Volume 1, Number 6



The Woman’s Era.

VOL. 1. NO. 6.

BOSTON, MASS., Sept., 1894, PRICE 10 CENTS.


THE WOMAN’S ERA, the organ of the National Federation of Afro-American Women, and devoted to the Interests of the Women’s Clubs, Leagues and Societies throughout the country.

Published monthly, in Boston, by JOSEPHINE ST. P. RUFFIN, FLORIDA R. RIDLEY, Editors and Publishers.


  • Medora W. Gould Leslie Wilmot
  • Marion Ridley Irene DeMortie
  • M. Elizabeth Johnson.


  • Per Annum, – – – – – – – -$1.00
  • Single Copies, – – – – – – – -.10
  • Club Rates, one hundred copies, – 7.00
  • Subscriptions Payable in Advance.


Edward Elmore Brock

No. 1.
Miss Blanche D. Washington.

Miss Blanche D. Washington is another example of what the race is doing in the world’s advancement. She is one of the plucky, patient and persistent workers in the world of music, and notwithstanding the many drawbacks that beset her early pathway, chief of which was ill health, still, standing today as model teacher her fame is second to none.

Miss Washington resides at home with her mother, who is a successful business woman, being a celebrated manicurist. They are charmingly domiciled at 120 West and 26th Streets, New York, in handsome luxuriously furnished apartments which bear every appearance of refined and cultivated tastes.

While Miss Washington would not be considered a beautiful women, still, she has an intense personal charm, which has been the means of drawing about her an immediate circle of friends. At the age of thirteen, she commenced the study of the piano under some of the most prominent professors of New York City, Her progress was so rapid that all who knew her prophesied for her a great future. At fifteen she began teaching some little friends of hers and from that time on her life has been passed chiefly in teaching music And in order to give her pupils the best possible instructions, she is continually studying up methods of teaching from the best masters. Last year she attended Scharwenka Conservatory of Music, entering the class for teachers. This year she is studying harmony and composition in the National Conservatory of Music. She is also the composer of several pieces of music, her most recent and successful being a military schottische entitled “Friendship’s Greeting.”

Miss Washington claims that no true musician can expect to advance with the times without continual study. In addition to her regular teaching she has formed a class of all her pupils which meet for the inculcation of a thorough knowledge of the theory of music. That she also cherishes an ideal, is found in the fact that she is endeavoring to establish a Conservatory of Music, where for a nominal sum the best of instruction in all the branches can be obtained, for, as she says, while the White Conservatory offers till advantages and is open to all, the charges are beyond the means of the majority of colored-Americans. In this brief sketch it is impossible for the writer to say all that might be said in reference to the work of this charming woman, but still, I am glad of an opportunity to introduce, even through an inadequate description, one more of the clever women of the race to the many readers of the Woman’s Era.

The above is the first of a series of pen-portraits of “Women Worth Knowing,” which will appear in this journal

Help in Choosing a School.

The publishers of the WOMAN’S ERA will, on application of any of its subscribers, send catalogues and all information easily obtainable, concerning any academy, college, normal, music, or art school in New England, on receipt of stamped and directed envelope. Address, WOMAN’S ERA, 103 Charles St.


Maria L. Baldwin

A Night Watch.

One evening during the latter part of the Civil War the town of Bainbridge was filled with suppressed excitement. News had been brought from a neighboring city that the mob which a few days before had fallen upon New York, burning houses, killing helpless women and children–the mob that had left New York streets one mass of trampled human bodies–was coming to Bainbridge to continue its murderous work. Men gathered in groups on the street and talked in grave low tones then separated to make ready their guns and pistols. A neighbor came in to tell my mother the worst that was expected. For answer she gave him a look pitiable in its helplessness; then she stretched out her hand toward us children and looked about wildly as if for some way of escape.

Nothing happened that night, and with returning day hearts grow stronger. But at evening the men came home again with faces full of foreboding and that night no man in the town slept. The twilight deepened, darkness settled down unrelieved by it single gleam of light from the houses. A dreadful stillness pervaded the streets, and in the window of each of these darkened homes sat a silent watcher.

My mother tremblingly put together a few things in a bundle; I closely followed her. I think my child’s heart recognized that her fright was as great as my own. Our house was surrounded by a low paling fence over which any school-boy might easily have vaulted, but the little gate of this fence my mother tied with yards of clothes line. Against the front door she pulled our heavy mahogany sofa. But, after all, how defenceless we were. Oh the happy children who were protected by a “big man with a gun.”

When everything was done, my mother laid us children, fully dressed, upon the bed and sat down beside it at the open window. I took fast hold of her dress and lay straining my eyes in the darkness to keep her outlines. I was in an agony of fear lest somehow I should lose her, and kept fastening my slipping fingers nearer to the gathers of her dress. I think I must have fallen asleep and then wakened–wakened to the awful darkness–wakened to find that I had lost her. I [scream]ed in terror. I felt her almost spring upon m[e to sil]ence me; then she gathered me close up t[o her an]d again took up her watch.

Suddenly the stillness became full of a commotion that I felt, rather than saw or heard. My mother grasped the bundle beside her, dragged us both to our feet, then stood listening.

From the direction in which the men had been watching came a sound like that of horses’ feet. There was noiseless running and husky whispering in the streets. The clattering noise grew clearer. I was leaning from the window now beside my mother, and in a moment more we saw the twinkle of lights carried by men on horseback with tall plumes upon their heads. Then men came tearing through the streets, the frantic joy of their voices breaking the terrible silence. “The soldiers! The soldiers! They’ve come to protect us!”


Marie Louise Burgess

Typhoid Fever.

Fever has a combination of symptoms, as inflammation of lungs, bowels, joints, etc. Patients in such instances become emaciated. Good knowledge off ever [sic] of fever is necessary. One can tell by the temperature and pulse; flushing of face; dry skin and coated tongue; rise of temperature when it rises to a certain height and lasts a certain time. The temperature is taken in five minutes. The Hicks thermometer is the very best and all families should possess at least one. The pulse is caused by the systole and diastole, contraction and expansion of the heart; it may be felt at the radial and temporal arteries. The adult pulse is taken at the radial artery in the wrist and should average 72 beats in a minute; in a babe it is best taken at the temporal artery and averages from 100 to 120 beats in a minute. Motion, exercises, dancing, etc., cause quicker pulse, and also eating. It beats from 60 to 70 in men, 72 to 84 in women. In cases of fever a pulse of 120 and a temperature of 102 degrees are dangerous.

