- Social_Notes: SOCIAL NOTES.
- Filler
- Masthead: THE WOMAN’S ERA.
- Editorial: EDITORIAL.
- Report: ILLINOIS.
- Advertisement: PREMIUM OFFERS for 1896.
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The Woman’s Era.
Vol. II. No. 10.
The last regular meeting of the Woman’s Era Club was in charge of the domestic science section of that club, Mrs. Harriet Ruffin, chairman of section, in the chair. Carefully prepared papers were read on “Ventilation,” by Mrs. Fannie Johnson, on the proper care of cooking utensils by Mrs. Pope, food preparations by Miss Simmons, and on decorations, wise and otherwise, by Mrs. Ruffin. Short discussions followed all the papers. A special meeting will be held in charge of the civic section, when the club and their friends will listen to a talk by Mrs. Ellen A. Richardson, editor of Business Folio, on the advantage of a business training for women, and she will also tell something of the work and aim of the Floral Emblem Society. The meeting will be held in the Revere St. Chapel. Members will be notified by card as to time.
Sectional chairmen are warned that hereafter monthly reports of the doings of their branches will be called for, and at least one meeting a year arranged by them. Mrs. Lottie Sampson, church fair committee, reported progress of work for the coming fair for the benefit of St. Monica’s Home; her com mittee are soliciting yearly subscribers to the Home, and the ladies are pledged to give some form of a benefit annually to it.
The last literary meeting of the “New England Women’s Press Association” was one of the most enjoyable ever held by that lively club. It was journalists’ day, and was wittily presided over by Mrs. Gosse. The different newspaper women told what they knew of the different departments of newspaper work. Bright papers, laughable stories, music and flowers galore, with the usual “high tea ” in the beautiful crystal parlors of the Parker House, filled the afternoon and evening with delight.
The Woman’s Club House Corporation will tender a reception to Mrs. E.M.H. Merrill, its president, at the Hotel Vendome next Friday afternoon from four to seven. Tea tables will be in charge of different clubs and decorated with club colors. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe will preside. There will be five-minute speeches by witty women, vocal and instrumental music, and a delightful time for all fortunate enough to be present.
Miss Florence Johnson, late of the New England Conservatory of Music, contributed largely to the success of an entertainment given in Brooklyn lately for the benefit of Siloam Presbyterian Church. Miss Johnson is an accomplished pianist, and while in Boston was much appreciated for her readiness to respond to any call to assist, by her musical gift, any deserving cause.
Mrs. Frederick Douglass is editing her late husband’s speeches.
Cards of invitation issued by Mrs. Lucy A. Roberson to the marriage reception of her daughter, Laura Viola (“Vodia”), to Mr. Artrudoe Moore Lee, have been received in Boston. The marriage was celebrated Feb. 25, at 541 Sibley St., St. Paul, Minn.
Messrs. L.W. Benjamin, G.C. Freeman, William H. Lewis, Trotter, Washington, Fletcher,
Godwin, Hemmings, W.H. Jackson, H.P. Johnson, Payne, Peake, C. L. Smith and J.R. Jackson were at home to friends Monday evening, the 17th, at the Grundmann Studios, Copley Sq., and welcomed their friends to one of the most delightful entertainments ever given in Boston. The spacious halls, reception rooms, and promenades were beautiful and inviting in their elaborate decorations, and the bachelors all attentiveness and courtesy. Copley Hall was hung with white and pink bunting, the ceiling being all in white, through which the electric lights shone with a soft, mellow light which was universally becoming. The walls were draped with laurel, and the stage set with palms and ferns. In the great smoking room were rugs, couches and hangings galore, and to crown all a huge wood fire. It is not strange that with such a setting the costumes of the ladies showed to perfection and that the scene was one of unusual beauty. There were many beautiful gowns worn for the first time, conspicuous among them those worn by two attractive “buds,” Misses Genevieve Lee and Elizabeth Hemmings. Miss Lee, who has manner of unusual charm, was very attractive in white silk and spangled chiffon, made decollete, and decorated with white rosebuds. Miss Hemmings could not have worn anything more becoming to her than her perfectly simple dress of white Swiss muslin, undecorated save for the ribbon at the waist and those which held the gown on the shoulders.
The young ladies who acted as ushers were Miss Lillian Lewis, in white and blue, Miss Gray, in white over pink, Miss Grant, in white and violet, Miss Hare, in yellow, Miss Harriet Smith, in yellow, Miss Trotter, in pink, Miss Hemmings and Miss Watson, in white with violets.
Every bachelor, from those who received the guests at their carriages to those who received in line, did his utmost for the pleasure of his guests. A reception and a musicale by the bachelors occupied the early part of the evening. These were followed by supper and dancing, and all left believing it would be a long time before the Bachelors’ At Home would be surpassed.
Several New Bedford girls came up to the Bachelors’, Miss Gertie Piper, Miss Wilson and Miss Carter being among them.
Mrs. Joseph Lee was distinctively elegant in black and silver.
Mrs. Dandridge was, as usual, very stylish in pearl brocade.
Mrs. Wilson wore her wedding dress, cream faille.
Miss De Mortie carried off with her usual distinction her dress of pale blue silk with trimmings of white and pink.
Mrs. Grant wore white silk and white chiffon.
Mrs. J.H. Lewis wore Nile green silk.
Mrs. U.A. Ridley was in black brocade, with rose-chiffon and pink velvet.
Miss Latimer of Saratoga was one of the pretty girls; Mrs. Trotter and Mrs. Smith were among the handsome women present.
Among the prettiest dresses were the organdies made over silk. Miss Smith, Miss Trotter and Mrs. Alston all wore them.
Dr. and Mrs. Brown of Baltimore are at home on Calhoun St., Baltimore, and are receiving much quiet attention. At their first “at home,” their house was open from two till 11 P.M., and as many as twenty-five people at a time were present.
Miss Maud Cuney will spend the summer in the north. Her friends in Newport and Boston will give her a hearty welcome.
Some of the smart set of Philadelphia are negotiating with Mrs. DeLos Mars to give one of her dramas in that city.
Engagements and prospective wedding bells!
Well, Lent is upon us, which means no more parties, dancing or card playing.
The many friends of Mr. Esteve S. Mars of Brooklyn will be pleased to learn of his final success in securing a sheepskin and becoming a full-fledged M.D. Meharry College, Nashville, Tenn. conferred the coveted honor.
Mr. Charles Lansing, Jr., and wife, (nee, Miss Kitty White) of Quincy St., Brooklyn, gave a christening dinner in honor of their little daughter, Katharyn Olga, Sunday evening, the 9th. Among the guests were Mr. George T. Downing of Newport, Mrs. E.D. White, Rev. and Mrs. H.C. Bishop, Mr. W.C. Bolivar of Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Lansing, Miss Gertrude O. Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Mars, Mr. W. Russell Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Peterson Mr. T.B. Francis, Dr. W.S. Kissam.
St. Philip’s Fair was very fine, and as usual a
hard matter to leave with enough money to take one home again. The girls are such talkers that the money almost walks from the young men’s pockets. Miss Kate Smith is one of the most successful of these talkers. I know from past visits to fairs at which we have met.
Wedding bells will begin soon after Easter, and goodness only knows when they will stop their sweet chiming, from the number of engagements we hear of. Well, health and happiness to them all. Mr. Robert is still looking Jerseyward, but I heard they were on the “outs.” No doubt nothing more or less than a lover’s quarrel. Charlie Moore has stolen the heart of a fine little girl, much to the disappointment of one of the older girls who had great anticipations. But never mind, dearie, this is leap year, so make your choice. Our lovely Lottie is also on the list of those whom we expect soon to congratulate. Mr. Miller must be very proud of his success in securing the coveted prize. How she will be missed by the girls in their frolics.
