Volume 1, Number 5



The Woman’s Era.

VOL. 1. NO. 5.



THE WOMAN’S ERA, the organ of the National Federation of Afro-American Women, and devoted to the Interests of the Women’s Clubs, Leagues and Societies throughout the country.

Published monthly, in Boston, by JOSEPHINE ST. P. RUFFIN, FLORIDA R. RIDLEY, Editors and Publishers.


  • Medora W. Gould Leslie Wilmot
  • Marion Ridley Irene DeMortie
  • M. Elizabeth Johnson.


  • Per Annum, – – – – – – – -$1.00
  • Single Copies, – – – – – – – -.10
  • Club Rates, one hundred copies, – 7.00
  • Subscriptions Payable in Advance.


Fannie Barrier Williams

It has been often charged that the Negro is dull and uninteresting; that he has no racial characteristics that are “sui generis” ; no native impulses to deeds and achievements that leave an impress in human history, and no place but that of subserviency in the strife of nations. There may be a degree of truth in all this depressing estimate of his worth, yet we need not seek far to find refutations more or less complete. There are so many things that contradict and make ridiculous the old stereotyped conclusion concerning the Negro’s mental and moral worth that it is not worth while to argue against them. It is much more agreeable and reassuring to make note of some of the evidences that there is a soulfulness and power of captivation every where amongst us that now and then. surprise and confound our enemies.

We have recently been again reminded that we owe much to the people of England for their gracious recognition of the manhood and womanhood of the American Negro.

Twenty years ago when the American people were still unaccustomed to regard-their colored fellow citizens as others than serfs, with no status of respectability in America the British people heard with rapturous delight the sweet singing students from Fish University. These unaffected students so won the hearts of all Britain that chivalry could scarcely go further than in the spontaneous attentions and compliments paid to them. The charm of Negro minstrelsy was not more pleasing to the sturdy Englishmen than the unexpected refinement of these women. Our character as women worthy of womanly recognition was then firmly established in England.

The extraordinary interest aroused throughout England by Miss Ida B. Wells’ thrilling recitals of American savagery is the further evidence of how British chivalry still regards the colored American woman. If the present manifestation of British sentiment in our behalf is higher pitched and more definite in its influence on American public opinion, it is because Miss Wells represents more intellectuality and a purpose that lifts her into the ranks of reformers. The unstinted social attentions paid to Miss Wells is a pleasing proof that British people are great hearted enough to pay just tribute both publicly and socially to those of our women who deserve it. What Miss Wells has accomplished in England strongly suggests the importance of a greater sense of conscious dignity and self respect among colored women.

If the compliment paid to our womanhood in England means anything, it means that worthy women of the colored race will find more appreciation than they have dreamed of, if when they deserve such recognition they will but expect and demand it. It cannot be denied that our own prejudices are largely responsible for many of the disadvantages that are charged to the prejudice of the other race. There is a largeness and warmth of heart here in America that have not yet been discovered to us. These pleasant surprises that are constantly coming to us both at home and abroad, as an offset to race resistence [sic] resistance which seems every where to confront us, should inspire us with renewed courage and conviction that there is a sense of justice, a philosophic calm of thoughtfulness all about us, that we can convert to our own use and uplifting, if we will but seek it heroically and in good temper.


Ednah D. Cheney

This admirable Association has now nearly reached its twenty-second year of work, and it would be difficult to estimate the influence it has exerted, and the amount of good it has done.

Its object has been exactly what its name expresses; viz. to help women forward in every line of progress moral, intellectual, political, social, and industrial. Its plan of work has been, to hold a congress of women at some central city in the autumn of each year, at which may be discussed any subject affecting women’s welfare.

Such meetings have been held at such distant points as St. Paul Minnesota, Memphis Tennessee, Louisville Kentucky, Denver Colorado, as well as in Chicago, Buffalo, Baltimore, Philadelphia and other Eastern cities.

In every city visited, but most notably in the Western and Southern cities, the Congress has left the traces of its presence, and many an important institutions such as the Women’s Exchange, and the Woman’s Club may be traced to its influence. Everything we have we can trace to the Congress has been said in more than one city, and the Association has often been urged to repeat its visit.

The fee for membership is only two dollars a year, and besides the privileges of attending the Congress and taking part in its private discussions, the members even if not present at the meeting receive the printed reports of all that is done there.

A.A.W. does not exclusively advocate any one reform, but is anxious to present with perfect fairness all sides of important questions. The Woman Sufferage question has not of course been neglected, and among its members may be found ardent advocates for it, and remonstrants against it. They frequently therefore hold a symposium in which all aspects of the case tire presented., often bringing out a lively discussion. It is interesting to see how wide-spread is the interest in this movement. In a city where is was supposed that other topics would be more desirable, the directors found to their surprise that so much disappointment was felt when it was found that this was not included in the programme, that they were obliged to arrange for an extemporaneous symposium which proved to be one of the most brilliant features of the session.

The morning meetings which are confined to members only, are very interesting, as the Vice-Presidents report from each state, and bring out many important facts and much interesting discussion.

As it is a great object to unite all the women of the country, not in an iron-clad organization, but in cordial union of mutual interest and good feeling, the association has desired for some years to extend its work among the Southern states, where there is much new life thought among the women. Their reception at Memphis was very cordial and the meeting most successful. It was delightful to hear the noble “Hymn of the Republic” read by its author and responded to by the whole audience, in the city which had always been associated in our minds with gunboats, and shot and shell between the opposing armies in the civil war.

This year it is proposed to visit Knoxville in Tennessee, and afterwards to extend the journey to Atlanta, Ga., to visit the well known University which is doing so much to provide a higher education for the people of Georgia, and also the admirable industrial school at Tuskegee, Ala.

While the Association does not take up as a special work the defence of any one race or class of people, it does feel very strongly that in just and harmonious relations between all the various races and people who help make up the American nation, rests the only hope of firm and substantial well-being for all, and it is therefore earnest in its desire to promote good feeling between all sections of the country, and all classes of the people.

The welfare of the colored people is not forgotten, and while trying to emphasize distinctions of color as little as possible, they feel that the women who have come out from such deep experience of suffering have important lessons to teach, and that both for them and for all, their education and advancement is of great importance.

