for Christ and humanity,

For further information address LIBBIE C. ANTHONY,State Superintendent Colored Work,Missouri W.C.T.U., Jefferson City, Mo.


A very interesting meeting of the Woman’s League was held at the residence of Mrs. Bishop Handy Wednesday, June 5th, at which time it was decided to ratify the constitution of the National League of the Colored Women of the United States.

Interesting letters were read from Mrs. Charlotte Grinkle and Mrs. Helen Cook of Washington, D. C., and from Mrs. S. Dupee of Jefferson City, Mo. Papers and documents from other points were also presented.

A program of work for the summer was mapped out, the ladies concluding to maintain the sewing school and make over-garments which might be of use to the needy in winter.

The “Fourth of July” issue of the Kansas City Journal, a Republican paper of wide circulation, will be edited by the ladies of the city, and the corresponding secretary of the League has been requested to prepare for that edition a few statements concerning the nature and work of this organization of colored ladies.

Garland Penn, Chief of the Negro Department of the Cotton States and International Exposition, has created a commission for the “City of Kansas, Mo., and Kansas City, Kansas, whose duty it shall be to collect, forward, install and supervise the colored exhibit from the two cities.”

Six young people graduated from Lincoln High School at the tenth annual commencement of this institution, and fifty promotions were made from the various ward schools to the High School.

On Monday night, June 11, Sidney Woodward, the Boston tenor, delighted a large and appreciative Kansas City audience with his matchless voice.


Elizabeth Piper Ensley


Ida De Priest

“Nothing succeeds like success.”

The enfranchisement of the women of Colorado brings to them the knowledge that they are a power in the political world.

That earnest women can do almost anything was thoroughly demonstrated at the Republican State League Convention held in Denver May 28.

They went there with the intention of electing one woman delegate out of the fourteen to be sent to the National Convention at Cleveland, Ohio. That they succeeded in sending not one but three, is another proof of what earnest women can do.

Promptly at ten o’clock the president of the State League, which numbers nearly one thousand, called the convention to order. To one who has attended conventions the usual preliminaries are familiar. This one differed from others only in having a majority of women voters and a greater number of colored delegates. When a candidate was elected in whom the women were particularly interested, there were no shouts and throwing up of hats, but only a clapping of hands, and that not very demonstrative for fear of bursting kid gloves.

Those who think of women voting only in connection with reforms should have visited the convention and have seen the adroit proceedings of

the two leading women of the party. Both were anxious to receive the highest honors within the gift of the league. How they and their followers did work, not for the best good of the people in convention assembled, but for their own personal interests.


One side went so far as to put in the resolutions to be read before the convention, that a certain woman should not be allowed to vote because she was not what she would have the worId believe her to be. The men considered this a good joke and had a hearty laugh over it.

Already too much glimmer has been thrown over the real. Articles have been written from superabundance of self conceit, in which opinions are given instead of facts.

We women of Colorado are proud of our liberty. If we would clear and make better the political atmosphere of which we have so often boasted of doing when we should gain the franchise, we must carry our womanhood there. Let true womanhood enter into every part of politics and be used as the instrument of all reforms.

If the ideal of woman suffrage is still in advance of its realization, if its theories are still ahead of its practical accomplishments, if that which it has done pale by comparison with what it will do, then and not till then will woman suffrage be a grand achievement.


Mrs. Ida De Priest was elected third vice president of the Colorado State Republican League. She has done excellent party service and merits the honor.

The literary department of the Woman’s League gave a pleasant entertainment at the home of Mrs. Irving Williams Monday evening, June 17.


S. Willie Layton

Early one morning of last month, despite the mists that obscured the bay, the overland train pulled on to the Oakland pier and safely landed its passengers, among whome were the two distinguished women, Miss Susan B. Anthony and Rev. Anna H. Shaw, who had crossed the continent to meet with the second Woman’s Congress of California. It was said by some of the “legal-minded men” that the subject (“Home”) under consideration this year was not broad enough in scope and would prove tame. After the subject had beon discussed politically by Miss Anthony and Rev. Shaw, and by the other brainy women who considered it from domestic, social, evolutionary or hygienic standpoints, the men–not even conservative Rabbi Voorsanger of San Francisco–dared criticise the verdict of Mayor Sutro, “That there had assembled in Golden Gate hall an aristocracy higher than ever assembled in any place in Europe–an aristocracy of brains. Women have finer brain power than men and will improve government. Let them step in and restore the patriotism of the revolutionary fathers and all will be well.”

