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The Woman’s Era.
VOL. 1. NO. 3.
THE WOMAN’S ERA, the organ of the National Federation of Afro-American Women, and devoted to the Interests of the Women’s Clubs, Leagues and Societies throughout the country.
Published monthly, in Boston, by JOSEPHINE ST. P. RUFFIN, FLORIDA R. RIDLEY, Editors and Publishers.
- Medora W. Gould Leslie Wilmot
- Marion Ridley Irene DeMortie
- M. Elizabeth Johnson.
- Per Annum, – – – – – – – -$1.00
- Single Copies, – – – – – – – -.10
- Club Rates, one hundred copies, – 7.00
- Subscriptions Payable in Advance.
Ednah D. Cheney
Among the most important and successful of the movements of the “Women’s Era” is that for opening the Medical profession to Women. I cannot take space enough to narrate the whole history of this interesting movement, which was heralded by the brave work of a few pioneers like Harriot K. Hunt, Elizabeth Blackwell and others, and which has now spread through the civilized world, but I wish to give only a few facts in regard to an institution in our own city which has done a great work for the education of women, as well as for enlightened charity on the broadest principles.
It is not the first hospital of this kind in the country, being antedated by a few years, by the New-York Infirmary, and the Hospital connected with the medical college of Philadelphia. It has been followed by the establishment of a large number of hospitals in various parts of the Union, most of which trace their origin directly to the influence to one or other of these three institutions.
The New England Hospital grew out of a clinical department in the Old Female Medical College but was established as an entirely independent institution in 1862. This was during the civil war when the public interest was absorbed in the struggle for the preservation of the Union and the emancipation of the Slave. It started without any resources but a little furniture, its brave enthusiastic physician, Dr. M.E. Zakrzewska, and the unlimited faith of its founders in the goodness of their cause and the liberality of New England.
The Hospital was incorporated in 1863 and the three women who are named in the act of incorporation are all living, after a period of thirty one years to rejoice in its success.
Its object cannot be more briefly stated than in the words of the original By-Laws.
1st.-To provide for women medical aid of competent physicians of their own sex.
2nd.-To assist educated women in the practical study of medicine.
3d.-To train nurses for the care of the sick.
These purposes have been strictly carried out.
One great incidental good has been the lessening of the prejudice against Hospital treatment in the minds of the poor. So many of the poor women suffering from chronic maladies have found comfort and help from the care of physicians of their own sex, and the administration of the hospital has been so simple and homelike in its character, that women are ready to receive help here that they cannot have in their own homes.
I am glad to say that this feeling is not confined to women’s hospitals, for the improvement in all hospitals has made them acceptable to the general public, but I still think that the woman physician has had a large influence in producing this good result.
The surgical work of the Hospital has been especially important and interesting, and many a woman has been restored to the work and enjoyment of life through the help she has received. The great modern improvements in surgery which have made life saving operations safe, which were considered “unjustifiable,” thirty years ago, have made, this a most satisfactory branch of the profession.
The Maternity work has outgrown its original limits and is now carried on in a new building appropriately dedicated to two of the greatest benefactors of the cause, Sam’l E. Sewall who as a director of the old
college was the first to insist upon clinical instruction for Women Physicians, and the one who secured the inestimable services of Dr. Zakrzewska; and his noble daughter, Lucy E. Sewall who was first student and afterwards President and Attending Physician of the Hospital, and who served until her death as Attending and advisory Physician.
One of the great needs of the management is now that of a new surgical pavilion in which the surgeons can work with the help of all modern conveniences.
The object of training nurses was never lost sight of. This was the first effort in the United States to put this branch of education on a thorough basis, and it was mainly to the fine organizing talent of the lamented Dr Susan Dimoch, that it was indebted for its success. Since that time many similar institutions have been established throughout the country, until now almost every Hospital in the country has one connected with it. The good accomplished by these schools is very great, they give to the Physician and surgeon a trained ally who can carry out his orders intelligently, and thus often enable him to make fewer visits and yet treat the case more efficiently. The comfort to the patient is inestimable, and anxious friends have a helper whose skill and fidelity is guaranteed by those who have long watched her course.
Another incidental advantage of both the Hospital and the Training School is the instruction thus given to the families of the patients, in the care of the sick, and the principles of Hygiene.
But while joyfully recounting the admirable work done by other hospitals and training schools in our city and elsewhere, I am afraid that the New England stands alone in her honorable record of entire and equal justice to all races and colors. She has always received patients of every race, and the Negro, the Indian, the Anglo Saxon, and I believe the Malay have been seen lying side by side in their little beds receiving each the same tender and loving care.
When a colored girl applied for admission to the training school it was feared by that the existing prejudices might cause a feeling that would be injurious to the patients, but the Directors refused to take counsel of such fears and quietly carried out their own broad views. Since that time, some seventeen years ago, many colored pupils have been admitted to the school after passing the usual careful investigation into their character and attainments.
I am happy to say that these pupils have been up to the average of the school in their standing as pupils, and in one or two cases, at least, have been superior in their qualifications, and have held high positions in the school. In no instance, to my knowledge, has there been any objection made by patients to them on account of their color; on the contrary they have often been decided favorites.
While I am very anxious to extend this work among the colored people both at the North and the South, believing that it is a noble profession for which they are well adapted, I wish to add a caution that it is one that requires superior character and intelligence, and a good thorough English education. It is very desirable that candidates should be graduates of high schools.
It is especially important that colored nurses should have good education and previous training, because they will be much needed for superintendents of Training schools in the institutions at the South.
Colored pupils have also been received as internes or resident students of Medicine. All internes must have the diploma of a college in good standing. The East Indian, Dr. Joshee, was received by exceptional favor for a few months, but unfortunately her health failed and she was obliged to leave.
The Hospital is, open to visitors between two and four o’clock p.m., and the Superintendent will be happy to give full information in regard to it.
Jessie Forsyth
The liquor traffic in all its worst features is an especial outrage upon the decent poor. The vice of drinking is not confined to the lower order of society. It is not the working man who supports the barrooms attached to expensive hotels or the fashionable restaurants. And it is a fact that the thousands who make up
the membership of the various temperance organizations are almost entirely of the working class.
But the sober working man is compelled to suffer from the annoying and degrading neighborhood of the saloon, with its offensive and revolting sights and sounds and odors. Writing in the Atlantic Monthly a few years since, George Frederick Parsons says:–“The prosperous taxpayer, who grumbles at the levies made upon wine, may be thankful that his bank account secures him at least partial freedom from the worst products of the saloon. The poor mechanic, whose narrow earnings compel him to accept the life of the tenement house, cannot shelter himself in the same way. He may be a temperate man himself. He may be a Christian. He may be desirous of raising his family respectably, and of keeping them untainted. But the polluting contiguity which poverty compels makes him an involuntary witness and auditor of all the brutalities and obscenities provoked by drink in the most depraved of his neighbors, and he cannot keep from the ears of his wife or daughters sights and sounds, which in themselves constitute infection.”
It is the vote of the wealthy class which is largely responsible for the forcing of the liquor traffic upon the community. It is an acknowledged fact that at the city election of 1892 it was the vote of the Back Bay district which prevented Boston from obtaining a majority in favor of “no license.” If the right of local option were extended so as to cover the wards and precincts of the city, and the citizens who vote to license the rum shops were compelled to have them in their own districts, a large proportion of the saloons would be found in the aristocratic quarters of Boston instead of as at present being crowded into the poorer localities.
