Volume 2, Number 12



The Woman’s Era.

Vol. II. No. 12.



Anna La Force

The war was over. Peace and quiet were restored to Northern homes. But what of our brother? He has his freedom and that is all. Willing hearts and hands came to his aid, and schools were soon established by the government.

In a home in New York a young girl was sitting one day, looking very thoughtful.

“Mother,” she said, “I believe I’ll go south and teach in a Freedman’s school.”

“Very well, my child; if you feel called to that work, go,” her mother replied.

Ellen was only eighteen, but her clear brown eyes showed that her purpose was a fixed one. Her mother looked up, as she spoke, and noted that the color in her daughter’s cheeks had deepened into a crimson. Then she felt and knew that the call had been given.

“God’s ways are mysterious, and past finding out,” she thought, but said nothing.

Ellen Dungee was one of a large family of children. Her parents were religious, and the

father, a minister, and a good, pious man, who “loved his neighbor as himself,” gave his consent to her mission. Preparations were made for her starting. Their friend, Frederick Douglass, readily gave a recommendation to the brave young girl.


As money was needed for the long journey, Ellen, who possessed a musical soprano voice, in connection with other friends gave concerts throughout the state, also in New Jersey. But a strange fact always presented itself to her mind, that, although the Music Hall would usually be filled, or the church in which the concert was given be crowded, the receipts would never amount to more than three or four dollars over the expenses. Alas! who can tell? Certainly, Uncle Josh and Uncle Jerry never did tell; and if not they, who could, for were they not the doorkeepers?

Ellen visited her aunt in New Jersey a few weeks. Her uncle, a man well to do and owning considerable property, was one of the close fisted kind. We have all met him.

“Well, niece, I hear you are going south to teach the Freedmen,” he said, at parting. Ellen’s heart beat faster in anticipation, and the color rose to her cheeks. “Here is it present for you.; it will help you along a bit.” And he handed her two rustling paper dollars. Ellen’s countenance fell, but she thanked him. She had enough money for her traveling expenses, so she said her prayers with a light heart that night.

And now she must say goodbye to her home, her kindred, and all that were most dear, and turn her face toward a strange land, as it were. But her heart was brave, and her trust in God was strong.

From New Jersey she went to Cincinnati and took the boat to Louisville. Here it was that Ellen first feel the difference between the north and the south. Living far away, the war seemed like a dream, but here was it stern reality. She stopped at the teachers’ home, which was guarded by soldiers.

“How shall I reach my school?” Ellen inquired of Colonel Caxton, the next day.

“I will escort you there, my young lady,” the Colonel replied, as it is too far for you to go alone.”

The next day how the rain did pour! But the Colonel and Ellen started in spite of the rain. A few miles on the railroad, and they stopped at a little country town.

The tavern was the principal lounging place for the villagers and all who came to hear the news. Dogs and children seemed to have the right of way.

The Colonel returned to the city and Ellen was left alone. No one spoke to her; no one offered her food. A, colored man and his wife were working around the kitchen. They dared not. There she sat, hungry, tired and heartsick, all that dreary day. And the rain poured down.

“Oh, for one word of human sympathy! If some one would only speak to me!” thought the poor girl. But the steady drip, drip of the rain was the only response.

That evening the school was to be organized, and someone was sent for Ellen. The little church, where they were going, was a long distance out on the pike. Still it rained, and all was mud. That muddy, clayey road! Will she ever forget it?

Arriving at the church she was treated with great respect by the people who had gathered there. The organization went on quietly, when suddenly from the outside a stone was hurled through the window, then another, and another, until most of the window panes were broken. Then shots were fired in-quick succession.

Ellen looked at the stalwart men, whose faces were blanched with fear, but not one of them stirred. Her blood boiled with indignation. She could not understand it then. She did ere long. Who will take the teacher to board?

The question was put, but no one answered. At last a brave little woman spoke up and said, “I will. She is welcome to come and stay at my house.” So that night poor, tired Ellen rested comfortably in Aunt Ann’s soft featherbed.

The plain little schoolhouse was soon filled with the bright earnest faces of children. And what a hive of industry it soon became! Ellen soon learned to love her work and gained the hearts of all the people. But her life was not all sunshine — ah, no!

“Tell Uncle Mose to be on his guard tonight. The Ku Klux are around,” a neighbor would whisper, one day. “They are after the teacher. They say she must go.”

That night there was not much sleep at Aunt Ann’s humble cottage. Before the fire were sitting Uncle Mose and three or four men who had offered their assistance in case of trouble. There they sat dozing, with their guns ready at a moment’s warning.

Will they fight? Yes, to the death. For is not all that they hold most dear under this roof and their protection? The women and children were gathered in a back room.

Suddenly Uncle Moses awoke. He listened intently, his face turned to an ashen hue.

“Tom,” he whispered to a young man next to him, a very Hercules of strength, “they’re coming.”

Tom sat up. Faintly in the distance could be heard the sound of horses’ hoofs rapidly approaching. Tom set his teeth. No coward was he. Hastily awakening the others, he prepared for the coming danger. He smiled as the sounds drew nearer. Afraid? No! Did a Spartan ever know fear? Did Leonidas at the pass of Thermopylae know fear?

As they felt the nearness of the enemy, they all with one accord aimed at the door. Suddenly a volley of shots was fired, which was returned with equal velocity. Then there was a silence.

“Are they gone, Tom?” whispered Uncle Mose.

“I am going to see,” said Tom, as he smiled grimly to himself.

He went outside, and returned with something in his hand.

“What is it, Tom? ” and Uncle Moses’ voice shook.

“A note of warning, signed ‘K. K. K.’ We all know what that means, sighed Tom. “She will have to go.”

The next morning they gave Ellen the warning, and there were tears in Uncle Moses’ eyes as he handed it to her. But Tom gritted his teeth. Ellen read the note, and as they all watched her breathlessly, she said, “They say if I do not leave in twenty-four hours they will burn the schoolhouse over my head.”

“Child, you must go,” said Aunt Ann.

Ellen sat silently, and after a few thoughtful moments, she said in her quiet manner, and with a look of resolve upon her face, “Uncle Mose and Aunt Ann, as long as you will give me shelter, I will stay.”

Tom’s face beamed. He loved courage, and he quietly applauded the little school teacher.

“Honey,” said Uncle Mose, with streaming eyes, “as long as we have a roof over our heads, you shall share it with us.” And he and Aunt Ann joined hands and bowed their heads in prayer.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The sun shone bright and the air was fresh and balmy.

“Aunt Ann,” said Ellen, “I believe I’ll go over to Eliza and the children, as I have promised her so often to make her a visit, and today is so pleasant.”

“Child, don’t go today,” said Aunt Ann. “I have had a warning.”

“Nonsense, Aunt Ann!” Your warnings are just bad dreams, that’s all.”

But Aunt Ann shook her head sadly. Ellen felt her spirits rise, in spite of the night before, so she went along quietly, listening to herself. Her path lay through a dense growth of trees and underbrush. About half way through the woods and she stopped. The air was still; not a sound could be heard; not even a leaf stirred. She listened. A feeling of deep fear came over her, as she remembered that not long since a man had been found not far from this very spot, shot through the heart. He had been warned by the Ku Klux. This feeling was not to be shaken off, and she slowly retraced her steps.

Was it Aunt Ann’s warning? Did Aunt Ann possess that same power that caused “Old Allan-Bane” to foretell the coming of the Knight of Snowdoun, James Fitz-James?