Very soon I suppose we will hear something definite from Miss Alice Greenly and Miss Walker. Mr. Milfred Jackson has at last made up his mind not to change the date of his announcement again. Good luck, old boy.
Miss Florence Nichols and Miss Ellen Ford are two very charming girls. Some young man will soon be laying his heart at their feet, if he has not ere this.
Mr. Ernest Attwell seems very attentive to our Kate. I can hardly blame him, but then —
At the musicale and farce given for the Siloan Presbyterian Church, Madame Wilson played divinely, as usual. Mr. King, the baritone, did not make a very good impression, for his first appearance in New York. After the concert came the farce, “My Neighbor’s Wife,” characterized by the Misses Nichols, Greenly and Ford, also Messrs. E.T. Attwell, Frank Chambers and R.M. Attwell. The acting showed careful preparation, and everything went off without a hitch. How noticable it was that the ladies and gentlemen of the “inner circles” were not up to the dances. This winter’s dances were all Greek to them. All the ladies looked charming, but I must speak especially of the toilettes of Misses Eva Walker and Alice Greenly. I think they were Louis XV coats — at least some one said so. Anyhow they were fine, and spoke well for the maker.
The Chronothanatoletron at Hardman Hall was very enjoyable, and the young ladies, as well as the ladies who were at the head of it, deserve great credit. The “Black Patti” was the crowning success of the affair. Professor Craig played beautifully to a very attentive audience. Miss Blanche Washington was as fine and graceful as usual. Miss E. Nowell Ford played a difficult piano solo so fast that one could get no sense nor enjoyment from it. The dear girl was affected with stage fright, I guess. Nevertheless she is a fine pianist when she is not nervous. I wonder if Pharaoh’s daughter, the dear little girl, has found “Moses” yet.
All of the dear girls deserve mention, but space will not allow any more this time.
Victoria Earle Matthews
Shortly after the adjournment of the first National Convention of colored women in America, which met in Boston, Mass., July 1, 1895, Mrs. Booker T. Washington, President of the National Federation of Afro-American Women, the organization which grew out of the said convention, conferred with Helen Cook, 1st, vice president of the convention, and president of the National League which desired union, as to the possibility of uniting the two organizations in one grand body, and as a result accepted the latter’s proposition; i.e.: That a committee of three, headed by the president of each organization, be selected by said presidents to form a “conference committee” which should meet at a given place for the purpose of consultation and agreement as to a basis of union, the same to be submitted in joint convention for united action, looking to final union. This plan differed from one submitted by Mrs. Victoria Matthews, chairman of executive committee of the National Federation, but in the interest of harmony that lady withdrew her plan.
After subsequent correspondence it was decided by the two presidents to hold Conference Committee in Atlanta. It was expected that Mrs. Cook would be present, but she delegated her powers to Miss Lucy Moten, of Washington, D.C. Many ladies of the Atlanta Woman’s Congress, in their earnest desire to see harmony be-
tween the two bodies, requested the privilege of having said congress represented on this committee, for the purpose of attesting their unbiased and perfectly neutral attitude. After much discussion and consideration by the parties most interested, it was finally agreed to extend the courtesy, particularly as the presence of an outside presiding officer would tend to put the two national organizations on an equal footing. This action was unanimously accepted by the conference committee as fair and in order. Miss Moten, acting for the National League, appointed Mrs. Ida C. Bailey of Washington, and Miss Anna Jones of Kansas City to serve with her. Mrs. Washington appointed Mrs. Pitts of Missouri and Mrs. V. Matthews of New York; the congress appointing Mrs. Emma Ford of Michigan, Mrs. Arthur S. Gray and Mrs. Rossetta Lawson of Washington. Mrs. Ford was chosen to preside ; Mrs. Pitts as secretary.
Mrs. Matthews moved that courtesy be extended the National League in the matter of opening discussion upon the question at issue. Miss Moten declined on the ground that she was uninstructed and preferred to hear what suggestion the Federation would make. Mrs. Washington directed Mrs. Matthews to speak for the National Federation. Mrs. Matthews playfully referred to the strategic point gained by Miss Moten. She outlined the plan as proposed to her in Washington at a personal meeting with Cook, and clearly stated that she approved the plan, which was as follows: 1. Both names be discarded and a new one chosen which should represent the new Union; all agreed. 2. Both constitutions be discarded and a new one formulated; agreed. 3. A joint call to be issued in the ensuing year for a joint convention, before which the foregoing suggestions should be submitted for united action, favorable or otherwise; agreed.
In the friendly informal discussion which followed, various minor points were touched upon; for instance, it was suggested that the new name be The National Federation of Colored Women. Of course all understood that the committee had no jurisdiction in the matter, but merely suggested it in order to arouse popular discussion on the subject, all agreeing to differ according to understanding of the principle involved.
The official organ of the National Federation was also discussed conjointly. Its present form was objected to, the understanding being that an editorial change was desired, i.e., fewer editors and more reports as to the work of organized bodies of women; that the paper should be so supported as to give space for light literature, essays, fiction, etc. Mrs. Matthews spoke for the ERA and said that the ERA was prepared to make suggested changes, in fact those identical points had been discussed by the editor-in-chief, who went further by suggesting that the editorship be an elective one, and that the national organization form an incorporated society for the purpose of owning the paper. The management of the Woman’s Journal of Boston, and other papers, were discussed. Like the name, this too was left to the decision of the women in joint convention. Mrs. Matthews believed that our women had an opportunity of establishing a clean, chaste paper at very little cost. It could easily be done by the clubs composing the Federation guaranteeing the cost of publishing per issue, the clubs being taxed per ratio, and in return every member of the Federation would be entitled to a paper free. All agreed that the latter plan was exceedingly practical. Miss Moten stated many things, which from her point of view detracted from the ERA’S reputation for unbiased dealing with public questions, her language being decidedly strong, but she was willing, she said, to modify her views providing the changes suggested would be adopted in the future. Mrs. Matthews replied that the whole question hinged upon the quality of support which the colored women of the country would give the paper. The matter of making public the work accomplished by this committee was then broached. It was informally considered wise to report privately, but there must have been a misunderstanding on this point as every point covered was commonly discussed an hour or two later, and these extracts from my note book are herewith given to THE WOMAN’S ERA for the information of all persons desiring the same.
The conference committee was remarkably harmonius [sic] harmonious; not a jar, save when the minor discussion concerning the ERA obtruded itself. Miss Ford, the chairman, congratulated the ladies and said, “Union must follow such an amicable conference as this has been.”
Our thanks are due those subscribers who have so promptly renewed without invitation. The ERA’S subscribers, although not so many as we could wish, are “true blue.” They are earnest, conscientious women, and with a few thousand more of them, the ERA would lead everything.
Mrs. Florida Ridley
When the National Federation of Afro-American Women, was organized in Boston it was understood that every delegate present and every club of women represented by letter or otherwise would support and sustain the Federation by making it strong numerically and representatives of women were urged to organize local clubs and use their influence not only in bringing into the Federation clubs so organized, but all women’s clubs then existing in the respective localities, Organization was conceded to be the first work of the Federation, and plans were laid with this end in view. Instructions were given our Chairman of the Executive Committee concerning this matter and that of uniting with The National League. As we earnestly desired harmony and union our best counsellors advised and urged delay on our constitution and by-laws on the ground that when union was effected a new constitution would of necessity be required; further that no constitution would be adequate to cover our needs as a national body that was not constructed upon the constitutions of the various bodies comprising the Federation, our policy being opposed upon principle to any constitution otherwise constructed for the reason that only by knowing and providing for the various objects of the clubs comprising the Federation could we hope to become a truly representative body of Afro-American Women. Sorrow and affliction in our official family caused general retardation. Our position as a dignified self-respecting body is one of gravity. Our constitution as adopted at the Boston convention stood thus:
This organization is and shall hereafter be known as The National Federation of Afro-American Women.
