Volume 1, Number 2



The Woman’s Era.

VOL. 1. NO. 2.



THE WOMAN’S ERA, the organ of the Woman’s Era Club, and devoted to the Interests of the women’s Clubs, Leagues and Societies throughout the country.

Published monthly, in Boston, by JOSEPHINE ST. P. RUFFIN, FLORIDA R. RIDLEY, Editors and Publishers.


  • Medora W. Gould Leslie Wilmot
  • Marion Ridley Irene DeMortie
  • Hannah Smith M. Elizabeth Johnson.

Entered at the Boston, Mass., Post Office as Second Class Mail Matter,


  • Per Annum, – – – – – – – -$1.00
  • Single Copies, – – – – – – – -.10
  • Rates to Clubs, One Hundred Copies, – 7.00

Checks, drafts aud [sic] and post-office orders should be made payable to the Woman’s Era. All communications should be addressed to

185-187 Cammbridge [sic] Cambridge Street.


S. Elizabeth Frazier

We read daily of the progress women are making for the elevation of their sex and we are prouds [sic] proud to note noble examples among us, who follow in their train, laboring earnestly yet modestly for their sex and the upbuilding of the race. Surely we cannot know too much of their genius and merits, for the inspiration of our girls.

Among our prominent progressive women is Mrs. William E. Matthews, known in the literary world as “Victoria Earle.”

Mrs. Matthews, so desirous of doing what she can for her race, with a few others saw the practical need, of banding together well-thinking women with the hope that they might in their generation pave the way for the success of the futurity of the race, and organized The Woman’s Loyal Union. We are favored to exist in the seed planting time.

Mrs. Matthews has been the president of the Woman’s Loyal Union since its organization.

Its members have found her loyal, unswerving embracing every opportunity for the accomplishment of the aims of the Union.

Realizing the wrongs perpetrated upon our race in the South, the injury occasioned by opinions that have been freely expressed in several leading magazines and newspapers, as to the retrogression of the race morally, Mrs. Matthews has been exeeedingly [sic] exceedingly anxious to ascertain the truth of such statements.

With this idea in view she wrote a set of questions, submitted them to the executive board of the Union with the hope of their approval, and expressed the desire to have said questions sent to the ministers, school teachers and other representative men and women throughout the country for the purpose of eliciting from them the true statistics of our people morally.

The idea is bright, progressive. We, co-workers, appreciate her efforts, her executive ability, and shall ever give her our hearty support.

“Her great fondness for research and her splendid memory make her quite an authority on literature, art, history and philosophy. Her historical researches have led her to the determination to write a series of text books, historical primers for the youth, of the race, which will trace the history of the African and show that he and his descendants have been prominently identified with every phase of this country’s history including the landing of Columbus.

She has also a number of stories and a play which is yet unpublished.

When all these shall have been given to the public, race literature will be enriched and the name of Victoria Earle become a household word.”

S. ELIZABETH FRAZIER, 141 West 17th street, New York City.

This month our title page has a cut and sketch of Mrs. W. E. Mathews, (iVctoria [sic] Victoria Earle) president of the Women’s Loyal Union of New York and Brooklyn. As well know as is Mrs. Mathews, her face and history are comparatively new to people of this section who will be delighted with this opportunity to make a closer acquantance [sic] acquaintance with this distinguished lady.


Our readers who need to have any tailoring work done are urged to patronize Miss Butler, 84 Mason st. Boston.

See Ad.


R.E. Moore

The “Tourgee Club” composed of leading men of Chicago, upon organization set aside every Thursday afternoon from 1 to 5, as “Ladies Day.” For some reason the ladies did not make use of these afternoons and the gentlemen desiring to make the day popular invited several women to read papers on Ladies’ Day.

Mrs. Stephen Matthews of London, England was announced to speak on Dec. 14, 1893 on “Ideal Womanhood.” This was the first address. The parlors were crowded and those present were entertained for two hours on the subject. At the close of the address Miss Ida B. Wells who introduced Mrs. Matthews extended the invitation from the Tourgee Club to the ladies to meet every Thursday and make use of the parlors in any manner they desired. The ladies decided to meet the following Thursday and also to invite Mr. W. T. Stead, editor of the Review of Reviews of London to address them.

Dec. 21st, 2 p. m., fifty ladies assembled in the parlors and after some delightful music, Mr. Stead was introduced and he made an informal talk on “Friendship between the Sexes.” A general discussion followed.

On Dec. 28th Miss Ida B. Wells gave a history of Clubs among Colored Women,” and on Jan. 4th presentad [sic] presented a paper on “Colored Woman’s Work.”

These series of meetings were so largely attended and created such an interest among the ladies that they decided to formally organize under the name of the “Woman’s Club.” Thit [sic] That was done on Jan. 11th. On March 29th a constitution was adopted- The object of the club is the elevation and protection of women and the home, and much good work has been accomplished since their organization. The membership is nearly two hundred and the meetings are largely attended every Thursday afternoon in the parlors of the Tourgee Club House, 2926 Dearborn street.

The present officers are Mrs. R. R. Moore, president, Miss Ida B. Wells, vice president, Alice Harvey, secretary.

Later, Mrs. Moore, president of the Woman’s Club writes as follows.

At present we have two very interesting cases on hand; we are prosecuting the policeman who killed the husdand [sic] husband of Alice Adams a hard working young colored woman, with two little children. We have paid all her expenses in the trial, and the officer is bound over to the crimimal [sic] criminal court, $5000 bond. We have secured four nice, comfortable rooms for the widow, furnished them and paid two months rent in advance. All of this we have done without a treasury as we charge no fee in our club; we have two hundred members in our club and whenever money is required the ladies respond cheerfully.

The second case is that of a girl of fourteen, friendless and homeless, who has reached such a pitch of desperation, that she was found carrying a revolver, living in hovels and associating with the most degraded. We have decided to take her under complete charge of the Woman’s Club, send her to school until she is eighteen, educate and endeavor to train her to become a useful member of society We have numbers of other cases awaiting our attention.

R.E. Moore, President of the Woman’s Club.


J.Silone Yates

The Kansas City League fittingly celebrated the first anniversary of its existence during the first week of March.

The exercises were of a public nature and the annual reports were listened to with much interest. Excellent addresses were delivered by reverend Marshall of St. Augustine’s Episcopal Mission and Bishop Handy of the A. M. E Church. Cheering letters were read from the leagues of Washington, Boston, and Lawrence.

During the past year, fifteen young people were in various ways assisted to help themselves, and it is hoped that much more may be accomplished in 94-‘5.

A course of lectures upon practical subjects is now in progress and judging from the first lecture of the course this will become one of the effective methods of exerting a wholesome educational influence in the community. [sic] The Improvement of Home,” by Miss Anna H. Jones was the subject of the lecture already given, and it awakened much interest in an appreciative audience.

The other, lecturers named for this course are as follows.–Prof. G. N. Grisham, Lawyer T. R. Subletts, Mrs. Frances Jackson of the American Citizen, Prof. J. U. Daniel of Lincoln High School.

J. Silone Yates, president.


Mrs. Annie King and Mrs. S.H. Johnson

The Sierra Leone Club was organized Feb. 7th, 1892, by twelve active and energetic women, who felt the need of a closer union and broader development. Its object is the intellectual and social improvement of its members We represent the “queens of the fireside,” as all of us are wives and almost all mothers. Naturally our attention was at first given to home training and domestic economy. Papers were read and discussed and useful and beneficial suggestions were adopted by us. This, together with “Current Topic Talks,” comprised the first year’s work. Each lady felt herself so much benefited that it was thought best to double our number, therefore, twelve more ladies were invited to associate with us and we formed an institute and successfully carried out a plan of study last year, in which we succeeded fairly well. The knowledge we gained made a generous impression upon us, and it was concluded that if we could help ourselves in short talks and a few hours’ study each day, that much good could be accomplished if we founded an industrial school for our women and children. On the first Tuesday in January 1894 we adopted resolutions to the effect that we would use every effort this year to get means to purchase a lot and erect a cottage for the salvation of our girls. We are moving along nicely with twenty-four willing workers and twelve who are friendly to our cause. WE hope to have $500 by next January and a home. Already we have been encouraged by the results of the entertainments. We have just begun on industrial work this month. We instituted a lecture course and the presidents of the W. C. T. U. and Equal Suf-

frage Club were the first to talk for us. Several of our educated men and women have been invited to talk upon the various subjects of religion, politics and education. From time to time we will be pleased to inform sister clubs through the ERA, of our success.