It is an obvious injustice that the poor man should have the saloon forced upon him by the rich man’s vote.
Another injustice to the well-doing poor, is the fact that the working class, as a whole, is very often judged by the conduct of the meanest and lowest specimen, Often an excuse for keeping wages down is found in the fact that many men spend a large proportion of their earnings in drink.
Again, the man of dissipated habits, no matter what his skill may be, is forced, in order to retain employment at all, to accept work at any price. There are employers who are not slow to avail themselves of this fact, and too often the sober workman finds the price of his labor reduced by reason of the bad habits of his fellow craftsman.
It has become the common usage to make excuses for drinking among the lower classes on the plea that they are driven to it by their poverty. “Let him drink and forget his woe,” it is said. I sometimes wonder whether a little of the sympathy given to the working man, whose hard conditions have driven him to drink, would not be better bestowed upon his wife and children, whose miseries are augmented by every dram which he takes to drown his own.
34 School Street, (Room 33)
Dealers in
Fresh opened Oysters and Clams.
194 Cambridge St., Boston, Mass.
Orders called for and delivered promptly.
Manufacturer of Clothes Wringers.
All kinds of Wringers and Sweepers repaired.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Marie Louise Burgess
This branch of nursing is considered by nurses and doctors as very hard work. Special aptitude, as well as education is necessary, the nurse should be a good reliable woman, firm, kind and gentle, able to carry out orders with discretion, be cheerful and even tempered, having a love for her work. If she loves her work and is qualified, it would be better to have her even not trained, because often trained nurses are a failure in this branch. Appearances of disease are alike in children, and they (the children) act themselves, and we are able to tell by their actions the seat of their pain.
If the love and confidence of the child are won, it is easier
to manage it, and this promotes its well-being and improvement. Power not only to observe, but ability to interpret observation is very necessary. Always find out the most important symptoms and indications; the position, appearance and manner of the child are indicative, and the physician relies on the nurse for these.
The care of a spoiled child is very hard work; if it were in a hospital it would naturally do as the other children. If the child will not take the medicine or nourishment, the nurse must insist, and compel him to do so. It is better to be truthful and tell the child you are going to hurt him, rather than pretend you are not, when you know better. If the medicine is unpleasant, tell the child before giving it, under no conditions deceive him or let him lose confidence in you.
The less he is handled the better: the room where he is sick ought to be light and sunny, with good ventilation, cheerful and pretty. Everything unnecessary ought to be removed, carpets taken up, the medicines, utensils, and plenty of hot water ought to be kept in a little adjoining room. A small oil-stove is always convenient for the use of the nurse. Assume control of the room, do not allow too many to be over it, only one head is necessary. Illness is more visible in children than older people as their organism is delicate and reacts quicker. They generally become suddenly ill, and either suddenly improve or die. There is seldom any lingering. In the simplest trouble temperature generally rises and vomiting occurs; other children ought to be kept away. The sick child ought to be lightly fed, bowels attended to. When a medical attendant is called tell the symptoms, order of development, severe or not, dejections and urine. Take temperature always by rectum; pulse and respiration when asleep; a slow pulse is more ominous than a quick one, it may possibly be caused by brain pressure.
Subjective symptoms, those which we see, crying, colic, blue color of the mouth. In lung trouble there are low, short moans, a raising of shoulders and head. Sharp screams generally indicate brain trouble. In abdominal trouble the legs are drawn up, the child generally lying on his back. In brain and spinal diseases there is stiffness of the head, muscles of the neck drawn back. Observe closely the condition of the body when undressed, in all cases, for scarlet fever or measles may-be the trouble.
If he is to be examined, have him already when the doctor comes, the clothing loosened, and a warm blanket to put the child in, also warm towels for use. Don’t let him see the preparations; never let him see hot applications, leeches, etc. Cover the leech with cotton if you have occasion to use it, and when it drops off, bathe well the bitten part, and bandage.
Enemas are given for diarrhoea and constipation; also for food, in cases where the child cannot take it by mouth. Always keep a baby clean, bathe every day, have everything around it clean. A draw sheet is a great help. For a bath, put a tub of water, the right temperature, covered with a sheet, into the room where the bath is to be given, after the child has been prepared, then lower the sheet into the water with him on it. The child should be undressed before the water is gotten ready, and warmly wrapped in blankets. When a sponge bath has to be given, just turn him from side to side, in so doing you will prevent bed sores. Keep up the appetite, feed systematically; never waken unless very weak; towards morning give nourishment. An extra jacket over night shirt, and flannel shirt next the skin, keeps the patient very comfortable.
A surgical gown ought to be open all the way down. The child, after a surgical operation should be put to bed on a firm mattress, with sheets very smooth, oftentimes it is necessary to keep a rubber bed pan under him.
In the future THE WOMAN’S ERA will be supplied to clubs, leagues and societies at the rate of seven cents a copy to be sold by them for ten cents.
Only clubs taking one hundred copies will be entitled to an advertisement.
Clubs are entitled to commission on subscriptions sent in their name. Letters from clubs for publication and financial returns must be made on or before the 18th of each month.
Money should be made payable to THE WOMAN’S ERA and be forwarded by registered letter, draft, check or post office order to 103 Charles street, Boston, Mass.
What Prominent Women have to say.
The WOMAN’S ERA believes that the time is ripe for a convention of the colored women of the country. To agitate the subject it proposes to publish the views of influential women.
The letters below are in answer to the following questions.
1. Do you favor a convention of the colored women’s Clubs, leagues and societies?
2.- What in your -opinion is the most available place and time for such a congress?
3. State why you do or do not favor a convention.
Chicago, Ill.
The good women of Boston are deserving of much praise for the largeness of heart and outlook so happily shown in the creation and publication of the WOMAN’S ERA. At the very time when race interest seems at such a low ebb, when our leaders seem tongue-tied, dazed and stupidly inactive in the presence of unchecked lawlessness, and violent resistance to Negro advancement, it is especially fortunate and reassuring to see and feel the rallying spirit of our women voicing itself in words of hope, courage and high resolves in a journal that seems to spring out of the very heart and peculiar needs of our women.
I know of no publication having for its existence and possibilities such inspirations and rare opportuneness as your bright journal. The WOMAN’S ERA is the face of our colored women turned upward to the star of hope. It is the timely message of love and sympathy from colored women to women everywhere. It happily suggests that we can do so much for each other in all the most important interests of our lives, that we will have more time and reason for courage than for despair. To thousands of our women your paper will come as the first intimation of the wideness of the world about them and the stretch of human interest and sympathy. Thousands of them will discover their own strength and a certain sense of importance in this gradual coming together of our women all over the land in clubs and leagues organized for high purposes.
Referring to the proposition of holding a convention or congress of colored women’s clubs, I feel like suggesting a word of caution against too much eagerness for mere spectacular demonstration of our present enthusiasm for good works. It must readily occur to the more thoughtful readers of the WOMAN’S ERA that large conferences of women inexperienced in the functions of deliberative bodies and without well defined and settled policies of action would be fraught with as many possibilities of evil as of good. We should be careful to avoid the examples of our colored men, whose innumerable Conventions, Councils and Conferences during the last twenty-five years have all begun in talk and ended in talk. We should not degrade our own high purposes into what as yet must be a mere imitation of the methods and work of long established Woman’s Clubs. I believe that it is possible for us to work out, define and pursue a kind of club work that will be original, peculiarly suitable to our peculiar needs and that will distinguish our work essentially from the white women’s clubs.