One measure which was suggested and urged at the Congress at Louisville, Ky., the training of colored women as nurses, is rapidly spreading through many states, and young women are seeking opportunity for the best training at the North, that they may be fitted to take charge of the classes which are established at Hampton and several other schools in the South. The letters in the ERA by Miss Burgess shows how well these pupils have profited by their opportunities. It would be very interesting to have reports from other schools lately established.

The great object of the Association is to awaken thought among women and lead them to a just appreciation of the duties and meaning of life wherever their lot may be cast, feeling sure that in this way they cannot fail to promote “The Advancement of Women.”


Ella Lavinia Smith

Paper No. 1.

In one of Hamlin Garland’s short stories “Up the Coule,” he puts into the mouth of a woman the following words : “It’s nothing but fret, fret and work the whole time, never going any place, never seeing anybody but a lot of neighbors just as big fools as you are. I spend my time fighting flies and washing dishes and cleaning. I’m sick of it all.”

The pathetic words of that poor housewife on a miserable western farm express in spirit, if not in form, the feelings of thousands of men and women all over our land.

All about us are human beings struggling not alone for existence, but for life. A life enriched and made endurable by enjoyment of some of the countless advantages offered by the civilization of these last years of the nineteenth century. How drearily futile seem their efforts, needs not the pen of Hamlin Garland nor General Booth to depict. We have only to go, with our eyes and hearts open, into the great metropolitan poor districts of our American cities, and into the southern and western farm regions to learn for ourselves “how the other half lives,” and to discover that there are more things in the life immediately about us than are dreamed of in our history, economics, or even in our philosophy.

And yet, though our investigation may reveal much sin, misery and suffering, we may also find that the outlook is not so dark as it may sometimes seem but that both theoretical and practical reformers are forwarding numerous general movements, political, economic, educational and religious for the purpose of bringing about greater harmony between those who ride upon and those who draw the industrial coach described by Bellamy in “Looking Backward.”

But though the law, public and private charities, benevolent societies and institutions, and the churches have accomplished much in their particular lines of work, yet there are avenues of life into which they have never entered, and great masses of our country and large city populations which they have never effectively reached.

It is in the homes and lives of these people where tort and suffering are the common inheritance, and where there is almost total ignorance of what peace and love are that we find the objective need for the social organizations conducted for the most part by college and university bred men and women and known as College Settlements.

The settlements are not missions; they are not charitable institutions; but to quote the churchman of Nov. 19, 1892, “The settlement is simply a houseful of open hearted and intelligent men or women who approach the poor, not as visitants from another world, but as dwellers in the same block or ward, as finding a pleasure (and it is a real pleasure and not a fictitious one) in the acquaintance of their fellow-inhabitants and as claiming a share in the life of that quarter of the town, and a right to contribute whatever they may have in the way of books, or music, or pictures, or general information, or meeting rooms and acquaintances to the well being of the community to which they belong. This establishes the relation of the settlement to its environment as natural instead of artificial; it leaves no room for patronage on the one side or servility on the other.”

The men and women residents have learned in a measure how to live the higher life themselves, and they believe in the utilization and saving power of every influence which tends to bring men and women closer to the human ideal.

The lines of work along which they labor are varied, intricate and well defined. Indeed, perhaps the most striking characteristic of the settlement movement is its flexibility. All details of the development of the worker’s ideas of social intercourse are left to the neighborhood to determine, and every department of work grows out of some discovery made by means of natural and reciprocal social relations.

The wider knowledge and liberal training of the settlement workers enable them to take a scientific as well as philanthropic interest in the problems of life around them, and to see how factors from other forms of life may be introduced to aid in their solution and how the scope and influence of agencies that are already working toward social and economic unity may be enlarged.

They work all the more effectively because they recognize in the colleges and universities themselves, and in the society of the rich, cultured and

refined a subjective need for the settlements almost as great as the objective need. They have begun to realize that if their cherished educational and social institutions are to last, they must share the higher life for which they stand, with the great masses of working people and not be satisfied until the best influence of our civilization have penetrated all the ramifications of society.


The benefit to the residents themselves are not only negative, but positive, for as the Secretary of the editorial board of the American College Settlement Association expresses it, “Those who come to us expecting to give all and receive nothing soon find their mistake, for the help is mutual, and both we and our neighbors are richer for the new friendship and new outlook.”


Thos. B. Hilton


The allusion to that heroic Christian worker and philanthropist above mentioned among the reminiscences contained in your last publication calls to mind the following incident of which some now living were eye-witnesses, an account of which may be interesting to many of your readers.

Most of the old residents of Boston had either seen or heard of Woodfork. In fact throughout the entire north no slaveholder’s name was more familiar and no name more dreaded by those residents who had escaped from southern bondage than this inhuman cowardly kidnapper. Many a poor fugitive had been tracked by him and sent back to his so-called master. And he seemed to get along in his nefarious work unharmed.

In the year 1847 Woodfork visited Boston. And his presence here was evidence that he was on the track of some one that had fled from slavery and who was known, or supposed to be, in this vicinity, which proved to be literally true, for he had not been in Boston many hours before his form was seen in that section of the city where the great body of the colored people were known to reside. Although but few recognized him it seemed to be circulated about that a slave holder was hovering around. This information, which our people in those times were so accustomed to hear, was enough to keep their eyes and ears on the alert. One day between eleven and twelve o’clock A. M., there was a ripple of excitement in the rear of Smith’s Court off Belknap Street. It seemed that some children had come out of the court and reported that a slave holder was in Mrs. Dorsey’s, a woman who, by some means, had succeeded in shaking off oppressions yoke and reaching Boston. This news, which was always enough to make our people drop everything and go to the rescue, was verified in this instance.