MRS. ANNIE KING, president MRS. S. H. JOHNSON cor. sect.

New England Women’s Club.

Florence Everett

I am happy to say that the Directors of the N.E.W. Club voted to subscribe for the WOMAN’S ERA, and wish me to express to you their interest in the movement of which it is the organ, and cordial good wishes for its success. There is not much in this Club that would serve as news, or perhaps be of very general interest, as the meetings are held every Monday afternoon from November to June, when a lecture is given, followed by discussion; but our secretary, Miss Lucia M. Peabody, will be very glad to respond, if at any time there should be any special points you would like to know about.

There is another matter I should speak of; about a year ago the Massachusetts State Federation of Women’s Clubs was formed with Mrs. Julia Ward Howe President. Twenty-six Clubs have already joined, and we hope n [sic] in time it will be a union of all the Women’s Clubs in the State If at any time, your Club or any that you may know about should like to join, we shall be most happy to welcome them. We feel sure this is going to be very helpful and inspiring to all the Clubs, for meetings are held for the discussion of Club .methods and subjects of general interest, and as the members of the various Clubs meet, and know each other better, all will be helped, and by uniting in this way, they will become more and more a power in the State.




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Club Motto-“Help to make the world better.”

This club has just closed a carnival which, considering the hindrances in the shape of continued bad weather counter attractions, etc., was very successful. Of the four afternoons and evenings during which it was held, there was only one evening when the weather was pleasant, for the rest although the beautiful little hall was elaborately decorated and the cafe stocked with “good things” to eat, the rain snow and sleet were the obstacles which prevented the public from enjoying these features in large numbers.

In spite of the storm, however, Children’s Day found the hall well filled with happy youngsters and admiring parents. Those who braved the storm were amply repaid, for there are few prettier sights than that of children dancing.

Some of the features of the Carnival was the sale of home-made bread, pies and cakes, of household articles and implements, delicious home-made tonics, hot chocolate and the exquisite cups in which it was served. Besides these there were the usual features in tables for aprons, flowers, fancy goods and an especially attractive tissue paper table. No pains were spared to make the carnival a great success and had the weather been favorable the sum cleared above the great expense would have been much larger.

Other leagues may find in this rather detailed account some suggestions which may be used to their advantage.

The club meets bi-monthly, the first meeting each month being devoted to business, the next six meetings are arranged, the literature, the temperance, and the civics committee will each provide for a meeting with appropriate speakers.


J. Silone Yates

What Prominent Women have to say

The WOMEN’S ERA believes that the time is ripe for a convention of the colored women of the country to agitate thesubject [sic] the subject. It proposes to publish the views of influential women on the subject.

The letters below are in answer to the following questions.

I. Do you favor a convention of the colored women’s clubs, eagues [sic] leagues and societies?

2. What in your opinion is the most available place and time for such a congress?

3. State why you do or do not favor a convention.

Organization or military advance is the first step in nation making, the first step in any progessive [sic] progressive movement; hence we hail with delight the growth of the club movement among colored women. It is a sign of mental activity and should be conducted with well defined aims and from broad platforms.

How can these aims be properly defined, discuseed [sic] discussed and incorporated into a general organization which shall reach the hearts of the race, east, west, north and south, unless it is brought about by calling a congress of women of nobility of soul and of wide experience in practical affairs?

By all means let us have a congress of colored women at some time in the near future to give solidity, unity of purpose, national character, and other requisites of success necessary to a movement so broad and far reaching as a race organization should be.

As to the place of meeting, we favor Chicago because of its central location.

Organization of the kind suited to our present needs should be national to be effective; should be national to develop harmony of ideas and unity of purpose.

The W.C.T.U. owes its value to its national character, to its thorough system of organization, to its clearly defined purposes. The same may be said of the chautauqua Circle, of the Christian Endeavor Society, and numerous other examples which might be given to illustrate the point in question,

J. SILONE YATES, Pres. Woman’s League

In answer to your question regarding the holding of a congress of the colored women’s leagues I heartily approve of the suggestion. I am of the opinion that great good would result from an interchange of ideas as to how we could best accomplish the more lasting results of the Work each league is engaged in. By understanding the object of each league’s work, I believe we could so harmonize our efforts that it might be uniform throughout the country and much good result therefrom. To the second question I beg to reply in favor of Chicago as the place and the month of August as the time for holding the Congress. You will pardon me for naming Chicago, however, I am convinced there is not another place in the United States that affords its good facilities for the meeting as the great convention city of America. We have a Woman’s Club here with a membership of more than 200 ladies all enthusiastic in all matters pertaining to the elevation of woman and the good of the race in general. The scope Of our work is unlimited, and it would afford us great pleasure to have the opportunity of greeting and entertaining the noble women of our race in the first grand congress of colored women.

I think the ladies would gain inspiration by breathing the free air, and mingling with the broadminded women of Chicago. If our city is elected I think we will be able to give evidence of our appreciation of the honor. Trusting that my humble opinion may in it measure harmonize with the grand idea advanced by you, I am

Yours fraternally,

R.E. Moore. Pres “Woman’s Club,” Chicago Ill.

I like the idea of a Congress of the Colored Womens’ Leagues and clubs. I favor it to such extent that I would urge it among our women. My experience in association work hardly entities me to offer a suggestion as to the time and place of such a convention. I really think with the Women’s Era in its opinion.

Concerning the Washington League under Mrs. Cooper’s splendid leadership, so far as I know at this time, the most general opinion is that Philadelphia is centrally located, thus convenient to all.

August, in any judgment, is for several reasons the best time for holding conventions. I favor a Congress, first because I believe it would arouse the interest, and center the attention of our women in common, which will lead to not only an interest generally, but a deeply rooted local pride in the matter of organization and this practical support of the same. The interchange of the views of thoughtful women as to the needs of the home will prove not only instructive, in itself, but will lead to, or should lead to the general adoption of a broad plan or method of action, Organization among our women is, practically speaking in the experimental stage, to the average woman–conservative, refined educated woman–the formation of associations for the avowed purpose of the advancement of race interest, is handicapped by a certain lack of precedence and unfortunately enveloped in uncertainty as to method–so much so that there is a marked disposition among them to consider the movement as one embracing many difficulties, and are inclined to stand off and see to what degree of success the originators of the club movement will attain, prudence is to be commended always, but it is wise to consider the adage.

“In the absence of the best, the worst will prevail” and as the various organizations are permanently organized, it behoves [sic] behooves those to whom light is given to think for the future, and assist in the matter of establishing a high standard, in the very beginning, a Congress would ventilate for good all such views–therefore if I have any voice at all I raise it to hope that the WOMEN’S ERA will agitate the matter. By all means let us have a congress.

Sincerely yours,

MRS. W.R. MATTHEWS, Pres. Woman’s Loyal Union, New York.

Just at this stage of the higher activity among colored women, I knew of nothing that would prove more stimulating than a congress of their clubs. Unfortunately the beginnings of their club work are still so unimportant to any but themselves that, the great medium of intercourse, the newspapers, does not bring them to acquaintance with each other. Little bands here and there are trying each in its own way, to lift those that can reach to a higher plain. But as yet the colored women workers are missing the sympathy, the encouragement, the larger wisdom that comes from intercourse with others who are pushing on towards the same ideal. If the WOMEN’S, ERA Had expired the first issue would yet have set the ball rolling toward what seems to me the next effective move for progression, the fellowship of Colored Women’s Clubs, and Boston as the place. I choose Boston for the reason that I know of no other city where the attitude of the press and that of the general public would be as respectful; nor where the impressiveness of such a gathering would receive such recognition.