The most important symptoms of typhoid fever are languor, headache and backache, nervousness, pain in the limbs, chills, feverish in the evening, temperature low in the morning, but rises to 103 or 104 at night; constipation, oftentimes diarrhea. Typhoid fever is supposed to come from some poisonous germ entering the bowels either through the water we drink [tape – 10] be caused by bad drainage, etc. Th [tape – 12] lly lasts

twenty-one days, rising gradually morning and evening until it reaches its climax, then turns and gradually drops. During the time the patient is usually very ill, requiring the greatest care in nursing. Oftentimes he is delirious and very hard to manage. Milk diet should be given at regular intervals and no solid food until the doctor orders it. Oftentimes the patient has to be fed in small quantities, every hour or even half hour in a day that the proper amount of nourishment be taken in twenty-four hours. The bowels are in such a condition that if a piece of solid food were given before they are able to receive it, they would become punctured and death would be the result. The diet of a typhoid patient is his principal treatment while convalescing and a nurse has to be very careful.


When the patient is first taken and has a chill, he should be put to bed in a large, airy, well ventilated room with not too many bed clothes, but warm and light. Eider-down puffs are objectionable. If the patient remains chilly, hot water bottles should be applied to feet and back and the skin may be rubbed with warm flannel cloths. A little hot water and brandy may be drunk.

Generally heat follows chills, then sponge with cold or tepid water. Give plenty of water to drink and cracked ice. Compresses and ice bags may be applied externally. During the perspiring time wipe body with warm flannel ; after perspiring is done change bed cloths and the patients, if possible, move into another bed. During this do not let the patient sit up, as some part of the intestines is inflamed. Give milk, gruel and stimulants, nothing but liquids; only give as much milk as is easily digested, in very small quantities.

Never waken unless sleep is too long and then raise the head gently and, administer the food. Give plenty of water, lemonade, barley water or toast water during the fever. Bed sores often come in acute diseases. Sponge baths ought to be given once or twice -daily during the fever. Symptoms of bed sores are redness, swelling and rawness. Sheets should be changed often and kept smooth, and the sacrum, hips, heels and elbows bathed with alcohol or brandy and water. Brandy and Bi-Chloride of Mercury 1-500, Oxide of Zinc powder used also. If skin is broken, air pillows should he used, zinc ointment or collodion and caster oil: When a black spot appears, wash with carbolic and apply poultices of flax-seed meal.

A good nurse will never have a bed sore on her patient; it is considered the most disgraceful thing and reflects very badly upon the nursing. Always wash the patient’s mouth before and after each feeding; a fever patient’s mouth tastes badly from the condition of the stomach. Every dejection should be disinfected and immediately disposed of, for in typhoid fever the contagion is in the dejections. The temperature of the room should be 68 degrees and carefully watched.



Anna M. Poole

The Peabody State Normal Institute was held at the Hamilton Normal and Agricultural Institute from July 12th to Aug. 8th, 1894.


One is truly thrilled with pride and admiration viewing the picturesque grounds of Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute from any contiguous point, and we, the teachers who are assembled here attending the State Peabody Summer Normal Institute, are highly favored and grateful for such a delightful place, breeze, baths, views, sails and practical instruction.

Prof. Edwards of Richmond, as principal, is ably assisted by Miss F. S. Bruce of Washington, D. C., Messrs. George Stephens of Lynchburg, B. A. Graves of Richmond and John A. Williams of Hampton, Va.

The instruction given by them from 9 A. M. to 1.30 P. M. in periods of thirty minutes shows thorough preparation in the different studies, and many of the methods are new and suited to this progressive age in which we live. The most fastidious would hardly fail to appreciate an object lesson given this morning of the river basin.

A glance into the well equipped recitation rooms, where about 140 teachers are seated, zealous, energetic and attentive, demonstrates the interest in education, moral, intellectual and physical. You are not surprised to know that over a hundred of these are women.

We are in debt to President Johnson for one of his most instructive and entertaining addresses, subject, “Practical Education.” He is the proficient president of the Virginia Hard C. Institute, Petersburg.

The women of Hampton are also playing an important part. They have a flourishing teachers’ institute and are not behind in any good work for the upbuilding of our race and humanity. I am reminded substantially of their thoughtfulness, that our stay may not be all work and no play.

The beautiful and enjoyable sails will linger fresh in the minds of all. They were incentives to the morning hours of study.


Receptions were given by prominent citizens at intervals, at which a brilliant company of invited guests assembled.

At the Soldiers’ Home, one of the most beautiful places to be found anywhere, we were tendered a picnic, on which occasion the committee spared no pains to amuse and entertain, and well did they succeed.

The music was inspiring and “Forward ” the word. Among the many present other than those in attendance at the Normal were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Douglass, Miss Annie Simms of Washington, D.C., Mrs. Daggs, Mrs. Pinkett, Messrs. Joseph Waters, J. H. Robinson, F. D. Wheelock, Rev. Weeden and Capt. Washington.

The regret was general that the hour arrived so soon to turn our faces homeward.

A ball was given Aug. 3rd at the beautiful pavillion [sic] pavilion, Soldiers’ Home, which occasion was one of great beauty and enjoyment.

Great preparations are being made at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peake for the Green-Peake marriage. It will be the event of the season, so they who are in a position to know say.

Mrs. Harris Barrette conducted a lawn party in the lovely grounds of her home on the 30th as she only knows how, and with much success. I have only one regret, and that is, I must return home tomorrow and leave these pleasures behind.


Josephine Silone Bates

Every man, woman and child of the negro race should read, or learn to rend Frederick Douglass’ article “Lessons of the Hour,” in the July number of the A. M. E. Church Review. It should also be carefully read by any one who is not able to bring to any discussion of the southern lynching calm, unprejudiced and unbiassed thought. Logical, full of thoughtful lessons and carefully made statements which friend and foe would do well to make their own, the “Sage of Anacosta” makes here one of his noblest and clearest arguments.

We hope that marked copies of this Review will be sent to Miss Willard, Mrs. Chant and others who apparently need a convincing argument upon a matter of vital importance to a large number of America’s most loyal citizens.

Among the questions recently propounded by Mrs. Matthews, one is as follows: “Believing that one great stumbling block as a race has been a deplorable lack of race pride, we are led to ask, what is the present outlook on this line?” We wish that this question might be figuratively and literally impressed upon the mind of each of our young people, and that they would so diligently seek for the answer that it also would come, whether in the “still small voice” or in the “rushing mighty wind,” so clearly and definitely that no possible mistake could be made in its significance.