But I do not want to be understood as opposing a convention of colored women’s clubs, or underestimating the large benefits that could certainly result from a conference of our representative women. But having in mind the many and peculiar weaknesses that have too frequently brought the meetings of some of the most intelligent women of the country into ill-repute, I believe it would be wiser for us to postpone the holding of such a conference two or three years, or until we are able to make such a conference impressive and grandly significant by a display of thoughtfulness, definiteness of purpose, and the presentation of facts and figures relative to work done and planned to be done. By extending in every direction the organization of these leagues or clubs, by bringing into them every good and capable woman, and by educating ourselves in all the more important needs of our home and social life, we shall be able in two or three years to startle the country by a surprising exhibition of good sense, intelligent self-interest and dignity of purpose.
On April 15 the women of Providence met with Mrs. Brown of John street and organized the Sojourner South Club for their mutual improvement and development. It was decided that the club should meet every second Wednesday in the month, and that every three months a public meeting should be held. Following are the officers: Mrs. Emory Turner, president; Mrs. Frank Brown and Mrs. Laura Nokar, vice presidents; Mrs. Louise V. Johnson, cor. secretary; Miss Roberta Dunbar, recording secretary; Mrs. Martha Taylor, treasurer. We shall be happy to report progress in our work to the ERA.
The last regular meeting of the Woman’s Era Club was in the hands of the committee on temperance, Mrs. A. G. Brown (widow of Wm. Wells Brown) chairman. After a recitation by Mrs. Gertrude Cromwell, Miss Jessie Forsyth, the well known temperance worker, addressed the ladies informally. By her fluent, interesting manner, Miss Forsyth made her remarks what is seldom characteristic of temperance remarks, really delightful, as well as forceful. The club went into executive session after the lecture. Mrs. F. R. Ridley, cor. secretary of the club, submitted an open letter to Mrs. Chant, prepared by her for the club’s endorsement. The letter was unanimously endorsed, and the club voted to forward it to the different leading pa-
pers. It was accordingly sent to the prominent Sunday papers of New York and Boston, in most of which it received marked attention. Following is the letter:
Dear Mrs. Ormiston Chant:
One year ago this month the members of the Woman’s Era Club of Boston, Mass., were privileged to have you address them as a body. The occasion was the first public meeting of the club and besides yourself, Mrs. Lucy Stone, Mrs. Cheney, Mrs. Diaz and Mrs. Spaulding spoke. It is safe to say that of all these noble women and fine speakers, no one did more than yourself in strengthening the impulse to good works, in giving fresh inspiration towards right living. Your name and that speech has been to us refreshing memory; think then the shock it has occasioned us to hear that through your efforts, a resolution at the National Conference of the Unitarian church, denouncing lynching, was defeated.
We feel assured and do truly believe that you opposed the resolution from a high moral standpoint, but we also feel assured that your position on this subject is the result of influences entirely one-sided, and that you will it least be interested to hear the other side.
We, the members of the Women’s Era Club, believe we speak for the colored women of America. We have organized, as have our women everywhere, to help in the world’s work, not only by endeavoring to uplift ourselves and our race, but by giving a helping hand and an encouraging word wherever they may be called for. As colored women, we have suffered and do suffer too much to be blind to the snfferings [sic] sufferings of others, but naturally, we are more keenly alive to our own sufferings than to others’, and we feel that we would be false to ourselves, to our opportunities and to our race, should we keep silence in a case like this. We have endured much, and we believe with patience, we have seen our old, broken-down wanderers, their youth and strength spent in bondage. We, ourselves, are daily hindered and oppressed in the race of life; we know that every opportunity for advancement, for peace and for happiness will be denied us; we know that in most sections Christian men and women will absolutely refuse not only to live beside us, to eat with us, but also to open their church doors to us; we know that our children, no matter with what tenderness they may be reared, are considered legitimate prey for insult; we know that our young girls can at any time be thrust into foul and filthy smoking cars; no matter what their straits, refused food and shelter if sought among whites in many sections. We feel deeply the lack of opportunities, for the culture brought by the public libraries, the concert and lecture halls which are everywhere denied us at the South. We view these thing., with amazement, but realizing that prejudice can only be eliminated by time and our general progress, we have tried to bear these indignities put upon us by a professedly Christian people with the fortitude and dignity of real Christians. All this we have borne and do bear with more or less patience, but in the interest of common humanity, in the interest of justice, for the good name of our country, we solemnly raise our voices against the horrible crimes of lynch law as practised in the South, and we call upon Christians everywhere to do the same, or be branded as sympathizers with the murderers.
We here solemnly deny that the black men are the foul fiends they are pictured; we demand that until at least one crime is proved upon them, judgment be suspended.
We know positively of case after case where innocent men have died horrible deaths; we know positively of cases that have been “made up”; we know positively of cases where black men have been lynched for white men’s crimes. We know positively of black men murdered for insignificant offences. All that we ask for is justice, not mercy or palliation, simple justice, surely that is not too much for loyal citizens of a free country to demand. We do not pretend to say there are no black villians [sic] villains; baseness is not confined to race; we read with horror of two different colored girls who have recently been horribly assaulted by white men in the South. We should regret any lynchings of the offenders by black men, but we shall not have occasion; should these offenders receive any punishment, it will be a marvel. We do not brand the white race because of these many atrocities committed by white men, but because lynch law is not visited upon this class of offenders, we repudiate the claim that lynching is the natural and commendable outburst of a high-spirited people.
We do not expect white women shall feel as deeply as we. We know of good and high-minded women made widows, of sweet and innocent children, fatherless, by a mob of unbridled men and boys “looking for fun.” In their name we utter our solemn protest. For their sakes we call upon workers of humanity everywhere, if they can do nothing for us, in mercy’s name not to raise their voices against us.
FLORIDA RUFFIN RIDLEY,Cor. Sec’y. Woman’s Era Club.Boston,May 10, 1894.
Eva Lewis
Arriving at Miss Myrtle’s cottage, she bade her nephew good-bye and entered the gate. “Don’t be so eager to get rid of my valuable company, Aunt Maria,” he said, “I am going to see the schoolma’am myself about an unfinished sum.”
Mrs. Brougham replied to Miss Myrtle’s friendly greeting in the coolest possible manner, and saying her business could wait until Charlie got through with his sum, seated herself with a frigid look.
The sum was soon explained and Miss Myrtle was just turning to her visitor when seeing the flower in a vase Master Charlie exclaimed: “Who
broke off your calla lily, Miss Myrtle?”
“The wind, my dear, and it also brought me a souvenir,” said she, pointing to the table where lay the identical handkerchief with the monogram turned up. [sic] “I believe it is the very one Uncle John lost. Yes” he continued, taking it up, “here is his monogram. Isn’t this your hair. Aunt Maria? Mother says that any one would know it if they met you in the Feejee Islands.”