It was apparent that the new woman was not to be distinguished by any frightful logic dress reform attire, neither was she bereft the divine and sweet influences that characterize the mother and wife. The new woman, as she appeared in Golden Gate hall, demonstrated her intellectual fitness and cleverly proved herself able to use her brain and appear attractive, for said the press, “Oh, this is no Woman’s Congress, this is some sort of swell reception.” Yet her personal appearance was secondary to the vital question under discussion. If brains quickened with progressive thought, balanced by sound judgment, enthusiasm, crowded halls, from which has gone forth an impetus for greater effort in the elevation of woman and humanity, if these are indications of success, then this Woman’s Congress was a success.

The presence and practical talks of Mrs. Stephen Matthews (known at the Woman’s Congress as the little English woman with the big voice) has inspired to action the colored women of this place. The Woman’s Club for the special interest of our own people has been organized. The possibilities are large for a grand work by this club, the women are of the class teeming with enthusiasm and bright thought and lots of “stick ability.” I only wish you might be present at our next meeting to hear the Rev. Jones “plea for the one man membership in the Woman’s Club.” While some of us favor co-relative work the majority are vindictive and decree that what has been sauce for the goose shall now be served to the gander. When it shall be aye and nay, the nays will carry.

We are on the verge of an educational war. Supt. Search tried to introduce and advised the

individual system of instruction in the public schools as superior to the old class system. The school board is divided, the superintendent’s situation challenged, common sense requesting silence for the present from teachers, the citizens en masse for enlightenment, personalities so bitterly flung that as yet we don’t know just where we are. It is to be hoped this very serious question of education may be wisely and carefully considered. Let the individual system have fair and impartial trial. If the present class system can be improved, teachers allowed opportunity for using a little more originality in giving unto each pupil his instruction as and when most needed, instead of the old way of cramming a prescribed course, mental capacity or none, such a system would be more helpful alike to teacher and pupil.



Sada J. Anderson

Sunday, the 19th ult., at 4 P. M., the parlors of the Y.W.C.A. were filled to overflowing with the members and friends of the association to hear your representative’s address on the condition of the colored people of the south. Frequently throughout the address were the friends in tears as the listened in a sacred stillness to the condition of these dear people of the balmy southland so well delineated. The singing of the sextette added much to the meeting, as they told the sad story in song.

Mrs. Emma S. Ransom of Cleveland, one of the editors of Woman’s Light and Love for Heathen Africa, one of our missionary periodicals, and the only one published by our women, spent a few days with us. Mrs. Ransom is but to be seen to be loved. Though young in years she is making the world know she is in it.

During Bishop Wayman’s stay in the city, he was entertained by Mrs. Hattie Hicks, the enthusiastic little president of the Woman’s Mite Missionary Society. Of course the dear bishop gave us quite a spiritual and intellectual feast.

The Dicken’s Club has been taking a vacation.

At a late meeting, Mrs. Hattie Cannon delivered a fine paper on mental culture. In speaking of mentat improvement, she recommended mental food which best serves our needs, and mingling in refined and cultured society. She said there was no excuse for ignorance except indolence and indifference, so long as the public libraries were opened to the world.

The Henrietta Society had quite a pleasant literary and social meeting last week, and we regret very much that it was our misfortune to be absent. This society has done and is doing much for the people at large.

Now that the weather is pleasant, the King’s Daughters have changed their meetings from the homes of the members to the church, and all Daughters are earnestly requested to be about their King’s business, for it requireth haste.


Sylvia Mason Maples

Though at the eleventh hour, the Trilby fad has come to town. One East Tennessee maid, even at the exorbitant cost of one dollar and a quarter, possessed herself of this peculiarly pathetic story, and read it forthwith. Whatever her mental verdict may have been, her verbal criticism was “horrible.” If by venting this acrid term before her friend, she though to curb their eagerness to read De Maurier’s fancy, when too late she learned that the wrong term was unhappily employed in condemning it. Instead of serving the purpose she had intended, it “o’erleaps itself and falls on other.” The consequence is that her quondam clean, cloth-bound copy of “Trilby” has been borrowed and read so much that, ere being read more, it must come in close contact with the glue pot.

Having read a book, one must in reason have some opinion of it. Giving my honest, conscientious conviction of the much thought of, much written of, much talked of literary sensation of the times, I must say that I have failed to see in it so much of dross and shame as some of my more punctilious friends; I have failed in toto to see it in the alleged light of a “corrupter of morals.” To the contrary, I think, though the work is fraught with objectionable features-many–(by the way, that no girl of modest bearing would do well to imitate, unless, like Trilby,

she err through ignorance) it carries, in the end, a moral of purity and innocence.