On Sunday Ellen met all her pupils in the Sabbath School. They were all there, over fifty of them, from the little tot on up to those who were entering manhood and womanhood. How their songs did ring out! And with what zeal they studied their Bible lesson! Today we are trying to teach the necessity of the virtues of honesty, thrift and economy. What book teaches these better than the Bible? Look at the honest, rugged character of the Scoth, and what people know their Bibles better?

Monday morning, Ellen started for school as usual. It was about two miles away, and as most of the children came from five to six miles from their homes, she met them on the way. They walked on talking pleasantly of home affairs, but as they were turning a road that led to the schoolhouse they saw a dense smoke ascending.

Ellen’s heart failed her. A boy came running to her.

“Oh, Miss Ellen,” he said, “our schoolhouse is all burned!”

When Ellen reached the spot she found the children standing round crying, and the schoolhouse was in ashes. Ellen tried to comfort them, but her heart was too heavy, so she wept with them. She sent a dispatch to Colonel Caxton the same day, but it was intercepted.

She now felt that the time had come for her to

go. And how they all did gather around her at the parting! Strong men wept, and the children clang to her. It was more sad than a funeral. Uncle Moses and Aunt Ann gave her their blessing, and as the train steamed up, she tore herself away. The children waved their hands until the train was lost to their view.



Elizabeth E. Lane

One more club report and the work of the year will be completed. With the coming election of new officers for another year will come, no doubt, new plans and ways and means for renewed effort in the immediate work of the club as well as its auxiliaries.

During the year, in devising plans by which the club might reach the people of the town of Tuskegee to lift them to a higher moral atmosphere in church life, a plan was hit upon whereby members of the club became interested and three ladies, Mrs. Sara Peake Greene, Miss Mary Melvin and Mrs. Estelle Penny, have accomplished much. The work of the latter in her club of Ministers’ Wives has been reported during the year. The work of the former has been miscellaneous, but will be reported with the year’s report of the club work.

The departments of the club are not growing aweary in well doing. The monthly reports of the Vesta Club, Current History, Ministers’ Wives, W.C.T.U., Women’s Conference, Band of Mercy, social purity clubs, Dorcas Society and the Ednah Cheney are cheering. One of the charges of the Ednah Cheney was laid to rest by them on the 14th. The tried old Christian, who had been cradled in slavery, beaten and crippled by her cruel taskmasters, and deserted in her aged helplessness by her relatives, has been tenderly cared for by the members of the Ednah Cheney for a year.

“The Negro in Business” was the subject for discussion on the evening of March 20. Miss Sara Hunt read a paper that gave in a witty way a clear description of the average Afro-American in business. Quite an interesting discussion was provoked and the general opinion expressed was that the average business man needs more promptness and attention in his dealings with others, while those of his own race, who are liberal in giving their patronage, should not expect more indulgence in matters of weight, length and time than they would from their business brothers in white.

“The Negro in Politics” was the subject of a paper by Miss M. Childs, who opened the discussion on the evening of April 3. The writer agreed with others of the club that the future of the Afro-American in politics should depend upon his thoughtful consideration of a platform — Free Coinage, Bimetalism, or what not, and not on the old question of obligation for certain liberty that was merely one of the results of the late unpleasantness.

The president made a vigorous appeal for our club organ, the ERA. The club decided to pay for twenty copies each month and the presidents of club departments promised to interest their members in the purchase of a certain number of copies monthly. We hope to swell the order to fifty copies.


Services in memory of the late James Hawley were held recently in St. Paul Episcopal Church, Portland, Me. Mr. Hawley was for many years an honored member of this church. The services, conducted by Rev. Joseph Shepherd, pastor of the church, consisted of morning prayer, singing and an address from the text, “Be thou faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life.” The church was filled with citizen friends and members of the Bosworth Post G.A.R., of which the deceased was an old member.

The hymns sung were “Onward, Christian Soldiers” and “Soldiers of Christ, Arise.”

Mrs. A.C. Sparrow, who went down to be present at the meeting, writes: “It was evident that the service was strange to most of the veterans present, but, at the first stanza of that material hymn, every man rose to his feet as if in answer to a call to defend the cross of Christ . . . His was the burial of a soldier and a Christian.

“And this is the lesson of it all to me. Mr. Hawley’s life being what it was in the community where he lived and worked so impressed itself as to gain not only the respect but the tenderest love both for himself and family, as many a tearful eye gave evidence.”

Mr. Hawley leaves a devoted family, consisting of a wife, two daughters and a son, to whom the warmest sympathy of a large circle of friends all over the Union is extended.


The long anticipated lecture by Mrs. Fannie Barrier Williams will be given in Gilbert Hall, Tremont Temple, on Tuesday afternoon, June 2, at three o’clock. Subject, “The Strength and Weakness of the Christian Religion as Believed, Preached and Practised in the United States.” Cards of admission, 25 cents, may be obtained of members of the Woman’s Era Club and at the Woman’s Journal office, 3 Park street. Mrs. Williams leaves Chicago May 25 on a lecture tour to extend from Boston to Minneapolis. She will speak in Boston under the auspices of the WOMAN’S ERA, and many clubs in the Massachusetts State Federation will be represented in the audience, which will turn out to see and hear this erstwhile bone of contention in the Chicago Woman’s Club. A prominent club woman will preside and present Mrs. Williams to a Boston audience. It was of this lecture that Judge Tourgee said in his paper, the Basis, “In itself it is a complete refutation of all that has been charged against the race as regards intellectual and moral deficiency.”


The second in the course of lectures given by the Era Club to members and friends will be heard on the regular meeting night, Friday, May 15, at the Woman’s Journal parlors. Mrs. Marcan, one of the most talented of Cantabridgia’s members, will read her new paper on the “Influence of Clubs on Home Life.” Doubtless the remembrance of the profitable time spent with Mrs. Ellen A. Richardson as essayist, last month, will crowd the rooms this time. The next and last in the course will be a mother’s meeting held in Cambridge.

Editor Woman’s Era:


Dear Madam : — The Woman’s Club of this city wishes to know if they can have space in your paper, the WOMAN’s ERA, once a month. How much will it cost and how much space can be had? Our officers for the next three months are: President, Mrs. C.I. Clarkson; vice-president, Miss Amora Jones; secretary; Miss Julia B. Fry; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Mary Washington; treasurer, Mrs. Caroline Jackson; critic, Miss Sina A. Vena; editress, Mrs. Ida B. Neimore; musician, Julia B. Fry.

The president also wishes a general correspondence opened. Please let us hear from you at your earliest convenience, and oblige,

JULIA B. FRY, Sec. Woman’s Club. 611 Maple Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. May 6, ’96.


Monthly reports of clubs are gladly received and space accorded proportionate to the number of copies of the ERA taken by each club monthly.


MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., May 10, 1890.

Mrs. J. St. Pierre Ruffin,
Boston, Mass.

Dear Madam: — We, the members of the Ada Sweet Club of this city, earnestly desire that the National Federation of Afro-American Women meet in this city for the convention appointed for July, 1896, for various and sufficient reasons. Among these are that the national meetings of societies of our race have usually met in the eastern and southern sections of our country, and an expression on the part of the various societies composing the newest Federation would greatly increase the desire for development and progress on the part of the people of our section, which would mean no small amount of much needed co-operation.

The advantages to be gained by such a meeting in this place are all those which can be obtained from an encouraged and already anxious people, whose thoughts are for the upbuilding of our generation and coming generations, united with the unanimous support of a wealthy and benevolent white population.

Any influence that you may use to bring the success of our effort we feel will greatly repay you and help all concerned.

Hoping to receive a favorable expression and earnest support from you, I am

Yours respectfully,

MRS. JENNIE NAPIER KEMP, Cor. Secretary. Address: Clerk, care Register of Deeds, Court House.