Mrs. Brougham blushed, stammered and Charlie felt ashamed, while Miss Myrtle said, “Charlie, I don’t think your mamma made that remark “Feejee Islands,” it sounds very much like one of your own.” Well, she said something of the sort,” replied Charlie.
Mrs. Brougham began to talk to Miss Myrtle about a fair in which Miss Myrtle was interested and promised to help both with time and money.
I am very glad to restore your handkerchief. The monogram is very prettily done,” said Miss. Myrtle as Mrs. Brougham departed.
As Mr. Brougham came slowly home at night conscience was busy at work. “What could have been the matter with Maria to-day? She is not generally unreasonable, and besides, I myself was not altogether blameless; how quickly I lost my temper.” Thus he soliloquized. “I will go home instead of off to the club and see what she has got to say.”
The front part of the house was all dark, and instantly a thought struck him. Suppose she had taken him at his word and returned home. Determined to know the worst, Mr. Brougham opened the door and entered the dining room. Supper was ready and Mrs. Brougham was making tea. As soon as he entered she said, “We are all liable to be mistaken. Let us forget and forgive, as the children say.”
“With all my heart,” replied her husband.
After tea she told her husband how matters stood. He heard her in silence until she began Charlie’s part and then he exclaimed, “Ah, the rogue, he shall have a new pair of skates to-morrow.” Here’s a peace offering for yourself,” he added. drawing out the garnets.
Just then the door bell rang. Mrs. Grant, like all other gossips came to see the effect of her work. Mrs. Brougham met her with a pleasant smile. “See these garnets, are they not lovely? My husband has just given them to me.”
“Very fine indeed,” replied Mrs. Grant with an envious smile, “how kind he is.”
“You see,” broke in Mr. Brougham, “your kind offices have come to no good and in future, my dear Mrs. Grant, always be sure when you speak.
So the day in spite of kind friends and the wind ended happily after all.
Mary P. Evans
Paper No. 2.
The object aimed at in taking physical exercise is a harmonious and symmetrical development of the entire body. The arms, the legs, the neck, the trunk must be proportionately developed. The ability to lift heavy weights, or run fast, or jump high, or perform feats of strength in one direction, if acquired by developing only one set of muscles, is a dangerous power, It is obtained at the expense of other muscles, and is a one-sided development that destroys all harmony and symmetry.
The power to lift, run, or kick or jump well does not always carry with it health. Strong arms are often found with weak muscles of back and abdomen, and all the conditions for spinal, heart and lung diseases. It therefore follows that any exercise which gives a one-sided development, which weakens one set of muscles to build up another set, which pays attention to one part of the body, and neglects all other parts, is to be avoided. While the system which finds the weak spots and strengthens them, which stops the development of one set of muscles at the expense of another set, and builds up all in proportion, which does not neglect the heart, or back, or abdomen, but cares for and builds up all portions of the body so necessary to a good figure, easy, graceful carriage and a strong, healthy body is the system to be adopted.
Physical development is a thing of slow growth. Crooked limbs, weak arms and legs, weak back and abdomen, flabby muscles, and weak lungs and heart, cannot be straightened
and made strong and cured in a week. The exercises must be taken carefully, regularly and continuously. The rule that practice makes perfect will apply here as elsewhere. No permanent benefit is to be secured by taking the exercise for several days and then neglecting it for several days or a week. Practice must be systematic, at regular intervals, and it must be progressive.
Classic Greece furnishes the highest development of beauty, elegance and grace. Her orators have charmed many ages, and her philosophers have earned the intellectual leadership of the world. The Greeks were the first to learn and apply the truth that mind and hand and heart are mutually dependent; that a well rounded, healthy trained body is the greatest aid to a sound, vigorous and well-equipped mind. They began with the body and the body was trained in the open air.
The Germans and the Swedes have followed their lead and developed the idea. With them legitimate athletic sports, games and pastimes in the open air have been supplimented with systematic gymnastics, and the beneficial results may be seen in the national character. Dr. E.M. Hartwell, in a paper delivered at the “Physical Training Conference” in 1889, in developing this point said:
“Gymnastics have been most popular and general among the most highly trained nations, such as the Greeks of old and the Germans of to-day. The most athletic, and, at the same time, one of the most ill-trained of modern nations, is the British. I mean simply this, that an Englishman believes, and acts upon the belief, that you come to do a thing right by doing it, and not by first learning to do it right, and then doing it, whereas, the Germans leave little or nothing to the rule of thumb, not even in bodily education. German gymnastics embrace three well-marked fields or departments; viz. popular gymnastics, school gymnastics and military gymnastics. The organization of the last two departments is maintained and controlled by the government for strictly educational purposes; while the Turnvereine, as the popular gymnastic societies are called, are voluntary associations of a social and semi-educational, but wholly popular and patriotic character. The fondness of the German people for gymnastics is as marked a national trait as is the liking of the British for athletic sports. The German system of gymnastics has, been most highly developed in Prussia, where not far from a fifth of the population is undergoing systematic physical training at the present time, under the combined agencies of the schools, the army, and the Turnvereine. In Switzerland and in Norway and Sweden, you will find school and military gymnastics, especially in Sweden, quite as fully developed as in Germany, and popular gymnastics not so much so.”
Splendid Premium Offers.
By special arrangement with the Boston Training School of Music, the Woman’s Era is enabled to offer the following splendid premiums which offer we venture to say is unprecedented.
READ. To the one who obtains the largest number of subscribers, over one hundred, within the next six mouths we will give one year’s tuition either in voice, violin, piano or harmony and counterpoint at the above-named school.
For the second highest number of subscribers in the next six months we will offer a term at the Martha’s Vineyard Summer Institute for the summer of ’94 with Instructions either in music, art, literature, elocution, oratory or shorthand and type-writing.
For the three children over nine years of age, first obtaining fifty subscribers for us, a years instruction on piano. This is for beginners.
To all contestants failing to gain the premiums we will give a commission of twenty-five per cent.
The Boston Training School of Music makes a specialty of the training of teachers of music, it is a school of the highest grade and for these reasons and because this school has made no distinction on account of race, the management of this paper has selected it for its premium offer. The number of young people who come to Boston for a musical education increases yearly; through these premiums it is hoped to give a helping hand to worthy aspirants.
A course in piano, voice, violin, theory or harmony and counter point at the finest school of its kind in the country.
For further particulars address the WOMAN’S ERA, 108 Charles St., Boston.
The WOMAN’S ERA, as the organ of the colored women’s clubs, has a large circulation in many of the large cities, notably Boston, New Bedford, Providence, New York, Chicago, Washington and Kansas City.
The Literary, Musical, and Domestic Departments are under the control of competent writers and critics.
With its large circulation among women, and particularly among women of the refined and educated classes, it offers peculiar advantages to advertisers of household articles, wearing apparel, books, magazines, musical instruments, and so forth.
Its rates are exceedingly liberal.
Try it, and you will not regret it.
Many of the letters upon the proposed convention have been necessarily deferred until next month; our paper was obliged to go to press much earlier than was anticipated, and much matter of interest arrived too late. However, we call attention to an able and interesting letter on the subject by Mrs. Fannie Williams of Chicago. Mrs. Williams’ mind and ability are well-known in Washington and Boston, where she formerly lived, and her letter will have great weight with people of those cities as well as with those of the West, with whom she has lived of late years.