Sheeted and sleeping in the grave’s cold embrace are innumerable mothers, good, old-fashioned mothers, such as the world is in need of today. Not that there are fewer god mothers now than in times past, but that there are more corrupting influences abroad, abasing the minds, the hearts, the morals and manners of the times. Mothers were once not so foolishly ambitious of their daughter’s social popularity as now. Instead of being precipitately paraded before public notice, the girls were wont to be kept in obscurity too long, so long as to engender a shyness and awkwardness difficult of riddance, when from their hiding they emerged.

Then, in those dear, forever-gone days, girls were less prone to forwardness, less addicted to flattery and less susceptible to its seductive influences.

When mothers were more watchful of their daughters’ incoming and outgoing, more zealous, of the company kept, more observant of the haunts frequented, more careful of their manners and behavior, girls were more sincere and less deceptive.

There was a time when young women would not, knowingly entertain young men who were morally, socially or intellectually their inferiors; but now, sad to say, the reverse is conspicuousily prevalent. In many places a man requires no family prestige, no brains, no money and–worse than all–no morals; nothing save a “gift of gab” and a stylish apparel to admit him into high and respected circles. Poor requisites these for a man’s entrance into the sanctity of our homes.

It may be a sweeping assertion–an assertion born of ignorance, through inexperience of maternal duties, for one from whom God has withheld his greatest blessing, the blessing of becoming a mother–to make, nevertheless I charge you who have been so expressly favored, you who are mothers, with countenancing and abetting this deadly growing evil. I charge you with neglect of your offspring’s welfare. I charge you with the good or bad qualities of which your child is possessed. It is not altogether the fiat of inheritance that a man must necessarily be profligate because his father was a libertine, or that a woman must need be the second edition of her mother’s untowardness. By virtue of the power of blood, the tendency may exist–must exist, for blood will tell: it is sure to come out, if not in the present generation, in the next or the next; but as in nature it is possible to overcome the center-fleeing forces by the center-seeking, or vice versa, it is also possible by prayer, christian endeavor and christian determination to overcome the evil tendencies that are your child’s inheritance. Mothers, vast, immeasurable, never-ending are your responsibilities; your nursery songs, your daily lessons, your words, your thoughts, your deeds, your walks, your maternal influences, all make or mar, elevate or degrade the child.

The commencement exercises of the Austin High School, which took place at Staub’s Theatre Friday, June 7, was, in the estimation of your correspondent, the best ever given by that school. The class was small, being composed of only two young ladies, Misses Eva Kidd and Minnie Smith. Miss Kidd was as usual, happy in the delivery of her well written thesis, “Unheeded Opportunities ” which he treated under the guise of “ShipsThat Pass in the Night.” Miss Smith, in a few well-chosen, impressive words, delivered the valedictory. The four well-rendered recitations by as many young women were most entertaining.

Another noticeable feature, and one worthy of commendation, was the total absence of ostentation; simplicity, sensible and pleasing, reigned instead. The young ladies, with but a few exceptions, wore white wash goods. Much credit is due Professor J. W. Manning and his able corps of teachers for the year’s course of instruction and its happy termination.


Rosa D. Bowser

The Fifth Baptist Church of Richniond, Virginia, is spreading a feast of religious inspiration for the church lovers, by securing the services of some of the most able and gifted divines in the state. Rev. W. H. Brooks, whom everyone here loves to hear, preached at the above named church on the morning of June 16, and at the First Baptist Church in the afternoon of the same day. It is needless to say that on both occasions the audiences listened to soul-reviving, animating sermons,

and the name of Rev. Brooks of Washington, D.C. (formerly of Richmond) will be sufficient announcement to gather a large congregation. The Fifth Baptist Church of Sidney, or the western section of the city, occupied a small frame structure until about two years ago. Now the church has purchased a beautiful site and has built one of the most beautiful houses of worship in the city. Under the direction of the pastor, Rev. Clarke, dedicatorial services will continue for several weeks.


Rev. Gullins, of the 33rd St. A.M.E. Cliurch, has won the hearts of the people of all denominations, and very many are enthusiastic in praises of his fine sernions and a very instructive address to the young men at the Y.M.C.A. building a few weeks ago.

Several State Institutes and Peabody Normals will be conducted in different portions of Virginia during the month of July. Three of these normals are for the benefit of colored teachers.

So the question of the day is, where are you going? “Are you going to the Institute ?” comes next. Many teachers from the cities and counties attended last year, but the outlook does not seem so bright this summer as far is Richmond is concerned.