A conversation recently took place between a party of white persons as to which race or nationality each one would prefer to be a member of. Having disposed of the Irish, Germans and Chinese, greatly to the disadvantage of these people, one remarked, “But I would be ashamed to be colored!” Ah, thought I, upon overhearing the remark, is not this the cause of much of our race trouble? Are we not, generally speaking, ashamed to be colored? Carrying this shamefacedness about with us in direct proportion to the amount of pigment distributed to us, instead of rising superior to the conditions which confront us and forcing the world by means of RESULTS ATTAINED to admit that “A man is a man for all that,” we tacitly proclaim ourselves to be objects of pity and disgust, and receive exactly the wages we ask for–contempt and pity.

At a meeting of the Kansas City League, July 30th, the work of Miss Ida Wells in England and this country was formally endorsed and the hope expressed that she might continue in the good work so well begun.

August 13th Lawyer T.F. Sublette delivered a very noble address before the League upon the following subject: “The legal status of woman in the state of Missouri.” Notwithstanding the heat, a good sized audience was in attendance, listened very attentively, and enthusiastically urged the necessity of a course of lectures upon kindred subjects during the coming fall and winter.

Mrs. Lucinda Day, one of the most enterprising members of the community, has opened a grocery store. We wish that more of our numbers would engage in some of the various lines of business.

During the last month the League has been called upon quite frequently to do missionary and charitable work, and in each case haas responded cheerfully to the full extent of its ability.

In this way, two families, one young woman and one child have, during this time, received considerable aid in the struggle for existence.


Yours for the race,



Myrtle Harris

The members of Western Queen Court, No. 5, realized quite it handsome sum from their recent entertainment. This organization is composed of some of the most reliable ladies of the city and does homage to its title.



The vacation months, July and August, have found nearly all of the clubs resting from active work as clubs, while yet individual members have gone on planning and preparing for the next season’s work.

The Woman’s Era Club followed the vacation fashion and consequently has no achievements to recount this month. The president of the W.E.C. conceived the idea of using her vacation in visiting other clubs, and prominent club women in their summer houses or wherever they might be found, started out simply with the expectation of coming home filled with ideas and enthusiasm for the inspiration of her own club family. But physical infirmity sometimes gets the better of even the strongest will, and so it happened that days that were expected to be spent in congenial work were, instead, spent on an invalid’s couch.


In spite of the drawbacks of a wholly tired and half sick condition, on the urgent invitation of the president of the Women’s Loyal Union of New York and Brooklyn to come over and help her and at the same time present the claims of the club paper, a visit was made by the Era’s president which cannot fail of being fruitful of good results all round. Of course at this season only a very small part of the membership the W. L. L. were in town, but enough intelligent enthusiasm remained with that small fraction to project and carry on a large meeting of both sexes at Dr. Derrick’s old church on Sunday evening, August 12th, at which both club presidents spoke, preceded and followed in glowing oratory, by the present pastor and Dr. Derrick. Many complimentary and encouraging words were said of women and their present activity, and Mrs. Matthews’ plan of forming chapters of the W. L. L. in all the large churches of New York and Brooklyn was unfolded and heartily approved. After August, these Sunday evening meetings will be continued and the plan more definitely detailed. If Mrs. Matthews’ plan is carried out as she outlines it, New York will be the home of a powerful organization for good works, and the class of women Mrs. Matthews has gathered around her as helpers assures the stability and efficiency of the work. In the metropolis, as might be expected, there are a large number of women of means and a larger number of women with brains, who give the support of their intelligent sympathy and money to work laid out for them by their energetic leader, and in the hands of such well known and capable ladies its Mrs. H. H. Garnet, Mrs. Attwel, Miss Imogen Howard, Mrs. Carman, Mrs. Phillip White, Dr. S. S. McKinney and a long list of others equally as active but too numerous to mention, the cause of educating women up to the 20th century demands on them, is safe and sure in New York.


Miss Annie Fisher, the New Bedford young lady who is working hard for the first premium offered by the WOMAN’S ERA,– a year’s tuition at the Boston Training School of Music,–is said to be the possessor of a phenomenal voice, and for years she has sought an opportunity to cultivate it. But this young girl’s life has been an unusually sad and pathetic one. Being early left an orphan and the sole support of a crippled grandfather, she saw no way to carry out the cherished desire of her heart, cultivate her voice, until her attention was called to the offer made in the, ERA. Now, through the kind sympathy of friends who know her talent and worthiness and the liberality of the publishers of the ERA, a way has been opened for Miss Fisher to acquire a profession by which it is hoped she may he enabled to more easily carry the burdens heaped upon her young shoulders. A few more subscribers secured and the scholarship is hers. A liberal percentage will also he allowed her for expenses in coming to Boston and returning to her charge in New Bedford, and, with the supervision the publishers of this paper have pledged themselves to have over her while studying in Boston, they feel that they are carrying out their settled policy of helping women to help themselves. The third premium, offered to children obtaining 25 subscribers, is still open, and through it an unusual opportunity is given to parents to immediately place their little beginners in music under the careful training of first-class teachers. The Boston Training School of Music is one of the best in New England, and a year’s tuition in such a school for only a little energetic canvassing on the part of a child, is a lasting benefit received for comparatively nothing. When this offer is withdrawn such an opportunity is not likely to be offered again.

See Premium Offers.

The Ladies’ Physiological Society of Boston and Vicinity.

Is the oldest incorporated association of women in this country, having been incorporated by act of the legislature in 1850. The association was formed two years previous, and the first season of lectures was given in the winter of 1847-8, by Prof. Bronson, by whose efforts the movement was first started and who generously helped the cause by services and apparatus.

The object of the Institute is, as given in its charter, to “promote among women a knowledge of the human system, of the laws of life and health, and of the means of preventing and relieving sickness and suffering.”

Every year since its organization it has maintained a course of lectures extending from October to June, on physiology, hygiene, sanitary nursing, emergencies, and other subjects relating to the highest development of the human being.

The season of 1894-5 will open with a course of lectures on “Reproduction,” by its President, Salome Merritt, M.D. The first lecture will be given in Wesleyan Hall, 36 Bromfield St., Thursday, Oct. 4, at 3 P.M., and is free to all.

Stamp Saving Societies.

Although it comparatively recent idea, stamp saving has become so popular that there are now few large cities in the United States which have not a Stamp Saving Society. The benefits of such societies are so large, and the trouble and expense so comparatively slight, it is not strange that they have multiplied so rapidly. Such societies can easily be started in tiny school or community.