May we have a congress with all its means of mental strengthening, to say nothing of the quickening influence of the hand-clasp, and a look into the faces of the women who are striving to realize the same ideals.

MARIA L. BALDWIN, Vice Pres. Women’s Era Club.


An interesting fact concerning the Chicago Club is that no membership fees are received; in spite of this, the club carries on work requiring money and has never yet been hampered for want of it.

Miss Baldwin, one of the vice presidents of the WOMAN’S ERA is also a member of the celebrated Cantabrigia, which numbers nearly four hundred and includes in its membership all of the many distinguished ladies of Cambridge.

Miss Baldwin has twice appeared before this club, the first time with a paper on, “The true hold of the poet on the people,” this paper had the fine intellectual tone which charaterizes [sic] characterizes everything Miss Baldwin writes, and was enthusiastically received by Cantabrigad.

Providence R.I. has fallen into line and announces a new woman’s club.– The WOMAN’S ERA.

Some of the topics for discussion at the Working Girls Convention to be held in Boston, May 9th, 10th, and 11th:

What are clubs doing in developing the spiritual, and moral?

Influence of clubs on the home and the neighborhood,

Clubs in relation to the community.

Relative advantages of large and small clubs.

Club finances.

Best methods of filling the treasury.

Are too many women entering business?

“Pin-money” workers.

Massachusetts is to have a Woman’s Club House for the use of all women’s clubs.

What Mrs. Jennie C. Croly says of the club movement generally is applicable to the movement among our women.

Newspapers are just waking up to the importance of the woman’s club movement, not only in the cities, but throughout the country, and the extent to which it is revolutionizing the social life everywhere, for men as well as for women. Heretofore an occasional paragraph was all the many newspapers thought fit to bestow upon a movement which marks a new departure in the life of women, and an enlargement in their mental horizon, such as it has never before known.

“As late as five years ago, before Sorosis held its first club convention, the woman’s club was still isolated, as women had been. They knew not each other, their strength nor their weakness. They grew by simultaneous impluse [sic] impulse, by heresay [sic] hearsay, by club women being transferred from one soil to another, and carrying with them the seeds of the plant that had flourished in the place whence they came. Within this brief time women’s dubs have multiplied ten to one.

The Richmond Charitable Union a large and flourishing society organized with the specific object of buying or building a home for Aged and infirm colored women of the city of Richmond, Va. is officered as follows: Mrs. N. M. Robinson, Pres.; Miss. P. R. Anderson, Sect.; Mrs. N. Wallace, Asst. Sect. Mrs. D. E. Moore, Tres.

It is hoped for a fuller report of the good work being done by this vigorious [sic] vigorous association for our next issue.

The Woman’s Era Club will hold a childrens’ May Festival to be followed by a dance in the evening for the older people.

The women of Norfolk and Berkeley, Va.; incited and encouraged by the published reports of the women’s clubs are organizing and it is expected from the enthusiasm displayed that some of the most interesting letters in the future will be from that section.

Miss Ednorah Nahar will give a childrens’ cantata at Charles tSreet [sic] Street Church on Tuesday the 29th of May.

Our readers and club women will be interested in the letters from two more flourishing clubs that of the “Women’s Club” of Chicago which numbers two hundred and which seems to be infused with the energy and enterprises characteristic of that city and the Sierra Leone Club of Lawrence, Kansas. This latter is comparatively small in membership but, has a reputation as a power for good far outside of its own neighborhood. The Chicago letter unfortunately came too late for our last number that, however, will not prevent it being read with interest in this issue.

In the future THE WOMAN’S ERA will be supplied to clubs, leagues and societies at the rate seven cents a copy to be sold by them for ten cents.

Only clubs taking one hundred copies will be entitled to an advertisement.

Clubs are entitled to commission on subscription sent in their name. Letters from clubs for publication and financial returns must be made on or before the 18th of each month.

Money should be made payable to THE WOMAN’S ERA and should be forwarded by registered letter, draft, check or post office order to the office, 185 Cambridge street, Boston, Mass.



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Domestic science.

Ellen Bartelle Deitrick

The first lesson that science teaches in any department of the vast realm of wisdom is that we must begin with one thing, done thoroughly, and learn to labor long and wait patiently for even small fruition. An experiment in domestic science started, apparently, under the most highly favorable conditions, in Cambrige [sic] Cambridge some years ago, came to utter grief and failure from lack of learing [sic] learning this first lesson. The ambitious experimenters started a co-operative store for groceries, a co-operative bakery, and a co-operative laundry, all at the same time, and with no previous experience of such undertaking among their members. Naturally, their enterprises were soon wrecked upon the rocks of their own utter inexperience. And yet there is no reason in the world why any one of the three, adventured alone, might not have gone on to brilliant perpetuation. You are, possibly, all familiar with the history of the 28 poor weavers in England, who, just fifty years ago, clubbed together to buy their own tea and sugar at a wholesale shop in order to get a better quality at a less price than they could obtain at retail groceries. Each one saved a little out of his weekly wages until they jointly accumulated enought [sic] enough cash to buy one chest of tea and one hogshead of sugar. Then each one bought from this common stock, paying cash for it and giving the same price charged at the retail groceries. When they reckoned up account before re-investing they found they had made for themselves a handsome profit, in fact they had saved the profit they had formerly given to the corner grocer, and had also had a much better quality of tea and sugar. As the news spread, the enterprise grew; other laborers joined them; as their profits accumulated they began to buy other things in the same way, bread, wheat, and clothing then others, and still others, until to-day that society, called the Rochdale Pioneers, has become a vast concern carrying on a yearly business of much over a million dollars.

The full history of the working of this wonderful enterprise is well worth careful study, for it is one of the most encouraging recitals of what may be accomplised [sic] accomplished from humble beginnings to be found in human experience. There are now, altogether, 1,120 of these co-operative societies in Great Britain, with over a million of members and whose joint-stock capital, or savings, together amounts to about 35,000,000 of dollars. Is not this indeed a tall oak to grow from such a little acorn as the saving of enough to buy a little tea and sugar? Now I see no reason why the women of Boston shonld [sic] should not, in some such fashion, start and build up a cooperative laundry.

It is true that co-operativ [sic] co-operative labor would be more difficult than co-operative buying, but bright minds have overcome greater obstacles than that.

But, meanwhile, the domestic science department of this club may find a much-needed work ready prepared for their hands; And that is to make an organized, persistent effort to have domestic science taught to girls from ten years of age and upward, in the schools of this locality. When we reflect what careful preparation is now deemed necessary in order to teach teachers how to teach, we would not wonder that so large a number of mothers who have domestic knowledge themselves but are not trained in the art of teaching, do not know how to successfully train their own daughters. And when we reflect upon how many mothers themselves do not even have a high grade of knowledge of any kind, we need not wonder that thousands of girls are now growing up in ignorance of this most vital science. Undoubtedly, what could be taught in the schools would be but an outline and a beginning, and foundation to build on in the future, but even this foundation of domestic science would be well worth all the time and trouble that might be spent in procuring its establishment, and it would be a great credit to the WOMAN’S ERA could this be acheived [sic] achieved through their endeavor. If possible it would be well to have such scientific traning [sic] training given equally to boys and to girls, for such teaching would have a moral result, as well as technical value, in teaching boys to properly estimate what they are now apt to scorn as inferior work merely because they deem it women’s work. To the true scientist no work is inferior work though there may be reasons why persons of great capacity should leave certain kinds to be done by those of less varied capability, but there is no question that our life is richer if we have sometime each tried our own hand at every branch of human labor within reach of our experiment. The woman who has never herself actually performed any of the duties of the household is at as great a disadvantage as the manuufacturer [sic] manufacturer who has never performed any part of the labor of a manufacturing business. As I have before stated, I believe in division of labor, and I think all household labor will be better, done when women evolve some plan by which cooking may be done by a highly skilled and scientific cook, laundering by an equally accomplihsed [sic] accomplished laundress and general cleaning by another expert specially trained for this branch of work, just as in a manufacturing establishment, one was a fireman, another engineer, another book-keeper, and so on. But many of the richest manufacturers in the country are now requiring their sons to begin at the bottom of the business ladder, as humble workmen in their father’s or some other person’s factory, learning the work of every department by actually doing the work. Just so, I think young women should begin to learn domestic science by going through every operation from cleaning stoves and building fires, to the artistic arrangement of a parlor. I have myself gone through every step of such discipline, and for no amount of money would I part with the feeling of independence, that has come from possession of thi [sic] the practical knowledge concerning every branch of labor that can be carried on in a household. It seems as if every person who can hold a brush ought to know how to scrub a pine table or floor. Imagine then my astonishment when the domestic scientist who was my instructor proved to me that the way I imagined it should be done was of all others the worst way. I wonder how many present have learned that an unpainted wooden