It being working hours scarcely a colored man was seen in the vicinity; but, as it proved, there were those around that showed themselves equal to the occasion. Among these was Mrs. Nancy Prince (widow of Nero Prince), a colored woman of prominence in Boston who, with several others, learning that it was indeed true and that the slave holder was none other than the notorious Woodfork, hurried to the scene. Mrs. Prince had seen this kidnapper before and therefore knew him by sight; and they all started with the determination to thwart him at all hazards. It looked as if the cunning rascal had purposely selected an opportunity when he knew she was alone and no one seemingly around to enter her house. The woman was dumfounded at the sight of her so-called master and scarcely knew what to do or say, and he seeing her dilema [sic] dilemma quickly announced to her that she was apprehended and would soon be in the hands of an officer, but that she could escape this trouble by going immediately with him. It was while this palaver was going on, which was all on one side, for his very presence had seem to paralyze the woman, for be stood with arms and hands outstretched and moving like the wings of a vampire. It was while this was in progress that the friends arrived, who immediately and without ceremony entered the house.

Only for an instant did the fiery eyes of Mrs. Prince rest upon the form of the villian [sic] villain, as if to be fully assured that it was he, for the next moment she had grappled with him, and before he could fully realize his position she, with the assistance of the colored women that had accompanied her, had dragged him to the door, and thrust him out of the house. By this time quite a number, mostly women and children had gathered near by (Mrs. Chloe Cabot Thomas of the old ladies’ home on Mrytle [sic] Myrtle Street, Boston, being one of the number), whom Mrs. Prince commanded to come to the rescue, telling them to “pelt him with stones and any thing you can get a hold of,” which order they proceeded to obey with alacrity. And the slave holder, in whose countenance surprise and alarm seemed clearly depicted and evidently con-

vinced that he had lost the opportunity of securing his victim, started to retreat, and with his assailants close upon him ran out of the court into Belknap street.


“Down which they drove,
In dreadful race,
Pursuers and pursued.”

Only once did the man turn in his head-long flight when, seeing them streaming after him terribly in earnest, their numbers constantly increasing and hearing in his ears their exultant cries and shouts of derision he redoubled his speed and, turning the corner into Cambridge street was soon lost to view.

Mrs. Dorsey did not leave Boston, but by the advice of friends changed her abiding place to where she would be less likely to be surprised or retaken. But she was never afterwards molested. Nor was Woodfork again seen in this vicinity until 1850 when, in attempting to arrest a fugitive in Old Cambridge he was again put to flight in a similar manner; an account of which may be given hereafter.


Marie Louise Burgess


Among the many avenues opened to the colored girls of the south, is that of trained nursing. In June, 1891, the Dixie Hospital was first opened to receive intelligent colored women for training as nurses. It was thought that intelligent nursing ought to take the place of the granny nursing which for so many years has been the main nursing of the southern people. The Dixie Hospital was the avenue by which Hampton and the surrounding country was to receive nurses who were to be trained, and like others of their profession to stand side by side with the physician in caring for the sick and the afflicted.

In the first class there were only two nurses, but by the end of the year there were five. During that time there had been thirty seven patients cared for in the hospital wards. These five nurses above mentioned were Anna De Costa, Rosa Dunstan, seniors; Alberta Boyd, Susie J. Rix, Eliza Blackman, juniors, they were Hampton graduates, excepting Rosa Dunstan who had been promoted to the senior class, and took her year out in the training school. All of these were bright intelligent young women, and a better class of nurses could not be found elsewhere.

This Hospital was incorporated in March, 1892, although started before the Provident training school in Chicago, the latter by being incorporated first, is counted the older.

The thought of starting this noble work, came from Miss Alice M. Bacon, one of Hampton’s earnest workers and teachers, one who believes sincerely in a bright future for the negro girl. The hospital is a neat frame building, painted light yellow, has two good sized wards, one male, the other female; and private rooms where private patients are accommodated; adjoining this building is the nurse’s home, with all the conveniences of home life so that no nurse can be lonely.

The lecture and operating rooms are in this building. The Supt. Miss Sarah Connacher is a graduate of the Waltham Training School, for nurses at Waltham, Mass. She is a very able instructor and matron. The nurses wear the usual blue and white seersucker dresses so popular in training schools of this country, the dainty white cap, cuffs and aprons.

The first class of nurses, did not have the comforts of a nurses home, but like true missionaries put up with the best that was given them and saw only the work which wits before them, during their senior year they were able to enjoy the Home.

The amount of charity work done by these nurses cannot be realized, but the cheerfulness with which the work is performed would lead one to believe that nothing unpleasant ever came into their lives. They go from case to case caring for suffering humanity, walking sometimes miles to their cases and back again in the evening. Every one who knows the Dixie nurses, loves and respects them. The guests of the Hygeia Hotel have employed a great many and the best doctors in the neighborhood demand their service. Some have been to New York, others to Norfolk and cities near Hampton.

During the past year a maternity building has been added.

This institution is supported by subscriptions, and donations.

Lectures are given daily for one hour to the juniors during the term in anatomy, obstetrics, medicines, and their administration, massage, bandaging and general training, special subjects connected with nursing, and special surgical cases, physiology, cholera and surgery.

The instructors are physicians in the neigborhood [sic] neighborhood.

Applicants for admission must be between twenty-one and thirty-five, have a good common school education be sound mentally, morally and physically. The term is two years, although a certificate is given to those who satisfactorily complete a fifteen month’s course.

This is an excellent opportunity for young women who wish to grasp it. What an excellent thing it would be if the race would become interested in this Hospital; show some appreciation of the work, there is much that could be done if only the effort were made.

As a race I fear we are thoughtless, we grasp every opportunity but give little thought to the origin and growth of it. Let us think seriously and see what we are doing for the race; if we are doing nothing, let us try and begin to do something.


So much has already been published in the daily and weekly papers concerning the Wells Endorsement Meetings held in many places, in quick response to the call of President T. T. Fortune of the Afro-American League, that nothing remains for us to say that has not already been said, except to thank the Boston League for their hearty co-operation in the matter. The assistance of ex-president Walker was sought and the result was a dignified meeting managed by the League, which plainly indicated Boston’s feelings on the subject. Eloquent manly speeches were made by President Emory Morris, E. G. Walker, Esq., E. E. Brown, Esq., Revs. Scott and Kirke, and Dr. Roberts, and the Woman’s Era Club was in it from the start, and through one of the members had the last word at it.