Commencement occurred Thursday, May 28.

The West Roxbury Publishing Company of St. Paul, Minn., has donated twenty-two cases of type to our printing office.

Six hundred and forty acres of land, known as the Batelle Place, situated about thirty-one and one-half miles from the town of Tuskegee, have been donated to the school by the daughter of Mr. Batelle.

The Seniors’ Model Home, begun in the early part of the term, is now completed. The Senior young women will occupy this building, in which it is intended that they will receive instruction in the science of model housekeeping.


The club continues to grow in interest, work and numbers. At nearly every meeting applications for membership from some of our best and most active women are received.

The club has made application to enter the National Federation of Afro-American Women and will be represented at the annual meeting in July.

The club’s attention was called recently to the condition of a very needy family. The mother blind, trying to care for, as best she could, her three children, who lay critically ill under the care of a city physician (white). The father, who was without work, appealed to Dr. H.R. Butler, who readily responded. The oldest child is now out of danger, but the two younger ones were beyond the skill of the physician. Dr. Butler reported the case to the club, which came to the assistance of the needy.

Mrs. Dasage, treasurer of the I.B.W. Club of Chicago, who has been an active worker in the Atlanta Woman’s Club this winter, leaves for home on the 20th inst.

Bishop Abraham Grant, of the sixth Episcopal district, tendered the teachers of Morris Brown College a supper on the 10th inst. The occasion was highly appreciated by all present. The bishop and his noble wife spared no pains to entertain royally their guests.

“Black Patti,” who is to appear in grand concert at Bethel Tabernacle on the 20th inst., is the talk of the day and the sweet dream of the night.

A large crowd is expected to hear this queen of song, who has just returned from Europe with the highest praise.


For the benefit of the clubs in the National Federation, the corresponding secretary publishes this mouth a list of the clubs in the Federation, with names of presidents and secretaries.

For many reasons the list is not complete, clubs often omitting to send names and addresses of both president and secretary, and in some cases send names of recording instead of corresponding secretary.

For the convenience of the secretary all clubs in the Federation, that have not as yet done so, are requested to fill out application blanks at once and forward them. These blanks are the most convenient form for registering the facts.

Clubs are asked to preserve this published list, and to send in at once any corrections or additions.

The number of clubs is large and growing. New clubs are organizing with enthusiasm all over the country.

Has your club assessment been forwarded to the treasurer, Mrs. Libbie C. Anthony, Jefferson City, Mo.? Clubs are not responding as rapidly as they should, although probably waiting for regular meetings. The tax is small, two dollars, but the Federation large, and the money very necessary to carry on the large amount of clerical work involved.

The number of new clubs in the Federation will surprise many; Alabama leads, as is very fitting. This must be very gratifying to Mrs. Washington.


Mrs. T.H. Lyles

One of the matters to come before the Federation is the founding of an orphan’s home as a monument to John Brown. This matter is spoken of in Miss Matthews’ letter, but the following article will explain it more fully and is published now that intelligent action may be taken upon it at the time of the convention:

For many years I have been deeply interested in the life, character and great deeds of our illustrious martyr, John Brown, and, in the long list of names of persons who have suffered and died in the cause of freedom, find there is not one who was as Christ-like as he. His boldness and willingness to be sacrificed for the deliverance of the oppressed is marvelous, and historic facts prove conclusively that the Harper’s Ferry insurrection was the prologue to the national tragedy which resulted in

the ensanguined washing away of that hideous blot, human slavery, from our country’s otherwise fair escutcheon.


Mark well the continued train of events.

John Brown’s insurrection and his ignominious death occurred in 1859; in 1860 the Republican party was born and Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States; he was inaugurated in 1861; secession followed, and the establishment of a Southern Confederacy, with slavery as its chief cornerstone, was attempted; in September, 1862, President Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation, which took effect in January, 1863; in 1864 the colored troops fought nobly, and in 1865 “Old Glory” floated over our reunited country.

Thirty-five years have elapsed since the curtain was rung up for the prologue in which the martyred hero, John Brown, like Arnold Winklereid, “made way for liberty,” and twenty-nine years have passed since the curtain fell on the last act of the tragedy, and yet the people of this country, which may now hold up its head among the nations and boast of being “The Land of the Free,” have not honored the hero of the prologue with a “curtain call.” Even the 8,000,000 of Afro-Americans, for whom John Brown gave up his life and also the lives of four of his sons, have not, hitherto, conceived the grand and glorious idea of erecting a monument to mark the grave where this martyred hero lies buried. Not unwept, not unhonored, not unsung, but still in a neglected and sunken grave at North Elba, N.Y.

The John Brown Monument Association, which was organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota, August 17, 1894, for the purpose of erecting a marble shaft over his neglected grave, have changed their plans, for after I visited the Women’s National Congress at Atlanta, Ga., and spoke on the subject, “Should Afro-Americans honor John Brown?” that intelligent body, after considering the needs and conditions of our race in the Southland, decided to help this association to honor him by the erection of an orphan’s home in his memory somewhere in the Southland, and efforts are being made now to raise funds for this purpose. If the movement is successful, whatever credit is due must be bestowed proportionately upon all Afro-American citizens, and we feel assured that there is not an Afro-American in this country who would not help to honor our dear old hero, John Brown, by giving something for this worthy cause; for, after his arrest, imprisonment and conviction, yet on the march to the scaffold, he paid the last benediction to our race when he stopped to kiss the Negro child. And my prayer is that the hearts of every Afro-American of this country may be united to show their gratitude to this martyr by helping to erect an orphan’s home to the memory of John Brown, the grandest warrior that ever buckled on a sword, and the greatest hero of the nineteenth century.

Mrs. T.H. LYLES, Nat. Pres. of John Brown Monument Association, 782 Scilly Avenue, St. Paul, Minn.


Charlotte F. Grimke

Read carefully and then place the responsibility for non-Union where it belongs.

The following letter will explain the position of the National Federation of Afro-American Women in the matter of Consolidation. Every step consistent with dignity and self-respect has been taken, with most unfavorable result so far as union is concerned for the present. As will be seen by Mrs. G.’s letter, the matter now rests with the authorities who shall be in power when the Nashville Centennial takes place.


1526 L St., N.W., WASHINGTON,
April 9, 1896.

Dear Mrs. Matthews:

Mrs. Cook has received your letter, and as she has been ill she asks me to acknowledge it for her, and to say that it will he impossible to give you a definite answer in regard to the time and place of holding a joint convention until we have heard from the other societies belonging to the National League in regard to the matter. As soon as we hear from them you shall receive a definite reply.

Very truly yours,

CHARLOTTE F. GRIMKE, Rec. Sec. National League.


N.B. — I waited to receive the “definite reply,” but heard nothing from the officers of the National League. When I reached Washington, D.C., May 1, I was informed by disinterested parties of the announcement in the Colored American. It seemed incredible. After assuring myself that the information was correct, I made all haste to make up for lost time by accepting the natural logic of such maneuvering. Washington was chosen as the place for the First Annual Convention of the National Federation of Afro-American Women on account of the “cut rates” that city for the month of July. A committee was appointed to secure a place of meeting and make proper arrangements for the comfort of delegates. As the “cut rates” extend over the entire month of July, providing the tickets are deposited with the company’s agent on or before July 14, and for other reasonable considerations, the date was fixed for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 20, 21, 22, the meeting to take place at the 19th Street Baptist Church. All clubs are hereby notified to rally their members to the support of the National Federation of Afro-American Women. We cheerfully submit the objects of our organiza-

tion and our methods of work to all broad-minded women. We invite their co-operation.