table can only be kept in its most beautiful state of whiteness when scrubbed with cold water? It was, at any rate, a revelation to me, who had supposed grease could only be extracted by the use of the hottest of hot water. In one of the classes which I attended was a mother of a family, over 40 years of age, who had never before learned the scientific mode of building a fire. She was as delighted as a child with a new toy when she finally knew how to go successfully through every step of this process, from cleaning the grate, to properly laying the kindling, and putting on coal so there could be no failure. One housekeeper in this class discovered that $2 worth of prepared kindling wood could be saved each month in the kitchen, simply by a scientific use of kindling, to say nothing of the saving of comfort and increase of pleasure which came from having the process quickly and correctly performed.


So it is all through the various ramifications of household science. The average woman actually knows so little that she has not yet discovered how much there is that she does NOT know. To spread the divine discontent with such igorance [sic] ignorance, to open up new opportunities for gaining household knowledge, to exalt the high calling of the maker of homes–such is the noble work which I hope is to receive fresh impetus from the domestic science branch of the WOMAN’S ERA.

Health and Beauty from Exercise.

Mary P. Evans

Two important reasons exist for taking physical exercise. Health depends upon it and it strengthens body, mind and face, and beautifies them.

The person who takes no exercise, who performs no physical labor, who does not develop the muscles of the body, is, as a rule, weaker, less healthy, and more apt to contract diseases, than is the person who by physical exercise strengthens and develops the muscles.

Fortunate indeed is the girl endowed with beauty, grace and mind. She is a power, an influential centre around which constantly revolve opportunities for usefulness. These three are mutually dependent. The cultivation of one alone is done at the expense of the other two. And only by developing all does the well balanced, well proportioned and strong woman result. Very often the homeliest faced girl may obtain this proportion by regulated exercise and study. There is no royal road to a graceful, elegant body, as there is not to a cultured mind. health results. [sic] ?

If the muscles of the back are weak and unable to keep it erect and to hinder a cramping of the abdominal organs, curvature or crookedness will result, and worse still, the spinal column will be weakened, and all or very many of the nervous diseases which come from a weak spine will follow as well as general debility, and the worse forms of nervous irritability.

Many people not born beautiful may become so by physical exercise, proper habits and mental and moral development. A beautiful face with a weak, unhealthy body is all object of pity, A strong, active mind burdened with such a body loses much of its power and usefulness. While a sound, healthy body without grace and uncontrolled by refinement and intelligence makes its owner but a little better than any other healthy animal.

If sufficient exercise is not taken, respiration, or breathing, is poor, and, as a result, the elastic wall of the chest is either not fully expanded or becomes abnormally contracted. The lungs from this cause are unable to supply the blood with oxygen, the great blood purifier, and consequently the surest means for disease of heart and lungs follow.

If the muscles of the abdomen are neglected and left undeveloped, they cannot aid in strengthening digestion and breathing. By digestion blood is formed from the food we eat, and if digestion is poor, the formation of healthy blood is hindered; and if the breathing is not strong and good, the blood is not purified, and bad [sic] health results. To acquire either requires hard, earnest work, much industry and courage.

A face was never made permanently beautiful by cosmetics. Wholesome, healthy beauty is from within. It cannot be secured by any system of veneer. Strong, sound lungs, healthy muscles and easy, graceful limbs cannot develop when confined in stays and girdles. The mind surrounded by narrow and bad influences becomes dwarfed and weakened. The soul which is broadened by contact with other souls, which feeds on noble thoughts, is quickened by noble deeds and aids in making the weak strong, and better and happier, will soften and often make beautiful the hard, unchiseled, and irregular lines of the homeliest face. Both body and soul must have room in which to grow and neither must be poisoned or weakened by drugs or evil surroundings.

Before speaking of the kind of exercise to be taken something must be said about food, ventilation of living rooms, dress and bathing.

Food makes blood and blood makes flesh and muscle. The better suited the food, the better will be the blood, the flesh and the muscle. Any food which weakens the digestive organs ought to be avoided. Too much greasy and highly spiced or very rich food is a great enemy to good digestion. Generally speaking, plain wholesome food which can be easily digested, and which contains sufficient nutriment, is the food which ought to he eaten at regular intervals.

The juices of meats contain the best nutrition, and meats, beef, veal and fish, lose their value as food in proportion to the destruction of this nutrition by boiling and salting. Milk and eggs are eas- (Continued on page 15.)

ily digested and good food, as are wheat, rice, potatoes, turnips, beets. carrots, parsnips and fruit. Chocolate or cocoa powdered and mixed with water or milk heated to the boiling point is refreshing and highly nutritious. All these foods are more or less valuable as blood and strength producers as they are properly or improperly prepared and eaten. The time of eating must be regular and the amount of food at each meal must be neither too much nor too little. As a general rule for an active person two and a half pounds of solid food and three pints of liquid food and three pints of water make a day’s allowance.


The tone, the health and life of the human body are dependent upon the blood. And the health, the strength and life-giving quality of the blood depend upon the food we eat and the air we breathe. Air is mainly composed of nitrogen and oxygen, four parts of the former and one part of the-latter, And when air is deprived of its oxygen it will not support human life. And each time that the same air passes through the lungs it loses a part of its oxygen. The blood starts from the heart fresh and pure and strong. It goes through the arteries to various parts of the body, deposits its nutrition or flesh making qualities, and then goes back through the veins to the heart again. On its return before reaching the heart, it passes through the lungs and exchanges the carbonic acid gas which it has gathered in going about the body, and which will not support animal life, for oxygen, which is necessary to the support of animal life.

If the blood does not exchange its carbonic acid gas for orygen [sic] oxygen when it goes through the lungs on its way back to the heart, it becomes sluggish, loses its tone and health and instead of carrying nutrition and health and life to all parts of the body, it carries poison and we quickly see the result in pale faces, physical weakness, nervousness, depressed spirits, sallow complexions, weak minds and stunted growth.

How different is the result of vigorous blood, full of oxygen and life. The person who breathes fresh air, not air already breathed by himself or other persons once or many times, will grow up strong, ruddy, active, with healthy body, skin and brain; and in condition for the very best physical and mental work.

Too much emphasis cannot be put upon the necessity for an abundance of pure, fresh air in the sleeping room, the sitting room, the school room, concert hall, lecture room, sick room, and wherever time is spent. Wearing apparel, bedding, rugs, carpets, and indeed every thing that can hold disease germs ought to be thoroughly aired each day.

Dressing is a matter of taste as well as health. One of the most satisfactory evidences of the progress of women is seen in the change from a style of tight lacing and tight dressing which cause the body to grow out of natural symmetry and grace, for a style of easy, comfortable and sensible dressing which allows the limbs to have free play and gives the blood a chance to circulate and flow to all parts of the body. Lacing and tight waists compress the liver and stomach and interfere with the movements of the diaphragm; this often causes headache, dyspepsia, shortness of breath, womb disease, weak back and many, many aches and pains. Women are beginning to learn that it is better to dress for health than for style, and, that the best dressing is that which aids and does not hinder healthy growth.

When taking physical exereise [sic] exercise the dress should be light and loose, and so made that the limb can have free and easy play in all directions.