Mr. Henry L. Shrewsbury of Cheraw, S. C., has completed the erection of a good schoolhouse which is all paid for and which he has named for the Secretary of the Teachers’ Committee of the N. E. Freedman’s Aid Society, Mrs. Ednah D. Cheney. The school owns ten acres of land, which is laid out in half acre lots for homes for the people. Several of these lots are already sold and the settlement is named Cheneyville. Success to the enterprise.


Splendid Premium Offers.

By special arrangement with the Boston Training School of Music, the Woman’s Era is enabled to offer the following splendid premiums which offer we venture to say is unprecedented.


READ. To the one who obtains the largest number of subscribers, over one hundred, within the next six mouths we will give one year’s tuition either in voice, violin, piano or harmony and counterpoint at the above-named school.


For the second highest number of subscribers in the next six months we will offer a term at the Martha’s Vineyard Summer Institute for the summer of ’94 with Instructions either in music, art, literature, elocution, oratory or shorthand and type-writing.


For the three children over nine years of age, first obtaining fifty subscribers for us, a years instruction on piano. This is for beginners.


To all contestants failing to gain the premiums we will give a commission of twenty-five per cent.

The Boston Training School of Music makes a specialty of the training of teachers of music, it is a school of the highest grade and for these reasons and because this school has made no distinction on account of race, the management of this paper has selected it for its premium offer. The number of young people who come to Boston for a musical education increases yearly; through these premiums it is hoped to give a helping hand to worthy aspirants.

A course in piano, voice, violin, theory or harmony and counter point at the finest school of its kind in the country.

For further particulars address the Woman’s Era, St. Augustine’s Trade Schools, North Grove Street, Boston, Mass.

Lamperti Method.
103 Charles Street.


C.N. Field


The Mission House S.S.J.E.
Oxford, England.

Dear Mrs. Ruffin,

Thank you for the copy of the WOMAN’S ERA just received.

Upon my arrival in Liverpool I began at once to fulfil my promise to you and to others that I would tell the people in England of the injustice done to the colored citizens of the United States. I found the greatest sympathy from the clergy and laity, and an anxiety to hear the truth from an impartial witness.

It was a matter of great regret to me that Miss Ida B. Wells had left England before I arrived as I should have been only too glad to have met her on the platform and endorsed her statements. She has won a great many friends for herself and for the cause which we have at heart. England knows enough to sympathize with the colored people in the states in their efforts to obtain justice. and to improve themselves. The Daily News, the Spectator and the Contemporary Review have had splendid articles upon the subject. These represent the daily, the weekly and the monthly press, but in spite of the information which these have given the English people have comparatively little knowledge of the state of affairs.

I have spoken to many of the clergy in London and Oxford and asked them to raise their voice at every opportunity on behalf justice to the colored people. The English people love justice and have no prejudice and hear with the greatest interest of the efforts which colored people are making to improve their position. Many persons have been surprised to hear of the talent which has been shown by some in literature and art, and of the refinement and culture of many of the men and women vastly superior to many of a fairer complexion. The imprudence of some has done the cause harm even here, but the more visits England can have from people like Miss Wells the more they will be welcomed. I am sure that the WOMAN’S ERA may be a useful means of communication between the women on both sides.

Yesterday I saw the Bishops of Lincoln and of Reading, and in a few days I hope to see the Bishops of London and of Ripon, and to all of them I hope to explain impartially the position of affairs in America.

You may be sure that I shall lose no opportunity of speaking a word to obtain sympathy for those whom I have learned to love and work for in Christ’s Holy Church.

May God bless your work, and especially the WOMAN’S ERA.

Yours faithfully,

C.N. FIELD, S.J.R. OXFORD, July 12, 1894.


We have taken the liberty to publish extracts from the following private letter which explains itself. Any friends desiring to help in this urgent cause can by writing to the “Lend a Hand” office or, better still, by calling on Capt. Christensen at his home, 17 Harvard Street, Brookline, get full and reliable information:

BROOKLINE, July 25, 1894.

Dear Mrs. Ruffin,

The letters that came to us from South Carolina describe a sad state of affairs there.

The spring drouth [sic] drought has been followed by deluges of rain which threaten destruction to the crops. A letter that came to me yesterday begs that something more may be done and laments the unintentional cruelty of the Red Cross in printing false reports that the sufferers are provided for. The truth is that famine is at the door. Many of the people are sick from eating the unripe corn all are at their wits end to know what to do next. The seed being different from usual and the planting late, besides the delays from first drouth [sic] drought and then excessive rain, all conspire to hinder the crops and belate them, so that it is likely they will he late by five weeks at least.

Mr. C. gave out rations till he came away and since then two other merchants, one after another have carried on the work, but funds are now exhausted. Accounts of the use of twenty-five dollars show over seven hundred people fed for two weeks with grits from it. A little does a great deal. The trouble is there are so many destitute. Do you think a contribution at Trinity could be taken for them? I don’t know what can be done. The “Lend a Hand” has sent the last they could get about two weeks back.

I wish I were a good beggar. But I’m not well at all–have had a week’s illness that has left me quite weak.

Yours sincerely,




The WOMAN’S ERA, as the organ of the colored women’s clubs, has a large circulation in many of the large cities, notably Boston, New Bedford, Providence, New York, Chicago, Washington and Kansas City.

The Literary, Musical, and Domestic Departments are under the control of competent writers and critics.

With its large circulation among women, and particularly among women of the refined and educated classes, it offers peculiar advantages to advertisers of household articles, wearing apparel, books, magazines, musical instruments, and so forth.

Its rates are exceedingly liberal.

Try it, and you will not regret it.


Mr. Fortune.

Mr. Fortune has again demonstrated himself as a man of courage and energy in the calling of the meetings for the support of Miss Wells and her work. Such men as Mr. Fortune is, are natural leaders; they should take such a position and hold it in the face of opposition. The race puts itself in it pitiable position by refusing to support capable leaders; it seems to us that the only solution for us is for leaders to lead. Men of ability and brains stand back waiting for the whole-souled support that does not come or grow discouraged at the hindrances thrown in the way by the jealous and ignorant. So called high-handedness is justifiable in some instances, and it would be laudable if practised by some of our capable ones. Let them take a hand at the reins, hold the place and compel a following. It would come.