The object of this organization is: (1.) The concentration of the dormant energies of the women of the Afro-American race into one broad band of sisterhood; for the purpose of establishing needed reforms, and the practical encouragement of all efforts being put forth by various agencies, religious, educational, ethical and otherwise, for the upbuilding, ennobling and advancement of the race. (2). To awaken the women of the race to the great need of systematic effort in home making and the divinely imposed duties of motherhood.
The organization shall be governed by a president, four vice-presidents, representing the four geographical sections of our country, a treasurer, two secretaries, corresponding and recording, and an executive committee, whose members shall be chosen by the chairman from the sections represented by the membership, with a view of making the committee truly representative.
All women’s clubs are eligible to membership (number not restricted), whose work is embraced in the object of this organization.
The organization shall meet annually, time and place subject to the executive committee.
The official organ of The National Federation of Afro-American Women is the publication known as the WOMAN’S ERA.
It will be seen that the constitution thus adopted in convention, imposed no burden or tax upon clubs. It made no provision for the necessary correspondence. Your officers have been slow to act in order to study the most progressive methods of procedure in use among National bodies. Officially we expected to communicate through our official organ, but unfortunately the clubs composing the National Federation have not systematically ordered sufficient numbers of the ERA to guarantee the expense, not only of necessary communications, but of the work done and fully reported in our memorable convention number. This is a sad confession, but we make it in the hope that our women will pause and thoughtfully consider, first, that any organization founded upon other than common business principles must fail; secondly, we are before the public; critics, friends and disinterested parties, men and women of both races are watching us and naturally expecting results; and thirdly, the expense of our meeting in Boston, the communications that have since been given space in our official organ, has been paid by some one or is still hanging over the paper; and lastly, we, The National Federation
of Afro-American Women, not only have it in our power to establish before the world the first and only paper owned and published by Afro-American women, but we can own it and through its columns let the world see what manner of women we are. Our women will need no argument as to the advantage in having as our official organ a paper so well established as to literary merit, as the WOMAN’S ERA, and we consider it absolutely necessary for the perfecting of our organization, as a means of communicating with associate clubs, that we urge upon the officers of alI women’s clubs, unions, etc., that they send a monthly letter as to the work carried on by the clubs or unions, and to specify the number of copies per month that respective club or union will order. This is practical. It is necessary, for we have no means with which to conduct private communications, and will have none until after our next annual convention, unless public spirited and sympathetic persons will make toward that end.
In order to facilitate the work of the Federation it is necessary at this time that the chairman of our executive committee be immediately furnished with a copy of the constitution and number of members of every club in the Federation, and those desirous of entertaining; and we do earnestly invite all women to organize for practical work and join us without delay. We trust the presidents and others in authority in various local and state organizations will give this matter close and immediate attention. Our struggling race is in travail, and needs above all things the united, earnest and determined uplifting efforts of strong vigorous womanhood; this is pre-eminently the foundation making age; the future moral and intellectual status of our race depends upon the real basic work, that the women of the race perform in this decade. Burdened with this conviction, we stretch out our hands to our sister women everywhere for help and courage and inspiration and light. Let us be up and doing. Time is passing and opportunities fleeting; let the heads of all clubs communicate at once with Mrs. Victoria Matthews, Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, Tuskegee, Ala., and also raIly to the support of our official organ — the WOMAN’S ERA. Remember we can establish it as a creditable race enterprise, or for lack of sympathy and support let it fail. We can make of it what we will, provided we first make it permanent. It not only never furnished a source or suspicion of income to the many writers composing its staff, from editor-in-chief, down, but has not paid its running expenses. It has established its name as a good wholesome, neatly printed, family newspaper. As the official organ of the Federation, it is not only our duty to support it, but to our interest as a body of women without other means of communication, and for the present without an exchequer. As soon as the heads of the various clubs, unions, etc., put themselves in communication with Matthews, important propositions concerning the future management and support of our official organ will be submitted. For this and other progressive lines of work vital to our organization we urge immediate attention.
In order to facilitate organization, we have issued application blanks for the use of clubs desiring membership in the National Federation of Afro-American Women. The secretaries of the clubs composing the Federation will please fill out forward at earliest convenience to the secretary of the N.F.A.A.W.,
Mrs. FLORIDA RIDLEY, 131 Kent Street, Brookline, Mass.
All clubs and individuals whom this letter may reach will please consider its contents personal. Yours for the uplifting of our struggling race.
Elizabeth E. Lane
The literary program of this club for the current quarter is varied. Subjects for discussion in the fortnightly meetings are: “The Relation between Women’s Clubs and Churches,” various phases of “The Suffrage Question,” “The Province of Women’s Clubs,” “How shall our Young Women be Properly Trained and Protected,” “The Atlanta Exposition.”
The latter subject was discussed the evening of Jan. 17, when the club opened the doors to the gentlemen of the school’s faculty. Mrs. B. T. Washington discussed “The Negro Exhibit,” Mrs. S. Peake Greene “The Exposition as Related to the Cause of Education,” and “The Part Played by Woman at the Exposition,” by Mrs. Irene Bond.
The members of the club had decided to give nothing but the regular program, even if the
“lords of creation” were in attendance. The program proved interesting to all, but some gentlemen who believed that the club movement at Tuskegee savored too much of the “New Woman,” showed signs of uneasiness when “motions,” “points of order,” etc., were in use by the members of the club during the time devoted to business matters.
No one of them rose for a “point of order” on the “New Woman,” but at the close of the evening’s exercise one rose to give a motion for a vote of thanks for the invitation that had been extended, and in the regular form a rising vote of thanks was given by the entire party of thirty-five gentlemen.
Club matters have proved of great interest this month.
Mrs. Washington has been called to several places to organize clubs among women. She has given hopeful and interesting accounts of the earnest women who, though timid, are determined to do effective work on reaching the masses who are less fortunate.
A plan is on foot and arrangements are being made by which the club may assume control of the county funds devoted heretofore to the mismanagement of the domestic affairs of the County Poor House. Frequent visits to the Poor House by members of the club, and the report of a committee that made a thorough investigation of affairs there, found an intensely serious condition of things that involved matters of life and death.
The reports from the departments of the club argue well for the coming year. The Vesta Club, under the direction or Mrs. N.B. Young, gave an entertainment and devoted the proceeds to the needy poor. Two old women, who were helpless and bedridden, have been made comfortable.
The members of the Ednah Cheney Club, under Mrs. Thornton, have three old ex-slaves in their charge. Helpless and alone in their cabins, they have been comforted, clothed and fed during the present storms of the wintry weather. The club is not only systematic in its charities but is also in its literary efforts to maintain the principles of their constitution.
The Ministers’ Wives Ciub, under Mrs. Estelle Penney, gives hopes for better and more earnest work by the members in the field of the church and homes to which they are allied.
Miss Francis Willard has become intensely interested in the W.C.T.U. circle, under Miss Susie Porter. She has contributed all the current publications of the Temperance Union for the reading room, and has written words of encouragement as a sister to a sister of one sisterhood.
The department of Current History, under Mrs. Warren Logan, still gives a report that shows there is no lack of interest in the questions of the day, though minutes are few and not easily spared from the duties of the moment, when one may cull the current literature.