Any rule regulating bathing must be elastic. Too much bathing is as dangerous as too little is bad. Frequent cold water sponge baths properly taken are among the best aids to good health because they strengthen the skin and keep it free from the impurities which the body is constantly trying to throw off through the pores. The best time for the bath is immediately after rising because the body is then rested and the circulation is at the best. Bathing immediately before or after a meal should be avoided because the rubbing removes the blood from the stomach to the surface. Care must be taken to avoid the shock to a delicate organization given by cold water. Begin with the tepid bath and gradually work up to cold water. All vigorous physical exercise should be followed by a bath to remove the impurities brought to the surface, avoiding a bath while the body is too heated. Take it after the heart has begun to beat normally and follow it with brisk rubbing with a coarse towel.




The WOMAN’S ERA, as the organ of the colored women’s clubs, has a large circulation in many of the large cities, notably Boston, New Bedford, Providence, New York, Chicago, Washington and Kansas City.

The Literary, Musical and Domestic Departments are under the control of competent writers and crit s [sic] critics.

With its large circulation among women, and particularly among women of the refined and educated classes, it offers peculiar advantages to advertisers of household articles, wearing apparel, books, magazines, musical instruments, and so forth.

Its rates are exceedingly liberal. Try it, and you will not regret it.


A series of accidents which would have been ridiculous had they not been so nearly tragic, befell our last issue after going to press; our paper was consequently delayed in appearance for several days. This is deeply regretted by us and we feel that we must apologize to the many kind friends, who have received this venture with so much sympathy and enthusiasm. In spite of its late appearance and rather too frequent typographical errors, we think that we are justified in speaking of the many compliments upon the appearance of our pape [sic] paper received by us. “Blowing one’s own horn,” vulgar as we consider it, is considered by many in this day and time, legitimate business. We have no intention, however, of indulging in this all too common pastime, but in the face of the almost eloquent silence with which our paper has been received by contemporaries, we feel that we must speak and express our gratitude for the enthusiastic personal endorsement received by us. For the rest, good work tells; we appeal to and expect to be supported by the strongest women of the country, women who will appreciate a high class paper and recognize one when seen.


The growth and development of women’s clubs is little less than marvelous; thinking people who at first gave little attention to the movement, have been forced to stop and seriously consider the meaning of such an uprising. Organized woman is showing herself to be a tremendous power, and happily a power almost without exception for good.

In the general movement, the colored women of America have felt the quickening influence and are responding nobly. Washington, New York, Kansas City, Boston, Chicago, New Bedford, Providence, and Lawrence can all boast clubs of women organized for mutual improvement and for good works. The impulse and general plan of work of each of these leagues is the same, and yet, each adapts its work to the special needs of its members and its community, that this is so, shows the spontaneity and value of the movement.

This organization of colored women means much; through it our women are brought more closely in touch with the world and the great questions of the day; by organization, not only are their own minds and talents strengthened and developed, but they are enabled to give a helping hand to those less favored; through it the inspiration of congeniality is felt, besides this each organization is a strong factor for the general elevation of the race.

A certain independence of action in the leagues is admirable, but still, even here the power of organization should be recognized and used, a general interest in each other’s work is not enough to gain the greatest power. To do the most good the leagues should be united to a certain degree.

The especial work of this paper, is the binding together of our women’s clubs, to give a knowledge of the aims and works of each to help in every way their growth and advancement and bring the colored women together in great and powerful organization for the growth and progress of the race. To this end the WOMAN’S ERA urges the holding of a conventionr [sic] convention.


In his very admirable and searching address delivered in this city, April 16th, judge Albion W. Tourgee proposed as a remedy to prevent the lynching of colored people at the South, that the country where lynchings occur be compelled by law to pension the wife and children of the murdered man. This, he said would make murder costly and in self defense the local authorities would put a stop to it. At first blush, this is an attractive suggestion. But why not hang the murderers? Why make a distinction between the murderers of white men and the murderers of colored men? If the punishment for murder is hanging why hang the murderer in one case and in the other let the murderer go free and exact of the county a fine? If an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is the rule in one case why should it not be the rule in the other case? No, the truth is this, nothing is to be expected from the South. The colored people must look to the general government. It has a right to their services and lives in time of war. They have a right to its protection certainly in time of peace. It is idle to say that it must leave to state governments the protection of the lives of its citizens. Why not leave to state governments the punishment

of counterfeiters? If the United States government can protect money, the property of its citizens against destruction at the hands of the counterfeiter, it can protect the owners of the property against loss of life at the hands of the murderer. It is an astounding proposition that a great nation is powerful enough to stop white moonshines [sic] moonshiners from making whiskey but is unable to prevent the moonshiners or any one else from murdering its citizens. It can protect corn but cannot protect life. It can prevent the sale of tobacco unless the seller pays a revenue to the government but it cannot protect its citizens at any price. It can go to war, spend millions of dollars and sacrifice thousands of lives to avenge the death of a naturalized white citizen slain by a foreign government on foreign soil, but cannot spend a cent to protect a loyal, native-born colored American murdered without provocation by native or alien in Alabama. Shame on such a government! The administration in power is particeps criminis with the murderers. It can stop lynching, and until it does so, it has on its hands the innocent blood of its murdered citizens.



Whatever difference of opinion may exist as to the manner in which the telling blows of judge Tourgee were given in his recent Boston speech, all will agree that they were effective -in stirring up healthy discussion and even warm controversy among good friends of the cause he came to advocate. It is however only the old difference of means to a desired end. The methods of the christian soldier appeal most to one side, while those of the earnest student into cause and effect impress the other. Who shall say which is doing most? All kinds of methods are needed to be tried to meet the infinite varity [sic] variety of objections to the human rights of the negro in this country. In their different ways both Judge Tourgee and Wm. Loyd Garrison are conscientiously playing their parts and both are proven friends of the needy negro. In the intense earnestness for the cause that absorbs him, that courageous champion Albion Tourgee rides rough shod to his mark. He wields a free lance and cuts right and left in placing the responsibility for the continued lawlessness of the South on the people of the North, black and white, for their apathy and indifference. Individuals churches and other organization, all came in for a share of the scathing rebuke of this wounded martyr to the cause of exact justice. If the words uttered by this man with a mission blunt and forceable as they were, shall prove effective in injecting some of his self-sacrificing ardor into the young man who now contents himself with only criticism of the ways and means used by those who are doing the work and bearing the odium of this unpopular cause, then may we hope for a speedy recognition of the futility of mere talk in the vindication of his race manhood. Let him show his credentials for something contributed worthy the seriousness of the situation.

Membership in the Citizens’ Rights Association should be the smallest receipt accepted of any colored person, man or woman for the privilege of citisizing [sic] criticizing those who are showing their faith by their works.



The milk prepared by the Boston Condensed Milk Co., is KNOWN to be a fine article.

Members of the club and readers generally are asked to patronize this firm.

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splendid Premium Offers.

By special arrangement with the Boston Training School of Music, the Woman’s Era is enabled to offer the following splendid premiums which offer we venture to say is unprecedented.

First Premium.

READ. To the one who obtains the rgest [sic] largest number of subfcribes [sic] subscribes, over one hundred, within the next six months we will give one year’s tuition either in voice, violin, piano, or harmony and counter, point at the above-named school.

Second Premium.

For the second highest number of subscribers in the next six months we will offer a term at the Martha’s Vineyard Summer Institute for the summer of ’94 with instruction either in music, art, literature, elocution, oratory or short-hand and type-writing,

Third Premium.

For the three children over nine years of age, first obtaining fifty subscribers for us, a year’s instruction on piano. This is for beginners.

Fourth Premium.

To all contestants failing to gain the premiums we will give a commission of twenty-five per cent.

The Boston Training School of Music takes a specialty of the training of teachers of music, it is a school of the highest grade and for these reasons and because this school has made no distinction on account of race, the management of this paper has selected it for its premium offers. The number of young people ho [sic] who come to Boston for a musical education increases yearly; through these premiums it is hoped to give a helping hand to worthy aspirants.

A course in piano, voice, violin, theory or harmony and counter point at the fiest [sic] finest school of ts [sic] its kind in the country.