The Silence of Mrs. Chant.

At the time of the publication of the open letter to Mrs. Chant there were some of her friends who felt so confident that there had been some mistake that she (Mrs. Chant) was not capable of taking the position ascribed her, that they protested against our letter and expressed the opinion that we should soon have an emphatic denial from her.

That was two months ago; as yet there is the first word to be heard from Mrs. Chant. Her silence may mean many things, so as it is the virtual acknowledgement of her position as a sympathizer with lynchers and a contemptuous indifference to those who espouse the cause of the lynched. To the many colored women who have been enthusiastic listeners to Mrs. Chant’s talks, this will come as a blow, but it is not the first of the kind we have received. It shows the great and pressing need of uniting.


Mrs. A.J. Cooper of Washington, author of “A Voice from the South,” is taking charge editorially of the Southern Workman for the summer months. It is a pity that “A Voice from the South” has never been put on sale in Boston. There have been not a few inquiries concerning it.

Following is an extract from a letter to the editor from Mrs. Haryot Holt Cahoon of the N.Y. Recorder: “I laud you in your noble efforts. I lived south once for eight years. I know how badly the field of work among the colored race needs intelligent women workers. * * * How the world needs good able women.

Assuring you that my best wishes are with you and that I am thoroughly interested in the cause for the betterment and uplifting of all, I am sincerely yours.”


This month we begin a fine series of articles on College Settlements by Miss Ella Smith, Newport and Howard University of Washington. College Settlements are hardly out of the experimental stage and their motive, methods and success up to this time are subjects of great interest to students of economics and charitable workers. Miss Smith is a graduate of Wellesley College taking the B. A. degree in 1888, and that of M. A. in 1892. She is well posted on the subject of settlments [sic] settlements and her articles will be read with interest and pleasure.

Enough matter is crowded out of this issue of the ERA to fill another. If the friends of this movement will only give us as large financial as we get literary support, we will be justified in

turning this journal from a monthly into a bi-monthly.


Until further notice correspondents are requested to send all letters, money orders, etc., to 103 Charles Street.

Were it not for the fact that some people get their law and gospel from the newspaper they read it would seem not to be worth while to notice an indirect charge made in an article which appeared in the Sunday Globe of recent date, of sectional rivalry between colored people of the south and west ends of Boston. No such rivalry exists. Each one of the “leaders ” mentioned in that article are trying to play their little part in the scheme of life with dignity and honor, and without rancor of rivalry. Earnest women have no time nor inclination for such pettiness.



J. Silone Yates

The July ERA, as predicted, was an unusually good number, full of interesting facts and of the good deeds of our sister leagues.

We were pleased to read from the pen of that brave little woman, Miss Ida B. Wells, and to learn from her letter from the copy of the Westminster Budget which she sent to the Kansas City League and from other reliable sources that her work is leaving an impression upon the public mind which must in the near future be productive of far reaching results. The more agitators and propagandists along the line the better for our cause, and the formation of Women’s League devoted to the improvement of colored women and the promotion of their interests will, if properly conducted, become a potent factor in developing and disseminating those ideas which must form the bed-rock of any argument for equal rights in America; while the possession of such a magazine as the ERA will give force to the movement and contribute largely toward welding the various organizations into one complete whole, thus rendering work for the race more effective.

The ERA is at all times on sale at 1027 Charlotte Street, and the number of subscribers increases monthly. Dr. Scrugg’s book, “Women of Distinction,” is also on sale at the some place, and the league is hopeful of disposing of a large number of copies of this work which the doctor has compiled in so creditable a manner, and which, like many other literary productions of our race, should find a welcome place in every home.

During the month of May, Madame Cora Watson-Griffin gave a very successful concert for the benefit of the league. At the weekly meetings several interesting papers and talks have been given; we may especially mention those by Miss Worthem, Mesdames, Mallory, Handy and Allen.

A series of Demorest Medal Contests will soon be given by the Temperance Section.

A children’s sewing class is held every Wednesday at 3 P.M. Parents are urged to send their little ones to this class where they may learn plain sewing, fancy stitches and the elements of dressmaking, free of charge. A good home in a Christian family has been secured for one of the girls from the sewing school, and she is now making her own living and assisting a disabled parent.

Aprons, wrappers, underwear, etc., are constantly on sale at the room, and ice-cream is served daily, Sunday excepted.

We look forward with pleasure to the August ERA, believing that new ideas are gained and possible difficulties avoided by this personal contact, as it were with our co-laborers.

Yours for the race,


The officers of Ruth and Adar Chapters, benevolent orders, were installed at a recent meeting by B.B. Francis, Past W.P. of Ruth Chapter.

The following are the officers of Ruth Chapter: Mrs. D.R. Francis, Worthy Matron; Mrs. Lillie Payne, Associate Matron; Mrs. J.H. Crews, Treasurer; Mrs. Lulu Whittington, Secretary; Mrs. Mary Smith, Associate Conductress; James H. Crews, Worthy Patron.

Officers of Ada Chapter: Mrs. L.A. McCampbell, Worthy Matron; Mrs. Elvira Foster, Associate Matron ; Mrs. Celia Lawson, Secretary; Mrs. Julia Wilson, Conductress ; Mr. J.W. Richardson, Worthy Patron.

The annual session of the Grand Chapter for the State of Missouri will convene at Independence, Wednesday, July 18.

The Sojourner’s Truth Club give a lawn party on the grounds of Miss Mary E. Jackson, July 5, the proceeds being for the benefit, of a sewing school soon to be established in this city.

E. Yurner, President. L.V. Johnson, Cor. Secretary.


Mrs. J.R. England

Last month a letter from Miss Ghant from Birmingham, Ala., was published. This month we publish extracts from one from Mrs. J. R. England, one of the leading and active ladies of that city. The letter showing something of the work of the women of that city will be interesting to our readers.


Just about the time your letter was received we were preparing for a Woman’s Convention in our city; this kept me quite busy. We had a large number of delegates from all over the state and a grand time. The women were deeply interested and among other things raised the sum of two hundred and thirty-three dollars for the Baptist school at Selma. I myself gave a talk on the work of the women in the north and east and many subjects concerning women and the home were discussed. I think the ERA is just what we need and is indeed worth the cost. The women here are doing good work, although mostly in charitable and literary lines. We expect soon to join you in forming it league.