The object is to encourage small savings, either by children or adults. No sum is too small to be received. It is expected that the deposits will be mainly of pennies, and when a deposit reaches the sum of five dollars the depositor is expected to transfer it to a savings bank.

The plan is very simple. In exchange for one cent, three cents, or any like sum, the depositor receives a stamp of the denomination of the sum deposited. This stamp is pasted in a book bearing depositor’s name and address, When the book is full of stamps, a new one is received and also an account book. At any time books can be redeemed simply by presentation.

The outfit for a society costs but little. The book-keeping is almost nothing, as each book keeps itself. In large cities, there is usually a central station where books are issued and stamps sold in bulk; besides which there are branch stations where money is received and stamps sold by retail.

By such an institution it is an easy matter to teach children to save. Poor children spend many more pennies than rich and get into habits which are ruinous to thrift. Some one tells a story about a family set out of doors for nonpayment of rent, and while their poor old rickety furniture blocked the streets, their children were constantly running to and fro spending pennies for all kinds of foolishness. For every stamp deposited a child receives something tangible–a bright pretty stamp, and pastes it into his own book. Then, too, he becomes ambitious to fill up his book and denies himself to do it. Besides encouraging the saving habit, it is a great material help, many children being often enabled to get a new dress or pair of shoes with money that would otherwise have been worse than wasted.


The Committee of Council and Co-operation is a delegate committee consisting of not more than three members from any association, whose “object is to promote a spirit of unity and helpfulness among the associating societies, and to facilitate active co-operation in measures and departments of work of common interest.”

Their method is to work quietly to effect their object and only to report to the public results accomplished.

There are now thirteen societies represented in the committee: Young Woman’s Christian Association, Woman’s Charity Club, Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, Physiological Institute, Moral Education Association, Moral Reform Association, Woman’s Press Association, Ladies’ Aid of the Soldiers’ Home, Helping Hand Society, Mass. School Suffrage Association, and the Federation of Clubs.

By an appeal to the West End Street Railway management it has effected much in the way of cleanliness of the cars and the keeping of the platform and handrails free for the ingress or egress of passengers. It was active in securing a Board of Visitors to the Public Institutions, and it has opposed demoralizing exhibition on the stage, especially in the cheap places of amusements.

(Continued next month.)

The Monthly Review.

With the August number the Monthly Review completes its first volume, and it is the best and cleanest as to presswork and composition of arty number yet issued. The most notable contributors to this number are T. Thomas Fortune, and Alice Ruth Moore, a young Southern lady of versatile literary talent. Miss Moore’s contribution is a poem of much merit. If the courageous enterprise shown by Mr. Alexander in the starting of a magazine of the class to which the Review belongs fails for lack of sufficient financial support, he will still have made many his debtors for introducing to New England readers, through its columns, Miss Alice Ruth Moore. This promising young writer’s prose articles, short stories and sketches, are of such fine literary workmanship as to give reason for belief that a gem has been unearthed capable of the highest polish.


Francis E. W. Harper spoke to the National League at its last weekly gathering. It must have been Mrs. Harper’s humble and frequent allusion to herself as an old woman that led the Globe reporter to publish her as eighty years old, when, in fact, she has the appearance and is twelve or fifteen years younger. Women who, like Mrs. Harper, have spent their time in cultivating their heads and hearts for unselfish usefulness, are not old at sixty-seven. Fortunate for us is it that Mrs. Harper is still in the prime of her intellectual vigor, and her finished oratory is as persuasive as ever.


The Twentieth Century, a weekly radical magazine published by the Humboldt Publishing Company, 19 Astor Place, New York, is the most thoughtful political journal that reaches our desk. If you are not afraid of new ideas and political progress write to the publishers for a sample copy. The Twentieth Century is, as its name indicates, ahead of the times, and not alone points out the evils of existing conditions, but the remedies to be applied for their removal and the elevation of the human race.


Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law
Room 22,


Splendid Premium Offers.

By special arrangement with the Boston Training School of Music, the Woman’s Era is enabled to offer the following splendid premiums which offer we venture to say is unprecedented.


READ. To the one who obtains the largest number of subscribers, over one hundred, within the next six mouths we will give one year’s tuition either in voice, violin, piano or harmony and counterpoint at the above-named school.


For the second highest number of subscribers in the next six months we will offer a term at the Martha’s Vineyard Summer Institute for the summer of ’94 with Instructions either in music, art, literature, elocution, oratory or shorthand and type-writing.


For the three children over nine years of age, first obtaining fifty subscribers for us, a years instruction on piano. This is for beginners.


To all contestants failing to gain the premiums we will give a commission of twenty-five per cent.

The Boston Training School of Music makes a specialty of the training of teachers of music, it is a school of the highest grade and for these reasons and because this school has made no distinction on account of race, the management of this paper has selected it for its premium offer. The number of young people who come to Boston for a musical education increases yearly; through these premiums it is hoped to give a helping hand to worthy aspirants.

A course in piano, voice, violin, theory or harmony and counter point at the finest school of its kind in the country.

For further particulars address the Woman’s Era, St. Augustine’s Trade Schools, North Grove Street, Boston, Mass.


Lamperti Method.
103 Charles Street.



The WOMAN’S ERA, as the organ of the colored women’s clubs, has a large circulation in many of the large cities, notably Boston, New Bedford, Providence, New York, Chicago, Washington and Kansas City.

The Literary, Musical, and Domestic Departments are under the control of competent writers and critics.

With its large circulation among women, and particularly among women of the refined and educated classes, it offers peculiar advantages to advertisers of household articles, wearing apparel, books, magazines, musical instruments, and so forth.

Its rates are exceedingly liberal.

Try it, and you will not regret it.


Woman’s Place.

It does seem sometimes that the best weapon to use against those who are so alarmed at the thought of woman losing her womanliness and sphere in the near future, is absolute silence; so few of the arguments of these people are worth answering and in so many cases does it seem beneath one’s dignity to answer.

The Virginia Baptist recently published a series of two elaborate articles which claim to prove through Bible authority that the only place for woman in the church is that of a singer and prayer, and that in teaching and preaching she (woman) is acting contrary to divine authority and that the exercise of the right of suffrage would be it deplorable climax to these transgressions.

The writer of this article is evidently in earnest but sadly in need of enlightenment, and although it is almost useless to hope that he can be reached by any kind of argument, yet it might not be amiss to ask him a few questions and to present to his consideration a few suggestions.