The Second and First Baptist Sunday schools hold commencement exercises the 18th and 20th of June respectively, at which time the students of the normal class receive their diplomas. The plan may be a very excellent one, and perhaps could be improved by putting each S. S. graduate in charge of a class. But I am sorry to confess that I have not been able to perceive the benefit to the S. S. from S. S. graduation. I have in mind cases of students who walked with their certificates out of S. S. and have only attended the church services since that time. They seem to have outgrown the Sunday school.

Mr. T. Thomas Fortune, editor of the New York Age, visited this city about the middle of June. The hospitality of his friends must have convinced him that they appreciated his visit. He was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Dismond.

Prof. J.E. Jones delivered a very fine address at the commencement of the High and Normal school on the evening of June 15. This address added interest to the exercises, which, as a whole, were pronounced a decided improvement on last year’s entertainment.

The school session closed by a literary and musical entertainment by the Richmond Normal School Alumni, June 17, at the True Reformers’ Hall.


Isaac Fisher


Notwithstanding the fact that the school has closed, the busy hum of machinery and the general activity about the shops go on as ever.

There has been made in the wheelwright shop this year twenty wagons and two buggies.

The annual address delivered by Mr. S. Laing Williams was an able and powerful one. The beauty of it was that he did not discuss the “negro problem” or any phase of it, but all he said was sound common sense.

A friend has contributed $12,000 to the school, to be used in erecting a large chapel at this place.

Our dairying department is progressing nicely. The following appliances have been added to it: One Sharpies Russian hand separator, ripening vat, butter worker, churn, and one Babcock milk test.

Some of our graduates are here to take post-graduate courses at some of the trades.


The last social meeting of the season of the Woman’s Era Club was in charge of the Current Events Committee, Mrs. Mary Dandridge chairman. A very pleasing programme was carried out. Miss Harriet Smith read a paper on the “influence of clubs on the home,” and an unusually fine progreamme of music was rendered by Mrs. Sparrow, Mrs. Harris and Mr. Moses Hodges. The afternoon wound up with a club tea. It was decided to continue business meetings of the club through the summer on account of the coming conference.

The action of Miss Florence Belgarnic at the recent World’s W.C.T.U. convention in London will always stand out as one of conspicuous bravery, and the fact that she stood alone proves nothing so much as that Miss Willard is a great leader as well as what we claim for her–a great temporizer in matters pertaining to southern sentiment.


THE WOMAN’S ERA, the organ of the National Federation of Afro-American Women, and devoted to the Interests of the Women’s Clubs, Leagues and Societies throughout the country.

Published monthly, in Boston, by JOSEPHINE ST. P. RUFFIN, FLORIDA R. RIDLEY, 103 Charles Street.


  • Per Annum, – – – – – – – -$1.00
  • Single Copies, – – – – – – – -.10
  • Club Rates, one hundred copies, – 7.00
  • Subscriptions Payable in Advance.



“He that feeds men serveth few,
He serves all who dare be true.”

To dare be true to one’s self respect and dignity should not be too hard a task to set for even the most timorous when it is remembered that self respect and self pride will halt and waver when it does not compel respect, and must finally die of wounds made by the contempt of others unless active means are taken to keep it alive. In a crisis, ability to see the right thing to do and courage to do it must command respect, at least for the effort. A crisis demanding a display of such qualities is upon us, and no plea of sensitiveness to making public slanderous insults can excuse the traduced from seeking vindication from unjust accusations, especially as these accusations are made and scattered broadcast.

Will not longer pretending to igore these things look like either a tacit admission of their truth, or a fear to honestly face the charges so sweepingly made now? At the conference it is not proposed to make this refutation by boisterous denials of the accusations, but by earnest affirmations and showings of what we are, our aims, aspirations and hopes. The slanderous letter referred to in last month’s ERA, while it has served as a spur to action in a matter long considered and frequently suggested in the ERA, will not be the keynote of the discussions of the whole conference. One session will be devoted to “social purity” and what can be used as factors in promoting it. At that session the answers to inquiries sent out to prominent and reliable educators, and missioners among colored people, as to the moral conditions among these people as they find them, will be read. This subject should properly receive most careful and delicate handling, but with courage enough to compel condemnation of vice wherever it exists, and vindication for the innocent victims of a widespread slander.


In the Kansas department this month appears a circular letter explaining Miss Willard’s position on the color question. The defence is timely, and it is a question if even now, since its publication, the majority of colored people will have their opinion that Miss Willard is a “temporizer” materially altered. The fact is, Miss Willard is at the head of a tremendous organization, and in that capacity and in order to keep everything and everybody harmonious, is obliged to be politic, and for the Welfare of the W.C.T.U. not to antagonize any section of this country.