I think a convention for the interchange of thoughts, for the planning of ways and means a splendid idea, not the least among its benefits is the inspiration it would give our women; but we should not be in a hurry, we should prepare well and carefully. I should like to see this section well represented and have the subject thoroughly agitated here. It seems to me that ’95 is soon enough to think of holding the convention.

Very truly yours,


Woman’s Era Club.

H. Smith

Motto: Help to make the world better.

The Woman’s Era Club held their last regular meeting for the season on Thursday evening, June 20, in the Sunday school room of St. Augustine Church to meet again for work on the third Thursday in September. Important business was transacted, Article III of the Constitution was amended, “to read all names presented for membership shall be balloted for and will be elected if receiving the votes of two-thirds of the members present. This plan to go into operation at the opening of the fall meeting of the club. The list of names offered for membership was laid over for the first fall meeting. A committee consisting of the treasurer, Mrs. T. Taylor, Mrs. M. L. Richards, Mrs. C. Hall and Mrs. S. Johnson were appointed to bank all the money now in the treasury, reserving enough for necessary expenses. The Woman’s Era Club has now joined the grand army of clubs, having received the report through their president that they are now one with the “Massachusetts State Federation of Women’s Clubs,” having complied with the rules and paid the annual fee. The Woman’s Era Club closes the year with hopes of a future that will be filled with good works; they are ambitious and indulge in dreams that have been fully realized by some of our sister clubs.

H. SMITH, Recording Secretary W. E. Club.

The Women’s Loyal Union.

New York and Brooklyn.

The Woman’s Loyal Union held a special meeting Monday afternoon, September 23, at room 61, Bible House. There was not even standing room, ladies having to stand in the hall without. Mrs. Victoria Mathews, president, presided. The meeting was called to protest against Southern mob violence, and to endorse Miss Ida B. Wells as a public agitator for the rights of our people everywhere. Among the speakers was Mrs. E. Stephen Mathews, a distinguished English lady, a temperance union organizer, delegate from Great Britain to the World’s Columbian Fair; Prof. Scarborough of Wilberforce, T.T. Fortune, and our Canon Wilberforce, Dr. W.B. Derrick. The meeting was splendidly enthusiastic. Bishop Turner was also commended for his quick and courageous defence of Miss Wells when the associated press despatches chronicled condemnatory words alleged to have been uttered by a prominent lawyer of Washington, D.C., which bas since been denied. The Woman’s Loyal Union recognize manly courage and the fearless exercise of the same, even though environed by Southern intimidation, as Bishop Turner ever is, hence they authorized Dr. W.B. Herrick to acquaint him with a resolution of appreciation.


The mother of Miss Theodora Lee of Chicago, writes to say that the statement made in the last issue of the ERA concerning the engagement of her daughter is incorrect.



Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Foster of Prince Street, Cambridge, have been entertaining Mrs. Harry C. Lewis and children of Brooklyn, and Miss Helen St. Clair and brother of Cincinnati, who were en route for Canada. On the 14th they gave a delightful “drag” party, starting from Brookline and driving through Concord and Lexington where a delightful dainty luncheon was served on the green. The party consisted of twelve.


Miss Ella Smith of Newport gave a delightful supper to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Mary Evans Wilson on the evening of July 2d. Mrs. Wilson honored the occasion by appearing in her wedding dress, an exceedingly rich affair of bengaline silk and chiffon. Two immense bride and groom cakes were among the ornaments of the sumptuous table. Toasts were responded to by the bride; the groom, Mr. Alphonso Stafford of Washington, and by Miss Smith. The table decorations were in red.

Mrs. Silas Dickerson of Newport, after many years suffering from indigestion has obtained immediate and entire relief through Christian Science treatment; she is now an enthusiastic student of the science, and with her renewed health and spirits is a most interesting talker upon the subject.

Prof. Geo. W. Cook of Howard University, as usual, spent a few days in Newport during July.

Mrs. Charles W. Boyd of Brooklyn has gone to Newport for the summer.

Mrs. James W. Baxter and family, and Mrs. Estelle Jarvis of New York are in Newport for the summer.


Sea Island city air seems drawing to Philadelphia clergymen particularly. Rev. 0.M. Waller of St. Thomas Church and Rev. H. L. Phillips of the Church of the Crucifixion have purchased homes there and are most comfortably, established. The Rev. W. V. Tunnell Dean of King Hall, Washington, D. C., and family will spend August there, as will also Rev. George J. Bragg of St. James Church, Baltimore, Md.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Stevens and family have opened their Cape May Cottage and are entertaining a large number of friends. This popular resort will be gayer this year than usual. Mr. and Mrs. George Dickey have taken a cottage there. It is expected that Mr. and Mrs.. Terrell and Mr. and Mrs. Church will also add to the cottage life. Many Philadelphians will, as usual, summer there.

The many Boston friends of Miss Maria Jones will be glad to know that she has recovered from a tedious illness which has confined her to the house for several weeks.

The basket picnic of St. Thomas Church was such a success that it encouraged the Guild to give a lawn party on the l9th at Sweet Brier. Quite a number of strangers were in attendance.

Miss Mollie Durham is in Brooklyn the guest of Mrs. W. L. Mars. Later in the season she will join her mother and sisters at Ellsview in that garden spot of Philadelphia, Chester County.


Boston and Boston only will be “home” to many of our best girls and boys who, on the completion of their schooling here, go out into various parts of the country carrying their gifts and graces to contribute towards the world good work while making their own living at practicing the professions of medicine, law, preaching, teaching, and nursing.

The love of Boston and the intense desire of the cultivated colored people to spend as much time as possible therein is pathetic. The agility shown by the Boston worker in southern. fields in getting home when school closes is only equaled by that shown by the clerks and sales people in a big dry goods establishment in getting out when the gong sounds. This is a great compliment to Boston atmosphere.