Mrs. Williams advises us not to be in a hurry and the advice is timely. A lady of Boston said apropos of holding a convention: “I really do not know what to say as to time. I believe the summer to be the only proper time, but I think this summer too early and next summer too late.”
Doubtless many think with her of the advantages of the great good in many ways that would result from the coming together of our women, there can be no doubt, but when and where is a question that must be considered carefully. We want it to be representative and national–we must avoid being either precipitate or careless. Our convention must be the whole-souled expression of our earnest women of all sections, and must be backed by all our women, let us agitate and prepare.
The publishers of the WOMAN’S ERA take especial pride in the advertisements found in this paper; in most cases they are of firms of young colored men. This is especially true of the last page, which represents flourishing businesses conducted by our young men, which are a standing refutation to the fallacious charge that the young colored men of the North are seldom engaged in any but menial occupations. Every little while some one with little knowledge of the situation, and filled with sectional feeling (which should never be encouraged) goes into spasm over the dark prospect before our young men. Our young men, as a general thing, have had the good sense not to fan the flame of sectional feeling, and have been content to let intelligent people judge for themselves. The WOMAN’S ERA does not pretend to advertise all the young men in business (it devoutly wishes that it could), but it has been so readily and cheerfully supported by the young men that it is glad of the opportunity to speak for them all.
The WOMAN’S ERA is a woman’s paper, but it is such a true woman’s paper that it is intensely interested in man and all that he does.
The attention of our readers is called to the open letter to Mrs. Chant printed in our Club_News. It seems to us that it is in this direction that our women find a great field of work. America stands impotent and Europe amazed at the barbarous state of affairs in the southern states of America. The protestations of black men have in most cases fallen flat and almost unnoticed. Is it not possible it has been left to black women to bring about the moral reform so urgently needed. Let our women’s clubs turn their thoughts and bend their energies towards this work. The letter to Mrs. Chant has received wide consideration, and if it did no more than to call attention to the position of the colored women of the country it would not be in vain. We believe it has struck where many protests have been unnoticed.
Among the contestants for the first premium prize offered by this paper, is a young woman of New Bedford, the possessor of an exceptionally fine voice, but who as yet has been unable to begin any training or cultivation of it. The offer to her is a rare opportunity. Two children have already entered the contest for the children’s prizes. There is still a chance for two more and each get the prize–a year’s musical training free.
Miss Marie Louise Burgess, who contributes the notes on “The Nursing of Sick Children,” is a New England girl who is now located as a professional nurse at Hampton Institute. Miss Burgess graduated from N.E. Woman’s Hospital Training School for Nurses, and has entered her chosen field with enthusiasm and success. She will shortly publish a small book of short stories.
The “Pop” concerts are on the top wave of success, and are the severest form of dissipation Bostonians have ever digested. Still some do not digest even yet, but endeavor to impress the onlooker that they are wildly hilarious while drinking beer and listening to a Strauss waltz.
The annual business meeting of the Cecilia occurred May 24th, at Steinert Hall. After the meeting came a reception, music and a collation. Enough, to subdue the stoutest heart.
Miss Laura Robinson will graduate from the Boston Training School of Music this spring. Without doubt Miss Robinson has the “divine afflatus”; this has been supplemented by fine training and there is a future before her.
Every month brings news of more women roused by the account of what other women are doing through organization to form a club of their own. The newest club to be represented by a letter to the ERA, is the “Soujourner Truth,” of Providence, R. I. An account of its formation is given elsewhere.
Miss Gould, of the Woman’s Era Club, brought before the members, at a recent meeting, a letter received from one of the sufferers of the Sea Islands flood. By this letter it is shown that in the distribution of money, food and clothes which had been sent the sufferers, Clara Barton’s agents required that all colored people should work for rations, while nothing was required from white people in exchange. Miss Gould was requested by the President to make full inquiries in the hope of getting accurate and definite replies. This was done, and in the answer received the facts were reiterated, with names, dates and places. An investigation is being made at this end among workers for the sufferers, and it has been found that the Citizens Relief Association of Boston (colored, Mrs. Hannah Smith, secretary,) has now in hand quite a large sum which they have withheld because of the report that much sent by them has not been justly distributed. From Mrs. Christiansen, the wife of one of the leading merchants of Beaufort, and who has been instrumental in raising large sums in Boston and vicinity, it was found that while contributions sent through them had been distributed freely, without asking anything in return, other agents had and do require work from colored people and not from white.
The Club still has the matter under consideration and also some method of aiding the suffering who are still sadly in need of help.
Ladies of Norfolk and Berkeley, Va., are planning a Carnival modelled [sic] modeled after that given by the Boston Club.
Hampton is planning a woman’s club. It is safe to say that such an organization there would be carried on with Intelligence and enthusiasm.
Doubtless there were colored delegates to the Working Girls Convention recently held in Boston. Two young ladies of Philadelphia, school teachers, were reported as possible delegates. Whether or not they were present has not been ascertained. It is very easy for colored people to be “lost” in Boston as they can be in no other city.
For every kind of
Publisher of
36 Columbus Avenue, Boston.
This Journal is printed on the Monthly Review Press.
Medora W. Gould
During this month of “perfect days,” probably no poet will be called to mind more often than Lowell, who, in his Vision of Sir Launfal, has so well expressed what everyone feels but few can say. It is strange how trite and commonplace our most extravagant phrases sound in attempt to describe these incomparable June mornings.
Miss E.F. Andrews in the Chautauquan for May, calls attention to the fact that throughout all fiction, aside ftom [sic] from five ideal characters of Shakespeare, there is not a mother who is an admirable character. This, she says, is the fault of the women themselves, who were content with too low a standard, and who did not claim the culture which men looked upon as their exclusive right. Formerly women were educated with a view to marriage only, and having become married, made no further effort in the line of self-culture. It was also fashionable and a sign of good breathing to have ill-health and to be very dependent. The women of the new school, she continues, hold a different view of life, believing it the duty of the wife and mother to keep in touch with the world about her, and to represent the hightest [sic] highest culture attainable. They hold that daughters should be educated more with the idea of making good wives and mothers; that they should be taught to value health; should know something of business, and be able to earn their own living, even if not obliged to do so.
Just at present considerable interest is manifested in the events immediately preceding the Civil War. So many of those who took part in the great struggle are passing away, or, still living, are giving to the public their reminiscences of the thrilling scenes through which they have passed. Thomas Ewing, in the Cosmopolitan for May, tells his story of the struggle for freedom in Kansas, giving sketches of the leaders on both sides, and fhe [sic] the plans and purposes of John Brown.
An amusing little anecdote is told of the poet Tennyson, who, it will be remembered, gloried in his disregard for the minor conventionalities of life, quite the contrary to the exquisite courtesy and high breeding of Longfellow. 0n one occasion, at a dinner-party, he rested his feet on the table, and maintained his position in spite of the indignant protests of his friends. At length someone remarked jocularly, that he might be taken for Longfellow. Down came the feet instantly, nor did they again resume the position supposed to be characteristic of Americans.