In the first place why do such people as he hold strictly to Bible text in one case and when it suits them, and not in another when does not suit them?

We seldom hear of them following literally the injunction “Take no thought of what ye shall eat, etc., and wherewithal ye shall be clothed..” In fact it is the brethren who are most anxious about their meat and drink and who see in women, possibly rivals, who are most concerned about woman’s place in the church, and that it shall not be such as shall rob them of any honor or profit. Such men tell us that common sense must be used in the interpretation of the Scriptures in a passage like the above. They acknowledge that changed conditions of living necessitate a liberal translation, and yet are so narrow as not to see that while the women of the year A. D. 32 were probably not prepared by training or opportunity to either teach or preach, that it is no argument that the woman of A. D. 1900, after years of culture and study may not be able to interpret the Scriptures as lucidly as “Guardian” at least; because Paul told woman what, with their limited opportunities they might do, it is an insult to his and their intelligence to conclude that they must not develop and use future opportunities. It is according to law, gospel, history and common sense that woman’s place is where she is needed and where she fits in and to say that the place will affect her womanliness is bosh; womanliness is an attribute not a condition, it is not supplied or withdrawn by surroundings, it may be lacking in the most feeble and protected woman, and strong in her who is the sole support of her little ones and has to fight the flesh, the devil and the world too, in their behalf. It is spurious womanliness that only manifests itself in certain surroundings.

The Illustrated American has been publishing a series of prize papers for and against Woman Suffrage. As an argument for suffrage it is the best thing that has been devised lately. The weak effusive arguments against suffrage can have but one effect on the indifferent, and that is to turn them into suffragists so that by no mistake they may be counted among these remonstrants. The thing that strikes the readers more than anything else is the constantly repeated argument and fear that through suffrage woman will lose her womanliness, this is the strength of the opposition and it means only one of two things, either the opposition is weak or it is blind, in either case it merits little attention.

It is as impossible for woman to turn back as for time–they are bound to march on. Only let them be patient and calm–not unduly excited and aggressive over these small attacks; let them treat them as the strong womanly woman treat all pin pricks.

Mr. Fortunes Question.

In discussing his own question, “Are we brave men or cowards?” T. Thomas Fortune in the August Monthly Review makes a severe arraignment of both the white and black races in this country, from the point of view of one who has hoped much from both and been disappointed. He puts his case strongly, and supports it with undeniable facts, facts so, self-evident as to call for no emphasis here, except to draw attention to some phases of the question–the responsibility or the negro himself for allowing a continuance of existing conditions because of his inability to organize for the general welfare, because of his utter lack of veneration for, and support of worthy and capable leaders, and the dwarfing effect of vast charity bestowed and willingly accepted by him. These are some of the causes, Mr. Fortune claims that are having the effect of keeping the race in its own, and the estimation of others, but “As children of larger growth.” Of course the usual number will rise up to berate the asker of the question and make the usual charge of traducing and discouraging the race, because like a true healer Mr. Fortune seeks first to locate the cause of the trouble; if in doing so the sensitive wound is hurt, all the more evident is it that an unhealthy condition exists; true progress is not possible until a healthy, manly condition is obtained. Time was when the exigences of the case compelled the largest allowance of charity for the short-comings of a race just graduated into manhood, but after a quarter century or opportunity, though limited, failure to strengthen the belittling weaknesses which so hinder and retract us in the fight for existence, is inexcusable and in the present critical condition of things, fatal. Timid men and ignorant men should stand aside, they and the mendicant who stands always with outsretched [sic] outstretched hand for alms possess not the spirit for leadership. All too long has the way been blocked by bold incompetents who misrepresent, by burlesquing the colored people of the country. The time is come when they must stand aside for others more capable and more independent. Now also the whole race should realize the importance of doing its share of giving, as well as taking in more ways than one.

Negro Folk-Lore.

One of the interesting institutions at Hampton is the society for the study of Negro Folk-Lore and Ethnology. A few years ago a similar society was formed in Boston among the colored people, which was the first of its kind in the country. Although there were a few enthusiasts the society died from lack or interest.

There have been and are two strong sides as to the value of such work. There are those who believe firmly that the sooner the colored man loses and forgets his characteristics, the better it be for himself and other Americans. In a lecture delivered in Boston some time ago, George W. Cable advised the colored people to make all haste to drop those marks distinctly negroid, to strive to write like a white man, dress, act, and talk like one, and so hasten on the day when they will be distinguished only as “Americans.” Others believe just as firmly that the best good of the race is served by preserving all characteristics that are worth preserving; that we have attributes, of mind and characteristics of expression that might rather be copied by the other race rather than dropped by us. At any rate, it can but help to dignify the race to preserve its anecdotes and songs, the work that is being done by the Folk-Lore Society.

Father Grimes and Father Field.

Over forty years have passed since Lenard A. Grimes, of revered memory, came to Boston with his wife and four little children. He had just been released from a second imprisonment in a southern jail for persistently aiding and abetting slaves to escape from bondage. He was converted to Christianity in prison, and on reaching Boston immediately threw himself with ardor into evangelistic work. A ripe field he found for his zeal at the West End of the city, and having attracted to himself some of the best people of Boston and vicinity, he founded a church, and by almost superhuman effort, built and paid for an edifice for his people to worship in. He ably planned, and lived to help execute the plans for the most beneficent of all charities, the “Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Women” an institution conceived, started and carried off for a while by him, with but little aid or encouragement from any source. He died in the fulness of the activities of a loving minister to people of all creeds, colors and condition. His title of “Father” grew out of the paternal, loving interest he showed in the affairs of his parishioners, and he was commonly called so by all citizens. For long years after the death of Father Grimes his place remained vacant.

Although many were tried, none were found able to take up the work where the Rev. Mr. Grimes left it twenty years ago until the Rev. Father Field stepped in, and today in his successful work for the closing up of the liquor saloons, in cleaning up the homes of the poor of the neighborhood, in his trade schools and in his latest and most significant achievement, the securing of a branch of the public library for the West End with all that that implies, he is unconsciously, perhaps, making realities of some of Father Grimes most cherished dreams.


The “Wonderful” Sam Jones.

That disgusting mountebank, Sam Jones, the evangelist, should find no place among real Christians. With his foul and irreverent talk, he does nothing but harm to the cause he pretends to be called to represent. His talk generally, and his latest harangue at Round Lake Camp meeting grounds particularly, should convince colored people that no message of grace will be sent to them through such an instrument.