Beside the very important work required to perfect our organization and the enacting of such laws as will place it on a par with similar bodies, three very grave questions will be brought before the convention, i.e.,

(1) The part the Afro-American women shall take in the great Paris exposition.

(2) The advocacy of the placing of first and second class coaches on the lines of railroads operating under the separate “coach law.”

(3) The necessity for active interest in the “John Brown Home Farm” for refractory and delinquent children. It will be remembered this association was incorporated as the John Brown Monument Association of St. Paul, Minn. Its president, Mrs. T.H. Lyles, after conferring with other leading women, accepted the proposition made at Atlanta that such an institution as above mentioned was more needed than a marble shaft or other sculptured memorial. It was decided to invite the women of the entire country to become interested; further, that the memorial farm should go to that section which succeeded in raising the most money. Acting upon this the magnanimous women of St. Paul, under the leadership of their noble, great-hearted president, consented to a revocation of the original charter and the securing of a new one which should cover the above object; and the fund hitherto raised will or rather has been deposited with the proper authorities for the founding and maintaining of a home farm for refractory children, said institution to be a memorial to John Brown.

In union there is strength, so we cordially invite all women to attend the coming convention on the date given above. All woman’s clubs and societies, religious or secular, are most cordially invited to attend. An invitation is herewith extended till clubs or societies desirous of joining the Federation to come in now. There is as yet no tax for membership, but will in all probability be one after the convention. Any club may become a member by filling out the following application and forwarding the same to the National secretary.


Victoria Matthews


Mrs. B.T. Washington, Pres.,
Tuskegee, Ala.
Mrs. U.A. Ridley, Sec.,M
131 Kent St., Brookline, Mass.
Mrs. Libbie C. Anthony, Treas.,
Jefferson City, Mo.


The ———— of ————-. No. of member ——————- Object ——————.

Hereby make application to enter The National Federation of Afro-American Women.


Date No. Secretary. (Address)

In order to meet the expenses naturally resultant upon the holding and arranging for a great gathering, all clubs desiring representation are requested to subscribe at once a uniform tax of two dollars. The same should be sent, without loss of time to our National Treasurer, Mrs. Libbie C. Anthony, Jefferson City, Mo.

For particulars as to program, rank of delegates, etc., all interested parties will please address Mrs. Florida Ridley, 131 Kent St., Brookline, Mass.

Delegates and visitors desirous of securing stopping places should write immediately to either Mrs. Rosetta Lawson, 2011 Vermont Ave., or Mrs. Arthur S. Gray, 2236 6th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. The fact that the city will be crowded about that time with visitors should influence all who intend going on to make inquiries at once.




  • Montgomery. Woman’s League. President, Mrs. E. C. Wilson, 615 High St.
  • Montgomery. Sojourner Truth Club. Cor. Sec., S.A. Burney, 516 E. Grove St
  • Tuskeggee Woman’s Club. Pres., Mrs. B.T. Washington. Sec., E.E. Lane, Tuskegee Institute.
  • Selma Woman’s Club. Pres., Mrs. M.A. Dillard.
  • Greensboro. Woman’s Mutual Benefit Society. Pres., Mrs. S.A. Christian.
  • Mt. Meigs Woman’s Club. Pres., Miss Cornelia Bowens, Waugh, Ala.
  • Notasulga Woman’s Club. Pres., Miss Anna Davis, Tuskegee, Ala.


  • Atlanta Woman’s Club. Pres., Mrs. D.T. Howard. Sec., Mrs. M. E. Ford, Mitchell St. School.


  • New Orleans. Phyllis Wheatley Club. Pres., Mrs. Sylvanie Williams, 1438 Enterpe St.


    • Boston. Woman’s Era Club. Pres., Mrs. J.St.P. Ruffin. Sec., Mrs. F.R. Ridley, 131 Kent St., Brookline.
    • Boston. Female Benevolent Firm. Pres., Mrs. Emma Gray, 24 Phillips St.
    • Boston. E.M. Thomas Lodge. Pres., Miss Eliza Gardner, 29 N. Anderson St.
    • Boston. Lend-a-Hand Circle. Pres., Mrs. Hannah Smith, 371 Northampton St.

  • Boston. Calvary Circle. Pres., Mrs. G.W. Smith.
  • Boston. Ruth Circle. Pres. , Mrs. Ruth Turner.
  • New Bedford. Woman’s Loyal Union. Pres., Mary E. Sulis. Sec., J. Searborougb, 155 Hillman St.
  • Salem. Woman’s Protective Club. Pres., Mrs. Lucy Washington. Sec., Miss Barbadoes.
  • Cambridge. Golden Rule Club. Pres., Mrs. J.E. Wilson. Sec., Adelaide Grandison, 19 Hovey Ave.
  • Everett. Wayman Club. Pres., Mrs. M.C. Bond.
  • Chelsea. B. F. Tanner Club. Pres., Mrs. Carrie Roberts.


  • St. Louis. F.E.W. Harper League. Pres., Mrs. M.F. Pitts.
  • Jefferson City Woman’s Club. Pres., L.C. Anthony. Sec., Celia Roberts.


  • New York and Brooklyn Woman’s Loyal Union. Pres., Mrs. V. Matthews, 9 Murray St. Sec., Mrs. K.V. Carmand.
  • New York and Brooklyn Concord Church of Christ. Pres., Mrs. Katharine Maxwell, 21 Lawrence St. Sec., Charlotte Berry.
  • New York and Brooklyn W.A.A.U. Pres., Mrs. E.E. Williams, Sec., Ella D. Spencer, 65 State St., Flushing, L.I.
  • New York and Brooklyn Bethel Church. Pres., Mrs. Hannah Green.
  • Rochester Woman’s Protective Club. Pres., Mrs. K.L. Kent, 125 S. Ford St. Sec., Mrs. W.J. Smith.


  • Omaha Woman’s Club. Pres. Mrs. Ella Mahammit., 1814 N. 250 St.


  • Pittsburgh. F.E.W. Harper League. Pres., Mrs. Rebecca Aldridge. Sec., Mrs. Gertrude L. Brooks, 67 Franklin St.


  • Newport. Woman’s League. Pres., Mrs. Mary Dickerson, 87 Levin St.
  • Providence. Working Woman’s League. Pres., Mrs. Hannah Green.


  • Charleston Woman’s Club. Pres. Mrs. Ellen Crum.


  • Knoxville. Woman’s Mutual Improvement Club. Pres., Mrs. Sylvia M. Maples. Sec., M.L. Floyd, 812 Mabry St.


  • Cappahosic. Gloucester A. & 1. School. Pres., Miss Susie E. Edwards.


  • Minnesota. Ada Sweet Club. Pres., S.J. Marshall. Sec., Jennie Napier Kemp. (Address, Registry of Deeds.)
  • St.Paul. Woman’s Loyal Union and John Brown Industrial Clubs. Pres. Mrs. T.H. Kyles, 782 Selby Ave. Sec., M.D. Pattis.


N.B. Clubs will please notice any omissions, changes or corrections, and notify the Secretary immediately by sending in application blank correctly filled in. The states have been arranged alphabetically.


Mrs. T.H. Lyles, national president of the John Brown Monument Association and one of St. Paul’s leading citizens, who is always doing something for the upbuilding and advancement of her fellowmen, invited a number of ladies to her beautiful residence, 782 Selby avenue, on last Monday afternoon, April 20, for the purpose of’ organizing two clubs for intellectual, moral and temperance work. The result of the meeting was the organization of the above-named club, with twenty-five charter members and the following officers: Mrs. T.H. Lyles, president; Mrs. F. Huston, 1st vice-president; Nlrs. F.H. Griswold, 2d vice-president; Mrs. NeIlie Griswold Francis, secretary; Mrs. M.D. Pettis, cor. secretary; Miss Lizzie Anderson, fin. secretary; Mrs. W.B. Elliott, treasurer.