For futher [sic] further particulars address the

WOMEN’S ERA, St. Augustine’s Trad [sic] Trade Schools, North Grove street, Boston Mass.



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Miss Medora Gould

The Chautauquan for October last contains an articled entitled “The Southern Negro Women,” by Olive Ruth Jefferson. Although several months have elasped [sic] elapsed since its publication, it is worthy of special mention in a journal devoted to the interests of colorod wemen [sic] colored women.

Miss Jefferson says very truly that the soul of civilization is incarnate in womankind, and the type finally assumed by any race of people can be best prophesied by a careful stndy [sic] study of its superior womanhood. She advocates that the Negroes have an unquestioned right to all the opportunities of American citizenship, and speaks of what the Negro woman has endured through unknown centuries of paganism, and more than two centuries of bondage. She states that there are certain qualities that uniformly appear in the Negro women of the better sort. Among these she names the genius of good manners, a prodigious capacity for hard work, a boundless love for childhood and homemaking, and a natural love for the beautiful. The entire article is very encouraging, and cannot help but elevate Negro womanhood in the minds of all who may read it.

The old saying that “A prophet is not without honor save in his own country,” does not apply to Jndge [sic] Judge Tourgee. Althongh [sic] Although not a native of North Carolina, he has been so long identified with that state that it is practically his home. And that he is not without honor is evidenced by the universal esteem and veneration with which he is regarded by the colored people of Greenboro and vicinity. He is unvariably referred to as a friend and benefactor of those persons with whom he has come in contact during his residence there, and they take great pride in pointing out his home to strangers.

Judge Tourgee possesses a thorough knowledge of human nature and sees clearly the motives that actuate men, and the causes that produce effects and events. He has, moreover, a genuine symphathy [sic] sympathy for the oppressed, and that deep insight into character which classifies and discriminates between the individuals of a race that, is generally treated as a whole. Many of the characters of his early volumes are still living in the vicinity of his home, and the thrilling incidents related by him, are corroborated by the participants.

George W. Cable’s new novel, “John March, Southerner,” which is being published in serial form in Scribner’s Magazine, deals with the same period of time as does several of Judge Tourgee’s novels, the period of Reconstruction. These years, immediately following the close of the war, will furnish a subject for the novelist, the historian, the philosopher and the statesman for many years to come.

There is a revival of interest in Napoleon that is phenomenal in its extent and intensity. A distinguished Frenchman has remarked that “Napoleon has again hypnotised the French people.” The Century will shortly publish a history of his life which contains much new materal [sic] material furnished by lately discovered manuscripts and the latest developments of research. Thus far no history has appeared in either England or France that is wholly without malice, and which conforms to the laws of historical criticism. A full statement of his carrer [sic] career, and its effect on subsequent history can be best written by an American whose judgement would be uninfluenced by partizanship [sic] partisanship.

Although the reading of light novels may be a frivolous waste of time, and if carried to excess positively harmful, yet a wholesome light story is both refreshing and restful, epecially [sic] especially to those whose reading is in the line of study. It paints a picture that quickly fades into indistinctness, but leaves behind a pleasant impression. A few light novels wisely interposed between serious study, break the current of habitual thought and invite a return to more normal and less strained conditions of mind. They who can take the novel of the day for what it is worth and make the right use of it, have learned that the mind needs recreation as truly as the body needs exercise. But this is a good habit that can very easily become a bad one.

At a recent meeting of Sorosis the question was discussed whether fairy stories should be told to children. Many were of the opinion that they did more harm than good; yet there were many who made a strong plea for them. It seems a pity that childhood should be robbed of its fondest delusions, but the children who in this practical age really believe in faries [sic] fairies are few indeed. In the case of a nervous child who would be haunted in the dark by visions of unfriendly imaginary folks, the harm might be averted if the storyteller would take pains to impress upon the mind of the little one that it was all “only make-believe.”

In reading the Literary Passions of Mr. Howells, one cannot help but notice at what an early age he was reading the best literature. This seems to be true of most of the men who became eminent in afterlife. We find The Pilgrim’s Progress and Fox’s Book of Martyrs among the first books read by several of our leaders in thouht ;g [sic] thought; books that the youth of today find far from interesting or entertaining reading. This may be due not so much to the difference in taste, as to the fact that entertaining reading matter is much more easily obtained now than it was earlier in the century. And since the best literature can be obtained as easily as that of an inferior quality it is the duty of every one to see that young people read the best from the beginning.

The millions who reverence the name of William Lloyd Garrison will heartily welcome the story of his life as told by his children. It is published in four volumes by Houghton Mifflin & Co.


Leslie Wilmot


Last month I said a few words to you about the importance of reading, and now I will tell you of a reading club in which I om [sic] am interested.

A half dozen girls formed a reading class for mutual improvement. They were not particularly interested in any one subject, but thought the hours spent in desultory reading might be made prufitable [sic] profitable as well as pleasurable.

They agreed to meet once a fr tnigh [sic] fortnight to discuss whatever work they migh [sic] might have read in the meantime.

The first book assigned, was “The Scarlet Letter” because it is classed as one of, if not the very best, of novels. Copies of the Salem Edition of the

book were purchased for the small sum of eighteen cents and each member of the class read it before the initial meeting.


At that meeting, one read a short sketch of the life of Nathaniel Hawthorne; another, an article on Brook Farm Community; whilst others read short impressions of different characters in the story.

Fortunately, at that time Richard Mansfield was playing at one of the leading, theatres, and “The Scarlet Letter” was in his repertore [sic] repertoire. The girls attended the play and although the story, being the history of a hnman [sic] human heart, is absolutely incapable of being adequately dramatized, still the times, in which the tale is located, are accurately portrayed by the drama in question.

When the book was discussed, we had various opinions on its merits. (I think young people are perhaps after all the truest critics. They are not apt to be biased by the opinions of this or that eminent writer, and go at once to the root of the matter for themselves.)

One girl could see no reason why it should be classed among the great novels. She thought it morbid and dull, showing, evidently, she preferred mere narrative to minute dissections of a human conscience. Another girl could find no words to equal her admiration for this really fine book and read extract after extract of the best passages.

The paper on Brook Farm led to a discussion on communities in general, and the club decided to devote some time to searching for information on that subject.

Some of the books suggested for reading were Plato’s “Ideal Republic,” Sir Thomas Moore’s “Utophia [sic] Utopia,” Bulwers Lytton’s “Coming Race,” Bellamy’ “Looking Backwards,” Life of Laurence Oliphant,” “The Oneida Community,” and a visit was planned for the coming summer, to the Shaker settlement a few miles from our city.

The members decided to read at least one half-hour each day or pay a small fine for every day omitted. The money was to be used in purchasing new books.

At the second meeting, “Adam Bede,” by George Elliot was discussed.

Each member reported not only having read the required time, but so interested had they become in the work on hand, that they had spent a great deal of time in the libraries.

One read a paper on George Elliot’s two marriages; another, on George Lewes’ life and works; still, another read extracts from George Elliot’s “Life and Letters” by Cross, her second husband.

These papers were crude, faulty and perhaps anything but well written, but they aimed only to give information for if ‘reading makes the full man’ certainly ‘writing makes the exact one.’

An article on “Dinah” brought up the subject of women as preachers. Much was said pro and con on the subject and finally, the club decided to subscribe to “The Woman’s Column” so that they might know what women were doing everywhere.

Time nor space will not allow me to report each meeting but enough has been said to show the plan of the work in which this class is engaged.

During the winter among the works read and discussed were “Romola,” “Life of Savanola,” Auerbach’s “On the Height,” “Henry Esmond” “Life of Thackeray,” and Prof. Horsford’s “Norumbega.”

A marked improvement was noted in the papers submitted to the club, some of them reaching the dignity of being considered well written essays and accepted as such, in their school tasks.