The presence of many strangers in the city has, as usual, started the annual summer festivities. Of course a harbor party had to come, first one occurred on Thursday, July the 19th, and was followed by a reception on the next (Friday) evening given by Mrs. E. E. Brown at her home in Boston Highlands to her guests the Misses Wilson of Indianapolis, Ind. The Browns, a young married couple, are already noted for their abundant hospitality and whole heartedness, and the invitations for Friday evening were extended with their usual lavish hand, result, a crush of sweet girls in lovely summer dresses and fine boys in unlovely dress suits. All who were brave enough to face the rigors of that intensely hot night and don party clothes and gloves were made as comfortable and happy as congenial company, delicate viands, iced

drinks and sweet music (by an orchestra in the alcove off the parlor), could make them. Mrs. Mitchel and Mr. Geo. Ruffin sang, and the more courageous among the young people danced a little. All made the acquaintance of the stranger guests. These ladies are the sisters of that distinguished lady the wife of ex-senator Blanche K. Bruce, also ex-recorder of deeds at Washington, D. C.; however, they are not dependent for consideration on any reflected honor from their sister, having a charming and winning personality of their own of which dignified simplicity of manner is the most conspicuous feature. The Misses Wilson were born and begun life in Cleveland, Ohio, as public school teachers, later when it was determined to make the public school system of Indianapolis the best in the country by employing the best teachers tit the largest salaries, these young ladies among others were sent for to help carry out the scheme. They are hard working teachers with an intense love for their work. They have built a lovely home in the city of Indianapolis to which they have removed their loved and honored parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wilson. Their father was for years a successful dentist of Cleveland, Ohio. Doubtless many courtesies will be extended these ladies who are making their first visit to Boston. The strangers at the party were, besides the guests of honor, the Misses Howard, Miss Benjamin, Miss Florence Smith, Miss Hare of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. John Downing of Brooklyn, N. Y., Mr. R. G. L. Paige of Virginia, and Mr. Wibican of New York, Mr. W. H. Hackley of Chicago, Mr. Wm. H. Hunt of Groton, and Mr. Charles Moon of New York.


Mr. R.G.L. Paige who has been in the city n for the past six weeks left Sunday night for his present home in Berkley, Va. “Dick” Paige, who early in life was compelled by his delicate health to leave Boston and seek relief from asthma in his native air, has grown rich and robust in Berkley. He came in June to Boston, his former home, to look for place and opportunity for some of his many sons, and reluctantly left the loved scenes of his school-boy days only on the repeated requests of his wife and eight children for,, “papa” to come home.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Teamoh received their friends at their home on West Cedar Street, Sunday, July 15. The bride was charming in her wedding gown.

Messrs. Parker N. Bailey and W. P. Hare spent a week at Cottage City.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hemmings and family are at Cottage City for the summer.

Miss Marie Louise Burgess who is a regular valued contributor to the columns of this paper, made her exodus from the South with the rest of the Northern workers. Her field of action is at Hampton, where she is doing splendid work for her race and sex. Just now she is resting at the home of her aunt on Charles Street.

Miss Elizabeth Johnson of the Women at Home Department of this paper, is already regaining her health and eyesight almost lost in overwork. She is a valued employee of Balch Bros. publishing house, and her place will doubtless be kept open for her until her complete restoration to health.

Misses Etta Toliver and Mary Only are at Narragansett Pier.

Mr. B.R. Wilson’s gift to his bride was a grand piano.

The Misses Washington who teach in Louisana [sic] Louisiana are enjoying their well earned vacation and rest at their home at Boston Highlands.

Dr. Milton D. Brown who graduated from the Harvard medical school in June last, has received a six months’ appointment to the Boston City Hospital.

Mr. Richard Lewis has returned from the North much tanned and very much stouter.

Mr. Stanley Ruffin has removed his office to Hartford, Ct., from which city he has obtained a large contract for work which will take six months or more to complete. Mr. Honeysuckle the young man who lost a leg in a railroad accident it few years back, has been given a lucrative position, and accompanied the firm of Barnes & Ruffin as timekeeper for the workmen employed.

Miss Maud E. Cuney left Boston for her home in Texas the early part of July.

Mr. Sydney Woodward is to give a concert at Newport and one at Jamestown. He is to be [sic] byassisted Miss Georgie W. Glover, Mr. Edward Glover and Miss Edna Brown.

Dr. and Mrs. Grant have returned to town from their bridal trip. They are in town only for a short time however, and will probably soon be an added pair to that colony of turtle doves now cooing at 29 Mary street, Newport.

Miss Bessie Mitchell of New Bedford will spend the month of August in Newport. Misses Louisa Lewis and Mabel Grant of Boston, also

anticipate an August visit to that delightful city by the sea.


Philadelphia has a welcome addition to its social life in the bride of Dr. Wm. Warwick. This lady who was much admired as Miss Bella Smith of New York, has won all hearts by tier winning charm of manner.


The Warick-Smith wedding was a very brilliant affair. It was said that more than four hundred presents were received; they were arranged on tables placed completely around a large room, leaving barely space enough for anyone to pass through. The fortunate couple departed under the fairest auspices for their future home, Germantown. New York’s loss in this instance is the quaker city’s gain, though this marriage bids fair to link New York, Brooklyn and Philadelphia socially closer than anything that has happened in recent years. All eyes are turned upon the whim-full, but winsome sister, Miss Kate Smith.

Half of the town went down to spend the fourth at Asbury Park, White Head House. Among them were Miss Kate White, Brooklyn’s leading young lady, chaperoned by Mrs. T. B. Frances; they will end the season at Saratoga its will also Mr. and Mrs. J. Pegram Williams and a host of popular young men.

Mr. Joseph Attwell of Newark, N. J., is summering at Atlantic Highlands. Mr. Attwell has just returned after spending his vacation with his charming wife of only a few months.

The many friends of Mrs. Jerome B. Peterson (nee White), will be pleased to learn that she is fast regaining her health. It was exceedingly sad that the joy over the advent of a beautiful son was so soon shrouded with gloom. It was a painful blow to the whole family.

The King’s Daughters “Willing Workers,” Mrs. Dr. White, President, gave their annual afternoon and evening picnic which, despite the threatening weather, proved a most enjoyable affair.