It is pleasant to note that many of our old authors are still at work. It is so long since they became famous that we are apt to think of them as having ceased their labors. Oliver Wendall Holmes, although eighty-five years of age, still writes, and shows no sign of failing powers. Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher, at the age of eighty-one, sits for hours at her desk daily. Edward Everett Hale, at seventy-two, does much more work than many a young man. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, at seventy-five, works hard and steadily. William Wetmore Story, at seventy-five, is in Rome, writing a series of magazine articles. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, also seventy-five, not only writes, but travels, and delivers lectures at intervals.
Although many years have passed since the assassination of President Lincoln, it was an event of so great importance, that it is worthy of the closest study. Of late there has been a revival of efforts to prove one of the guilty parties innocent; therefore it seemed a fitting time to Mr. T.M. Harris, a member of the military commission who tried the conspirators, to give to the public a concise history of the great event, founded upon the evidence produced in the trial. This he has done in a volume entitled “The Assassination of Lincoln, a History of the Great Conspiracy.” The matter is arranged in the form of an interesting narrative, and fills a good sized and handsomely bound volume. It is published by the American Citizen Company.
The American Citizen Company also publishes a book by J. Robert Love, M.D., of Port Au Prince, Hayti, called “The Indictment, the Testimony, and Verdict, or Proofs, that Romanism is not Christianity.”
Mr. W.D. Howells begins in Harper’s for May, an account of his first visit to New England. He gives a sketch of his acquaintance with Bayard Taylor, whom he met on this trip, and tells of his disappointment in seeing the ocean for the first time while at Portland, which he visited on account of its being the birthplace of Longfellow. We will all he glad to know his impressions of Boston.
Captain King, who, in “Between the Lines,” is said to have given the best description of a battle that has ever been given in the English language, has written a book called “Cadet Days,” which all young men with military inclinations will find interesting. In his previous books he has shown us what soldiers are and what they can do, and he now tells us how soldiers are made. Captain King is a graduate of West Point, and although not the hero of his tale, is part of it.
Of the making of dictionaries there seems to be no end; and since all of the new ones are equally up to date and replete with information, there is little choice among them. Yet the “Standard,” published by Funk and Wagnalls, New York, has one especial feature which recommends it to everyone. The definition is placed immediately after the word, and the eye is saved the trouble of looking through the derivations and authorities.
Great Historical Book
The Assassination of
A member of the Commission which tried the Assassins
Should be in every Household.
Price in cloth, $2.50; hall Morocco, $3.50; full Morocco, $5.00.
American Citizen Co.
7 Bromfeld St., Boston.
Irene de Motie and Marion Ridley
The Calanthe Whist Club of Cambridge celebrated their first anniversary on May 11 by a dance. A very enjoyable evening was spent, and supper was served at Young’s. The prize winners were, ladies prizes: first, Mrs. G.W. Lewis; second, Mrs. J.B. Young; booby, Miss Evelyn Coburn. Gentlemen’s prizes: first, Mr. G.W. Lewis; second, Mr. G.B. Saturn: booby, Mr. J.T. Lewis. The officers of the club are Mr. J.R. Young, Mr. W.W. Taylor, Mr. N.G. Mitchell, Miss E.M. Clary, Miss M.E. Johnson, Mrs. G.N. Lewis.
It is said that the next three months will witness many weddings among well-known people. Mr. Frank Smith of Brooklyn, N.Y., will marry a Philadelphia girl; Mr. William Warwick, of Philadelphia will marry Miss Smith of Brooklyn, sister to Mr. Frank Smith. Thus will these two cities make a fair exchange.
Brooklyn girls seem to be in demand. Mr. Cranston Lee of New Bedford has selected one to grace his home in New Bedford.
Mrs. J.H. Lewis of Boston will leave for Hampton, Va., in July, to be present at the marriage of her sister, Miss Peake, which will take place in August.
Mr. John Guinn of New Bedford. who married Miss Elmira Brady of Boston, has recently purchased a very fine house in the first named city, into which they will move in the fall.
Mrs. Martha Magill, advertising agent for the WOMAN ERA, Will spend the summer in Saratoga. She leaves Boston for that town the latter part of June, with her three little children.
Among the many bequests of the late Mrs. Mary Hemenway, was that of a sum of money to Mr. Lewis Terry of Gayhead street, Roxbury.
Miss Elizabeth Johnson, editor of the “Women at Home” department, is recuperating at Lenox, Mass. Besides being a bright and exceptionally well-read young woman, Miss Johnson is an expert stenographer and type-writer, and holds a fine position. She is at present under doctor’s orders to do no “head-work.”
E.E. Brown, Esq., has recently purchased his pretty home in the Highlands, and made it over to his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are expecting distinguished guests this summer, and it is probable they will entertain in more than their usual hospitable style.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Terrell of Washington, D. C.. are expected to spend the month of August in Boston.
It is currently reported that Mr. Wright N. Cuney of Galveston, Texas, father of Miss Maud Cuney, now in Boston, will run for congress from his district, with a large chance for success.
It is said that Mrs. John R. Lynch and her daughter. Alice, will sail for Europe this month.
The marriage ceremony of Mr. Andrew James of Hampton, Va., to Miss Louise Toliver, of Washington, D. C., was solemnized by Rev. P.J. Smith on Wednesday eve, May 2, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Cranford, N. Hampton street. The bride was attired in a handsome costume of imported swan, and carried a bouquet of white roses. The groom wore the conventional suit of black. The presents were numerous and costly. Mr. and Mrs. James left on the following Saturday for their future home, Hampton, where he has erected a fine house as a present to the bride.
A reception was tendered Dr. I. L. Roberts by Mr. and Mrs. John Swain on Monday eve, May 14, at 13 Dorchester street. Dr. Roberts graduated from the Leonard Medical College at Raleigh, N. C., March 21, with great honors. He was valedictorian of the class and also won three of the highest prizes. During the evening the Doctor was presented with a set of the following instruments: an aspirator, trocar and cannula. He explained the use of these instruments in a neat little speech, which was very interesting.
It is reported that Newport will be unusually gay this season. Among the visitors promised are Miss Theodora Lee from Chicago, Miss Seales of Cleveland, Miss Bessie Mitchell of New Bedford, Mr. Fred Dickerson and friends from Washington.
Miss Maria Hale of Augusta, Ga., whose brother, Mr. Harry Hale, is now in Boston, is expected to join him here next week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodell and daughter of Chelsea, expect to summer in Maine.
Bicycling is becoming more and more popular in Boston. The Misses Grant, Miss Mamie Lewis and several others have recently purchased wheels and are becoming expert riders.
The concert given in Providence Thursday, May 17, by Mr. Harry Burleigh, of the National Conservatory, New York, who was assisted by Miss Maud Cuney, Mr. Edward Glover and others, was not successful.
The young people of Richmond, Va., have organized a society known as the Ciceronian Musical and Literary Society. The officers are, presdent [sic] president, Harrison Holmes, vice-president, John Harris ; Secretary, Wallace Christian; treasurer, Antonette Turner.
Miss Ella Smith is expected in Boston next week from Washington on her way to her home in Newport, where she will spend the summer.
Mr. Robert Carter spent a day in Boston enroute to Chicopee, Mass., where he has been appointed assistant surgeon in the Chicopee hospital. He was heartily received by his Boston friends.
Miss Lillian A. Lewis, who was to have gone to Philadelphia to the Women’s Conference, was unfortunately prevented by a severe attack of tonsilitis. She has fully recovered.