Medora M. Gould

In the August Cosmopolitan is a sketch of a Home Culture Club that was started by an enterprising woman in a most unneighborly neighborhood. It explains in the form of a sroty the need of clubs for women and the good they accomplish. A great many women who are outside of the club movement are of the opinion that they are only for the highly educated, or are composed of strong minded women who, oblivious of home duties, spend their time discussing woman suffrage and social reform in the loudest of voices. To such as are of that opinion, this “Story of a Club” can but be a revelation. Even if a club as a body does not do anything for the outside world in the way of charity that will reflect credit on itself, it will accomplish untold good by raising its members individually from the ruts of their daily lives, and giving them an insight into the lives and purposes of others. But work a club must have of some sort, as an excuse for being.

“A Superfluous Woman” adds one more to the sensational books that have been so widely read of late. We might well ask, “Whither are we tending?” when so many ennobling, edifying and interesting books are allowed to remain on the library shelves uncalled for and unread. It is we women who are responsible for the present trend in literature, for it is the women who do the novel reading. Is there not something wrong in our education when we prefer the sensational and dramatic phases of life to life as it really is, as is found in history? Mr. Howells says that the American girl is not educated; that she reads nothing but novels, and those according to fashion and not on their merits. Mr. Howells has spent much of his time in Italy and is enthusiastic in regard to the attainments of the Italian girl. The educated girl of Italy speaks several languages fluently and well, and is conversant with the customs, history and literature of other countries besides her own.

When the summer with all its frivolous pursuits is of the past, and we settle down to improve the shining hours of the long winter evenings and our minds at the same time, we can ponder “Man’s Place in Nature” with Thomas Huxley, or over “The Ascent of Man” with Prof. Drummond.

“A Friend of the Queen,” by Paul Gaulot, and which has been translated into English by Mrs. Cashel Hoey, is a work that throws much light on the French Revolution and the events immediately preceding it. It begins with an account of France during the latter part of the reign of Louis XV, and gives a complete history of Marie Antoinette, presenting her character without partiality and her various experiences with historical accuracy.

Agnes Repplier, whose monthly letters add so much to the attractiveness of the Cosmopolitan, has written a book of essays which display great originality of thought, and places her in the front rank as it writer. She has a deep and varied knowledge of literature, and uses quotations and gems of verse with a facility that adds much to her fine and polished style.

The August Cosmopolitan concludes the charming Spanish story, “The Origin of Thought,” begun in the February number. This is a story of real people whose ordinary doings are told in a most interesting manner. The illustrations are particularly fine.

Mrs. E.D.E.N. Southworth, who has written volumes and volumes of entertaining fiction, is still living. Between thirty and forty years ago her books were eagerly read, but they are now no

longer in demand. She was the originator of the continued story in this country. Her first one was called “Retribution,” and was published in a Washington newspaper. She preserves with great care a letter which she received from the poet Whittier, in which he says that “Retribution” is the finest piece of fiction he ever read.


The book upon which Ex-Congressman John M. Langston has been at work for several years is soon to be published.

Those who have read Sarah Grand’s “Heavenly Twins,” and, aside from the high purpose of the story, found it uninteresting, will find the author at her best in “Our Manifold Natures,” a collection of short stories which were written previous to the production of her long story.

W. Clark Russell, who writes such thrilling tales of the sea, has given to his readers another romance aboard ship. It is called “The Emigrant Ship.”

J. Stanley Weyman’s novel, “Under the Red Robe,” treats of Franceat [sic] France at the time of Cardinal Richlieu, when life was all romance, and honor, love and murder seemed to reign pre-eminent. It is a spirited tale of adventure and just escapes sensationalism by the noble qualities of its women characters.

Rudyard Kipling has written a book called The Jungle Book,” in which the animals hold conversations and appear good or bad according to their various characteristics, as in the days of Aesop. It will take its place as it favorite with children.

Amelie Rives Chanler, whose name was on everybody’s tongue when “The Quick or the Dead” was first produced, is now among the dead, so far as literary fame is concerned. She has become a settled matron, her figure having lost all its girlish grace. And her once blonde hair has returned to its original brown.



A party of twelve, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Goodell, enjoyed a trip down the harbor in a sailboat on Wednesday, August 8, stopping at Downer Landing and various points of interest.

During the latter part of August the Newport season was at its gayest. Among the Boston people there were Dr. and Mrs. Grant and Miss Mabel Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Butler R. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Ridley and daughter, Mrs. Joseph Lee, Mrs. and Miss De Mortie, W. H. Lewis, R. A. Lewis, Miss Hernie Garvin, Mr. Lyde W. Benjamin.

Saratoga also has had a fair sprinkling of Boston visitors in August. Misses Florence and Hattie Smith, Miss Louise Louis, Mrs. P. A. Glover, Miss Georgine Glover and Mr. Edward Glover, Mrs. Nellie Brown Mitchell and her sister, Miss Edna Brown and Mr. Parker M. Bailey.

Mrs. Charles Boyde of Brooklyn has been seriously ill at her former home in Newport.

Mrs. Alfred Lewis and her daughter, Miss Lilian A. Lewis are at Brandy Station, Va., for a fortnight.

Mr. Wyatt Archer spent a few days in Boston about the middle of August, en route for Newport.

On invitation, Mr. George Ruffin and Mr. Samuel Jamieson gave a recital of classical music, vocal and instrumental, at the Stockbridge Casino.

Mrs. Arianna Sparrow and her guest, Miss Louise Parin of Wilmington, have just returned from a most enjoyable trip to St. John, N. B.

Mrs. Comer of Lynn spent August at Bar Harbor.

Miss Nita Turner, who came to Boston this Summer for a course in physical culture, has returned to her home in Washington.

Miss Alfrata Chapman is at Lenox, Mass, the guest of Mrs. Daniel Osberhont.

Miss Dora Cole of Philadelphia is at the Lucas Cottage, Saratoga.

The N. E. Women’s Press Association gave a farewell breakfast to Miss Belle Grant Armstrong of the Boston Globe as an expression of good will and regret at her departure for New York, where she goes to take up a permanent residence. The breakfast took place at the Parker House on Thursday, Aug. 30, at noon.


The town is not only deserted, but looks deserted, the majority of our people being about equally divided between Saratoga and Asbury Park. Until this year, Atlantic City and Newport have to all appearances been the magnet, attracting searchers for health and seekers after pleasure.

This year Asbury Park takes the lead with Saratoga a close second.