St. Philips P. E. Church Sabbath School excursion followed closely the King’s Daughters affair, a success in every way. Among those who attended were Mrs. Dr. Warick, who came on from Philadelphia for the occasion. Mrs. Wm. C. Green, Mr. Potter, whose wedding occurred a week or so prior to the Warick-Smith. This happy young couple have chosen Brooklyn as their future residence.

Miss J. Imogen Howard and sister have journeyed to Boston to enjoy a part of their vacation. They propose visiting a number of resorts before fall. Dame rumor has it that a certain foreign gentleman becoming disconsolate, owing to the fact that everybody was either out of town or going, acted on quick resolve and took the palatial steamer Puritan en route for Boston. Its interesting just why Boston.

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Garner and daughter, the beautiful Miss Evangeline Walker of Brooklyn, left Saturday for Pittsfield, Mass., Mrs. Garners home.

The Misses Florence and Cordelia Ray, school teachers, have decided to spend their much needed vacation in Stockbridge, Mass., at Mrs. Crispells’ ideal homestead.

Mrs. Dr. White in company with her daughter’s fiancee, Mr. Chas. H. Lansing, left Saturday for Asbury Park.

Mrs. Baker, mother-in-law to Rev. Hutchins C. Bishop, rector of St. Philips, is the guest of Mrs. C. A. Attwell of Putnam Avenue, Brooklyn.

Dame rumor is responsible for whispering a most brilliant surprise in store for some of the intimate associates of Mrs. Harry T. Mars–Anon.

The young and pretty bride of Dr. J. Frances Smith is slightly indisposed, suffering from the intense heat.

Mr. S.M. Tucker, brother-in-law to Rev. H. C. Bishop, is in town in search of a matron for a school for young girls in the far south. Miss Marcelius Munday, a normal school graduate, was offered the position.

The Woman’s Loyal Union of New York and Brooklyn inaugerated [sic] inaugurated the movement of indorsing Miss Wells by a special meeting held Monday afternoon, July 16, after which they co-operated with the evening meeting held at Zion’s Church. The Union deserves unstinted praise for the courageous attitude it has taken, even though subjected to some mistaken judgment, it stands for principles not persons. Irrespective of personalities it firmly looks forward to the day when our people will discriminate between public and private matters with a truer discernment than is now shown.



The first break has come in the W.E.C. in the death of Mrs. Louisa Wilson, which occurred July 18th. The Woman’s Era Club has lost one of its earnest and most interested members. She was a member of the Domestic Science Committee of the Club, and was as active in the work as her delicate health would permit. She was also an old and respected member of the Female Benevolent Firm. She was buried from the Union Baptist Church, Cambridge, Sunday the 22nd, with the badges of both societies on her breast and her casket covered with floral tokens of esteem. The W.E.C. carried a large and beautiful token in the shape of a leaf made up of full blown white and pink roses. A husband and sweet mannered little girl are bereaved by this loss.


Medora M. Gould

“Never in the history of civilization have women been so honored, loved, privileged and trusted as at the present time,” writes Mary A. Livermore in an article on the American Girl, published in a recent number of the Youth’s Companion. What they do and what they are is to tell as never before on the national character. Therefore she appeals to the American girl to discard absurd and harmful fashions, and to cultivate a strong, healthy physique. To cease being superficial, inaccurate and unthorough. To embrace the ample opportunities offered for a higher education. The changed condition of life she says, which confront the girl of today, compel a larger education than has heretofore been deemed necessary. Women are to be weighted with larger duties and heavier responsibilities. The doors of colleges, universities and professional schools are open to them. They can pursue the same courses of study as their brothers and graduate with the same diplomas. She would, if possible, change the public sentiment so that every girl, no matter what her position in society, should not be considered thoroughly educated until she had learned a trade, business or profession and was self-supporting.

“Pembroke” is the title of a new novel by Mary E. Wilkins. It is, of course, a story of New England, and indicates that the success the author has attained in short stories is possible to her in a wider field. The story is a homely romance laid in a New England village, whose characters have a narrow range of life and a paucity of ideal incentives. It illustrates the power of a stubborn wilfulness, a family trait that in one person takes the form of a bigoted piety, and in another a blind perversity whose extreme exactings are amusing. In still another person the stubborn nature cherishes an injury until both mind and body are ruined.

“Kerrigan’s Quality” is the title of a most interesting story by Jane Barlow, at young Irish authoress whose home is near Dublin. The emerald slopes, the rough sea and the quaint villages are all described as they could only be by one who has lived among them. While the pathetic, shrewd and humorous elements of her characters are presented with a realism true to life.

Mrs. Kate Douglas Wiggin is a young widow who took up writing seriously after the death of her husband. She writes charming stories for young girls which are by some considered to surpass Miss Alcott’s. Her “Polly Oliver” is a delightful story containing the most lovable of girl heroines.

It is reported that Henry James is coming home to America to edit a magazine, and that Rudyard Kipling returns to England for the same purpose.

In regard to the magazine which Mr. James is about to edit, it is possible that it will be too characteristic of its editor to appeal to a large class of readers. The later novels of Mr. James can be appreciated only by those whose reading is extensive and whose knowledge of the world is such that they can reflect on the underlying causes of events.

An attractive little volume is that entitled “Aunt Lindy.” Its author is Victoria Earle, the nom de plume assumed by Mrs. Wm. E. Matthews, the President of the Woman’s Loyal Union of New York. The scene of the interesting little story is laid in the south, and the narrative is a pathetic illustration of ‘Coals of fire.’ The heroine is a typical woman of the negro race, well advanced in years, whose heart is warm, whose hand is skillful and whose life is devoted to the service of her Maker. The book contains four original illustrations by Mary L. Payne.

Mr. S.R. Crockett, the author of an interesting story of adventure called “The Raiders,” is a friend of Robert Louis Stevenson from whom he is said to have learned the art of successful storytelling. He is a Free Church minister and has a charge near Edinburgh. An editor once requested him to write an article on a minister’s duties. He wrote it in the form of a story of one day and received a telegram asking for more. Since then he has continued to write. “A Stickit Minister” is his most successful book. The scene of “The Raiders” is laid in Galloway, and the time is the early part of the eighteenth century. It is charming for vigor, breadth, adventure, landscape and character.



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