Rev. Oscar Lieber Mitchell, who graduates from the Episcopal Theological school in Campridge June 20, has accepted a call to St. Mary’s church in Washington, D.C. He will assume charge of the parish the first Sunday in June.
Joseph R. Paige, the third son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. L. Paige, of Berkeley, Va., graduated from the Norfolk Mission College on May 16, and will come to Boston to enter Harvard in the autumn.
The Cecelia Club closed a most
brilliant season with their yearly private reception and musical on Thursday evening, May 24, on which occasion Mr. George L. Ruffin was one of the few soloists selected to entertain the club. Mrs. Adelaide Smith Terry and Mr. Ruffin are as yet the only colored members of this very large and celebrated musical association.
The bequest of $5000 under the will of the late Harriet Hayden to Harvard University to found a scholarship for the benefit of poor and deserving colored students, has been paid into the treasury of the university; the scholarship has been established and will be ready for some colored student next fall. By the terms of the will a medical student is to have the preference over all others.
Leslie Wilmot
I was the recipient of the following letter last week:
Dear Leslie Wilmot:
I read your ‘chat with girls’ every month, but I don’t like the books you suggest. Can’t you tell about some books for little girls? All your books are for big ones. I am twelve years old and I like to read very much. Yours truly,
So this letter will be to little girls, and although many of the older ones may find something to interest them in it.
First, every girl knows Louise M. Alcott and her works, for “Little Women, “Old Fashioned Girl,” and “Little Men” are household words among girls, but possibly they do not know that “Work,” “Hospital Sketches,” and others are just as interesting, and add to that “Louise Alcott’s Life,” a record of a thoroughly unselfish, helpful one. One little incident of her kindness and thoughtfulness was never published, I think.
Once a woman happened to be sitting side of her in a crowded car, reading a novel. Accidentally she dropped it. and Miss Alcott returned it to her and entered into conversation with her on the merits of novel reading. The woman said she read novels for amusement, finding, as she grew older that she did not care for books that made her think. Miss Alcott rather agreed with her, but thought that books might be read that would combine both instruction and amusement. A few days later this woman’s heart was made glad by a box of old magazines and books, accompanied by a note signed “Louise M. Alcott.”
“Three Generations,” by Janet Rose, is a fine story of colonial days, and Mary Mapes Dodge has written a number of stories for children. One, “Hans Brinker,” is a pretty story of child life in Holland. I wonder if any of my girls read Vancy’s books. They were quite popular some.Tears ago, and I think no girl could help feeling better, and that she could lead a more unselfish life and do some good to others after perusing these books. Mrs. A. D. Whitney’s “Real Folks” is worth reading, so is Mrs. Burnett’s “Louisiana,” and scores of others I might mention.
Charlotte Yonge, an English writer, has written many books for young girls. “The Chaplet of Pearls” gives a quaint description of the times of the French revolution; “The Queen’s Four Maries” tells of the stormy days of Scottish history; “The Pupils of St. John” is a narrative of the early Christian church; “Pigeon Pie” is a child’s account of Charles I’s reign.
William Ware’s “Zenobia” would perhaps interest older readers. Girls, read the Arabian Nights now, for a few years hence, you will not be able to enjoy it.
Victoria Early
Through the large-hearted courtesy of Rev. W.B. Derrick, the Woman’s Loyal Union of Now York and Brooklyn have as a permanent place of meeting his cheerful rooms in the Bible house, New York, free of charge. This is a decided step forward for the Union, and its members and well wishers are greatly encouraged, for like most experimental associations, the W.L.U. began its existence minus a treasury, and though they have the nucleus of one, yet the chief effort of the newly-revised constitution is in the direction of creating a treasury they began work on the principle that each member be taxed pro rata for all expenses incurred, but, experience has proven beyond a doubt the utter fallacy of such a system, for rarely does it happen that more than one-quarter of the members attend, generally, consequently a faithful few bear the burden that would be but a trifle if every member thoughtfully bore her part. It is expected that quite a nice showing will be made by the W.L.U. Relief Fund, formed during the severe stringency of the early winter. Under the guidance of Mrs. J.E. Garned and Miss S.E. Frazier a number of children have been provided with warm, neatly repaired garments; the Union also subscribed the sum of ten dollars in aid of the Chyenne sufferers in South Carolina.
A number of ladies are agitating the question of the employment of our girls in stores and various commercial establishments, etc., which led to the question, are young girls of the race at this present time truly anxious and ambitious for such a crusade?–If anxious, are they ready?–in their accomplishments do they consider Commercial requirements? Those and many questions of like nature deluge the mind when the subject is broached. There is a determination among the members of the W. L. U. to push this matter, providing, of course, the young women give the needed impetus. Without reliable material the most zealous efforts will fail, because no business man will employ a girl just because she is colored, and ought to have a chance. She must be able to fill the position desired. Among other needed reforms, there is one connected with the colored home which has been brought before the W. L. U. and steps taken preliminary to action in the matter.
The women here like the WOMAN’S ERA, and when ’tis generally circulated will become a decided favorite. The very fact that ’tis a woman’s paper all the way through will after a little time form a striking plea for the sympathy of thoughtful women. We certainly need a common medium for the exchange of ideas and could not hope for one more dignified in matter or elegant in appearance than the WOMANS’ ERA.
Mr. Sidney Woodward presented the Cantata of Belshazzar at the People’s church on the evening of May 16. A good sized audience was in attendance, and gave generous evidence of their appreciation by applauding. The cantata was under the direction of Mr. Woodward, who obtained excellent results from the assisting artists. Mr. Harry Burleigh of New York came on especially to take one of the roles, but was not up to his best form. We have heard him achieve better results. Mr. Woodward made a particularly painstaking effort, and met with his usual success. The other local artists gave their best effort to make the cantata a very pleasing evening’s entertainment.
Black Patti has appeared at the People’s church, May 29, just as we are going to press, under the management of Miss Nahar.
Our white Patti began before the memory of mortal man (that is, this man) and like the brook, promises to “go on forever.” Of late years has appeared the “Black Patti,” and now comes the “Creole Patti,” the latest up to date. Next.
The murderers of colored men at the South, who lynch their victims without giving them an opportunity to be heard, denying a trial in the courts presided over by the friends and sympathizers of the murderers, begin to feel the force of public opinion, and find it necessary to give an excuse for shooting down men at sight without a warning, for hanging boys and riddling their dead bodies with bullets, and for burning men and women at the stake.