Doubtless Miss Willard is a good friend to colored people, but we have failed to hear from her or the W. C. T. U. any honest, flatfooted denunciation of lynching and lynchers. The London Daily News, in commenting upon the resolution passed at the June convention upon lynching, says that the resolution saying “We deplore the taking of life without trial,” is a practical condonation of the practice and an evasion sprung by the Americans, of which every honest-minded British woman upon second thought should be ashamed.

We have great respect for the signers of the circulars, but it will take more than this and more than Lady Somerset’s scoring of Miss Wells to convince us that the W.C.T.U. does not hedge.


It seems as if Dr. Donald’s speech at Tuskegee has stirred up more commotion in Massachusetts than in Alabama. It is true that private letters from the Institute, expressing the deep resentment of the pupils and teachers, had been received in Boston long before the sermon was published, but no open comment upon it has been heard from that quarter; we did not expect it.

Not so here in Boston. While we admit the truth of some of the Dr.’s remarks, we condemn

the whole spirit and motive, and frankly acknowledge that our chiefest concern is that Dr. Donald represents the growing spirit of the times–sympathy with the south and its methods, a growing belief in the inferiority of the negro, a disposition to put him down and back–these are the sentiments which are growing daily stronger in the North as well as the South. It is useless to blind ourselves to the fact that our position grows worse; we progress in education, in character and in the acquisition of money, but while in some cases these must tell, they do not bring that universal respect that they should. As long as identified with the race, the negro is regarded and treated as an inferior except in individual cases.


The prospect could hardly be gloomier. South Carolina will doubtless disenfranchise the black man and very shortly restrict his educational privileges. Florida has recently passed laws making it a penal offence for black and white to study together, and in Georgia a black man can’t even buy an Atlanta Constitution to show the ridiculous side of the situation.

We must acknowledge that there is nothing left for us but to strike for ourselves. We have a few staunch friends, but only a few, and even public sentiment as its best is bored with us.

We can no longer wait for the problem to solve itself. Away with the doctrine of humility. As Mr. Higginson says, let us “be bold.” Life is more than meat. Let the people of South Carolina leave a state which gives them no good thing but food. If extinction awaits us finally, let us go to meet it like men, not lie down for it to overtake us.

Here in the North the spirit of the times is felt, but here a black man is a man, and if forced to it can physically force the respect which is his due. In the South we are powerless to strike for ourselves with everything against us. But there are more ways than one. The negroes can leave and end a situation which grows worse rather than better. The time for resistance, wise resistance, has come. Our hope for creating public sentiment grows dimmer and dimmer, and patience and humility have ceased to be virtues.


We have stated why we do not endorse the Atlanta Exposition. It is a significant fact that most of the leading women and men of the North hold our views. We hope to arrange a symposiurn giving the opinions of well-known people upon the matter.

We do not see how the colored exhibit can escape being very meagre, and the world should know the reason for it.


Alice Ruth Moore

Hurrah! If one could only be a boy to throw up one’s cap and shout out in the middle of the streets. School, the long, tiresome ten months’ session of the public schools is over at last, and one can rest for a few weeks at least. Rest, sleep and mental dormancy before the long term of hard work begins. Hurrah!

The air was full of school entertainments. The public school child demands a picnic or party and an exhibition during the last two or three weeks, and as children rule the world nowadays, suffering teachers must comply with the demand. Then the teachers from the other schools would come and look on and eat ice cream and smile, remembering their past experience, or sigh, dreading the future.

Southern University wound up in a brilliant display of musical glory. The orchestras there, under Professor Nickerson’s direction, are trying hard to rival the outside orchestras. The baccalaureate sermon and commencement were revelations, especially the former, in scared music, and the possibilities of instruments in the hands of mere students.

Another brilliant social as well as musical success was the promenade concert given by the Eddie Moore Conservatory committee July 1 at Loeper’s Park. The name Eddie Moore committee serves as a talisman always, and as about a thousand invitations had been issued, there was a great and generous crowd assembled. Interspersing the dances, the Students’ and Ida Club orchestra played classic overtures, as also dod the mandolin club. So then, every one voted the affair a success in three ways, musical, social and financial.

The Phyllis Wheatley Club held an interesting

meeting during the month. Some good papers were read, some good plans were discussed and some good reports received.


N.B. The editors regret that they are obliged to leave until another issue an excellent paper by Miss Leila Moore of New Orleans on “How Women Read Newspapers.”