Just as many women as heretofore are interested in the work that Mrs. Booker Washington plans for her club or town and country women. They come to the club every Saturday afternoon, eighty and one hundred of them.
The Dorcas Club For the young girls meets every Saturday in the room of the same hall that Mrs. Washington rents for the work. The Margaret Murray Washington Club of ten Normal school girls, assisted the Dorcas Club in making articles for a fair that was held one afternoon in the above mentioned hall. The mothers contributed their share of raw material in the shape of eggs, chickens, pork, etc. The latter were cooked, and with the handiwork of the young people, graced the tables. Thirty-two dollars were cleared.
A reading room and circulating librarv has been opened there under the auspices of the Dorcas Club. The nucleus of the library were forty-five books contributed from the library of the young daughter, Portia, of Mrs. Washington, who is now attending the school at Framingham, Mass.
L. Bonneau Fordham
The situation of Charleston, S.C., is singularly beautiful, being bordered on its eastern and western shores by two streams, the Cooper and Ashley, whose convergence forms its magnificent harbor reflecting the azure tints of the sky above and luxuriant foliage around; glorious to look upon when the glinting sun rays made its rippling bosom to resemble a sheet of silver sparks. It is unobstructed, save the presence of Fort Sumpter, that theatre of daring deeds, whose invincible ramparts proclaim it the guardian of our peace.
On entering the harbor to the right, stands Sullivan’s Island, the Coney Island of the South-
land, on which stands old Fort Moultrie. To the left is Morris Island, where the first shot of the Civil War was fired, and from which point shot and shell were leveled at our city and its fortifications with slight intermissions, for over 500 days . This could rightly be termed the “Dark Age of Charleston.”
Notwithstanding this and subsequent physical disturbances, cyclones and earthquakes, she has arisen from the ashes of a troubled past, and is fast putting on the garments of progress in all its varied forms. Numerous foreign as well as domestic craft speak for its commercial activity. Vast areas of King Cotton, rice, maize, truck produce, etc., under a high state of cultivation, tell of its agricultural wealth. Immense structures girding the suburbs and pouring forth volumes of smoke as they grind the valuable phosphate fertilizers, give employment to hundreds of breadwinners.
Educational institutions abound, chief of which are the College of Charleston, established in 1823; the High School, organized in 1839, and the Citadel Academy in 1843.
The city public schools are in a flourishing, condition. Those for colored children are represented by the Shaw Memorial on Mary street, and the Simonton on Morris street. These are large and well appointed buildings, but are necessarily crowded on account of the dense population, there being about 1700 in the two. The former was erected by the colored people about 1868 or ’69, in memory of Col. Robert G. Shaw, Commander of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment, who so gloriously fought and fell on Morris Island during the bombardment of the city.
Industrial training is now attracting much attention, and we trust ere long that such an important factor in the development of our people will receive the practical recognition it deserves.
Churches are numerous, indeed Charleston may be called the “Lesser City of Churches,” the oldest being St. Michael’s, which has an history of its own; it may be of interest to note that the first boy choir in America originated in this church in 1798. Many of these edifices belong to the colored people, and are nobly sustained by the several denominations in spite of the financial depression of the last decade.
Its people are hospitable, genial, intelligent, industrious, and are making rapid strides toward the goal of ideal citizenship. Their individuality is strongly marked by the diversity of taste in the construction of their homes, it being hard to find two or three exactly alike, unless built for tenements.
The dwellings on East and South Battery are indicative of refined taste coupled with affluence. There are many others scattered through the city that are noticeable for their beauty and the pronounced comfort of their surroundings.
Its points of interest are not numerous, but there is a charm about each from the grim, old, battle-scarred walls of Sumpter, Moultrie and Johnson on the south, to the wide spreading oaks and spirelike pines on the north, whose graceful drapery keeps time to the breezes that play over them; all historic charm which will linger as long as there is to be found a soul worshipping at the shrine of patriotism.
Wm. Lloyd Garrison
Will you permit me to use your columns for the purpose of warning persons benevolently inclined toward the colored schools of the south, to beware of encouraging John J. Smallwood, of the so called ,”Temperance Industrial and Collegiate Institute of Claremont, Va.” Of all solicitors for northern money he is one of the most plausible and adroit, and invariably makes a strong impression, backed as he is by southern credentials. Nevertheless he is unworthy of assistance, and for the sake of deserving southern schools, his petition should be denied. I have in my possession evidences of his character which unfit him for the work in which he is engaged, and shall be ready to show them to any one interested in him.
At a meeting of the New England Women’s Club where the subject of discussion was “The Effect of the Race Elements upon the Well-being of our Country,” the following resolution was passed :
That the thanks of the New England Women’s Club be presented to Rev. Samuel M. Crothers, university preacher of Cambridge, for his prompt
and frank utterance in regard to the action of three of the leading hotels of our city in declining to receive Bishop Arnett during his recent visit to Boston; that the club believes, if such action on the part of those hotels was because of color distinction, that it was contrary to the best customs and traditions of the city of Boston, and wishes to acknowledge its indebtedness to Mr. Crothers for having expressed the higher sense of the community, with a conviction that his course has not only gratified the general public, but must also help to influence the body of future citizens among whom his present ministry is placed.
Victoria Earle Matthews
Some of the delegates attending the Atlanta Colored Woman’s Congress, judging by many letters which have since come to the Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions, were mistaken as to the attitude of the committee on “Mob Law.” An addition to the original resolution was offered, which contained the following: “Be it further resolved that, in denouncing lynch law, we also condemn the crime that provokes lynch law.” The addition was not “beheaded ” or purposely lost, as some were disposed to think, but after fearless intelligent direction by the committee, on the ground that mob law and execution follows suspicion of guilt, if the culprit or suspected one be colored, so swiftly that a crime is never proven, it was decided that there was no tenable ground for the acceptance even of the injurer’s apology, much less a condemnatory resolutioin based on no other evidence than the word or reports of even those who support by non-interference crimes against law, humanity and God. As John Mitchell says: “There must be no toying with serpents. Lynch law must go.”
Mrs. Booker T. Washington
Having seen every humiliation imaginable or possible to the working of the Separate Car Law, and given much serious thought as to how we could so agitate the matter as to lead to the abolishment of the system and the substitution of first and second class cars for the protection of our self-respecting travelers, I venture to lay the matter at this time before the National Federation of Afro-American Women, not only for consideration, but immediate action. Argument is not needed to portray the evils of this system in the matter of forced indiscriminate contact, nor the illegality of the extortionate tariff placed on all who have to ride in the notoriously filthy, ill-ventilated “Jim Crow” cars. With others, I had hoped for greater harmony among our women at this time, so delayed the matter. Delays are dangerous. I therefore appeal to and urge the heads of all clubs comprising the Federation to present the accompanying resolution to their respective bodies for signatures, and also to make an active canvass and secure as many signatures outside of their ranks, among interested parties, as possible, and forward to me without loss of time, the same to be placed with others and put into the hands of some one of our strong women, who will make it her business to present in person the petitions thus signed to the proper authorities in the various states, i.e., the officers and directors of the railroads affected and the legislative committees having jurisdiction over such matters.
Fraternally yours,
To which should be appended the signatures and seals of justice-loving individuals, churches, schools and societies.
Recognizing the injustice of the law known as the Separate Car Law; knowing it to be not only brutal, degrading and inhuman in its operation, but contrary to the laws of contract and the genius of our liberal institutions, tending to accentuate unduly discrimination on account of color and condition; in the interest of common womanhood we unite in urging the annulment of said oppressive and iniquitous measure from the statutes of the states Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas. Further, that we, in the meantime, urge upon the officers and directors of the railroads affected by this color legislation, in justice to a self-respecting traveling class, the adoption of first and second class cars. This so-called law is a blot most foul, not only on the section boasting of its chivalric treatment of womanhood, but the fair fame of our common country.