M. Elizabeth Johnson


Among many residents of our large cities who do not pose as or desire to be “au fait” society people and yet who take pleasure in the small enjoyments of calling and entertaining, it is often a problem just how much formality should be regarded by them towards their friends. It is often thought that the simplicity of their mode of living precludes the necessity of conformation to the rigid laws established by Dame Etequette in this particular; at least, it is so thought for a time, but eventually comes the interruption just in the midst of some important household duty too, that makes us realize that the inconvenience experienced has been self caused, the root of the evil lying at our own door and being nothing less than the thoughtless, friendly invitation to “call at any time,” accentuated by a more or less added protestation against formality. Now all of us know that strict, rigid formality would mar the pleasure of any friendly call, but there are a few by-laws, the knowledge of which is essential to make any call a pleasure. So, the next time the unwelcome interruption comes, instead of having the usual behind the scene monologue, and each woman knows just how impressive a performance that can be made, suppose we reason with ourselves along the following lines, and see if the observance of a few social laws will not make life smoother.

Each woman should have a certain day or days when she is at home to visitors. This designated on the visiting card is all that is necessary.

Immediate friends who share the privilege of unlimited entree should remember that each day or some part of it, has its duties. That if dinner is served at six, the call for a chat should not come at five minutes of six. That if nusery [sic] nursery duties must be attended to at seven, half past seven is a better hour to call than half past six. In fact it has long ago ceased to be the vogue for even one’s intimate friends to “drop in.” Wisdom, which comes with years, has taught people that no friend is so intimate that there may not be times when she is unwelcome, and one’s dearest and nearest bow to the law which suggests the paying of a visit at a time when one’s friend’s are ready to receive.

If you have planned a certain afternoon to see your friends no announcement of their arrival is necessary. You are simply ready to see them. Be sure and dress ueatly [sic] neatly on such occasions. A house dress consisting of a fancy waist and plain skirt being always in good taste. A tea gown is permissable [sic] permissible but it must not have the appearance of negligie [sic] negligee, and a street dress can be worn with approval.

The custom of serving refreshments is being regarded with disfavor; the at home day is arranged so that one may surely see one’s friends, and these friends come not to dine, but to have a little talk, to announce that one is not forgotten, and then to depart without having caused the hostess any worry or put her to any great expense.

When calling on sick friends, it is not always well to see them; an inquiry is sufficient, or if not too ill the friend might appreciate your good wishes sent to her on your visiting card.

This is only a little talk on some of the more apparent stumbling blocks, large enough to make it worth while to remove them, and therefore gain an equal proportion of comfort and happiness.


Irene Demortie Marion Ridley

The Easter Reception held at Berkley Hall on the evening of the 28th of March, was in every way a success. Excellent music, a good floor and a well arranged order of dances, combined, could not fail to afford a most enjoyable evening to all who participated. Pretty women in pretty growns [sic] gowns and gallant men in conventinal [sic] conventional evening attire, formed a most pleasing picture; and it would indeed be a difficult task to assign the belleship in a gathering where youth, beauty and fashion met the eye at every turn.

Mr. W. H. Hunt of Lawrence Academy, Groton, and Mr. John Hope of Augusta, Ga., now attending Brown University, Providence, spent their Easter vacation in Boston. Mr. Hunt will enter Harvard in the Fall as will also Mr. Frank Codoza of Washington who spent a short time in Boston last summer.

Easter week several informal affairs were given; Thursday evening impromptu dance at Mrs. U. A. Ridley’s, in honor of Miss Alice Smith of Newport; Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brown entertained a few friends at their cozy home in the Highlands; Saturday evening, Miss Georgine Glover gave an informal reception in honor of Miss Alice Smith of Newport.

Despite the inclemency of the weather, the result of the four days’ carnival held by the Woman’s Era Club at Odd Fellow’s Hall, on North Russell Street, was very satisfactory. The Carnival opened on Tuesday, April 10th, with a reception to the clergy, on Wednesday afternoon and evening the Rosebud Tea reception was given. A prettier sight has seldom been witnessed than the one presented on Thursday, Children’s Day. The little ones, daintly [sic] daintily attired, danced, marched, and played games to their hearts’ content. Little Miss Leila Stubbs, a picture in red and white led the march gracefully and well. On Friday evening, the promenade concert was followed by dancing. Little Miss Florence Robinson’s fancy dancing was very prettily done.

The first of the F. M’s Assemblies took place in the Posse Gymnasium on the evening of April 12th, and was a most delightful affair. The Gymnasium, however was not sufficiently lighted, and the pretty gowns did not show off to their best advantage. Fred White’s orchestra never played better. The dance was matronized by Mrs. P.A. Glover and Mrs. W.P. Hare; Miss Mereda Gray acted as floor directress with Misses Hare, Glover and Cuney as aids. The guests included Misses Dosia Marsh, Geraldine Pindell, Miss Libbie Watson, Carrie Patterson, Lillian A. Lewis, Hattie Dabney, and Mabel Grant, Messrs. Edward Glover, Samuel Marsh, J. Percy Bond, William P. Hare, Fred Hemmings, Chas. E. Richardson, W.A. Johnson, Eugene Johnson, P.H. Johnson, Edward Richards. Robert T. Teamoh, W.H. Jackson, George Fletcher, Thaddeus Godwin and Robert Sparrow.

Miss Lillian Lewis goes to Philadelphia May 7th, to attend the biennial congress at which the New England Woman’s Press Association is to be represented. She will remain until the end of the week and will stay at the Metropole.

A new club just started in Boston among the young men, is called the Windemere. They hold weekly meetings and their membership includes, Mr. W.P. Hare, E. Glover, W. Arthur Johnson, Mr. Eugene Johnson, Mr. W. H. Jackson, Mr. Fred Hemmings, Edward Richards and Mr. George Fletcher.

The Gamlecs were to have been entertained by Miss Annie Hare, the week after Easter, but, owing to the F.M. Assembly, it was postponed until a later date.

Mr. W.H. Lewis of Harvard, having undergone a most successful operation upon his nasal member, at the City Hospital has again resumed his studies.

Mr. W.A. Johnson spent a few days in Newport last week.

Miss Rebecca M. Downing has gone to New York for several weeks, after which she will return to Boston for a few days en route to Newport.

Mr. Robert Carter of New Bedford, who has been attending the Medical College in Chicago has fully recovered from his late illness. Dr. Carter who graduated a few weeks ago, has been offered a most remunerative position to practice in the East. He is expected in Boston early next month.

Baby Constance Ridley gained the greatest number of votes in the doll contest at the Woman’s Era Club carnival and was the happy recipient of a very big doll almost twice the size of the owner

The Woman’s Era Club will hold a ehildren’s [sic] children’s May festival to be followed by a dance in the evening for the older people.

Miss Ednorah Nahar will give a childrens’ cantata at Charles Street Church, on Tuesday the 29th of May.

Mrs. Edwin B. Jourdain, of New Bedford who was on a short visit to her mother, Mrs. Octavia Morse was suddenly called home to at tend the funeral of Mr. John Bush whose death on Thursday the 12th, and is much lamented by a host of friends.

Bostonians will hear with regret of the sudden death of Mr. Thomas P. Saunders of Hartford who passed away on Thursday April 12th with heart failure.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Williams of Chelsea are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son.


The annual concert of Mr. Samuel Jameison which was given at Steinert Hall on Wednesday evening, April l8th was the annual success it always is, both artistically and financially. These concerts, which are never widely advertised and therefore take the form of semi-private affairs, attract the most cultivated and critical music lovers; the fact that the audience was as large as usual despite the fact that on the same evening the Handel and Hayden society was giving Elijah in celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the directorship of Carl Zarrahn, attests to the esteem in which Mr. Jameison is held among musical artists and students. Upon this occasion Mr. Jameison was assisted by Mr. Win. Barton Robinson, basso and Mr. J. C. Manning accompanist. The first number on the programme, concert (No. 2) by Saint Saens (two movements) with the orchestral part played by Mr. Manning opened the concert auspiciously. Mr. Jameison interpreted this number with great breath [sic] breadth of style aud [sic] and clean cut techinque [sic] technique, the two magnificent Steinways responding to every demand made on them.

The difficulties of this composition were happily met by the artist and the individuality with which it was rendered made this eminent French composer’s work most enjoyable in the hearing.