The centre of attraction at Asbury Park from our city is, of course, Miss Katie White. She and her tall distinguished looking fiancee attract no little interest while walking, boating and driving; the young man, by the way, is not only on the road to an enviable financial position, but is one of the most popular young men in Brooklyn. A great many people liken him to Hon. Chauncy M. Depew. I believe in features they are somewhat alike, noticeably so. They differ politically. Mr. Lansing, well every one knows ’tis Mr. Lansing, is a follower of the child of lucky destiny Grover C. I have seen Depew, and when be looks at you makes you think he’s not acquainted with anyone else in the world but you; while Mr. Lansing impresses one with the thought that for some cause or other he desires to laugh, and out of politeness is striving to suppress it. I know one fair damsel that looked away up into his face with the most innocent expression imaginable and said coyly, “Do laugh real hearty, I don’t mind.” Well, he did laugh. After ’twas over he looked just the same as before. Strange, but of course when one thinks a little he can’t be blamed for looking so irritatingly delighted with himself and the world. We congratulate him; why should not he congratulate himself?

Mrs. White still tarries at the Park. Mrs. T.B. Francis has departed from its fascinations and joined the brilliant company in Saratoga.

Gotham misses the one personality that in some indefinable way arouses a lively picture of South American beauties and belles–Mrs. J. Pegram Williams–there’s no one here that possesses more “chic” than this same lady. Her millinery is positively sentimental creations, thrown in splendid relief by her beautiful black eyes and midnight tresses. Speaking of her, one instinctively thinks of her sweet little chum whom a tall, Saratogian will lead to Hymen’s altar in the near future. It is positively distresing to think of the many bright girls who will in the fall add to the already over-crowded ranks of fascinating matrons.

Miss V. Adele Montgomery, Gotham’s charming pianist, will journey to Saratoga to spend the closing days of this season.

One of our most charming widows, it is said, will this fall journey to France, Paris. I know somebody wishes it were Hayti, but then, that brings the thought of another widow, a magnificent one, too, from every point of view; perhaps No. 1 had better go to France.

There have been meetings and meetings. It is amazing to sit and listen to the woman talk. I understand that perfect type of a Colonial Dame, Mrs. J. St. P. Ruffin, visited our city in the interest of the ERA, and addressed a large meeting at Bethel church in conjunction with the Woman’s Loyal Union of New York and Brooklyn. Somebody was selfish, because very little was seen of this cultured woman suffragist, though I did see a party conducting her from Macy’s Lunch Room.

Mrs. Frances E. W. Harper passed through our city en route for New London, Conn.

There is, I am sorry to say, a real anarchist of African descent in our midst–of course this is a rumor, but based on pretty solid fact–a past college professor, well versed in chemistry and an able linguist. He was one of the most prominent at an anarchistic demonstration a short while ago. As his ancestry has left so light a trace of its individualizing touch on complexion, feature or manner, strange things and revelations may be in store for those who are so sure that the colored man is the symbol of prayer and peace. The gentleman in question is about to make an extensive tour through the south, after which be rests in–Illinois.


A musical reception was Given by Mr. Sydney Woodward to Dr. and Mrs. Butler of Atlanta, Ga., on Monday evening, Aug. 20th. A goodly number of Mr. Woodward’s friends gathered to do honor to his guests, and during, the course of the evening were treated to some fine vocal and instrumental music, rendered by Mrs. Mitchell, Mr. Glover and the host. An abundant collation also contributed toward making the affair the pleasing success it was.

The many eastern friends of Mrs. Mollie (Lewis) Keelan will be interested in the following news sent from the new home of the Keelans: “A thoroughbred girl showed up here Sunday to match the thoroughbred boy. Very little excitement attended and all are doing splendidly–including the father. Wyoming, Ohio, 8-20-’94.”

Miss Georgiana Putnam has proved a sympathetic member of the Willing Workers’ Circle of King’s Daughters, whose special work is directed toward maintaining the Colored Home of Brooklyn. She is tireless in her efforts in its behalf.

Miss Edie Braxton is visiting at Cape May, the guest of Miss Stevens of Philadelphia.

Mrs. Theo. Fischer and her sister, Mrs. Braxton, have joined the New York Colony at Saratoga.

Mrs. William C. Green is sojourning in Peekskill on the Hudson.

Mrs. F. H. Carmand and son, accompanied by Mrs. W. E. Matthews, and son, are visiting at the National Capital.

Rev. Hutchins C. Bishop is away on his vacation, at Sea Isles, it is said.

Mrs. Harry Kemp left town for Asbury Park some days ago.

Miss S. E. Frazier has gone on her vacation to Harrison’s, rumor has it, to gain strength and courage for a Possible conflict with the New York Board of Education.

Counsellor T. J. Minton of Philadelphia surprised some or his old friends by a hasty call a few days ago. He has been the guest of Prof. and Mrs. Dorsey.

Mr. E. M. Allen, who is troubled somewhat with that aristocratic disease, the gout, has gone to Saratoga to try the baths, drink the waters and admire the pretty girls at that bachelors’ paradise.


Providence, also, showed its attitude and interest in the work done by Miss Wells in England by a large and enthusiastic endorsement meeting at the A.M.E. Church, Winter street, on Aug. 16th. A committee of five was appointed to engage Miss Wells to speak in that city sometime in the near future.

Rev. William H. Jenkins has received and accepted a call to become the pastor of the Pond Street Baptist Church.

Mr. G. F. Richings delivered his famous stere-optican lecture at Bethel Church on the 20th of August.0

The many friends of Miss Clementine Laing will learn with regret that after long months of suffering no improvement in her health is apparent.

Mr. William A. White of Brooklyn is spending his vacation with his sisters on Thayer street.

Miss Etta Tolliver has returned from her vacation visit at Narragansett Pier and will shortly go on to Boston for the winter. She is one of the most active of the members of the Woman’s Era Club of Boston.


It is doubtful if a merrier party could be found this summer than that assembled in Mary street, Newport. A dozen congenial spirits made the summer a memorable one. Bathing, driving and fishing made the days go quickly, while music and feasting were the order indoors. The jolly crowd was photographed over and over again in many different attitudes and places by Dr. Grant, who is an enthusiastic amateur. So deep were the regrets at parting that a half way agreement was made to come together again at Coddington Point, a picturesque and charming spot just out of Newport.

Among those who came to Newport the latter part of August were Mrs. Prince Saunders of Hartford, who was accompanied by one of her sons. Mrs. Mintess of Philadelphia, Miss Cora Cromwell of Chelsea, Mr. and Mrs. John Downing of New York, Miss Bessie Baker of Cambridge, Messrs. W. H. Lewis, Samuel Jamieson, Wyatt Archer, Lincoln Smith, John Hope and T. A. Ridley.