THE WOMAN’S ERA, the organ of the National Federation of Afro-American Women, and devoted to the Interests of the Women’s Clubs, Leagues and Societies throughout the country.
Published monthly, in Boston, by JOSEPHINE ST. P. RUFFIN, FLORIDA R. RIDLEY, 103 Charles Street.
- Per Annum, – – – – – – – -$1.00
- Single Copies, – – – – – – – -.10
- Club Rates, one hundred copies, – 7.00
- Subscriptions Payable in Advance.
Personal feeling has no place in newspaper work. A good newspaper gives facts, and is not concerned, and surely is not to blame, if the facts encroach upon somebody’s pet hobby or were furnished by someone who is personally distasteful to a subscriber. A paper which is afraid of everybody’s feelings has no call to he published. If a paper be clean it is certainly privileged to be brave if it can, and a clean, brave paper serves a double purpose; it justifies itself and takes its readers out of that overcrowded territory which is filled with those who judge through personal feeling.
The appeal of Mrs. Washington to the clubs of the country to circulate protests against the Separate Car System, refers to a matter of vital importance to every colored woman of the country. There is no one among us, no matter what her culture or refinement, but who may become the victim of this iniquitous custom, and the experience of Mrs. Thomas Fox, who was put off in the woods and at night, is an example of what may befall any one of us, or of our daughters, if called to the South. Mrs. Washington’s movement is one of practical moment,.and there is no other to which our women should lend their energies with more devotion and energy.
The women of the North long ago became convinced of the worth of Mrs. Matthews (Victoria Earle) as a woman of intelligence, enthusiasm, energy and talent. As all these attributes possessed by Mrs. Matthews have been employed and devoted almost exclusively in race work, it is not strange that her reputation and the esteem in which she is held has grown with the years.
In the last few months Mrs. Matthews has been traveling in the South, first in the interest of the Atlanta Congress, and latterly in the interest of the ERA. In her travels she has worked with the same unflagging zeal and intensity which characterizes all she does, and with the same results. Her reception everywhere has been more than cordial. Not only has she interested the women, but she has won their sympathy and love. It is one of our crying needs that our women who are working for “the one end” all over the country, should be united in order to carry on their work with the zeal and ardor which only union can give. It is to this end that Mrs. Matthews is bending all her energies and it is to this end that the ERA works.
In the future, Mrs. Matthews will be more intimately connected with the ERA, and its management can feel assured that this announcement will be read with pleasure by women everywhere.
Comments on the Arnett case are getting a trifle monotonous, and it would seem as if the whole gamut of opinion and comment had been made. And yet there is a last word to be said, and it is fitting that it should come from the seat of the trouble.
Boston itself has spoken officially upon the matter, the city council unanimously and enthusiastically endorsed a set of resolutions introduced in a speech made by Mr. Stanley Ruffin, not only censuring the hotel-keepers, but calling upon the city attorney to press the law.
The Arnett case is a peculiar one. There is hardly a hotel in Boston which does not entertain colored guests every month in the year. We have been informed that the Bishop himself has, on other occasions, put up at first-class hotels. All of us know of prominent colored people who have registered at leading houses time and time again; colored business men daily lunch and dine at Young’s, Parkers, the Adams House, the Thorndike, the Quincy, and there is never a theatre
party but that freely and thoughtlessly walks into the most available hotel for an after-theatre supper. To all these, the refusal to accommodate the Bishop came as a surprise. The fact is, that if the Bishop had presented himself for accommodation he would scarcely have found one of these cowards bold enough to refuse him, but it was a chance for cowardly negro-haters to express themselves without danger, and it was embraced.
The splendid expression from press and pulpit brought out by the incident almost repays the race which was insulted. Boston contains many people as prejudiced, as cowardly and bitter on the race question as can be found anywhere, but this incident has proven what the ruling sentiment is. Moreover, the colored people will continue to go just wherever they please, and feel assured that if a man is found bold enough to insult them he will never do it more than once.
The closing action of the Atlanta Congress in adjourning as a body to meet in Nashville is very perplexing., especially in view of the resolution passed concerning the Nashville Centennial. Our women bid fair to compete with the lords of creation in the matter of forming new organizations. We understand this is the only congress connected with the Cotton States Exposition that did not end with it. One pleasant feature of the Congress was the much commented upon, thorough unselfishness of the members of the National Federation. The workers in the Congress were largely made up from the ranks of the Federation. The National League was hardly in evidence. Their only representative was made, through Mrs. Lawson’s courtesy, a member of the Congress, after her arrival in Atlanta.
Sometime ago Miss L.C. Carter, Recording Secretary of the National Federation, was requested to communicate certain important queries to the clubs comprising the Federation, among which was, “What Plan would you suggest for the practical support of our official organ, THE WOMAN’S ERA?”
We submit a few of the returns:
Mrs. B.T. Washington thought that each local club would appoint an agent, and order through her, monthly, as many copies as the club had members. “It would serve not only to increase its circulation, but broaden the minds of indifferent women as to the proportions of our woman’s movement.”
Mrs. Mary H. Dickerson of Newport, writes: “I think the best means of support for our official organ is a large subscription list, and the best way to secure it is to write to each League for subscribers, and ask that each League appoint an agent to solicit outside subscribers.”
Mrs. Libbie C. Anthony of Jefferson City, Mo.: “I think our National President should have a column in the ERA each month, in order to stimulate a desire on the part of the various clubs to see the account of the Federation work. I also think copies should be sent to prominent working women in the various states, requesting their support and that they show the paper to their friends.”
Mrs. R. Jerome Jeffrey of Rochester, N.Y.: “I thought it was decided in the convention that each club should take a certain number of papers. Surely each member of a club would be willing to do this much toward making our position secure as a self-respecting body.”
Mrs. Rebecca Aldridge of Pittsburgh, Pa.: “The paper should be under the control and management of the National organization, and each club represented in the same pledge itself to take as many copies monthly as it has financial members.”
Miss Annie L. Blanchard of Salem,.Mass.: “I would suggest that each club he held for so many copies, or that they guarantee so many subscribers from their members, and one member be appointed to sell to outsiders. In the various clubs there are members who have not had the advantage s of an education and home influence. Some of these are married, while others are single. Would it not be advisable, in order to have the ERA reach and touch every member, to have a ‘Home Department,’ and under this head have papers which will suggest to some of the members to pay more attention to the moral, physical and intellectual training of the young; for instance, Mrs. Matthews’ paper on ‘Kindergarten Schools’ is a
very fine article and should be read by every woman interested in the young. I think this sort of reading would attract a large class.”
From Abby Morton Diaz:
“Of all the clubs heard from — more than forty — not one expresses higher purposes and aims, or shows higher standing, or works on higher lines than yours. And no other one, so far as I know, has a paper. And what an interesting publication!
From an advertiser and reader:
My dear Mrs. Ruffin:
If I shall fail to thank you as I ought for my share in the last ERA, it will be only because the poverty of the English language does not enable me to express my appreciation of Mrs. Ensley’s excellent article and the very superior work shown in the advertisement of the Bonita Mining Company.
I am very critical, very hard to please in all newspaper work, but the WOMAN’s ERA has satisfied me. It is without flaw, above criticism. I congratulate myself and my company that our first advertisement appeared in a woman’s paper, and especially in the ERA.
I am, yours very truly,
BOSTON, Feb. 21, 1896.