Later the Indies formed the Francis E. Harper W.C.T.U. and duly elected the following officers: President, Mrs. A.G. Russell; secretary, Mrs. S.B. Jones; treasurer, Mrs. T.H. Lyles; cor. secretary, Mrs. W.T. Francis; 1st vice-president, Mrs. J.R. White; 2d vice-president, Mrs. W.B. Elliott; 3d vice-president, Mrs. B.R. Durant; superintendents, prison and rescue work, Mrs. J.R. White; gospel temperance, Mrs. A.B. Harris; social purity, Mrs. S.B. Jones; Sunday school work, Mrs. C.B. Lazzenberry, Miss Fannie Dodd.

After the business of the meeting was finished, Mrs. Lyles regaled the Iadies present with an elegant lunch.


The Eighth Anniversary of the Gloucester Agricultural and Industrial School, Cappahosic, Va., occrs Thursday, May 28, 1896.


THE WOMAN’S ERA, the organ of the National Federation of Afro-American Women, and devoted to the Interests of the Women’s Clubs, Leagues and Societies throughout the country.

Published monthly, in Boston, by JOSEPHINE ST. P. RUFFIN, FLORIDA R. RIDLEY, 103 Charles Street.


  • Per Annum, – – – – – – – -$1.00
  • Single Copies, – – – – – – – -.10
  • Club Rates, one hundred copies, – 7.00
  • Subscriptions Payable in Advance.


It is well that we should realize and express our appreciation for the splendid and tireless work done by Mrs. Victoria Matthews, as the chairman of the executive committee of the N.F.A.A.W. Without the aid of any financial appropriation, through long and expensive trips, unceasing correspondence, much thought and much talk, Mrs. Matthews has made and developed plans, aroused and sustained enthusiasm, and now as the time of the annual convention approaches, places the Federation, its aims, its scope, before the world in the dignified, earnest attitude, which is impressive and convincing.

The Federation in its first year has grown rapidly in number and strong in enthusiasm. At the dissolution of the first convention there was little — in fact, nothing of a material nature to bind the forces together. The organization itself was not even complete, and but for the devotion and earnestness of the president, Mrs. Washington, and that of Mrs. Matthews, the Federation would hardly have found itself where it is today.


The cordial invitation of the Ada Sweet Club of Minneapolis, published elsewhere, to the convention to meet in that city, was received with much gratification. It came, however, after arrangements had been perfected for a meeting in Washington. In hospitable western style the club offered to bear all expenses, and offered such alluring prospects as to cause us a pang, before relinquishing the idea of accepting it. The Ada Sweet Club is of recent fruition, but full of life and enthusiasm. May the invitation hold good for another year, and may our officers have a leaning toward the west.



Anniversary week this year is looked forward to with even greater interest than usual by members of the Era Club. It is expected that Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. F.B. Williams and Mrs. R.H. Terrell will be in the city at that time. Mrs. Matthews comes from New York for a talk with the New England presidents of clubs in the National Federation, over the program of work for the annual meeting. Mrs. Williams comes to lecture and be present as speaker at one or more of the meetings of that week. If Mrs. Terrell is present she will also be heard from some of the platforms. Much interest is expressed to hear both of these ladies by members of the Massachusetts State Federation. One is the Mrs. Williams of the Chicago Woman’s Club, while Mrs. Terrell, beside being one of the only two women ever honored with an appointment as public school supervisor in Washington, is said to be an eloquent platform speaker. The visiting ladies will be guests at the suffrage banquet in Music Hall and other festivities. The Era Club will take advantage of the presence in the city of so many of the co-editors of their club paper to tender a reception to them.

Boston people are to have an acquisition in the persons of Miss Alice Ruth Moore and her sister, who will come to Boston in June, Miss Moore as the wife of Mr. Young, the Cambridge caterer, and Miss Alice Ruth, who comes to enter Radcliffe. The gifts of the latter young lady are known to us all, and it is hoped and expected that her promise in a literary way will develop under such favorable conditions into a rich fruitfulness.

The Easter ball, managed by Mrs. J.H. Lewis, brought out a large crowd. Copley Hall was idealic in its rich decoration, and everything went off with much spirit.

Miss Kate Smith, of Brooklyn, came on to the ball, and stayed over a few days to some minor festivities.

The death of Miss May Rice of Newport was not unexpected, though just as sad to her many friends. She was a girl of especial sweetness of looks and character, and her mother, who has passed through similar experiences many times, has the sympathy of a large circle of friends.

Messrs. Fred. Dickerson and Stanley Ruffin

went down to Newport to the funeral of Miss Rice.


Mr. W. Appo Johnson, after a relapse of a few days, has recovered sufficiently to return to his home in Washington.

Misses Eva Lewis, Pauline Hopkins, Medora Gould and Louisa Lewis are filling comfortable and lucrative positions in the new State House; and the Bulfinch front will remain intact.

Mrs. Elizabeth (Johnson) Tatum, who was compelled by failing health to resign a most desirable position with Balch Brothers, publishers, having recovered her health, has returned to her old place, to the great satisfaction of her employers and friends.

Delegates from nearly all of the colleges in the Massachusetts Intercollegiate Prohibition Association were present at the annual convention of the association, which met in the Y.M.C.A. building in Worcester, Mass., April 24. At the evening session interest centered in the intercollegiate oratorical contest. The judges unanimously awarded the prize to Charles S. Morris, Frederick Douglass’ grandson-in-law, and he received the twenty-five dollars in gold, and will be sent to Cleveland to represent Massachusetts in the national convention.

Dr. Grant held the Winning number in the birthday cake at Sister Catherine’s bag party the other evening, but although the doctor walked off with the silver candlestick, the representative of the ERA took the cake, and has been enjoying it ever since.

Miss Bessie Baker was one of a large class confirmed at St. John P.E. church, Wednesday evening, May 13.

The Rev. Wm. H. Scott has resigned the pastorate of Calvary Baptist Church and will enter the political arena, it is said. The reverend gentleman has one requisite for a good campaign orator, a voice that can compel a hearing.

T.T. Fortune, the N.Y. Age editor, is still traveling around with his Afro-American chip on his shoulder.

Miss Bertha Williams of Chicago is a notary public, a graduated stenographer, and runs a successful typewriting establishment on 27th street, Chicago. She is 22 years old.

Miss Annie Blanchard of Salem, Mass., after a year’s special training in Christian missionary work at the Northfield Training School, has been teaching through the winter in the State Industrial Normal College, Tallehassie, Fla. Miss Blanchard writes enthusiastically of her work in the academic department, of the climate and. the people. Of the fragrance and luxuriance of the flora of that section we can testify from receipt of a bountiful box of choicest blossoms sent by Miss Blanchard to this office at Easter time.

Secure your tickets early for Mrs. Williams lecture. The gathering on that occasion will afford an opportunity for meeting some of the most intellectual, philanthropic and charitable women New England can produce.

The members of Co. L, 6th Reg’t, recently presented a check for $200 to the Sisters of St. Margaret, for the special work of St. Monica’s Home. This is the proceeds of the concert given for the benefit of the home by charitable Co. L, led by their handsome young captain.