Cora L. Smith

Texas, the largest state in the Union, has a most interesting history, one with which no other state can compare. A stranger coming upon Thrall’s or Pennybacker’s history of Texas for the first time is lost in wonder and admiration of the daring deeds and almost superhuman accomplishments of its brave patriots in their struggles for freedom.

How many Texans have stood within the portal of the Alamo Mission in San Antonio and felt a glow of pride, not unmixed with sorrow, as the scene of cruel massacre of that little band, composed of 172 courageous men, by the savage Mexicans under their cruel leader, Santa Anna, rises before them. How one’s heart burns with indignation when he remembers that these martyrs were not even given a Christian burial, but were piled in a huge heap and burned! Every one of that noble band killed and burned! Every scene rises vividly before our eyes as we gaze upon the beautiful Alamo monument erected within the precincts of our capitol grounds in Austin.

The State Teachers’ Association, which convened at Austin, June 11 to June 14, was one of the most successful in its history. The attendance was larger than that at Galveston last year, and the papers read showed careful preparation and were both instructive and helpful. It is to be regretted that more of the young teachers do not take an interest in this association. These inexperienced workers are just those who need the aid of such instruction, and yet they are slow in taking the advantage of the opportunity of meeting and comparing notes with our leading educators of the state. We, as a race, labor under most adverse circumstances, and there are things which the young teacher, who is to succeed, must know. These cannot be found in text-books; they can only be imparted by those experienced educators who have worked in this particular field; they, only, can aid and strengthen these young birds which are, for the first time, about to essay their tiny wings and soar away. Too soon they will discover that they are not teaching the model boy or girl spoken of in the different educational journals, who always gives the expected answers. On the contrary, their boys and girls seldom or never give the correct answer, and they so discourage the young teacher that he often silently vows to let their morals, at least, severely alone. Theory is one thing, but practice is quite another. Let us urge our young educators to meet with us, join us, visit us, and learn how we have groped in the dark and reached–not perfection, but a plan for better and more effective labor.

Teachers from all over the state were in attendance. All of the great schools were well represented. Dr. I.B. Scott, of Wiley University, at Marshall; Prof. H.T. Kealing of Paul Quinn College at Waco; Prof. L.C. Anderson of Prairie View State Normal School at Prairie View; Prof. M.H. Broyles of Hearne Academy at Hearne; and Prof. D. Abner, Jr., of Sequin College at Sequin. Beside these, all of the large cities were represented by the principals and assitants of the different schools, as well as the army of teachers from the rural districts. What an array of intelligence and culture! Nothing but a great good can come from such a gathering.

The day sessions were held in the chapel of Tillotson College, and the night sessions at the Third Baptist Church, Wesley Chapel and the Metropolitan A.M.E. Church. It all ended in a blaze of elegance and beauty at Turner Hall, where the citizens had prepared a most sumptuous banquet, which was partaken of with much enjoyment, while the orchestra discoursed sweet strains of music.

Just a word to my friends. You see that Texas has joined this grand array of states, and she has come to stay. We wish to make the Texas department one of which all Texans may be proud. This can only be done with your assistance. Do not wait until your school re-opens to give us your subscription, but subscribe at once, so that you may not miss anything. The paper is such as to need no encomiums; one needs but to see it to like it, and only to read it in order to praise it. I ask you to give me your aid by passing the paper on to some friend. Texas must not be behind the other states. I rely upon you to assist me in making it second to none.



The events of the month of course have been graduating and commencement exercises. Among the graduates were included Miss Genevieve Lee from the Newton High School, Miss Gertrude Peake from the Boston High, and Miss Mary Lewis from the Everett school.

Out at Harvard Mr. W.H. Lewis took the degree of LL.B., and Mr. Munroe Trotter finished the academic course, a winner of two degrees in four years, B.A. and M.A.

Both Mr. Lewis and Mr. Trotter entertained on Class Day. Mr. Trotter an especially large company of buds and belles and matrons. Of course, “it goes without saying,” although said many dozens of times, that everything was “perfectly lovely.” The day was perfect, the girls radiant in their fresh and appropriate costumes, and “the spread” most satisfactory. Conspicuous among the girls present were Misses Maud Trotter, Cromwell, Marsh, Glover, Grant, Lillian Lewis, Cartwright, Scotron and Bessie Mitchell.

The closing of the schools brings home our college girls as well as our teachers. Miss Hemmings comes back from Vassar, Misses Bake and Trotter from Wellesley, all fresh refutations that pretty girls are not students.

Miss Florence Smith and Mr. Parker Bailey are at home on their annual vacation, and Miss Ella Smith is paying her yearly respects to her Alma Mater, and making a round of visits in Boston and vicinity.