“No Negro domination,” was the only excuse offered by the preachers, teachers, judges, law officers and “best blood of the South,” who composed the Ku Klux Klans. When this was worn thread-bare, it was followed by “This is a white man’s government, and the white man will rule it, right or wrong.” Election after election was carried with this slogan. The ballot box was a sham and a delusion. One by one the Negro saw the promises of the government to protect him and secure to him his rights as a citizen broken. He has appealed without avail for the right to live. His record as a gallant soldier in defence of the Union, his record as a law-abiding citizen have counted for naught. He was enslaved for more than two hundred years and robbed of his labor, beaten and bruised, his wife and children sold away from him, his women robbed of virtue and honor by the enslavers, and now that the English press, aroused by a Negro woman fleeing from the hand of the lyncher, dares speak out and denounce murder and the murderers, these lynchers, who have never spared the honor and virtue of Negro women, whose hands are dripping with Blood of their own illegitimate children, confident of protection from American public opinion, feel it necessary to offer a new excuse for their crimes when called to book by public opinion abroad. Up to their ears in guilt against Negro women, they offer as their excuse for murdering Negro men, Negro women and Negro children, that white women are not safe from the Negro rapist. And for these murderers, lynchers and burners, for these latter-day saints, who preyed for two and a half centuries on their helpless slave women, we are told that Francis Willard of America. and Laura Ormiston Chant of England, have entered the list as apologists. These two fearless defenders of the right would let no liquor dealer escape, but would apologize for the white criminal, if the victim be Negro man, woman or child. The man, white or black, who assaults women, should be apprehended and punished by imprisonment or death, if such be the decree of the law. For such men no excuse is to be made. But it is the duty of the law, and not of the mob to inflict this punishment. And every man, of whatever crime charged, has the right of a fair trial in the courts. All that is asked is that the law reign, and not the mob.
In ten years 800 Negroes have been murdered by mobs at the South. Of these 800 only 269, about one-third have even been charged with the crime of outrage. Investigation has proven many of these 269 groundless charges, and in those with some show of truth, the women have been proven to be as bad as the Negro men, and that they made the charges only after being detected in living improperly with the men. If this charge is true, if Negro men are given to assaults upon white women, why do not they attempt the crime in the North where the courts would give them a fair trial? Why do they confine the attempt to the South, where the mere charge is sure death, and no opportunity is given for a trial? Why did not the slaves, when their masters were away trying to shoot the Union to death and keep them forever slaves, outrage the wives and daughters of these traitors confided to their care?
No! the charge is not true. It is no justification. It is an infamous crime against the only law-abiding people at the South. The lynchers are Murderers. Their apologists must share their condemnation, and if by influencing public opinion against stopping lynching, they must share the odium of abbettors of murder.
The announcement of the coming to Boston of Frederick Douglass was the signal that called together once more about all that remains of the old anti-slavery party. From all parts of New England they came to his lecture at the People’s Church on May 10, to have their old-time enthusiasm aroused by his still fiery eloquence in the cause of humanity. And when at the close he turned and took each old friend and co-worker by the hand, and tremulously told of their fidelity to principle when it cost something to advocate the cause of the oppressed, it was grandly pathetic and seemed like a benediction. On the afternoon of thu day preceding the lecture, a reception was tendered Mr. Douglass, by the Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association, and the “remnant” was all there. Mrs. Mary A. Livermore stood to receive with Mr. Douglass a lively throng of Boston’s best in literature, art and philanthropy. Among them there were the venerable Dr. Bartol and his artist daughter, Col. Higginson, the Garrison brothers, the Allen families of West Newton and Cambridge, Lieut. and Mrs. Charles L. Mitchell, Hon. Henry C. and Miss Blackwell. Miss Maria S. Porter, Mr. Charles Lenox, and a host of others. On the morning of his last day in Boston Mr. Douglass, on invitation of Representative Teamoh, visited the Mass. State Legislature; both branches of that body adjourned while he was introduced to and addressed the members. Several attempts to entertain the distinguished guest by private parties were frustrated by his early departure from the city.
THIS Institution trains and sends out a superior class of teachers and leaders for work among the Freedom of the South. It solicits the attendance of intelligent and earnest young men and women, and contributions from those who are willing to help towards their education. Write to the President.
Vocal and Instrumental Music,
Harmony, Theory and Composition.
Pupils thoroughly Prepared for Teaching and Public Performance.
Central Location. CATALOGUE FREE.
GEORGE H. HOWARD, A. M., Director,
Music Hall Building, Boston, Mass.
Because it represents the best thought and work of the most advanced women of your race, and should therefore interest you.
Because it will keep you informed on matters you cannot afford to be ignorant of.
Because being a woman’s movement, it is bound to succeed.
Because it is readable, it contains sixteen pages of solid matter, no plate matter, reprints, no filling up with headings and leads.
Because its subscription price is only one dollar a year.
Summer School of Music
Martha’s Vineyard Summer Institute,
Four hundred to seven hundred students each season. Lessons in Piano, (practise Clavier Method), Singing, Harmony, Counterpoint and Musical Composition.
Regular Course in Literature, Science and Art.
A strong faculty of Eminent Teachers.
GEORGE H. HOWARD, A. M,, Director of Boston Training School of Music.
20 Music Hall Building,
Condensed Milk Co.’s
Plain condensed (unsweetened) Milk Is the best known food for infants. Best article in the world for a cup of coffee. Sold in jars at the office, 2 1/2 Park Sq., Boston. Delivered three times per week.
I have used the plain condensed milk and found it worked like a miracle in transforming my weak, puny baby into a strong, plump one, after all other foods had failed.
10 Lindall Place, Boston.
F. S. BUTLER, Practical Tailor,
84 Mason St., Room 4, Boston.
Ladies’ and Gent’s Clothing Cleansed Dyed, Repaired and Altered.
MISS R. A. SMITH, Fashionable Dressmaker,
Orders promptly executed. All work guaranteed.
37 Anderson St., – Boston.
Colored Women’s League, 1027 Charlotte St.
HENRY YOUNG, Clothing Cleansed Dyed and Repaired,
No. 9 City Hall Ave., Boston, Mass.
All orders promptly attended to.
Buy your Kerosene Oil and get the best water white oil off
34 Kendall Street, Boston Mass.
Drop us a postal card, and we will call.
Because of the superior quality of this oil many members of the W. E. have pledged themselves to patronize these dealers.
333 Tremont Street, Boston.
9 A.M. to 1 P.M., and 1.30 to 6 P.M.
Use Dr. Callaway’s Saponaceous Tooth Powder. Price 25 Cents.
Cemetery Requisites
Decoration Day Supplies
Send for illustrated price list
We also have with us Mr. PEGRAM, a first class shoemaker. Repairing neatly done. Also shoes made to order.
145 Cambridge St., Boston.
Instruction in English composition, grammar, use of capitals, punctuation, formation of sentences, etc. Address, Miss M. W. GOULD,
Box 165, Readville. Mass.
MISS ELIZABETH E. COOLEY, will accomodate [sic] accommodate a few select boarders for the summer. Trancient [sic] Transient and permanent.
Gent’s Clothing Made, Altered, Cleansed and Repaired in the neatest manner, at short notice. Terms reasonable.
No. 11 City Hall. Ave., Boston.
BALDWIN & DORSEY, Real Estate, Mortgage and Insurance Brokers,
They make a specialty of property in the suburbs.
They furnish purchase money at low rates of interest.
They will lend you money to build a house on your own land.
Stop! Pay no more Rent! Begin now to buy your own home!
Real Estate, Mortgages and Insurance,
Street Railway Builders and Contractors for Public Works.
GEO. S. BARNES. President.
STANLEY RUFFIN, Sec’y and Treas.
34 School Street, Boston.
Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods,
Shirts, Cuffs and Collars.
Business and Dress Shirts, $1 .00 and $ 1.50–Best Value. Cheviots, Percales,
and Fancy Shirts, 75c. to $2.00.
Nice line of Hosiery and Underwear, Handkerchiefs, etc. Neckwear, 50c.
141 Dartmouth Street, – BOSTON.