The series of concerts projected by Miss R.M. Washington for the amusement of the aged inmates of the home on Myrtle street has been a most pleasing success in every way. The thirteenth in the series, under the direction of Mr. G.L. Ruffin, was “An Evening with Longfellow,” with readings by his daughter, Miss Alice Longfellow, and singing by Miss Ayers, Mr. Ruffin and his choir of boys from St. Augustine P.E. Church. Nearly all of the selections were from the poet’s works, and a fine engraving of him on the cover made of the program a desirable souvenir.

The 14th and closing concert was carried on by Miss Washington herself, who opened with a brief paper on the “Foundation of the Musicales.” She also read a letter of thanks from Miss Lucy Parsons of Beacon street, secretary for directors of the home, thanking all who had contributed to the success of the entertainments. The musical part of the program for this evening was rendered by Mrs. A.C. Sparrow, Mrs. G.C. Harris, Mr. W.H. Nott, vocalists, and Miss S. Shepherd and Mr. Franklin, pianists. Miss Washington introduced a new aspirant for historic honors in the person of Miss Harriet Latimer, who recited with dramatic effect in a voice of so much natural sweetness and beauty as to make one feel that a ripe field awaits Miss Latimer as reader among refined, sensitive invalids. There the other ways of using a sweet voice to financial advantage besides singing and reciting on a stage. By the thoughtful

generosity of Messrs. Edmand Jones, Gilbert Harris and Henry Young refreshments were served at the close.




Miss Florence A. Johnson is the new director of music of the Brooklyn Literary Union. This organization celebrated its tenth anniversary recently.

Hon. John S. Durham, ex-minister to Haytii, delivered his new address on the Evolution of the Citizen, at the last regular meeting of the Union.

Public School No. 69 celebrated Arbor Day with a literary and floral exhibition.

The Douglass Memorial Committee of Rochester, N.Y., has issued an appeal for contributions in aid of their churches on Sunday, May 31, that being the Sunday nearest Memorial Day.


Alice Ruth Moore

Though the air is ripe with the political situation, and men, women and children think, talk or concern themselves with little else beside the discussion of parties in the municipal fight, yet the Woman’s Club found time, in the midst of the turmoil, to hold its regular April meeting.

There were many things brought before the house. The committee having in charge the affair of the ward in the Charity Hospital reported the result of their interviews with Dr. Lewis and Mother Agnes. It was found that under no circumstances whatever would colored doctors be permitted to practise in the hospital, but the women of club were urged, as they loved and respected the unfortunates of their race and sex, to hasten in their work of endowing the special ward. Each member of the club pledged herself to raise a certain amount by a fixed date, and it is hoped to complete the arrangements by June.

Dr. L.A. Martinet, who was to have lectured on “The Legal Status of Women,” in Louisiana, was detained by a political caucus, but promised to hold good his engagement “after election,” the refrain of all promises made these days.

It was, perhaps, significant that in the second day’s session of the annual convention of the Woman’s Relief Corps, department of Louisiana and Mississippi, that the prayer should be offered, “that our husbands, brothers, fathers and sweethearts may do their duty Tuesday as true citizens and men.” It is still more significant to notice how much the public opinion of the colored women has had to do with turning the tide of political opinion this way or that; so much so that one of the subterfuges adopted by an unpopular faction to catch the Afro-American vote was the opening of a new public school in the rear of the Third Ward.

The W.A.C. Convention was held Friday and Saturday, that is, all business transaction, elections, etc., were completed late Friday night, leaving Saturday afternoon and evening for installations, talks from the Commander of the N.A.A. and officers, and the banquet. At the Friday session Miss Henrietta Vinton Davis, the reader, was present by virtue of her interest and membership in the order, and spoke in quite a captivating manner for several minutes. On Saturday the pleasantest feature of the day’s proceedings was the presentation of a gold and silver cup and saucer to the out-going president; Mrs. Josephine B. Lewis, who had held the office for six years. It was a touching scene and one that will long be remembered.

The officers elected for the ensuing year are, Mrs. Selina B. Gray, department president; Mrs. J.H. Taper, senior vice; Mrs. May B. Williams, junior vice; Mrs. Lavinia Dubose, dept. treasurer; Mrs. Victoria Johnson, dept. chaplain; Mrs. Louisa Mouton, dept. inspector; Mrs. L. Porche, Baton Rouge, instituting and installing officer; Mrs. D. Swan, counselor; Alice Ruth Moore, dept. secretary; delegate at large, Mrs. Laura Remage of Jennings, La.; alternate, Mrs. Carrie Devezin.

The department of Louisiana and Mississippi is unique in more respects than one, It has come up out of hardships, trials, sneers and opposition, through sheer force of energy and stick-to-a-tiveness, and in all the immense National organization of W.R.C. it is the only colored department. In the two states there is but one white corps, that at Jennings, La., a little settlement of northerners who are fighting bravely to preserve their individuality in the face of southern prejudice and sneers. A delegate from this department to the National Convention always has eyes turned upon her from the very strangeness of her representation and the stern labor that her badge represents.

So much has been said and written about the

musical prodigy, Eddie Moore, whom the New Orleans people had sent to Germany to study, that almost everyone must feel an interest in his welfare. It was a great undertaking for a committee of women and men to take in charge, with no capital or backing save abundant energy and a cheerful determination to accomplish what they had set out to do. There has been no rest for four years, and it seemed that the fruition of their labors was at hand. Eddie had been sent to Stuttgart, his passage paid, his piano purchased, and twice a year the tuition and other incidentals paid. He completed the regular course last summer, and as his health was poor was begged to return. But he pleaded for another year, in order to acquire a repertoire that his friends might be justly proud of his playing. The graduation was to have been in June, and July would have seen Eddie in New Orleans, when a short while ago a letter from the American Consul to Professor Nickerson announced the child’s death. It was a cruel blow to his mother, his friends, and to the entire community who had builded such bright hopes upon this young musician who was to be forever an example of New Orleans grit and benevolence. It seems an irreparable loss; a loss in which all members of the race must feel a part. It brings tears to the eyes to think of the slender little follow, whose hands were small and waxen as a girls, asleep beneath the cold German skies, thousands f miles from home, old friends and his mother. But it was God’s will.


The Teachers’ League has in rehearsal a drama, “Doomed for Life,” to be presented at Globe Hall on the 15th of May. It is a production from the pen of Mr. Alcest Campbell, a promising and popular young man of Opelousas, La., who is now in the city superintending the rehearsals. Front all accounts, the production promises to be an artistic success.

And the weddings! Every other girl in town is going to be married “as soon as the school term closes.” Some can’t wait until then but are going to rush off in the lucky month — June. Next to politics, the most talked of thing is weddings and wedding garb and gossip.


The Fifteenth Anniversary of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute occurs at Tuskegee, Ala., Thursday, May 28, 1896. Hon. John C. Dancy, North Carolina, will deliver the annual address. His excellency, Gov. W.C. Oates, will also be present and speak.


Fannie Barrier Williams


“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not.” — Emerson.

How much inspiration the artist finds in the things that are of every day interest to all of us. We may now rejoice in the fact that the great pictures are not, as they once were, walled in from the gaze of the common people, but can be seen in copies and obtained at prices lower than we often pay for the most ordinary things in use. In fact, art seems as eager to come to us as we are to be influenced by its ministerings. Beside, the great artists of today gladly loan their choicest productions to gratify the taste of every art-loving community.

What does this growing prevalence of art influence mean to our home life? I think it is not too much to say that art inspires every sanctity of feeling that lifts women from drudgery to loveliness; that makes men more chivalrous, and children more beautiful. Among the Greeks from whom we inherit everything that is perfect and of good taste in art, there was in every home a household god that watched over the destinies of the family. We might, with profit, borrow from this religious sense of the Greeks, the suggestion that art, in the form of sculpture, painting, etching, or engraving, may furnish each household amongst us some hero or heroine or sentiment that shall be to us the saving influence of home blessedness.