The friends of Miss Hattie Howard of Philadelphia are in receipt of invitations to her wedding which takes place on the 3d of July. Miss Howard is well remembered here as a girl of especial vivacity, intelligence, and attractiveness. She marries the Rev. John W. Johnson of Virginia, and will make her home in Richmond.

Rev. A.C. Garner, of Paris, Texas, and Mrs. H.E. O’Neil, of Hot Springs, N.C., are in Knoxville attending the bedside of their sick sister, Miss Marion Garner, a young elocutionist of much promise.

In its last issue, the Statesman Exponent showed a flattering degree of appreciation of the efforts of our women in the field of literature by its liberal clippings from the columns of the WOMAN’S ERA.

This week’s mail brought quite a pleasant surprise in the invitation of the Ida B. Wells Club of Chicago to the marriage of its president.

[ – ]

The first quarter of the editorship of the Open Court has reached its limit with this, the July issue of the ERA. The list of subscribers is still expanding. I can but express my heartfelt gratitude to those who have shown and are still showing by every means in their power the interest they take in the uplifting of the womanhood of the race by their labors on behalf of the WOMAN’S ERA and “The Work of the Afro-American Woman.”

One of the most gratifying facts in my experience of this work is the deep interest taken in these publications by the men of the race. Many of the progressive professional men of Philadelphia, such as Drs. Jackson and Cox, dentists, Dr. George R. Hylton and Dr. N. F. Mossell have secured copies of these works for use in the waiting rooms at their offices. Other gentlemen have subscribed for these works as birthday, graduation and wedding gifts, and also assisted in the sale at many points. These facts prove conclusively that if a just cause be properly presented, the men of the race will show themselves loyal to the work in hand.

A dear unknown white friend in the south sends me a letter stating the fact of her having come in possession of the last three copies of the ERA containing the Open Court. She is engaged in work among the colored people. She desires to present and has already presented me with pamphlets of Bible readings. For all this I appreciate the dear lady, but her letter continues and I cannot forbear giving the readers of the ERA an extract from the closing pages:

[ – ] own race in love for us, for I don’t think many of us have thought of formulating a very decided wish to meet with many brethren and sisters of color in heaven.

editor meets in the course of years with many proofs of kindness, but this assurance that our people, as represented by the various departments of the ERA, are not looked upon as heathen, surpasses all others thus far received.

all means let us continue this work of convincing our white friends of our merits.


Medora W. Gould

“What America Owes to Women” is a handsomely bound book by Lydia Hoyt Farmer. The introduction is by Julia Ward Howe, and it contains many full page portraits. The general subjects embraced are: Women in the Home, Women in Professions, Business and Trade, Women in Literature, Women in Art and Music, Women in Education and Science, Women in Philanthropy, Women in Church Work, Missions and Charities. It contains many interesting anecdotes and personal sketches as well as brilliant articles from the pens of Mrs. U.S. Grant, Jessie Benton Fremont, Mrs. Frank Leslie, Jane G. Austin, Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher, Mary A. Livermore and many others.

Someone who knows whereof he speaks, says, in regard to the countless number of books being published at present, “The quality of the paper is so poor that at the beginning of the twenty-first century, not one of them will be in existence.” Mr. Swan, the Massachusetts Commissioner of Public Records, after a thorough investigation of the subject concludes that there is as good, if not better, paper made today than ever before, as well as poorer, but that neither good paper nor good ink can be had at bargain counter prices. It has been suggeted that public libraries be supplied with books of superior material that can be warranted to outlast those now in general use.

Bret Harte is said to be about to publish a fairly long story, but whether is is a romance of California or London is not known. What a pity he did not save his very euphonious title, “The Bell Ringer of Angels,” for a long story instead of applying it to such a short one. This story, “The Bell Ringer of Angels,” contains a deep romance in spite of its brevity. Its attractive but worthless heroine, and its two good men and true, particularly he who sacrifices himself, recall the plot of Hall Caine’s best novel”.

Freeman G. Miller, a native of Indiana, farmer, teacher and, now, Professor of Literature in a Western college, is attracting attention by his poetry which has a picturesqueness and dash that is extremely captivating. The following is the first verse of a charming little piece called “At Eventide.”

At eventide when glories lie
In crimson curtains hung on high,
And all the breast of heaven glows
With mingled wreaths of flowers and snows,
The dearest dreams of life draw nigh.

S.R. Crockett, author of “The Raiders,” has resigned his pastoral charge and intends to devote himself to literary work. He explained to his congregation that the same Lord who called him to preach the Gospel has revealed to him the possession of a literary talent which he desired him to use.