Mr. Jameison’s other numbers consisted of a group of compositions by Edward Schutt, Rubinstein and the Rhapsodies Hongroise No. 15 by Liszt.

In all of these Mr. Jameison reflected great credit on himself, never having appeared to better advantage than on this occasion the result of his hard and constant study being always en evidence.

The audience was large and enthusiasic [sic] enthusiastic, and although the colored people present were comparatively few (a fact to be regretted) they represented Boston’s solid social worth and that exclusiveness which is brought out only on rare occasions.

At the Tourgee lecture the other evening Mr. Sydney Woodward sang “The Star Spangled Banner” in his usual acceptable syle, but the sentiment of the Song brought out a scathing rebuke from he [sic] the courageous judge who declared that if there was anything more false and stupid than a white man calling this the land of the free and the home of the brave could be found in a black man doing it. A dead calm fell upon the audience which was suddenly broken by loud applause and laughter.

Mrs. Nellie Brown Mitchell will sing at the Hon. Fred Douglaas lecture at the Peoples’ Church May 10th.

It is rumored that Lucille Saunders who is making quite a hit in the “Maid of Plymouth” given by the Bostonians, is Miss Minnie Saunders daughter of the late Prince Saunders of Hartford Conn.

Mr. McAdoo’s Concert Company is still touring through Australia but contemplates doing Japan and India ere long.

Mrs. Maggie Porter Cole is singing with success in the Bermudes.

The African native choir has appeared in Boston.



Boston Training School


Voice Culture, Piano, Organ, Violin, Guitar, Mandolin, Etc Orchestral Instruments, Theory and Composition.





Condensed Milk Co.’s
Plain condensed (unsweetened) Milk Is the best known food for infants. Best article in the world for a cup of coffee. Sold in jars at the office, 2 1/2 Park Sq., Boston. Delivered three times per week.
I have used the plain condensed milk and found it worked like a miracle in transforming my weak, puny baby into a strong, plump one, after all other foods had failed.
10 Lindall Place, Boston.



Summer School of Music
Martha’s Vineyard Summer Institute,

Four hundred to seven hundred students each season. Lessons in Piano, (practise Clavier Method), Singing, Harmony, Counterpoint and Musical Composition.

Regular Course in Literature, Science and Art.

A strong faculty of Eminent Teachers.

GEORGE H. HOWARD, A. M,, Director of Boston Training School of Music.
20 Music Hall Building,


Loberto Vose Kahamatinie If queens can ever die she died a queen,
so royal was her nature and her deeds
From thought of self her gentle spirit freed,
Ennobled what the world called poor and mean.
Her highest wish her generous acts to screen
From courtier’s idle praise, or friendship’s need.
She heard in vain no tale of want or need.
To Sorrow’s face she brought a smile serene.
And striving thus to do her Master’s will
As days and months and years grew on apace,
Our hearts and lives she did with blessings fill,
Until He called her to a higher place.
O Saint immortal, in thy heavenly sphere
We thank our Father that thou once dwelt here!


Eva Lewis

As soon as she had gone, Mrs Brougham sat down in the armchair to think it over.

The fire burnt low; the kettle boiled dry, and the meat burned to a cinder but still she sat there.

“I might have known it all along,” she soliloquized. “Don’t he always go to the office past Jane Myrtle’s cottage. To be sure it is the shortest way, but John never used to mind a walk, and then he said he had to visit her school lately. Of course he is one of the school committee, still there are other schools besides the one Jane Myrtle teaches. Now,–yes, now I think of it many things prove that he is false. Didn’t he say that plain bonnets were more becoming than gaudy ones, and quoted Jane Myrtle as an example. How blind I’ve been.”

Mr. Brougham, on his way home stopped and bought his wife a set of garnets she had long admired. He entered the house intending to give his wife the ornaments and say something about their wedding day which was not long ago, either. Full of these thoughts he entered, and when he found no dinner prepared he became seriously alarmed.

“What can be the matter?” he asked himself.

“Why, Maria, what has happened?” he inquired, on finding her sitting disconsolate before the stove. He thought she had either heard of the sudden death of some of her relatives or was seriously ill.

At the sound of his voice, Mrs. Brougham started to her feet and the most casual observer would have noticed how deathly pale she was and Mr. Brougham, who was well acquainted with her, saw at once that a storm was about to burst, for what reason he knew not.

“Are you sick?” he asked helplessly.

“Sick! yes, sick at heart,” she answered, “but what more had I to expect?” “Why did you take me a happy, innocent girl from my father’s house to be insulted in this manner? I’m sorry I ever saw you.”

“Maria, what is the meaning of this? Have you suddenly lost your senses?”

“O yes, lost my senses! Probably Jane Myrtle had not lost hers.”

“What has Jane Myrtle to do with it? I cannot imagine her acting in this inexplicable manner.”

“That’s right. Do take her part. Just what I expected!” and Mrs. Brougham burst into tears.

“I repeat that I am utterly at a loss to understand what you mean,” replied Mrs. Brougham.

“O, you cruel, hard-hearted villain, nothing is too cruel for you to do or say,” answered his wife.

“What have I done?” again demanded Mr. Brougham, in an angry tone.

“Done?” again replied Mrs. Brougham, as the memory of her wrongs came over her, she lost control over herself and bestowed epithet after epithet upon Mr. Brougham. He lost his temper also and a violent quarrel ensued which ended in his saying that she might return to her father as soon as she liked and apply for a divorce at once, in fact the sooner, the better. Taking up his hat, he went out and slammed the door.

So the day begun so auspiciously, bid fair to end disastrously enough, owing to the wind and a meddlesome busybody. Mrs. Brougham went to her chamber and began preparing for her departure.

“I shall return home,” she kept repeating; “but first I’ll let Jane Myrtle know what I think of her.” Mrs. Brougham therefore, dressed herself as carefully as if she was going to make a ceremonious call and started for Miss Myrtle’s cottage.

Within a few rods of the house, she met her nephew.

“Whither bound this windy day?” he inquired.

“I am going to make a call,” she answered compressing her lips.

Just then a gust of wind coming around a corner nearly took them off their feet, and blowing off Mrs. Brougham’s veil lodged it in the snow.

Her nephew caught it, returned it to her and remarked, “The wind seems to have a grudge against your family. You ought to have seen Uncle John this morning, the wind blew away his pocket handkerchief and he stood looking up and down just as if he could not think what had become of it.”

“Where were you,? [sic] inquired Mrs. Brougham, eagerly.

“Home,” looking out of the window he answered.

Then a bright thought entered Mrs. Brougham’s head that perhaps Miss Myrtle found the article the wind blew away but she rejected it instantly.



Eva Lewis


North Russell Street.


Solo Dancing,

May Pole Dance,

Minuet Dance,

General dancing for children from 3 to 8 p. m. only.

After 8 the friends of the children are invited to participate in the Festival.

Festival under the management of MISS EVA LEWIS and MISS MARION RIDLEY of the Contributes’ Club, of the WOMEN’S ERA.

Tickets can be obtained of the managers. Refreshments for sale.




THIS Institution trains and sends out a superior class of teachers and leaders for work among the Freedom of the South. It solicits the attendance of intelligent and earnest young men and women, and contributions from those who are willing to help towards their education. Write to the President.



Because it represents the best thought and work of the most advanced women of your race, and should therefore interest you.
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Because its subscription price is only one dollar a year.




BALDWIN & DORSEY, Real Estate, Mortgage and Insurance Brokers,

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Stop! Pay no more Rent! Begin now to buy your own home!

Real Estate, Mortgages and Insurance,



Street Railway Builders and Contractors for Public Works.


GEO. S. BARNES. President.
STANLEY RUFFIN, Sec’y and Treas.
34 School Street, Boston.


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Shirts, Cuffs and Collars.
Business and Dress Shirts, $1 .00 and $ 1.50–Best Value. Cheviots, Percales,
and Fancy Shirts, 75c. to $2.00.
Nice line of Hosiery and Underwear, Handkerchiefs, etc. Neckwear, 50c.
141 Dartmouth Street, – BOSTON.