How much the pictured face of that divinest of all madonnas, the Cistine, on our walls, would minister to the reign of love in every home! If mothers would teach their children to he gentle and humane, more effectively than by words, place on the wall for their inspection the kindly face of Rosa Bonheur, with her caressing arm about the neck of a domestic animal. And if they would inspire their daughters to be womanly and strong in all the virtues of perfect womanhood, place before them the faces of women who have done so much to glorify womankind. Let art also give to the boy’s the inspiration and companionship of such heroes as John Brown, Phillips, Lincoln, Douglass, Edson and Watts.

What portraits do for some, all forms of the beautiful in art may do for all of us. Many of us

are never touched with the mystic beauty of a flower until art interprets it for us. It is said that the German poet, Schiller, never saw the ocean, and yet he described it with such power and accuracy that old seamen saw more in Schiller’s verse than they had ever thought of in the overwhelming presence of the ocean itself.


Scientists tell us that there are melodies in the earth sweeter than the human ever has yet heard; that there are exquisite tints of color too delicate for discernment by the ordinary eye; and that there is a fragrance of the rose never yet extracted by the human sense of smell. Only the tiniest insects of God’s great kingdom of life realize these hidden beauties of the universe. Thus it is the mission of the artist, with his finer sense, to reveal to us what we would fail to recognize with our ordinary senses.

* * * * * *

The announcement by the chairman, Mrs. Matthews, of the Executive Committee of National Federation of Afro-American Women, in the last issue of the ERA, is a statement of extraordinary interest to the colored women of the country. Well may the chairman call the work before her “grave and serious.” The thought of a Federation that shall embrace the best intelligence amongst the colored women of the country is an inspiring one and should bring to the amiable chairman a hearty co-operation. The bringing about of such a union is a work requiring infinite labor, patience, tact and good will. These federated interests are results of growth and development. It is only through the process of education and the force of example that these widely separated organizations are brought to see the power of union and feel the sweet spirit of helpful affiliation.

It was a distinct gain in the progressive life of American colored women when the first suggestion came at a gathering in Washington of our women from all parts of the country that the essential interests of one club were the identical interests of all clubs. It gave us our first bracing touch of self confidence and our first inspiration to the larger duties and responsibilities of American womanhood. From the time of this first note of sisterly interest of colored women in each other, the sentiment has grown to a point where it has become a “grave and serious work” as to how we may have one instead of several National organizations.

There is no concealing the fact that there was a wide spread feeling of dissatisfaction and disappointment that the National Federation of Afro-American women organized in Boston did not achieve the wished for unity. This feeling was accentuated by the further failure of the Atlanta Congress in a similar purpose. The Boston and Atlanta conferences were remarkable in the number of capable women assembled. Nothing properly within the purposes of those gatherings seemed to be too large or too difficult to be grasped by these newly found women. The names of Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Booker T. Washington, Mrs. Ruffin, Mrs. Matthews and their associates have been and still are a guarantee that the interests of our women will be conscientiously and capably guarded and guided toward unity and high purposes.

The moral effect of the union of the National Colored Woman’s League, the National Federation of Afro-American Women and the Atlanta Congress could not well be measured. Nothing would so thrill our women everywhere with the wholesome sense of importance and responsibility, and nothing could so quicken into practical helpfulness the sympathies of all women for each other as a well organized federation of the best intelligence and worth of our women.

With such women as leaders and with such high purposes for inspiration it ought to be possible to find a basis of union. Fortunately for us, the personal ambitions that have been so fatal to all the large efforts of our men are not dangers to be feared in our efforts toward unity. There seems to have been a most happy freedom from the petty jealousies and envies that inevitably wreck social organizations. To those of us on the outside, there seems to he nothing substantial, nothing reasonable and nothing conscionable that can stand between the necessity for union and its joyous consummation. The opportunity is at hand for admittedly capable women to organize one of the most interesting and important parliaments of women ever attempted for the social amelioration of womankind in this country.

Let us beware lest the strife for triumph obscure the larger claims of universal truth and righteousness.


We take pleasure in bringing to the attention of our readers and the many friends and admirers of the late Frederick Douglass, the recent publi-

cation of an attractive souvenir named as above. This souvenir is in the form of a booklet, is artistic in design and execution, and confains, beside an admirable picture of Mr. Douglass, a representation, from two different points of view, of the house at Cedar Hill and of Mr. Douglass seated at his desk in his library where he wrote his famous address on lynching.


The price of this souvenir is thirty cents and can be obtained by sending one’s address with this amount and a two-cent stamp for postage, to PUBLISHER, P. 0. Box 16, Anacostia, D.C.



Miss Florence A. Johnson,
Teacher of Piano and Organ. BROOKLYN, N.Y.


New goods received by steamer every week. We never have an opening.
Always ready to show goods.
The old reliable house retains the same stand,
19 Temple Place, Boston.


Miss Emma Wainer,
Is prepared to show samples of SPRING AND SUMMER FABRICS, both foreign and domestic, for street and evening costumes. To Customers only.

Miss Wainer may be addressed through the W.I. & E.U. Boylston St., Boston, Mass.



Will be opened June 1 to accommodate a few select boarders.
For terms address
P. 0. Box 45.


128 Alder St., Pittsfield, Mass.

Will accommodate a few private boarders during the summer months. Five minutes walk from maple woods. Terms reasonable.



The Bonita Cold and Silver Mining Company,
No Assessments. No Stock Holders’ Liabilities.

The Great Mineral Basin it Pitkin covers an area as large as that of Leadville, Aspen and Red Cliff combined. Professor Sadtler, of the Chair of Metallurgy and Mineralogy of the State School of Mines, speaking of this district, says: “This camp, with proper and systematic development, will be made a second Aspen, if not better.”

The output of the Leadville district has been, up to the present time, in value over $200,000,000; that of Red Cliff more than $35,000,000, and that of Aspen, $100,000,000, or more, and the mines of these places show no signs of exhaustion.

What, then, shall we expect of Pitkin and the Quartz Creek District, which has a mineral bearing area as large as these three districts combined, when so far the developments there have proved the mineral deposits to be fully as rich and extensive?

We can come to but one conclusion: Its wealth is limitless, and no more safe or profitable field for investment can be found.

The property of the Bonita Gold and Silver Mining Company consists of three groups, in all nine claims, or a little over ninety acres, located in the most favored portion of this great mineral basin. Special care has been taken in the selecting to cover apexes, timber and water, all of which are of such vital importance in any mining property, and the greater portion of it lies only from one-fourth to three miles away from the railroad and the town of Pitkin, with good, down-hill roads leading from every portion of it, accessible every day in the year.

The ore is high grade, netting from fifty to one thousand dollars per ton, average two hundred and fifty. The Company has undisputed title to the entire property, which is free from any incumbrance [sic] encumbrance, and will be kept so. Any further information will be cheerfully furnished by the

President, MARY E. PHELPS, or MRS. L. K. DANIELS, Secretary.




Collegiate and Normal Courses. Enlarged corps of teachers. Industrial training in domestic and mechanic arts, including printing. Instruction in both instrumental and vocal music and in elocution. High grade in every respect. A few deserving and needy students can be aided. Term begins Wednesday, October 2. For catalog, address President HORACE BUMSTEAD.