To the Editor of THE WOMAN’S ERA:
In an article published in THE ERA of December, 1895, on the death of the late Mrs. Robert Morris, of this city, we find a mistake. It says:
“She was carried to the hospital to die, as the last rites of the Catholic Church would not have been administered in the house of a ‘heretic.'”
The facts are simply these. It was due to the forgetfulness or negligence of one of the priests of St. Joseph’s, Rev. W. O’Connell, who was duly notified, and also to the b1undering of those Catholics whose duty it was to attend to the matter and see that it was done. In no instance are the sacraments withheld on account of Protestants being the owners or inmates of the houses in which a sick Catholic may reside. In only one case are they withhold, that is, when the house is one of ill-repute or the circumstances such as no Christian could remain in them without sin.
Very truly yours,
MARY A. CASSIDY. 125 Myrtle Street.
REPLY. -The mistake complained of in Miss Cassidy’s letter concerning a custom of the Catholic Church, was made through information given by one supposed to be well acquainted with those customs. However, if there was no reason why the rites (which Mrs. Morris reverenced and loved well enough to leave the whole of her estate to help perpetuate) should not have been administered, then it was criminal negligence on somebody’s part that it was not done. The financial part of her affairs was carefully and quickly adjusted, nothing was neglected or overlooked there.
From a new subscriber:
Nothing could possibly give me more pleasure than to note the upward growth of our women, and especially when it takes the form of such instructive and beneficial work as is yours. Allow me to compliment the people and Boston itself upon the acquisition of such indefatigable workers and noble figure heads for the consummation of a work of so noble a purpose and of such magnitude.
As I think that every young woman should have the ERA in her home, I have subscribed for two extra, so a couple of young lady friends of mine may have the advantage of the instructions and advice contained in your columns.
Yours respectfully,
J.W. CALLOWAY, R.Q.M. Sq., 24th U.S. Inf., Fort Bayard.
From the President of the National Council of Women:
My dear Mrs. Williams:
My mail this morning brings me a copy of the WOMEN’S ERA, in which, as a whole, I felt greatly interested; but I find special interest in your article upon the Pioneer Reunion, which really has touched the key note of that occasion as almost no other account that I have seen has done. With renewed congratulations for the good work that you are doing, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Fannie Barrier Williams
So much has been said and written about the South lately, that I may he guilty of forcing upon our readers a worn out theme in attempting, to give some impressions as gained by a three week’s experience in Georgia and Alabama during the past month. Yet it is impossible visit any of the southern slates and to know something of southern life without being more or less stirred to speak of one’s impressions. There is something in the land of the south and in its civilization that makes it the most interesting portion of our Country. There are in this sunny land so many social contrasts, so many contradictions, so much good cheer and so much sadness, so much hope and so much despair, and above all such warmth of welcome on the one hand and so many repelling, prejudices on the other, that you are scarcely sure of your beliefs after leaving the south and again settling down to the certainties of your own fireside. There is an unseen relation of things, a deeper meaning of cause and effect, that make many things seem to he what they are not. You feel a degree of hesitancy in holding to conclusion’s based upon a mere roadside observation of things and people. Nothing is more easy than to injure the cause of justice to our southern friends by mere declamatory statements of ill considered conclusions of what appears to the senses.
The existence of the Exposition made Atlanta a good place to start from to see the south and its people. The best of the south, both in things, people and behavior was here on exhibition. Whatever the south was capable of in the spirit of hope, good cheer and hospitality, every stranger within its gates was made to feel. Here it was possible to find, as no where else in the south, suggestions of the narrowing of the fundamental differences between whites and blacks. Here could be found the blending of hopes and fears, and patience and forgiveness that must some day result in better and juster standards of estimating the worth of people.
It is scarcely possible to add anything of interest to what has already been so fully and well said by Mrs. Matthews, Miss Anna Jones and Mrs. Gray about the Atlanta Exposition.. I merely wish to add my testimony of appreciation as to the noble meaning and inestimable value of the Negro exhibit as a source of wholesome influence. Nothing since the enactment of the 15th amendment has awakened so much popular and kindly interest in the colored race as the contents of the Negro building at the Atlanta Exposition. Though but a partial exhibit of the Negro’s progress in things material and spiritual, the exhibit was of a character to suggest a great deal that was not displayed.
The Woman’s Congress was an inspiring object lesson of our women’s capacity for harmonious action. Linked with the Boston Conference of last August, the Woman’s Congress in Atlanta can scarcely be less than a historical landmark in the development of the fraternal spirit among the colored women of America. There was displayed at the Atlanta Congress a variety of talents and fibre of character and capacity for achievements that were a surprise and inspiration both to the women themselves, and to the thousands, who came to see and listen to a new voice in the affairs of race development.
But where do all these alert, accomplished and sufficient women come from? This question was happily answered for your correspondent in visiting several towns in Alabama. A hurried visit Tuskegee, Montgomery, Selma, Marion, Greensboro and Birmingham of that state gave a new sense of pride and confidence in our women. At each place you will be welcomed by women who have been touched and strengthened for noble activities by the better spiritual and social forces of our day. In each place will be found a nucleus of womanly experience – women who are wide awake to the opportunities and responsibilities of the hour and eager for a larger co-operation of hand and heart in the work of regeneration. If Mrs. Washington of Tuskegee, Mrs. Davenport of Montgomery, Mrs. M.A. Dillard at Selma, Mrs. S.A. Childs at Marion, Mrs. S.A. Christian of Greensboro, Mrs. Ross of Birmingham and their associates are a type of our southern sisters, then those of us living north of the Ohio will need to bestir ourselves to keep pace with their advancing influence for good.
It was delightful to note that in this land of the south women of real accomplishments and large sympathies enjoy a more decided influence than
one would expect, and are valued by all classes at their real value. A happy illustration of this fact is to be found in the career of Miss M.W. Dillard of Birmingham. Miss Dillard is an alumnae of Provident Hospital and Training School of Chicago. She has exceptional qualifications and graces for her profession. Going to Birmingham with her scientific training she soon won the confidence of the entire medical fraternity. She is not only recognized as the head of her profession in this southern city, but prejudice yields wherever she goes. Wherever she is associated with white nurses in any important case Miss Dillard is always senior in management and responsibility. The respect and deference paid to this successful young woman by the best white people of Birmingham ought to be a helpful example to many of our discouraged young women.
Mr. Booker T. Washington spent a week in Chicago last month. That is scarcely a newsy statement, yet to Chicago people it was an event outranking in popular interest the coming of any other visitor during the season. The clubs representing the culture and wealth of the city open wide the door of welcome to this new man of power and goodness and eagerly declare that they are honored by his presence. All the newspapers print his every utterance and men and women high and low flock to shake hands and give assurances of their respect and esteem. The cause of the American Negro becomes a theme of serious and respectful consideration in every community where Booker T. Washington is present speaks.
“I will not permit any man to drag me down by making me hate him,” is the subtle way Mr. Washington has of making the enemies of the colored race ridiculous and defenseless in their meanness.
Mr. Washington addressed the I.B.W. Woman’s Club and graciously acknowledged the club’s interest in the work ot Tuskegee by its contribution of $50 to the support of one girl in the institution for one year.
The Chicago Interocean happily surprised its readers a few days ago by the announcement that its $50 Btory prize had been won by a young colored lady in the person of Miss Anita LaForce. Miss LaForce is a teacher in our public schools. Her success in the Interocean contest entitles her to a generous recognition among the few who have shown literary cleverness.
A little industry will bring you ONE YEAR AT EMERSON COLLEGE, BOSTON
Do You Want Either of These? THEN READ THIS:
The WOMAN’s ERA offers another of its unparalleled premium lists.