Major Calhoun, the editor of The Standard, the new Boston Daily, is the same Major Calhoun who is the author of “Marching Through Georgia.” He was an office uner General Sherman and lost a leg in battle.

John Brisben Walker of the Cosmopolitan is soon to start a weekly newspaper after the style of Harper’s Weekly.

Thomas Hardy is said to be dramatizing “Tess.”




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Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law
34 School Street, Boston. Room 22


Does not contain corrosive sublimate, lead, arsenic, mercury, or any poison. As a toilet article for tan, sunburn, moth, freckIes, etc., its excellent, cannot be too well recommended.
Put up in 60c. and $1.00 Sizes, sent postpaid on receipt of Price.
For Sale by Druggists and Dealers In Toilet Supplies.
All correspondence should be addressed to the New England Agents,






The First Edition has been nearly exhausted. An edition of 5000 is to be issued March 1st.

“Above all, let the negro know that the elevation of his race can come only and will come surely through the elevation of its women.” – Senator Geo. F. Hoar.

Miss Emma K. White, one of Chester’s most successful teachers, says: “The volume entitled The Work of the Afro-American Women [sic] Woman is a great success at this point.”

Miss Julia Songow, Germantown, Pennsylvania: “I have sold seventy-five copies of the Work of the Afro-American Woman within two weeks.”

Mrs. Jennie Euola Johnson of Trenton, N.J.: “I have been very successful in my canvass of The Work of the Afro-American Woman.”

Agents Wanted: General [ – 1 word] Offered.

Let [ – 4 words] desire to canvass during the summer, apply at [ – 7 words] of effort have already done well.

[ – 3 words] Red or Brown Cloth, 75 cents, White and Gold, $1.

Apply to Mrs. N.F. Mossell

1432 Lombard Street, Philadelphia, Pa.


A Soft, Pliable, Odorless Matting,
Warm in Winter, Cool in Summer.
An Ideal Sanitary Chamber Carpet
For All the Year Round.
Sews together and turns under.
Does not break or require binding.
No odors or germs or disease.
Insects do not trouble it.
Heavy furniture does not break it.
Double faced — double wear.
Artistic colors — stylish designs.
We cordially invite inspection.
Manufacturers and Patentees,
50 Essex St. (cor. Chauncy) Boston, Mass.


Why Not Advertise in the Weekly Journal of the Lodge? With a circulation of 4,000 Write for terms and space.



“Violets and Other Tales.”
A Collection of Short Stories and Poems.
By Alice Ruth Moore.
In Paper Covers, 50c.; Cloth, $1.00.
Apply to ALICE RUTH M00RE, 1924 Palmyra Street New Orleans, La.
Office of Woman’s Era, 103 Charles St., Boston.



Washington D.C., July 1, 1895

Furnishes instruction in the following departments and courses:

Theological, Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical, Legal, College Preparatory, Normal, Musical, and Manual Training, including practice in carpenter shop, printing office, book bindery, tin shop and sewing school.

All students have the privilege of library and reading room without extra charge.

Tuition free in all courses except Medical Dental and Pharmaceutical.

Term opens September 18.

J.E. RANKIN, D.D., L.L.D., President.
J.B. Johnson, Secretary.


Homes for the People!

In Southern California, The Italy of America.

Lands Within Reach of Poor Men’s Means.

Of Los Angeles, California, Have placed upon the market
20,000 ACRES 20,000

Of the finest land on earth, which they intend to colonize with colored people, and at prices within reach of men of small means. In order to induce investments in these lands we offer 2,000 acres to the first settlers at $20 per acre and guarantee to deliver water to each 20 acres sold, sufficient for irrigation. These lands lie 60 miles north from Los Angeles, and 7 miles from the Southern Pacific R.R., and consist of a rich friable loam, being of sedimentary formation mingled with decomposed granite. The soil is from 4 to 50 feet deep, and is capable of producing everything on earth that grows in this land of wonderful production.

It lies at an altitude of 2,500 feet above sea level and is peculiarly on the land of the olive and almond.


are the rule in Southern California and more profit can be realized from 20 acres here than on 160 acres in the East.


the price will be $35.00 per acre.

It is not an unusual thing for trees in bearing to yield

From $100 to $1000 per Acre.

These lands have perfect title and will be sold for one-third cash, balance one, two and three years, with interest at 6 per cent per annum.

Full information will be given by applying to
H.A. PIERCE, President, or T.M. GIBSON, Secretary,
Room 37, Bryson Block, Los Angeles, California.