Beginning with this issue of the ERA, we propose to publish a series of portraits of women distinguished for good works in any direction. At the end of the year subscribers will have a valuable picture gallery. Subscribe for the ERA at once if you would own the pictures and sketches of the lives of these eminent women.


MRS. H.L. KEMP, Artistic Dressmaking and Millinery,
Near Myrtle, BROOKLIN, N.Y.
Imported styles always on hand. Competent dressmakers always in attendance.


Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
51 Court Street,
Near Scollay Square. BOSTON.


Condensed Milk Co.’s
Plain condensed (unsweetened) Milk Is the best known food for infants. Best article in the world for a cup of coffee. Sold in jars at the office, 2 1/2 Park Sq., Boston. Delivered three times per week.
I have used the plain condensed milk and found it worked like a miracle in transforming my weak, puny baby into a strong, plump one, after all other foods had failed.
10 Lindall Place, Boston.


Branch Store.
Nos. 13 and 15 Broadway Extension,
Boston, Mass.
Manufacturers of Clothes Wringers.
All kinds of Wringers and Swoopers Repaired. Orders by Mail promptly attended to.


Price, $15.00.
A useful and elegant present for ladies and gentlemen.
Over 100,000 in use.
Perfectly simple, practical, and durable.
No $100 machine can do better work.
Writes 77 characters. Capitals and small letters.
Never gets out of order. Perfect alignment always.
No instruction required.
Send for illustrated catalogue.
4 K Post Office quare, — Boston, Mass.


The Last and the Greatest Story by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, author of “The Gates Ajar,” “Jack the Fisherman,” etc.

Miss Lillian Whiting says: “No American novel since ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ has approached ‘A Singular Life.'”

Price, $1.25. Sold by all Booksellers. Sent postpaid by HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO., 4 Park St., Boston, Mass.



Has a thorough and systematic course of study, including a complete system of Physical Training and Voice Culture, Natural Rendering, and the principles of the Philosophy of Expression. Scientific and practical work in every department. Chartered by the State.

Address for illustrated catalogue,
Corner Tremont and Berkeley Sts.,
Boston, Mass.
Summer session at Martha’s Vineyard.


A Soft, Pliable, Odorless Matting,
Warm in Winter, Cool in Summer.
An Ideal Sanitary Chamber Carpet
For All the Year Round.
Sews together and turns under.
Does not break or require binding.
No odors or germs or disease.
Insects do not trouble it.
Heavy furniture does not break it.
Double faced — double wear.
Artistic colors — stylish designs.
We cordially invite inspection.
Manufacturers and Patentees,
50 Essex St. (cor. Chauncy) Boston, Mass.


No. 1208 Pine Street, Philadelphia.


“Violets and Other Tales.”
A Collection of Short Stories and Poems.
By Alice Ruth Moore.
In Paper Covers, 50c.; Cloth, $1.00.
Apply to ALICE RUTH M00RE, 1924 Palmyra Street New Orleans, La.
Office of Woman’s Era, 103 Charles St., Boston.



Washington D.C., July 1, 1895

Furnishes instruction in the following departments and courses:

Theological, Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical, Legal, College Preparatory, Normal, Musical, and Manual Training, including practice in carpenter shop, printing office, book bindery, tin shop and sewing school.

All students have the privilege of library and reading room without extra charge.

Tuition free in all courses except Medical Dental and Pharmaceutical.

Term opens September 18.

J.E. RANKIN, D.D., L.L.D., President.
J.B. Johnson, Secretary.



Will be glad to serve afternoon teas, spreads, wedding breakfasts and dinners, salads, croquettes, ice creams, ices and confections. Polite waiters. All orders promptly attended to. Will call to arrange for parties on receipt of Postal.
15 Bow Street, Cambridge.
Telephone 23-2.
27 Jerome Street, W. Medford.
Telephone, Arlington 27-2.


With good recommendations, for all branches of work in Private Families, Hotels and Boarding Houses supplied from
Office, 103 Revere St.. BOSTON.



Is prepared to give First Class Accommodations to a few boarders at reasonable rates at the old stand.
62 PhilIips St., Boston.


Our Dress and Garment making is perfect; Prices reasnable; Fit, Style, and Finish Unsurpassed.
Hats and Bonnets made and Trimmed, 50c. to $1.00
Our Millinery and Dress Cutting Schools are the best in the world. Young ladies should come at once and learn.
HARVEY, 29 Temple Place, Boston.


Artistic Dress Cutting and Making.
Also Corset Making by First Class and Terms Reasonable.
19 Brewery St., CAMBRIDGE.


Dressmaker and Fur Sewer.
Fur Cleansing and Repairing a Specialty. Best of References.
Work Solicited.


Fashionable Dressmaker.
Strictly First Class. Terms Reasonable.
Cutting and Basting by the M.E. Quinn System.


Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law
34 School Street, Boston. Room 22


Cambridge Cleansing and Repairing Establishment.
We clean by Steam and Naphtha. Dyeing in all its branches. Kid Gloves and Slippers Cleaned. Give us a Trial.
C.J. MOORE, 433 Main St.


Does not contain corrosive sublimate, lead, arsenic, mercury, or any poison. As a toilet article for tan, sunburn, moth, freckIes, etc., its excellent, cannot be too well recommended.
Put up in 60c. and $1.00 Sizes, sent postpaid on receipt of Price.
For Sale by Druggists and Dealers In Toilet Supplies.
All correspondence should be addressed to the New England Agents,


156 Charles St., Boston.
Three doors from eye infirmary.
Artificial Eyes a Specialty.
Telephone, 1198 Haymarket.


Are You Looking for a Home Among Friends?

If You are Consult the

There are in the states of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island and Connecticut many good farms that can be purchased for a reasonable sum of money, and on easy terms of payment

We offer our assistance in aiding colored farmers to leave the South and to come and make their homes in the North.

We propose to procure farms in any of the above named states for as many of our race as desire, to come North and make their homes among us. We shall give them all the aid in our power, and be only too glad to look them over and see that they obtain all the advantages possible in the respective neighborhoods, until they become accustomed to their new homes and neighbors.

It is our intention in procuring these farms to have them near cities and towns in various states, so as to be convenient to school houses, railroard stations and churches.

The farms of the North differ from those of the South in that they are more compact, better cleared and attended to in general. Being smaller they are easier to care for. About anything that can be raised on farms in the South can be raised in the North.

On these farms are comfortable frame houses, cottage style. Terms of payment will be made to suit.

For further information, Address,
Manager New England Farm Agency,

We, the undersigned Ministers of the City of Boston and vicinity, cordially recommend to those of our race in the Southern States, Lawyer Clifford H. Plummer, the Manager of the New England Farm Agency. He is a man of our race and has their interests at heart: and we recommend those that desire to improve their condition to accept the opportunity presented him.

  • REV. J. HORATIO CARTER, Pastor of the Metropolitan Baptist Church, Boston Mass.
  • REV. W. H. SCOTT, Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church, Boston, Mass.
  • REV. JESSE HARRELL, Pastor of the Union Baptist Church, Cambridge, Mass.
  • REV. P. THOMAS STANFORD, Pastor of the William Lloyd Garrison Memorial Congregational Church, Boston, Mass.
  • REV. JOSEPH H. MORGAN, Pastor of the N.E.A.M.E. Church, Chelsea, Mass.
  • REV. J.H. WILEY, 14 Kendall Street, Boston, Mass.
  • REV. J.R. RANDOLPH, Boston, Mass.
  • REV. PETER RANDOLPH, Boston, Mass.
  • P.M. HENDERSON, M.D., Boston, Mass.
  • REV. J. ALLEN KIRKE, D.D., Boston, Mass.