1. To the person sending fifty subscribers by June 1 to the WOMAN’s ERA we will give a special course in the Emerson School of Oratory. In this course a choice of the following studies may be made Oratory, Dramatic Interpretation, English Literature, Singing, Pedagogy, Art and Aesthetic Culture or Physical Culture.
This offer is open to men or women of any age and appeals especially to those preparing, to preach or teach, to lawyers or public speakers. The Emerson School is too well known to need any endorsement from us. Its large patronage speaks for its worth.
The Ladies’ Home Journal makes similar offers, but with this difference: MANY MORE subscribers are required. This offer is better than any magazine has yet made.
2. To any and all persons sending us thirty subscribers we will send an Electropoise, for home treatment. The Electropoise gives safe, reliable treatment by atmospheric oxygen for all ordinary ailments. It has been successfully used for years, and can be used for one’s own self or one can give treatment to others. Its great expense has been the drawback to its more frequent use.
3. For twenty subscribers we will give a World’s Typewriter. This speaks for itself. Cut may be found on another page.
4. For five subscribers we send a copy of the “Life of Frederick Douglass” and a year’s subscription to the ERA.
The WOMAN’s ERA begins its third year with many new subscribers. To encourage these and to celebrate its second anniversary, it makes these offers. As a guarantee, it points to its former scholarship premium, which was won by Miss Fisher.
For further information address,
103 Charles St., Boston, Blass.
Collegiate and Normal Courses. Enlarged corps of teachers. Industrial training in domestic and mechanic arts, including printing. Instruction in both instrumental and vocal music and in elocution. High grade in every respect. A few deserving and needy students can be aided. Term begins Wednesday, October 2. For catalog, address President HORACE BUMSTEAD.
Beginning with this issue of the ERA, we propose to publish a series of portraits of women distinguished for good works in any direction. At the end of the year subscribers will have a valuable picture gallery. Subscribe for the ERA at once if you would own the pictures and sketches of the lives of these eminent women.
MRS. H.L. KEMP, Artistic Dressmaking and Millinery,
Near Myrtle, BROOKLIN, N.Y.
Imported styles always on hand. Competent dressmakers always in attendance.
128 Alder St., Pittsfield, Mass.
Will accommodate a few private boarders during the summer months. Five minutes walk from maple woods. Terms reasonable.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
51 Court Street,
Near Scollay Square. BOSTON.
Condensed Milk Co.’s
Plain condensed (unsweetened) Milk Is the best known food for infants. Best article in the world for a cup of coffee. Sold in jars at the office, 2 1/2 Park Sq., Boston. Delivered three times per week.
I have used the plain condensed milk and found it worked like a miracle in transforming my weak, puny baby into a strong, plump one, after all other foods had failed.
10 Lindall Place, Boston.
Branch Store.
Nos. 13 and 15 Broadway Extension,
Boston, Mass.
Manufacturers of Clothes Wringers.
All kinds of Wringers and Swoopers Repaired. Orders by Mail promptly attended to.
New goods received by steamer every week. We never have an opening.
Always ready to show goods.
The old reliable house retains the same stand,
19 Temple Place, Boston.
Price, $15.00.
A useful and elegant present for ladies and gentlemen.
Over 100,000 in use.
Perfectly simple, practical, and durable.
No $100 machine can do better work.
Writes 77 characters. Capitals and small letters.
Never gets out of order. Perfect alignment always.
No instruction required.
Send for illustrated catalogue.
4 K Post Office quare, — Boston, Mass.
Will be opened June 1 to accommodate a few select boarders.
For terms address
P. 0. Box 45.
Has a thorough and systematic course of study, including a complete system of Physical Training and Voice Culture, Natural Rendering, and the principles of the Philosophy of Expression. Scientific and practical work in every department. Chartered by the State.
Address for illustrated catalogue,
Corner Tremont and Berkeley Sts.,
Boston, Mass.
Summer session at Martha’s Vineyard.
A Soft, Pliable, Odorless Matting,
Warm in Winter, Cool in Summer.
An Ideal Sanitary Chamber Carpet
For All the Year Round.
Sews together and turns under.
Does not break or require binding.
No odors or germs or disease.
Insects do not trouble it.
Heavy furniture does not break it.
Double faced — double wear.
Artistic colors — stylish designs.
We cordially invite inspection.
Manufacturers and Patentees,
50 Essex St. (cor. Chauncy) Boston, Mass.
No. 1208 Pine Street, Philadelphia.
“Violets and Other Tales.”
A Collection of Short Stories and Poems.
By Alice Ruth Moore.
In Paper Covers, 50c.; Cloth, $1.00.
Apply to ALICE RUTH M00RE, 1924 Palmyra Street New Orleans, La.
Office of Woman’s Era, 103 Charles St., Boston.
Washington D.C., July 1, 1895
Furnishes instruction in the following departments and courses:
Theological, Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical, Legal, College Preparatory, Normal, Musical, and Manual Training, including practice in carpenter shop, printing office, book bindery, tin shop and sewing school.
All students have the privilege of library and reading room without extra charge.
Tuition free in all courses except Medical Dental and Pharmaceutical.
Term opens September 18.
J.E. RANKIN, D.D., L.L.D., President.
J.B. Johnson, Secretary.
Will be glad to serve afternoon teas, spreads, wedding breakfasts and dinners, salads, croquettes, ice creams, ices and confections. Polite waiters. All orders promptly attended to. Will call to arrange for parties on receipt of Postal.
15 Bow Street, Cambridge.
Telephone 23-2.
27 Jerome Street, W. Medford.
Telephone, Arlington 27-2.
With good recommendations, for all branches of work in Private Families, Hotels and Boarding Houses supplied from
Office, 103 Revere St.. BOSTON.
Is prepared to give First Class Accommodations to a few boarders at reasonable rates at the old stand.
62 PhilIips St., Boston.
Our Dress and Garment making is perfect; Prices reasonable; Fit, Style, and Finish Unsurpassed.
Hats and Bonnets made and Trimmed, 50c. to $1.00
Our Millinery and Dress Cutting Schools are the best in the world. Young ladies should come at once and learn.
HARVEY, 29 Temple Place, Boston.
Artistic Dress Cutting and Making.
Also Corset Making by First Class and Terms Reasonable.
19 Brewery St., CAMBRIDGE.
Dressmaker and Fur Sewer.
Fur Cleansing and Repairing a Specialty. Best of References.
Work Solicited.
Fashionable Dressmaker.
Strictly First Class. Terms Reasonable.
Cutting and Basting by the M.E. Quinn System.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law
34 School Street, Boston. Room 22
Cambridge Cleansing and Repairing Establishment.
We clean by Steam and Naphtha. Dyeing in all its branches. Kid Gloves and Slippers Cleaned. Give us a Trial.
C.J. MOORE, 433 Main St.
Does not contain corrosive sublimate, lead, arsenic, mercury, or any poison. As a toilet article for tan, sunburn, moth, freckIes, etc., its excellent, cannot be too well recommended.
Put up in 60c. and $1.00 Sizes, sent postpaid on receipt of Price.
For Sale by Druggists and Dealers In Toilet Supplies.
All correspondence should be addressed to the New England Agents,
156 Charles St., Boston.
Three doors from eye infirmary.
Artificial Eyes a Specialty.
Telephone, 1198 Haymarket.
The Bonita Cold and Silver Mining Company,
No Assessments. No Stock Holders’ Liabilities.
The Great Mineral Basin it Pitkin covers an area as large as that of Leadville, Aspen and Red Cliff combined. Professor Sadtler, of the Chair of Metallurgy and Mineralogy of the State School of Mines, speaking of this district, says: “This camp, with proper and systematic development, will be made a second Aspen, if not better.”