Mrs. Silas Dickerson gave a handsome luncheon on the 23rd of August. Those invited were Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. Grant and Miss Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and the Misses Smith, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Ridley, Miss Rice, Messrs. Lewis, Archer and Smith.

Mr. W. E. B. De Bois, lately returned from Germany, has accepted a professorship at Wilberforce.


Mrs. Belle Mitchel and daughter, Miss Bessie, Mrs. Mar Sulis, Mrs. Parthenia Carter and Edwin D. Douglass and family are some the of the New Bedford people who went down to the British Provinces to be present at the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Richardson of St. John.

The many admirers of the talent and pluck of Miss Annie Fisher in this city are rallying to aid her in her efforts to secure the vocal scholarship offered by the WOMAN’S ERA. They gladly take this means to show their interest in this hard working young girl, and also their appreciation of the generosity of the ERA, shown in the very favorable arrangements made by them by

which it is possible for Miss Fisher to get the full benefit of the offer made. Long live one only woman’s paper!


Young Dr. Carter has safely launched his boat on the professional sea.


Some little while ago the people of Boston were startled by the newspaper accounts of the case of a colored girl held in virtual slavery in Boston. The story was a most startling one and aroused the interest and attention of everybody. The Woman’s Era Club through its president at once began an investigation in which it was very much aided by Sawyer Plummer of this city.

The girl when interviewed at the home of Dr. Crocker presented a very interesting personality; about sixteen years of age. She was exceedingly well-grown with the very noble features which often accompany a dark skin; she appeared modest and reticent and suffering at the time with an aggravated case of heart disease, she excited the interest and sympathy of all her visitors; her story was most startling.

She claimed to have been born in Beaufort, S. C., and lived there with her parents until ten or twelve years of age. At that time a northern lady, Mrs. Hanson, who was visiting the south with an invalid friend, saw her and attracted by her had persuaded her mother to let her take the child north; Mrs. Hanson drew such an attractive picture of the life the child would lead, of the advantages she would have that the mother sent the girl willingly. After reaching Boston, according to Mary’s story, they were driven to a street in South Boston, and entered it house which Mary never left for four years. In telling the tale of her life in this prison Mary went into the minutest detail. She was confined to a back-kitchen and wood shed during the day and an attic at night.. She was obliged to rise before daylight, was only allowed a fire in the kitchen stove while cooking, was fed on the scraps front the table and went bare foot all the time; she was never allowed in the front of the house and the window in the wood shed was barred and locked.

The story of her escape was in keeping with the rest. A colored woman who worked for a married daughter of the family heard of her, managed to see her and to give her a quarter of dollar and an address and advised her to escape. One summer night Mary secreted the key of the wood shed, and after the family went to bed unlocked the door and escaped. It was very near midnight, however, before she had succeeded in getting free; she was then barefooted and dressed in a ragged gown which only reached her knees. She had not left the house long before a terrible thunder storm arose and she sought refuge in the car house where she waited for the early morning car to Boston. She succeeded in finding the people whose address had been given to her, was put to bed from which she did not rise for many months. After a partial recovery she sought another service place, but from impaired health was unable to do much work. She went from place to place and finally landed with Dr. Crocker of Huntington Avenue to whom she told the tale and who at once took steps to circulate, it to seek out Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, and to interest people in behalf of the girl whose health had reached such a stage that an early death was expected. The story caused a sensation and steps were taken to find and prosecute the slave holder. Money and gifts were offered the girl who received every attention with quiet dignity.

After much trouble the Hanson family were located and interviewed. From letters front the girl’s mother and former teacher in the possession of Mrs. Hanson it was found that almost every thing told by the girl was pure fabrication. The girl had left the south when about the age of fourteen in company with other girls and women seeking service places in the north. She had gone to Mrs. Hanson to take care of children and had lived with her two months only, during which time she had been out nearly every day with the children and at the time she was in very poor health.

When the truth was discovered the girl was immediately despatched [sic] dispatched to a hospital for treatment, and when last heard from had not been discharged.

To those who saw the girl and heard the piteous tale she told, interrupted by the painfully drawn breath, who followed the details told so graphically it seemed almost impossible that the story should be a fabrication; and yet, without doubt, it is, and it is only repeated here in answer to many requests and for the benefit of many interested people who have learned the sequel for the first time.

Whether the girl is mentally unbalanced is not known; in any case she is an interesting study to the psychologist.


CHICAGO, ILL., Aug. 20, 1894.

In the July number of the WOMAN’S ERA, in the biography of Mrs. R.E. Moore, written by Francis A. Lewis, the following statement occurred: “The Woman’s Club of Chicago evolved from a meeting called by Mrs. Francis E. Harper while visiting Chicago during the World’s Fair, etc.” That portion of the statement referring particularly to our club I wish to correct. The I. B. W. Woman’s Club of Chicago owes its existence solely to the zealous efforts of Miss Ida B. Wells. Will you kindly print the correction in the September ERA.

ALICE L. HARVEY, Secretary, 2966 Armour Ave.



THIS Institution trains and sends out a superior class of teachers and leaders for work among the Freedom of the South. It solicits the attendance of intelligent and earnest young men and women, and contributions from those who are willing to help towards their education. Write to the President.



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Because it represents the best thought and work of the most advanced women of your race, and should therefore interest you.
Because it will keep you informed on matters you cannot afford to be ignorant of.
Because being a woman’s movement, it is bound to succeed.
Because it is readable, it contains sixteen pages of solid matter, no plate matter, reprints, no filling up with headings and leads.
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Summer School of Music
Martha’s Vineyard Summer Institute,

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Ladies’ and Gent’s Clothing Cleansed Dyed, Repaired and Altered.


MISS R. A. SMITH, Fashionable Dressmaker,
Orders promptly executed. All work guaranteed.
37 Anderson St., – Boston.


Colored Women’s League, 1027 Charlotte St.


Hours for Consultation, 4 P.M. to 9 P.M.
48 Charles St., Boston.
Trustworthy advice given on ALL subjects.


Buy your Kerosene Oil and get the best water white oil off
34 Kendall Street, Boston Mass.
Drop us a postal card, and we will call.
Because of the superior quality of this oil many members of the W. E. have pledged themselves to patronize these dealers.


333 Tremont Street, Boston.
9 A.M. to 1 P.M., and 1.30 to 6 P.M.

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