The output of the Leadville district has been, up to the present time, in value over $200,000,000; that of Red Cliff more than $35,000,000, and that of Aspen, $100,000,000, or more, and the mines of these places show no signs of exhaustion.
What, then, shall we expect of Pitkin and the Quartz Creek District, which has a mineral bearing area as large as these three districts combined, when so far the developments there have proved the mineral deposits to be fully as rich and extensive?
We can come to but one conclusion: Its wealth is limitless, and no more safe or profitable field for investment can be found.
The property of the Bonita Gold and Silver Mining Company consists of three groups, in all nine claims, or a little over ninety acres, located in the most favored portion of this great mineral basin. Special care has been taken in the selecting to cover apexes, timber and water, all of which are of such vital importance in any mining property, and the greater portion of it lies only from one-fourth to three miles away from the railroad and the town of Pitkin, with good, down-hill roads leading from every portion of it, accessible every day in the year.
The ore is high grade, netting from fifty to one thousand dollars per ton, average two hundred and fifty. The Company has undisputed title to the entire property, which is free from any incumbrance [sic] encumbrance, and will be kept so. Any further information will be cheerfully furnished by the
President, MARY E. PHELPS, or MRS. L. K. DANIELS, Secretary.
Is open to engagements with Societies, Churches, or Clubs, for the presentation of either one of the Musical or Dramatic Plays, Composed and Published by herself. For terms for the presentation of either of the following:
- “Fun at a Boarding School”
- “Love in Disguise, or Things are not What They Seem,”
- “Leoni, the Gipsy Queen,”
Address: MADAME MARS, II Green Street, Brockton, Mass.
Too much cannot be said in praise of Mrs. De Los Mars, who possesses rare talent, both as a musician and as an authoress. She has written five Dramas, which have been presented to the public with grand success, both in Providence, R.I., Boston, and elsewhere. She has a very sweet voice, which holds and captivates her audience. Her singing as “Gypsy Queen” which she impersonates in her operetta was received with great applause. — Boston Herald
Are You Looking for a Home Among Friends?
If You are Consult the
There are in the states of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island and Connecticut many good farms that can be purchased for a reasonable sum of money, and on easy terms of payment
We offer our assistance in aiding colored farmers to leave the South and to come and make their homes in the North.
We propose to procure farms in any of the above named states for as many of our race as desire, to come North and make their homes among us. We shall give them all the aid in our power, and be only too glad to look them over and see that they obtain all the advantages possible in the respective neighborhoods, until they become accustomed to their new homes and neighbors.
It is our intention in procuring these farms to have them near cities and towns in various states, so as to be convenient to school houses, railroad stations and churches.
The farms of the North differ from those of the South in that they are more compact, better cleared and attended to in general. Being smaller they are easier to care for. About anything that can be raised on farms in the South can be raised in the North.
On these farms are comfortable frame houses, cottage style. Terms of payment will be made to suit.
For further information, Address,
Manager New England Farm Agency,
We, the undersigned Ministers of the City of Boston and vicinity, cordially recommend to those of our race in the Southern States, Lawyer Clifford H. Plummer, the Manager of the New England Farm Agency. He is a man of our race and has their interests at heart: and we recommend those that desire to improve their condition to accept the opportunity presented him.
- REV. J. HORATIO CARTER, Pastor of the Metropolitan Baptist Church, Boston Mass.
- REV. W. H. SCOTT, Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church, Boston, Mass.
- REV. JESSE HARRELL, Pastor of the Union Baptist Church, Cambridge, Mass.
- REV. P. THOMAS STANFORD, Pastor of the William Lloyd Garrison Memorial Congregational Church, Boston, Mass.
- REV. JOSEPH H. MORGAN, Pastor of the N.E.A.M.E. Church, Chelsea, Mass.
- REV. J.H. WILEY, 14 Kendall Street, Boston, Mass.
- REV. J.R. RANDOLPH, Boston, Mass.
- REV. PETER RANDOLPH, Boston, Mass.
- P.M. HENDERSON, M.D., Boston, Mass.
- REV. J. ALLEN KIRKE, D.D., Boston, Mass.
A SIMPLE HOME TREATMENT OF UNEQUALED VALUE, administered by attaching an instrument to the flesh which aids the system to take on oxygen from the atmosphere, to the utmost amount the system can use.
IN SIMPLICITY. Those of ordinary intelligence can use it, even in very serious and severe sickness, like diphtheria, pneumonia, scarlet fever, etc.
IN EFFECTIVENESS. It is always curative and eradicative of disease to a degree never before attained by the highest skill in other methods of treatment in like cases.
NEVER DANGEROUS OR INJURIOUS, as the treatment is simply an assistance to nature to do its work effectively and in its own way.
IT IS A TREATMENT OF THE BLOOD, and by purifying, revitalizing and loading it with Nature’s Nerve Food, ejects disease by removing its causes. It applies of necessity to all diseases as no other treatment ever has.
THE OXYGEN COSTS NOTHING, the price of the instrument being all the expense necessary for years. It can be used by the entire family.
IT IS NOT A NEW THING. It has been in use in New England nearly seven years, and is endorsed by thousands, many of them among the most intelligent and influential citizens.
AS A RESTORATIVE OF VITAL ENERGIES in enfeebled and exhausted physical conditions it has no equal within the limits of human knowledge.
THE ELECTROPOISE IS A DISCOVERY of hitherto unknown effects of well known natural laws, which are always active in the ordinary progress of physical life.
DURING THE SEVEN YEARS that the Electropoise has been before the public, it has been met by criticism and disbelief, which it has answered by facts and cures of the most remarkable and permanent character, and has made its way, step by step, until probably 12,000 persons in New England alone have made use of it with greater or less success, according to the faithfulness and perseverance of using.
THE UNANSWERABLE PROOF of the extraordinary success of this treatment is furnished by the endorsement of its patrons, among whom will be found judges, lawyers, clergymen, physicians, professors, business men, and many others, whose names would be given only on account of exceeding merit.
The following extract is from anan [sic] editorial in the “Christian Witness” of September 3, 1891, by Rev. Dr. McDonald, editor:
“AND NOW, AFTER A YEAR, we have this to say in its favor: (1) We have taken no medicine for the year. (2) All traces of la grippe and our old sunstroke troubles have disappeared, and no symptoms of either remain. Once or twice, from severe overwork, we have found it necessary to hold up for a few days, but in no time for fifteen years have we been better than during the past year.
“We have seen testimonials of most remarkable cures, and they can be seen by calling on the agent, 36 Bromfield street.
“This notice of the ‘Electropoise’ is without solicitation and entirely gratuitous. We do it for the good of the afflicted. We have no personal interest in it, and are not paid for what we say in its favor.”
Another writes:
“I SOUGHT THE AID OF A DOZEN of the best physicians I could find, but they helped me very little. I also tried Compound Oxygen thoroughly, and the electric battery, but they helped me very little. On December 17, 1891, commenced using the Electropoise and continued it about four months. During this time my disabilities were greatly removed. In this course of year from the time I commenced using it, I enjoyed almost perfect health, which has continued to this date. I know persons who were afflicted with quinsy sore throat, rheumatism, general debility, nervous prostration, and liver trouble, who have been greatly helped by it. It have great faith in it.
NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Send for Book of New England testimonials Free.
L.A. BOSWORTH, 36 BROMFIELD ST., Boston, Mass.
General Agent for the New England States.
M. Elliot, Room 42, Insurance Building, NEW HAVEN, Conn.,
Sole Agent for Connecticut West of Connecticut River.
When you write please mention The Woman’s Era.